[QUOTE=DJSUNSHINE;376613]Basically Jessica didn't like the way they treated women or how they were constantly hooking up girls and basically how they went about all that stuff. so she gave them a really hard time about it and decided she didn't really like them or wanted to be around them also Knight is Knight so that was a problem too. that upset Knight because he felt she was basically being a whiney baby, a *********** and needed to mind her own business. and since then he has not liked her and talks about how he can't stand her because she whines so much. They basically butted heads a lot, he admitted how him and CT actually didn't get along when they 1st met on spring break but eventually started partying together and became cool. Personally I think its stupid for Knight to care that much because I mean she is a woman of course shes gonna be upset and think you guys are total tools.[/QUOTE]
I'm team Jess on this one. Knight is a ******. And I can see CT belittling women. He did it to Diem.
Go Jess, even though she does whine a bit much.
The thing about Jess is that she annoys me, she tried to play the good girl card even though she is far from it and she is delusional. I was reading an article of The Steamer guy from the after buzz and I totally agree with him:
"Never before has someone wanted so much credit for doing so little. She ran with the "Princess Hulk" nickname after she was able to carry Bird for a few steps in the second challenge of Rivals 2. A pretty impressive feat of strength. Oh wait, they were supposed to be able to do that the entire challenge and not just a few feet? In that case, then yeah, not impressive at all. Then if that wasn't bad enough, she actually thought she should have been a part of the reunion. Really? For what? Probably one of the most delusional people they've had in a while. Bleeecchh."
Thoughts on the cast:
Cohutta - I absolutely love him. I think he will make it far because he is likable and a solid competitor.
Dustin - I don't hate him, but I don't love him either. He is a good competitor, but nothing special.
Frank - I didn't hate him last season as much as I think I would, and he is a great competitor. He has a lot of friends on this show, so I don't think he will be leaving early like everyone wants.
Johnny R. - He is meh for me.
Jordan - He really grew on me last season, and he proved to be a great athlete. I see him at least making it to the final.
Swift - I couldn't stand him on St. Thomas, but I'm glad he is there instead of Preston. He reminds me of Ty, which I don't like.
Zach - I think he is extremely overrated. Yeah, he is huge, but he isn't that great.
Brandon - He is a decent competitor, but he bores me to death.
Chet - He is funny and an underdog. I wanna see how he does without Sarah this season.
CT - He is a beast and if he goes into an elimination it's because he will volunteer, because everyone will be afraid to call him out.
Eric - They shouldn't let him return.
Leroy - I think he will make it to the finals because everyone likes him, but he hasn't done anything impressive so far.
Johnny Bananas - I hate watching everyone playing the game for him. I hope he gets eliminated early in the game.
Ty - He is so boring and not that good of an athlete.
Devyn - I ******* love her, but she isn't that good competing. They should get rid of her fast.
Emilee - We didn't what she could really bring on Cutthroat, so I'm glad she is back.
LaToya - She was hilarious on St. Thomas. She is the newbie I'm looking forward the most.
Jemmye - My favorite rookie girl by far. She is a decent competitor, but I don't think she could handle a final. Hope I'm wrong.
Jessica - She was decent on Rivals 2, and after all that workout I think she will do great.
Nany - She is hot and a good competitor. What else can I say?
Nia - I hope she lives up to the hype, or else I'm gonna be dissapointed. I don't think she will get in that many fights.
Aneesa - She is not as good as she was before, but she is still pretty good.
Camila - Oh god, I can't get enough of her. She is my favorite of the entire cast. She is tiny, but feisty.
Cara Maria - Each season I like her less. She is really good at eliminations, but she sucks at daily missions.
Jasmine - I love Jasmine, but she is so bad at these.
Jonna - I can't stand her since her Cancun, and I don't even find her that atractive. She is decent, but not as great as a lot of people say.
Laurel - Best female this season hands down. She reminds me of Coral, so that's why I like her.
Theresa - I really like her. I agree, she burned a lot of bridges, but I only wish that she wins an elimination finally. She is a solid competitor, she just has bad luck.
Boot order predictions...
1. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Johnny R./Jasmine[/COLOR] by EZ/Jessica
2. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Swift/Jemmye[/COLOR] by EZ/Theresa
3. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Chet/Devyn[/COLOR] by Cohutta/Jonna
4. [COLOR="#FF0000"]EZ/Emilee[/COLOR] by Jordan/Nia
5. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Frank/Jonna[/COLOR] by Ty/Nany
6. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Brandon/Latoya[/COLOR] by Dustin/Aneesa
7. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Jordan/Jessica[/COLOR] by Johnny/Theresa
8. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Leroy/Nia[/COLOR] by Zach/Camila
9. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Cohutta/Theresa[/COLOR] by Ty/Nany
10. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Ty/Nany[/COLOR] by Dustin/Aneesa
Finals: CT, Johnny, Laurel, Cara, Aneesa, Camila vs Dustin, Zach
Winners: Rookies.
