The Real World: Ex-Plosion - San Francisco (2013) - First Love Fools
[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Jenny's wild behavior upsets Brian; Thomas gets stuck in a love triangle; and one of the roommates discovers she's pregnant.
I don't get insane or controlling from him at all, most people would probably seem the same exact way moving into a house where your current ex already hooked up with another roommate.
Jamie seriously needs to cool out. She just sits there and stalks him and watches his every move. Thomas obviously called it off, she's irritating as heck.
Mk yeah Thomas and Jamie have become the new Trey and Laura. I'm so over them. I can't take all this breaking up and getting back together and stupid jealousy feelings. It's a waste of airtime.
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;393174]I'm with Jamie in this situation with Thomas. He is being a *******.[/QUOTE]
Completely agree. I find it hilarious that people who say they "don't like/want drama" are always IN drama because they cause it. The title of manchild is correct.
I don't understand Thomas and Jamie's relationship at all. Besides the fact that it seemed to start so abruptly (one second Thomas is making fun of Jamie's gauges, the next he's asking her to be his girlfriend), Thomas has NO reason to put up with Jamie's stage-five-clinger toddler mentality. What does Thomas see in Jamie and why can't he just move on to Haley or some other girl? Also, I don't get how Thomas who's apparently had sex with 3 women, is so ready to get into bed with Jamie.
Meanwhile, I understand Jamie's role in this. She's desperately clinging on for dear life and she has nothing else.
It's really just Thomas who makes no sense.
Real World Explosion was trending World Wide for a minute and it's still trending on The United States (ManChild was trending in the states for a minute too)
[QUOTE=challengeama;393193]Do they show a **** they should have shown after every episode in other seasons? Or did they just start doing it?[/QUOTE]
They have online after shows for other seasons, this time time around they have **** show
Is Jenny missing a few screws? She's blonde, nice chest, you would think she'd act a bit like a lady. She acts so butch and manly it's such a turn off. I have no clue why Brian even likes her. Who wants a girl who dances like Elaine from seinfeld? Jenny just needs to come out as a lesbian already, it suits her personality.