The Challenge: Free Agents - Speculation (Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=cystic;377047]This site used to be a small place to discuss the show on a mature level and cast members would not hesitate to pop up every now and then (Tori, Parisa, Most of the Hollywood, Brooklyn, and Cancun cast). If you compare the posts of the oldest threads you can find to the ones can see a very big difference. I can see why Tyrie would harbor hatred of the site. I've read comments on here like "LOL fat Easy" and "I sure hope nothing unfortunate and life-threatening doesn't happen to a certain someone!!11!!" To any outside reader, that would make the environment seem hostile and callous. My advice is just not to take the negative comments to heart and continue to carefully choose how to convey your opinions without turning this site into a Burn Book. The advice goes both members and readers alike.[/QUOTE] must have been a nicer time on here back then...sad I missed it :/
A Burn Book mixed with some class would be a hell of a lot more entertaining.
[QUOTE=LexBlair;376883]Actually I don't know whether Mark was called... I know they tried to get Diem, Susie, Wes among others...[/QUOTE] Wes knows how to say no to the producers? Really?
[QUOTE=cystic;377047]This site used to be a small place to discuss the show on a mature level and cast members would not hesitate to pop up every now and then (Tori, Parisa, Most of the Hollywood, Brooklyn, and Cancun cast). If you compare the posts of the oldest threads you can find to the ones can see a very big difference. I can see why Tyrie would harbor hatred of the site. I've read comments on here like "LOL fat Easy" and "I sure hope nothing unfortunate and life-threatening doesn't happen to a certain someone!!11!!" To any outside reader, that would make the environment seem hostile and callous. My advice is just not to take the negative comments to heart and continue to carefully choose how to convey your opinions without turning this site into a Burn Book. The advice goes both members and readers alike.[/QUOTE] I understand completely. I was around for a short while when, I hate to say it, Vevmo actually had standards. But it seems like Molds is almost always busy and OtherPeoplesDrama (I remember her warning people for it) doesn't come here anymore so these newbies are getting away with it. "Fat Easy" isn't even the worst name I've heard on here. Sad
[QUOTE=cystic;377047]This site used to be a small place to discuss the show on a mature level and cast members would not hesitate to pop up every now and then (Tori, Parisa, Most of the Hollywood, Brooklyn, and Cancun cast). If you compare the posts of the oldest threads you can find to the ones can see a very big difference. I can see why Tyrie would harbor hatred of the site. I've read comments on here like "LOL fat Easy" and "I sure hope nothing unfortunate and life-threatening doesn't happen to a certain someone!!11!!" To any outside reader, that would make the environment seem hostile and callous. My advice is just not to take the negative comments to heart and continue to carefully choose how to convey your opinions without turning this site into a Burn Book. The advice goes both members and readers alike.[/QUOTE] Oh Please! The things that are said about the cast members here are very tame compare to some of the things I've read on other sites. I get that some people here can get overboard but honestly it's not that bad. The people on here talk about the show in a good, mature way for the most part. I think the cast members that read this site are a little bit sensitive. And I don't think they should be saying we have no life when they go on a Dozen challenges. Pot calling the kettle black is all that is.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;377052]Oh Please! The things that are said about the cast members here are very tame compare to some of the things I've read on other sites. I get that some people here can get overboard but honestly it's not that bad. The people on here talk about the show in a good, mature way. I think the cast members that read this site are a little bit sensitive. And I don't think they should be saying we have no life when they go on a Dozen challenges. Pot calling the kettle black is all that is.[/QUOTE] Trey is without-a-doubt sensitive for sure and I know he dislikes this site (but still reads it ;) ) Same could be said for Tyrie. I'm surprised, being on Twitter, you'd think people would have thicker skin.
[QUOTE=KingKenny;377050]Wes knows how to say no to the producers? Really?[/QUOTE] I wish Johnny and CT Knew how to say no. I know she's not on this challenge but I'll put Paula in that too.
I followed this site for awhile before deciding to join in on the conversations and I must say I feel like it's a pretty good group. All my questions get answered, and there seems to be mutual respect around here. Well for posters anyways the cast members, not as much.
