[B][QUOTE]Interview with Diem Brown,
Thanks to those of you who contributed to the questions in this interview. The questions were originally given to Diem before her elimination episode(s) and then slightly modified after she was eliminated to reflect the current state of the show, a day before the finale and live Reunion. Vevmo received the answers earlier today. [/QUOTE][/B]
Q1. Diem, obviously, a new bout with cancer was not in your “five year plan” the last time you were interview for vevmo.com. At the time you said “I so would love to have a family and learn the tricky balance of love, work and family.” How big a setback for you was your diagnosis and subsequent treatment? [I][B]
A. It was a huge setback… Cancer is something you don’t plan for, and makes you have to rethink everything. I still want to have a family but my road to this dream will be a little more tricky and “sci-fi esque” ;) I hope I can carry one of my 10 egglets to term, but if not I will try other options because I want to become a mother one day… I think being a parent has to be the most rewarding accomplishment someone can experience in life, at least in my mind it is.
Q2. Before the Fresh Meat challenge, we know you’ve said that you didn’t inform Bunim Murray of your medical situation. Were you up-front with them this time? Please walk us through the first availability call you received from BMP before Rivals II.
A. I was very upfront with them this time around because I was in chemo when I got the call. I also knew before I went to Thailand that my cancer cells were stable, so I had to have access to certain things so I could keep my medicine and shots cooled no matter where we went. I also informed them about my apprehension about going on this show, because I did not know how I would handle adjusting to the new medicine, hormones and menopause side effects.
Q3. Were there any Rivals II cast members who left the US unaware that you’d just had a second cancer surgery and really were in mid-recovery? If there were any, please name them and why they didn’t know or how you think the information affected their game play.
[B][I]A. Everyone knew, and if they didn’t then, they knew by the time we landed in Thailand. I traveled with a scarf around my head and had to stop a couple times for injections, etc. I was a little embarrassed to feel like a bit of an “odd ball” as some of the people you could tell had never seen someone give themselves an injection and would become squeamish, while some of my friends asked if they could “stab” me laughingly.
Q4. Ep 10 and its After Show sort of culminate a very different kind of challenge for you in terms of how some cast members seemed to approach you or at least talk about you behind your back. What was your immediate reaction to this, both during the challenge shoot and afterward, especially as the challenge has aired?
[B][I]A. The girls were so segregated unlike any other challenge I had been on before. Normally the new girls want to get to know everyone, but on this show they instead created a club where “No New Friends” was the proud motto. It was weird because I love getting to know people’s backgrounds and backstories. I always ask questions because I am interested in getting to know the “new kids,” but this season after trying to get to know some of them, I was quickly shut down because we were on different sides of the “alliance.” I think it was hard for them to separate the game from the challenge experience, which lead to people who I have never met before not understanding who I was as a person, and vice versa. The new kids had all watched all of us vets on TV so had formulated opinions of each of us. To be honest, I also had ideas of the new kids from watching a Real World episode here or there. Because I have done so many of these and met people like Ty who had the worst rep before I met him and then finding out how sweet fun and intelligent he is, has made me always want to try and get to know a cast member on a real level while in the challenge house. This season was so different on that level.
Q5. Have you been surprised by the edit this season? You certainly appear to be portrayed differently than in past years. Have you changed, has BMP changed in some way, or is it a combination of those things?
A. I am very surprised! I am surprised at some other people’s edits as well as those were not the people I had known, and if I had met the person the viewers got to see, I would have liked them, too. Instead who I met was a very cold and calculated person who at any chance they got took a dig at me. I could not understand why, but I also think this edit of me was not fair. I was mislead going into this show and while on this show. I am sad that the opportunity to showcase chemo and menopause to a younger audience was missed. Emily, Paula, Camila, Theresa, Aneesa, other and I all had so many amazing conversations that I think would have been so helpful to some viewers watching who deal with feeling different, insecure ,and like a science project at times. We talked about infertility, menopause, and feeling trapped inside of a body you feel helpless to control, but also knowing that the pain is temporary and worth being able to be alive to feel it!