Lol I just realized Sarah isn't casted for this season. She's probably gonna miss out on being on the first big team challenge since Cutthroat where she made the finals. But I bet next season was probably be something like Battle of the Exes 2 and she'll be paired with Jordan and have a good chance to win! Unless Jordan hooks up with someone this season.
I don't get why Jasmine was casted again or why big easy was casted.. I understand people decline but they could have come up with some better people. like Jasmine is a vet... lol
Can't believe all these people are saying Ty's boring.... he's had more memorable moments in one challenge than Leroy and Chet combined... imo anyways.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;376631]I don't get why Jasmine was casted again or why big easy was casted.. I understand people decline but they could have come up with some better people.[/QUOTE]
Eh, you need fillers. People to throw in to keep the main characters around for at least the first half of the season.
Ty is defiantly not boring. He caused a lot of drama in DC and did you not see Cutthroat & Rivals 1? Yeah he was quiet on Rivals 2 but he's still pretty entertaining nonetheless.
[QUOTE=edizzzleee;376634]Ty is defiantly not boring. He caused a lot of drama in DC and did you not see Cutthroat & Rivals 1? Yeah he was quiet on Rivals 2 but he's still pretty entertaining nonetheless.[/QUOTE]
Exactly Ty has a personality he is far from boring, I think people are basing everything off of his Rivals 2 appearance. People said he wasn't feeling the heat so he slept all the time and he clearly wasn't hung up on trying to get camera time. But he's not boring and actually can be quite funny. Leroy is actually quite funny too. Personally I'm really looking forward to hearing this cast commentary because most of the people on this one say crazy stuff all the time and can be really funny.
[QUOTE=mph922;376636]I never thought I'd say this but I'm happy Swift is in fact on the cast.[/QUOTE]
Me too. I'm happy to see they're not hooked on Trey and Robb. Wasn't feeling Swift on his season but it'll be interesting seeing him with so many alpha males because there wasn't really one on that season and much bigger personalities.
Ty IS boring what you talking about? The only memorable moment that I remember of him was when Adam Royer open-palmed his face.
By the way, is Adam Royer's chances of being on another challenge ruined because he bad mouthed mtv on twitter? lol
[QUOTE=JayTee;376639]Ty IS boring what you talking about? The only memorable moment that I remember of him was when Adam Royer open-palmed his face.
By the way, is Adam Royer's chances of being on another challenge ruined because he bad mouthed mtv on twitter? lol[/QUOTE]
Are you not figuring Cutthroat into the equation? He was a maniac on it.
[QUOTE=JayTee;376639]Ty IS boring what you talking about? The only memorable moment that I remember of him was when Adam Royer open-palmed his face.
By the way, is Adam Royer's chances of being on another challenge ruined because he bad mouthed mtv on twitter? lol[/QUOTE]
A lot of people have bad mouthed MTV, I think its because he failed his psych test when he was suppose to do exes. Also did you ever see Ty's real world season or watched cutthroat.
[QUOTE=JayTee;376639]Ty IS boring what you talking about? The only memorable moment that I remember of him was when Adam Royer open-palmed his face.
By the way, is Adam Royer's chances of being on another challenge ruined because he bad mouthed mtv on twitter? lol[/QUOTE]
If that was the case then there would be no way Johnny R would be on it
I'm really trying to understand what people classify as being boring and what people think is entertaining, because some of the people who some are saying are boring really aren't. I mean do you seriously have to act like a drunk idiot or constantly be in drama/fights to be considered entertaining and not boring. Come on now guys:ambivalence:
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;376642]If that was the case then there would be no way Johnny R would be on it[/QUOTE]
Different story. Johnny R. blaimed BMP not MTV.
[QUOTE=DJSUNSHINE;376643]I'm really trying to understand what people classify as being boring and what people think is entertaining, because some of the people who some are saying are boring really aren't. I mean do you seriously have to act like a drunk idiot or constantly be in drama/fights to be considered entertaining and not boring. Come on now guys:ambivalence:[/QUOTE]
Being in good Drama makes you entertainig. Giving good commentary makes you entertaining. Being funny/quotable makes you entertaining.
But if you don't offer any of that then that makes you boring.
This is my opinion of course.
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;376650]I just like seeing him and LaToya in the same room. It should be very entertaining![/QUOTE]
Me too. Hopefully he stands up like a man this time though.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;376646]Swift? Why jesus Why?[/QUOTE]
MUCH better than Preston. And maybe we'll finally know whether he or Latoya was lying about the St. Thomas "scandal".
[QUOTE=Legend;376653]MUCH better than Preston. And maybe we'll finally know whether he or Latoya was lying about the St. Thomas "scandal".[/QUOTE]
There's no lie. They did not hook up. And Preston is better than Swift. They got you straight trippin' boo.