Random Question: Think MTV will ever release Road Rules on iTunes? Or does anyone know their thinking behind just releasing certain challenge seasons over others? I'd love to get Road Rules Xtreme...I also would love the battle of the sexes 1 & 2, gauntlet 1, and all the inferno's....I know some are on youtube, but thats no the same.
[QUOTE=Meelz;376927]*sees topic of discussion* *walks out of thread*[/QUOTE] *feels the need to let everyone know how cool he/she is, comments, then walks out...checks back to see how many likes he/she has gotten every few hours*
[QUOTE=KingKenny;377050]Wes knows how to say no to the producers? Really?[/QUOTE] Lol , I'm sure he said no to Inferno 3-Duel 2 and Cutthroat , don't let the 4 in a row fool you He actually doesn't always have time for these Challenges like Johnny.
If they don't do some kind of anniversary package when they hit season 25 I dont think they'll ever do it. I'm sure if enough noise is made for it, it'll happen though.
[QUOTE=UrbanTactics;377053]Trey is without-a-doubt sensitive for sure and I know he dislikes this site (but still reads it ;) ) Same could be said for Tyrie. I'm surprised, being on Twitter, you'd think people would have thicker skin.[/QUOTE] Exactly. In addition to that these guys are reality tv stars. People are going to say Horrible things about them(and some positive things too). What the hell do they expect?
[QUOTE=KingKenny;377042] the point was Johnny is cool, right?[/QUOTE] Hopefully the concept of sarcasm is not completely lost on you. :encouragement:
[QUOTE=Debut Album;377060]Exactly. In addition to that these guys are reality tv stars. People are going to say Horrible things about them(and some positive things too). What the hell do they expect?[/QUOTE] I guess they expect a little decency. People on the internet go too far sometimes. It's disgusting what some people say just because they can behind a keyboard. People are so desensitized to insults over the internet that they don't even know it's wrong anymore.
[QUOTE=JustinS76;376955]Didn't easy tweet that he was on the cast and isn't that against the rules? My guess is someone else is using his twitter. I wonder if the Vets win and Easy is at the finish if he won't receive his money because he acknowledged being on this show early. Didn't Dunbar not get paid for Cutthroat because he voided his contract someway?[/QUOTE] yeah i remember him tweeting apparently about being on the show ... hes either got someone tweeting for him or he was never on the show IMO
[QUOTE=KingKenny;377057]*feels the need to let everyone know how cool he/she is, comments, then walks out...checks back to see how many likes he/she has gotten every few hours*[/QUOTE] Aw, come on man. I thought that was a legit clever post before the hotlink was removed lol
[QUOTE=Debut Album;377060]Exactly. In addition to that these guys are reality tv stars. People are going to say Horrible things about them(and some positive things too). What the hell do they expect?[/QUOTE] What we (as in, the moderators) expect is some class to be maintained on this site. This isn't a gossip site for people to take out their rage on cast members by dragging their name through the mud. Your description of "tame" doesn't even come close to describe some of the things I've read on here. It is so easy to say "They signed up for reality TV so they should take their pot shots like a man" but the truth is, all of us here are capable of expressing our views without coming across as catty, ruthless, and cruel. I'm not saying you're not allowed to share your opinions how you want. Just saying that it should come as no surprise to any member here that some cast members have a negative view of this site based on some outlandish comments. The mature undertone of the site often gets eclipsed by the hateful venom some people post every now and then. Vocal minorities and such....
