The Challenge: Free Agents - Johnny Reilly

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The Challenge: Free Agents - Johnny Reilly

IMAGE( The youngest player in the house, newly single Johnny is heartbroken after ending his relationship with Real World: Portland, girlfriend Averey. Now, with the help of a hometown alliance, Johnny is ready to let loose and take on Free Agents. Like his former housemate Jordan, Johnny believes his rookie status is a blessing not a curse, "I like the fact that I'm a rookie. Me coming into the game, no one knows how I'm gonna play. So I got that kind of element of surprise still." However, temptation from the ladies in the house might cloud his focus. Johnny admits, "Once I get out of my little shy shell, my persona will probably change." With gas in the tank for days, keep your eye on this newbie--he could end up going the distance.

I didn't like him on His season but I'm rooting for him here. Just because he's new.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;398654]I didn't like him on His season but I'm rooting for him here. Just because he's new.[/QUOTE] Me too, and I think he is gonna be more likable on Free Agents since everybody loves him, especially Nany. On the FMK you can see she is obssess with him.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;398663]Me too, and I think he is gonna be more likable on Free Agents since everybody loves him, especially Nany. On the FMK you can see she is obssess with him.[/QUOTE] Camila/Nany seem to have a crush on him. I have a feeling he is going to surprise people since he have a big athletic background.
I'm rooting for him I've always liked Johnny
[QUOTE=PinkRose;398688]Camila/Nany seem to have a crush on him. I have a feeling he is going to surprise people since he have a big athletic background.[/QUOTE] People underestimate him because he's short (around 5'8).
[QUOTE=JayTee;398704]People underestimate him because he's short (around 5'8).[/QUOTE] Not too many guys on The Challenges are above 6'0. And he's not even the shortest guy on the show too. But looking forward to seeing how far the "Boston Alliance" takes him.
This Johnny I love. He may even have the potential to be the new generation's version of Derrick. Small, but fearsome. I hope he goes far.
Am I the only one who doesn't like him? He was rude, immature, childish, and downright derisive on Portland.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;398911]Am I the only one who doesn't like him? He was rude, immature, childish, and downright derisive on Portland.[/QUOTE] No, I dont like him either, maybe the challenge will change my opinion
[QUOTE=nevidcm;398663]Me too, and I think he is gonna be more likable on Free Agents since everybody loves him,[B] especially Nany.[/B] On the [B]FMK you can see she[/B] [B][B]is obssess with him[/B][/B].[/QUOTE] I laughed way too hard at this.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;398911]Am I the only one who doesn't like him? He was rude, immature, childish, and downright derisive on Portland.[/QUOTE] Nope. Can't stand him.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;398911]Am I the only one who doesn't like him? He was rude, immature, childish, and downright derisive on Portland.[/QUOTE] He was pretty much an *** to every girl on his season, but he had his good moments. Hopefully, I like him more on Challenges.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;398911]Am I the only one who doesn't like him? He was rude, immature, childish, and downright derisive on Portland.[/QUOTE] I'm in the haters camp. Plus Portland was such a bad season I'd be fine with only allowing Jordan and Avery to be in challenges
[QUOTE=Youssarian;398911]Am I the only one who doesn't like him? He was rude, immature, childish, and downright derisive on Portland.[/QUOTE] Jordan was worse especially to the Portland girls but everyone loves him
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;399067]Jordan was worse especially to the Portland girls but everyone loves him[/QUOTE] Jordan was supposed to be the ****** for the season, though. Johnny called Jess fat, Jordan had petty arguments over life with Jess. Johnny told Ana to shut up and mind her own business, Jordan got into one drunken argument with her. Jordan had that awkward war with Nia, Johnny put a tissue on her lap and tried to pour a drink on her. Johnny frequently yelled at Avery, too.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;399106]Jordan was supposed to be the ****** for the season, though. Johnny called Jess fat, Jordan had petty arguments over life with Jess. Johnny told Ana to shut up and mind her own business, Jordan got into one drunken argument with her. Jordan had that awkward war with Nia, Johnny put a tissue on her lap and tried to pour a drink on her. Johnny frequently yelled at Avery, too.[/QUOTE] I also think it was because Jordan started the season as a ******, but he became nicer and more enjoyable throughout the season. Johnny was supposed to be the nice guy, but each episode his behaviour got worse and he started fighting with all the girls in the house.