Q6. Did your doctors have an opinion about the danger of you doing this challenge so early in your recovery process?
[B][I]A. They were worried, but said as long as I didn’t miss any injections or medications, they felt mentally it would be a good reset back into feeling healthy again. I had to keep a journal for any body fatigue or consistent pain. I had one bout where I almost passed out during an interview and another after a challenge. I did not want to go to the hospital because I felt it was just because of the heat. Production was very sweet to me and kept telling me to stop pushing myself with working out during the day, which is why I switched to working out at night. ;)
Q7. Did BMP talk to your doctors before clearing you to do the challenge? There has been some speculation that it must not have been too serious for you to come back so quickly.
[B][I]A. No they didn’t talk to my doctors, I am a grown, stubborn woman! ;) I felt like I needed this challenge and would have done anything to get clearance to go on.
Q8. In hindsight, did you come back too soon?[B][I]
A. I 100% came back too soon! If I had known they would not have mentioned menopause or any of the things I talked about with production before hand I would not have gone. If I knew how hard it would be to let your body adjust and heal while going through menopause, steroids and hormone replacement, I would not have gone. It no lie was a daily struggle, but I thought I was helping others who would be watching. I honestly had pure intentions going into this challenge. I wanted to feel health again, sure; and, I was excited to compete again, but most importantly, I have always showed my struggles publicly as I have witnessed first hand how important it is to feel you are not alone in them.[/I][/B]
Q9. Were you flattered by the title of episode #9, Diemnesia?
[B][I]A. No! lol. If the title of an episode has our name in it, it probably means you should be fearful of watching it.
Q10. I know you’ve been surprised and perhaps a bit disheartened by some of the reaction to you on the Internet this season. To be frank, some comments like “Enough with the cancer already, Diem. Find another story line” have to be particularly hurtful. What is it like to read comments like that alone in the quiet of your apartment? Do you worry that you’ve reached the point at which continuing to appear on MTV’s challenges is more of a detriment to your MedGift goals than it is an asset?
[B][I]A. Yes, to your last part of the question, which is one of the reason I am no longer going to compete on future challenges. That, and the fact that I felt a bit used and mislead when I was so upfront and honest about my reservations (at doing this Challenge). So instead of going back with a bitter taste in my mouth, I would rather leave with loving memories and forgiveness for their confusing take on my recovery. It is a reality show. Trust me, I wish I didn’t have to have cancer again, but that was my reality; and, until we find a cure, it is a reality for a lot of people. So, as hard as it is for people to judge my health condition as a part of my personality, I know it does help those who are fighting the disease see that there is a finish line and you can get back to your normal life once you have beaten it. I was cast on the Fresh Meat Challenge before they knew I had cancer. I am a goofy, weird, stubborn, southern girl and I was actually happy when they final showed I am “fun” and have a personality during Duel 2. [/I][/B]
Q11. Viewers have always seen you as a person who wants to avoid conflict, yet this season you didn’t back away when someone came after you. Was it just game play, or do you see something darker and perhaps evil behind it? [B][I]
A. don’t look for conflict. I am not, nor have I ever been, an aggressive type person; however, if attacked, I will defend myself and when misunderstood, I will try to explain myself. I am really easy going, actually, in real life and on these shows. When the cast would want something done they would ask me to speak for us, and, funny enough, if production wanted or needed something handled, they would ask me to help them. I do avoid conflict; but, this season, I fully admit the hormones circling around inside my body left my patience level low. I am the queen of walking away, but this season I felt others could tell I was trying hard to keep cool so were poking at me –at times just to get a reaction.
Q12. I know several years ago there was interest in you from the producers of Dancing with the Stars. Snooki (Jersey Shore) is a celebrity cast member this season. What, if anything, does her selection say to you about the Challenges, the Real World legacy, and reality TV?
[B][I]A. It says to me that you have to be a bigger name and be more relevant in the media. Snooki is known by one name that is pretty cool, and I am proud that she has changed her life around and seems so balanced. I would LOVE to be on that show because I LOVE dancing and sparkles and well anything considered “cheesy.” ;)
Q13. If you had the opportunity to actually be on a Real World season, which one would you have liked to be on and why?
