The Real World: Ex-Plosion - San Francisco (2013) - Indecent Ex-posure

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I guess this is like the Bad Girls Club. They'll get rid of Hailey and Brian will be the next target.
Jaimie will put you on blast in a heart beat. And lol at production actively pushing more drama on them. BMP have taken the gloves off.
I don't like that production is posting these videos. That just seems like too much meddling. At least it's giving Jenna and Jay some sort of storyline, but what happened to sticking people in a house and just filming?
[QUOTE=Youssarian;395729]I don't like that production is posting these videos. That just seems like too much meddling. At least it's giving Jenna and Jay some sort of storyline, but what happened to sticking people in a house and just filming?[/QUOTE] That went out the window when they realized they needed to save the show.
Jay is way too casual. He doesn't seem to care about anything involving his relationship. Why is he even with Jenna if he's canoodling with all these other girls and doesn't seem to care about Jenna at all?
[QUOTE=Youssarian;395731]Jay is way too casual. He doesn't seem to care about anything involving his relationship. Why is he even with Jenna if he's canoodling with all these other girls and doesn't seem to care about Jenna at all?[/QUOTE] Amen
Jay needs to get that playboy out of his system. Sad thing is, he doesn't seem to care as much as he says. [QUOTE=WittyWrath;395723]I do also but Jenna needs to get a backbone.[/QUOTE] I agree. The same situation will happen unless she stomps it out early.
It is shady as **** that they happened to put THAT video on their computer, but Jamie is a lot of the reason for the stuff that just went down, not necessarily production. In other news, Arielle's ex still exists.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;395731]Jay is way too casual. He doesn't seem to care about anything involving his relationship. Why is he even with Jenna if he's canoodling with all these other girls and doesn't seem to care about Jenna at all?[/QUOTE] BINGO! You hit the nail on the head. Jay doesn't care about Jenna nor does he respect her.
Jenna and Jay have been together for two years and have NEVER been out to dinner...? What is their relationship even?
OG RW house. was so not expecting that.
cory got a nice booty.
Cool that they visited the old San Francisco house. Yeah all the Originals are childish.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;395738]cory got a nice booty.[/QUOTE] I prefer Tom's.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;395740]I prefer Tom's.[/QUOTE] lol. touche
Like Brian said they all made the same sacrifices to be there.
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;395742]Like Brian said they all made the same sacrifices to be there.[/QUOTE] exactly. Jamie have a nice tall glass of you know what.
So Jaimie is addicted to Tom's buttocks and Jay is addicted to numbers. Some skeletons in the closets of these folks let me tell ya.
Remember when they were on the boat and everything seemed cool? Right before the exes arrived? Doubt even the originals feel that close anymore.
Jenna has a nice ***. Since we're talking about *****.
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;395746]Jenna has a nice ***. Since we're talking about *****.[/QUOTE] But it ain't a "Brazilian booty" therefore, unfit for Jay. xD
If there is one thing I learned from watching reality shows, people will clique up, always, and if there was a group that was in the environment before another group, the new group will always be seen as outsiders unless a newer group comes along.
Jamie is insufferable!
So I'm guessing Tom will snap on Hailey just because Jamie has a little tantrum.
Damn, Hailey. Not cool. I understand why Jamie flipped, Tom needs to stop letting **** happen and then saying "trust me trust me" afterwards. He needs to start stopping this **** from happening.
"What does trust have to do with it?" This coming from the one obsessed with cheaters.
Whats up with THOMAS and Jenna putting everybody on blast?
I don't know how Jaimie's ex managed to cheat on her. That would be like getting away with committing 3 counts of first degree murder in the middle of a police station.
Drunk Hailey is hilarious.
Hailey is cracking me up. She is my favorite BY FAR.