For the girls who have a crush on him I wonder have they seen that ***** picture floating around the internet.
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;399139]For the girls who have a crush on him I wonder have they seen that ***** picture floating around the internet.[/QUOTE] Hey! It's not about how big it's...It's about how the guy used it plus he didn't even have an ******** LOL Anyways, even though I like him on the show I don't find him that attractive but to each their own. I am excited to see him probably being a dark horse that people under estimated.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;399142]Hey! It's not about how big it's...It's about how the guy used it plus he didn't even have an ******** LOL Anyways, even though I like him on the show I don't find him that attractive but to each their own. I am excited to see him probably being a dark horse that people under estimated.[/QUOTE] I would have been embarrassed by that picture though. :highly_amused: I'm curious to see how he acts on the show because he wasn't a favorite of mine on Portland. I'm also curious to know if he gets along with Nia on The Challenge since Averey is out the picture.
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;399146]I would have been embarrassed by that picture though. :highly_amused: I'm curious to see how he acts on the show because he wasn't a favorite of mine on Portland. I'm also curious to know if he gets along with Nia on The Challenge since Averey is out the picture.[/QUOTE] Who wouldn't be embarrassed by a picture like that, production screw him over :sorrow: I am curious to see that too!
He's an idiot for dumping Averey if it's really because he didn't trust her and was insecure. I hope they get paired up as exes on a future challenge. He is a classic case of an insecure guy. I don't get why Nany was going crazy over him. But let's remember, Nany has horrible taste in men. She has even admitted it. She actually fell for Adams lame game. Lol.
The clip of him shirtless ;) making Preston Breakfast on bed [URL=""][/URL]
[QUOTE=Camille;399154]He's an idiot for dumping Averey if it's really because he didn't trust her and was insecure. I hope they get paired up as exes on a future challenge. He is a classic case of an insecure guy. I don't get why Nany was going crazy over him. But let's remember, Nany has horrible taste in men. She has even admitted it. She actually fell for Adams lame game. Lol.[/QUOTE] Cohutta is cute!
I love me some Johnny R :very_drunk:
Interesting to see Johnny be the exception to the "Rookies need to prove themselves" rule. I know he's tight with Zach but how is he floating through this Challenge based solely on people liking him? Cohutta is a likable guy too, I was just a little shocked to see Johnny- 1. Perform badly that day 2. Still technically has not been in an elimination- and still was excused. Those two reasons combined would've put anyone else in I think.
[QUOTE=deeper;418539]Interesting to see Johnny be the exception to the "Rookies need to prove themselves" rule. I know he's tight with Zach but how is he floating through this Challenge based solely on people liking him? Cohutta is a likable guy too, I was just a little shocked to see Johnny- 1. Perform badly that day 2. Still technically has not been in an elimination- and still was excused. Those two reasons combined would've put anyone else in I think.[/QUOTE] It was enough for them to put in Jessica, but they conveniently ignored Johnny... I mean, I know they have the Boston Strong alliance, but c'mon. Don't give Jessica those BS reasons for voting for her when you're just going to ignore them in Johnny's favor.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;418541]It was enough for them to put in Jessica, but they conveniently ignored Johnny... I mean, I know they have the Boston Strong alliance, but c'mon. Don't give Jessica those BS reasons for voting for her when you're just going to ignore them in Johnny's favor.[/QUOTE] I guess CT just doesn't care, and Theresa would rather align with Zach than Nany politically (makes sense), but still... Johnny has been good, but he still should have to see an actual elimination imo.
I agree, and I respect Johnny that even said he basically feels guilty for having this free ride and he doesn't think he deserved it.
I said this earlier. Zach claimed he was throwing in who he thought was a threat to him. And he chose Cohutta, the smallest male left in the house. He wanted to say Bananas, I'm sure.
Did anyone else find it extremely adorable when Johnny was like "I don't know what to do here, it is all messed up, I don't know colors anymore" I don't why but this episode made me attracted to Johnny. He is hott.