[B][I]A. San Diego or Las Vegas 2 or Austin, because they seemed to all get along and were real friends and they had some great girl bonding moments. I am a girl’s girl, so I am drawn to seasons that seem like fun is the objective while learning about where they all came from.[/I][/B]
Q14. One vevmo member has commented that you seem to have rivals within the newer cast of the challenges. Is that just TV, or is there something to that observation?
[B][I]A. I touched on this in an earlier question, but I think the newer girls didn’t want to get to know us veteran girls. They liked their clique and their “No New Friends” club.
Q15. There has been some speculation—and even fan belief--that some people cheated during this challenge. Are there things that the edit makes appear worse that it was or that never really happened at all? Are you aware that any cast members cheated during competitions during the Rivals II shoot? If so, who and when?
[B][I]A. NO! No one cheated. I can say when I have lost, I’ve be done with it. Some other people, when they lose, have to have an excuse as to why they lost. I could go on and on about why I don’t like eliminations because that is where I do see things get a little “funny.” It is a reality show, but it is also a TV entertainment show so…[/I][/B]
Q16. One fan who is a bit obsessed with you, wants to know if you were ever in relationship with Derrick Kosinski? She recalls you being very close with him on the Fresh Meat I. Are the two of you friends today?
[B][I]A. No, we were not in a relationship, and are friends. He is married to a beautiful woman and they have a cute little kid!! ( I want one, too!)
Q17. This question is prompted by your early season denials about having a renewed relationship with CT which seem a bit at odds with the twitter pics of you two together in NY on different occasions recently. It’s hard to believe that as experienced as you are with the TV medium that you would allow yourself to be in a position where you would compromise yourself with cameras present. That “you forget the cameras are there” is a rookie answer. Experience people know camera time is what counts for repeat invitations. Were you playing a character role in your interaction with CT this season? Was it a conscious decision for story line purpose?
[B][I]A. I wish I could say it was so to eliminate any further talk; but, no I do not do anything for camera time. I am known to walk away if I see cameras filming an argument while others love to swarm in. I have a lot to lose in my real life on every level, so I wish I could blame it on a story line.
Q18. In nearly all of our vevmo.com interviews, we’ve asked reality cast members to give us a one-word or quick first impression comment in response to someone or something challenge related. Here are a few that we hope will exceed your candor threshold:
[B][I]a. Nany- pretty and a spitfire
b. Preston- interesting and a game player
c. Wes- Politician (same answer ironically I had for him in 2005) and conflicted
d. Johnny Bananas- funny and a wanna be “GodFather” of the challenges ;)
e. Emily- strong and sensitive
f. Cara Maria- creative and aware
g. Jordan- cunning and resourceful
h. Cooke- calculated and stern (to me at least, if I was a viewer watching I would probably have rooted for her team, but that wasn’t the person I met/lived with she had it in for me from day 4 before Naomi even left)
i. Jonna- creative and a game player
j. Living conditions on set in Thailand- HOT but we got killer tans!
k. The future of the challenges- I hope bright, but they have to allow the cast to have fun again not all the restricting rules. Go back to Inferno, Duel 1 freedom when people have fun. It translates into good TV and more viewers.
l. Tyrie- teddybear
m. Nia (Portland)- Laurel’s competition, strong challenge contender
n. MedGift- my heart’s passion and I hope a home for those who are struggling.
o. Production’s respect for its cast- ehhh[/I][/B]
Q19. Let’s take a short "commercial break," and you can tell us about MedGift.[B][I]
MedGift is about to relaunch! The new site is soooooo awesome. I actually was designing the front end while on the challenge. We have been working on new features and designs for over a year and a half and every single page has been thought about to the very last detail. MedGift’s new platform is to help those going through a hardship where someone needs the support from friends and family. From Autism, MS, NICU, Cancer, Elderly Care, memorials, Rehab, depression, etc., we want to be the home for those who feel overwhelmed and alone due to a life hardship. I can not WAIT for y’all to see the new look and features I have never been more excited! ;)
Q20. How did you feel about the CT/Wes vote? Did the voting happen exactly as was shown or did Wes/CT tell you they were going to vote in Paula/Emily?
