True Blood: Season 6

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True Blood: Season 6
[url=]‘True Blood’ Season 6 Shortened To 10 Episodes – Will It Help Or Hurt The Series?[/url] [QUOTE]Next season will be reduced to 10 episodes partially because of star Anna Paquin (Sookie Stackhouse), who is due to give birth to twins with onscreen love-interest and real life husband Stephen Moyer (Bill Compton) this November.[/QUOTE]
I think it will do both. Help because more people are able to keep up with it. But hurt it because it will go by to fast and more characters may get the spotlight than others.
After seeing this little preview, i'm definitely a lot more excited about Season 6 then I was right after Season 5 ended. Looks like a lot of high stakes and a lot of action... Billith will **** me off, but i'm still curious as to how his situation will all end... will he be killed? will he somehow transform back to normal? [video=youtube;INJC8eHNNHM][/video]
Hot stuff. I love me some True Blood.
It's not Game of Thrones, but it's still something I love to watch! Tonight, with the live stuff right before the show.
How was the premiere? I totally forgot all about it due to Sunday being Father's Day and all. My only setback is that this had should be a better season than last year's which had way too much going on.
Well now that it has 6-7 main characters all in the same storyline (Sookie, Eric, Bill, Jason, Jessica, Pam, Tara) it does seem a little more focused than last season... but that's not to say there aren't a handful of side plots in this new season as well (The Hunt for Warlow, The Wolf Pack, The Shifter Assassins, and Andy's Fairy Children) Personally I loved the premiere! A very intense hour of television haha... So far the Billith storyline is actually very intriguing... which really surprises me! But I like what they are doing with it... at least we don't have to see blood covered naked Bill all the time lol Although I still want to grab him through the tv screen and knock some sense into him lol. But im very interested in how that will play out! There was a main character death in the first episode, and I am sort of sad to see the person go... but at least the writers are finally cutting down the cast (aside from the 2 new main characters introduced this episode lol)
[QUOTE=202mitch;349931]Well now that it has 6-7 main characters all in the same storyline (Sookie, Eric, Bill, Jason, Jessica, Pam, Tara) it does seem a little more focused than last season... but that's not to say there aren't a handful of side plots in this new season as well (The Hunt for Warlow, The Wolf Pack, The Shifter Assassins, and Andy's Fairy Children) Personally I loved the premiere! A very intense hour of television haha... So far the Billith storyline is actually very intriguing... which really surprises me! But I like what they are doing with it... at least we don't have to see blood covered naked Bill all the time lol Although I still want to grab him through the tv screen and knock some sense into him lol. But im very interested in how that will play out! There was a main character death in the first episode, and I am sort of sad to see the person go... but at least the writers are finally cutting down the cast (aside from the 2 new main characters introduced this episode lol)[/QUOTE] Sounds like it was good from your point of view. I just have a couple of questions the main one being if Billith is one character or is it a ship between Bill and another character? I thought Sookie was his main squeeze.
No one actually knows what Billith is yet... is he the new Lillith? Not really... Is he still Bill? Maybe... Does he have newfound powers like controlling anything with his mind? Hell yes... and its creepy! Jessica still believes Bill is in there somewhere... Sookie believes Bill is dead and this is a monster pretending to be Bill... And Jason believes Bill is now superman :P haha j/k but he does say that in the episode at one point lol... I don't think Bill has any interest in romantic relationships at the moment. Sookie and Eric are definitely gonna get fast-tracked couple status even though it may not look like it in this episode As far as I know, Bill is one character... but by episodes end... that may have changed much much more (lets just say Lillith and Billith may not be the only blood covered naked gods out there lol) The premiere was more of a recap of last season and closing up those loose ends from the finale... it definitely opened doors to new plotlines, but nothing groundbreaking... it was definitely a good start though! I really liked the creepy old guy that picked up a hitchhiking Jason! He is gonna be scarrrry lol evil laugh and all
it sucks that season 7 will be the last one. i hope **** goes DOWN this upcoming season.