[QUOTE=kvm1977;377003]I would have been fine with anyone from that season. We haven't seen Nehemiah since Evan screwed him, Danny and Melinda aren't going to win but they're entertaining in small doses, Lacey was relatively entertaining in the 5 minutes of air time she got, Rachel and Johanna are former winners....could have lived with any of them. And Wes is self-explanatory[/QUOTE] hahaha Wes is self explanatory in that he's done about eleven in a row and is a rodent who I never wanna see again, his 2 wins are both directly tied to CT (CT getting dq'd in Duel 1 made Wes's win there possible and CT carried him in Rivals 2) ... none of the rest of the cast would ever have a remote chance to win any future season... so hopefully this is a sign MTV is willing to start moving away from them
[QUOTE=cystic;377065]What we (as in, the moderators) expect is some class to be maintained on this site. This isn't a gossip site for people to take out their rage on cast members by dragging their name through the mud. Your description of "tame" doesn't even come close to describe some of the things I've read on here. It is so easy to say "They signed up for reality TV so they should take their pot shots like a man" but the truth is, all of us here are capable of expressing our views without coming across as catty, ruthless, and cruel. I'm not saying you're not allowed to share your opinions how you want. Just saying that it should come as no surprise to any member here that some cast members have a negative view of this site based on some outlandish comments. The mature undertone of the site often gets eclipsed by the hateful venom some people post every now and then. Vocal minorities and such....[/QUOTE] I have a feeling that what you call "Outlandish" is very tame in reality but whatever. I get what you're trying to say. And as far as castmembers not liking the site..Whatever. Maybe they shouldn't read it if they don't like it. I still think that they're being Sensitive about it.
[QUOTE=KingKenny;377066]hahaha Wes is self explanatory in that he's done about eleven in a row and is a rodent who I never wanna see again, his 2 wins are both directly tied to CT (CT getting dq'd in Duel 1 made Wes's win there possible and CT carried him in Rivals 2) ... none of the rest of the cast would ever have a remote chance to win any future season...[B] so hopefully this is a sign MTV is willing to start moving away from them[/B][/QUOTE] I hope so.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;377012]Tyrie is mad over something you guys wrote about him LOL [ATTACH]3142[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] Lol Kenny said it best “Tyrie is disgusting. The guy sleeps with his sneakers on. Jasmine’s gonna smell like bacon for the rest of her life.” We have no life says the guy whose career is sitting around waiting to go on a reality show he has no chance of ever winning
[QUOTE=KingKenny;377069]Lol Kenny said it best “Tyrie is disgusting. The guy sleeps with his sneakers on. Jasmine’s gonna smell like bacon for the rest of her life.” We have no life says the guy whose career is sitting around waiting to go on a reality show he has no chance of ever winning[/QUOTE] Must... avoid... like button
Some cast members are much more sensitive than others and clearly egocentric, if they are dissecting every website that that talks about them. There are some members who literally don't give two ****s about what people say, and then there are people who are deeply offended.
I dont understand why everyone is so stuck on this being a sequel? the ruins and cutthroats were new formats, they could easily think of a new name for this challenge
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;377018]Someone said tyrie was" a darker big easy" so maybe that's what he means[/QUOTE] The truth hurts sometimes
[QUOTE=Debut Album;377067]I have a feeling that what you call "Outlandish" is very tame in reality but whatever. I get what you're trying to say. And as far as castmembers not liking the site..Whatever. Maybe they shouldn't read it if they don't like it. I still think that they're being Sensitive about it.[/QUOTE] Perhaps they are being sensitive about it; however, we're all human and when we see negative reactions and criticism towards ourselves (especially things that don't make sense or are low blows that strike at insecurities), it can leave a sting regardless of if it's true or not. It's the fact that someone said it in the first place. I've personally never been a fan of the idea of 'hating' someone on a heavily edited television show, so I guess I don't understand where some of these harsh criticisms come from.
question for the moderators: are spoilers allowed in this thread? I know during Rivals 2 I avoided the forum in general as to not be spoiled, so I'm just wondering when approx. the first elimination will take place so I can avoid this thread / possibly the forum again...
[QUOTE=PinkRose;377027]I remember Nate writing something about Vevmo and Nany/Trey re-tweeting it a year ago: [ATTACH]3143[/ATTACH] I guess a lot of cast members do read vevmo[/QUOTE] maybe Nate was embarrassed after his performance on Exes? Seriously if your gonna go on these shows maybe you should have a thicker skin about criticism ..
[QUOTE=Psy4potato;377076]question for the moderators: are spoilers allowed in this thread? I know during Rivals 2 I avoided the forum in general as to not be spoiled, so I'm just wondering when approx. the first elimination will take place so I can avoid this thread / possibly the forum again...[/QUOTE] Molds said the title of the thread will be changed, that would be your warning. Or atleast something along those lines.