[B][I]A. CT had said on camera like 3 times before I could have anyone I wanted in that final elimination. Even after we lost, he says “you want key lime, right” aka Jemmye and Camila. Wes and I had talked the whole challenge and when he wanted a certain team in, I wanted to help him as we did when CT, Wes and Johnny wanted Jordan and Marlon in. We went along because those were my top two teams and I wanted to help give them the best shot at the final. Camila did not trust any guys team. It was a constant game of “Hey, Wes, can you go talk to Camila and tell her you are not gunning for her?” I told Wes from day one if he had our back, then they would not vote for them in return. The day after that vote I talked to Wes and CT and both agreed I had every right to be upset and they would have been upset if the shoe was on the other foot. It was a great talk and both said they were sorry. I was shocked they didn’t air those conversations.
Q21. Can you explain the issue with Cooke? Because nothing was really shown, so it’s confusing.
[B][I]A. This is tough because of the way it was all edited it does not make sense, and it’s like kicking a bee’s nest. Let’s just say I saw her in the airport she was very aloof and most of the girls were not talking to her. So, I went up to her and tried to get her to feel comfortable (it is a weird moment when we all meet at the (US International Departure) airport). Then, the first couple of days I ignored the stupid “club” sign with rules that was on the new girl’s door and would go in to talk because I loved Naomi, and Jazz and I had connected on Exes. So I was trying to get to know Jonna and Cooke. I asked them about past boyfriends and what they loved. Just stuff to get to learn more about the other person on a non-game type level. Then something switched and Nany warned me to be careful of Cooke (this was the 3rd time I had heard this). From that point on, I heard comment after comment about how she saw me as weak, and it would be fun to break me. She would mimic me whenever she came into the new girl’s room, from me having a hard time with my wig, etc. I was so confused about why she had this target on me. She would be cold as ice whenever we passed each other and at the dinner table. She made me very uncomfortable. I tried to talk with her and she just brushed everything away. It was a long seven weeks of someone who had eyes on our hoping you would crack.
I remember she said one nice thing to me the day my hair naturally created a Mohaw. She said, “Your hair looks cool like that.” Anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for an olive branch, so I thought “Oh, maybe she is warming up to me.” So I tried to engage her and get to know her more and, poof, I was shot down by her once again with some snotty comments, so I just stopped paying attention to her.
I didn’t like how she was treating Cara. It was so sad watching Cara trying to her to talk with her and hang out and get to know her. If I were Cooke, I would have been praising Cara any chance I got because it was only as a team that we got where they got. Cara and I would talk and talk, and I saw how hurt she was. It would make me so heated. Cara would ask if she could workout and run with me because Cooke never let her… it all just felt very “high-school mean girl,” and it rubbed me the wrong way. That was why I made the “elitist, arrogant” type comments.
I don’t want to get too deep and insider type stuff I am going to be calm and rise above the negativity on this live Reunion show. As I said, I am not an aggressor, but if she starts playing dirty, I am bringing proof with me to back my side of the story.
Q22. Why were you more mad at CT than Wes about the vote? According to CT, it was Wes' idea? [B][I]
A. I had a talk with Wes also, but as Wes stated, he never actually promised me, only hinting he would give me what I would want. I have always not taken being lied to well, on any show I’ve done. The only thing that gets me upset is being lied to!
Q23. If Cooke/Cara hadn’t won, who would you want to go against?[B][I]
A. I would 100% would have wanted to go against them… no question we all agreed to that as we also all agreed that we were all true to our words and now had to play the game for our own team.
Q24. If you were to do another Challenge, would you align with the same people you aligned with on this challenge?
A. I LOVE Duels, but I think it is time to move on from the Challenges. As I said, I don’t do well with being lied to and I feel slighted by some of the choices production made and can not be apart of something where I can’t have trust.[/I][/B]
Q25. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?[B][I]
A. I hope in a yard with my husband and kid and a white picket fence while seeing MedGift change the way we look at hardships. Yeah, I want it all, lol, but who doesn’t, right?