Bad Girls Club 11: Back To Miami

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[QUOTE=Klounsnax2.0;362614]Holy ****. I hope these *****es are cool, cuz the cast at this point is lame as hell. "MiMi" is just annoying. "New Natalie" my ***... Sarah thinking she clever for coming up with "MeMe." Come on... Seriously... I thought Theresa (I think that's her name. Tattoo chick.) Would be cool, Lame. And then Tess? 'Nuff said.[/QUOTE] Did you hear if they bring it? Are they interesting? Would they bring the drama? It looks like Janelle will but will the others too?
Shanae Janelle Gigi will
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;362617]Tess alledgely wanted more privacy I just read.[ Hell did you not see the franchise before trying out? I can't believe she pulled a Joi/Jo. [B]I doubt she'd be considered for All Stars.[/B][/QUOTE] Clearly.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;362617]Tess alledgely wanted more privacy I just read.[ Hell did you not see the franchise before trying out? I can't believe she pulled a Joi/Jo. I doubt she'd be considered for All Stars.[/QUOTE] Tess also said online somewhere that she had legal issues she had to work out at home. But still...why would you even go in the first place? She was literally there for one day. One.
Ya'll know I love to give yall my BZgC tea I'll start with Tess She actually left because she had court the next day and didn't know until her mom called the house, in the same phone call she found out her grandmother passed away two days prior from the phone call (when she was in a hotel preparing to move into the BGC house , their cell phones are taken usually when they arrive into town. next Milyn Was planted by the producers to stir up drama and was never really gonna stay long , She was used till the producers found better girls because they never had faith in their original cast hence why there is 6 replacements. 5 other replacements Jamelle is similar to Elease or Ashley K. Shanae is similar to Andrea S9 Andrea is similar to Cheyenne Benze is similar to Nancy Hailey is being said to be similar to eoth Natasha or Camilla (It can go either way) Hailey 6 th replacement was only there for a 3 days (rumor) and moved in the last week (Fact) , She gets jumped and may pull a Camilla Shanae allegedly pulls a Mehgan on 2 roomates , While exciting. Janelle never gets jumped She gets Tag teamed (constant 1-on-1) every time she fights Andrea does not fight. but quits due to personal reasons. Benze fights 1.
Thanks for the spoiler warning....
Seems like I will be liking Janelle but we will see about that. Shanae seems alright like I said we will see. So far I like Sarah, Stephanie, and Tiana. Mylin is annoying as hell she's setting herself for a beat down at the reunion. Jazmone is always passed out and Teresa she's being quiet. Gigi is alright okay in my book but im pretty sure that's gonna change.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;362667]Thanks for the spoiler warning....[/QUOTE] Everything besides Hailey duration,Milyn and Tess are stricly rumors hence why no spoiler tags :)
Is it Benze like a Mercedes Benz, or like Ben-Zee?
[QUOTE=Klounsnax2.0;362720]Is it Benze like a Mercedes Benz, or like Ben-Zee?[/QUOTE] Her real name is Mercedies but she goes by Ben-Zee.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;362674]Everything besides Hailey duration,Milyn and Tess are stricly rumors hence why no spoiler tags :)[/QUOTE] Well if something hasn't aired, then it's a Hailey and Milyn are spoilers.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;362727]Her real name is Mercedies but she goes by Ben-Zee.[/QUOTE] Weird. Thank you!
The Reunion is being filmed today.
wow that is so early
[QUOTE=DarkFights;363582]wow that is so early[/QUOTE] They normally film the Reunion around this time.
Tess & Mimi aren't there at the Reunion yet...Don't know if they will show up. :02.47-tranquillity: I think the Pre-Reunion/Meet-Ups will be filmed today and the real Reunion will be tomorrow.
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;363605]Tess & Mimi aren't there at the Reunion yet...Don't know if they will show up. :02.47-tranquillity: I think the Pre-Reunion/Meet-Ups will be filmed today and the real Reunion will be tomorrow.[/QUOTE] I doubt Tess will be there I'm sure they won't spend that much on her so why bother going. Now Mimi I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't showed up I'm sure she knew she was gonna get her ***** beat a la Julie maybe that's why she won't show up.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;362742]Well if something hasn't aired, then it's a Hailey and Milyn are spoilers.[/QUOTE] This being the BGC thread you should obviously know to expect spoilers including names, addresses and who took a **** first.
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;363615]I doubt Tess will be there I'm sure they won't spend that much on her so why bother going. Now Mimi I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't showed up I'm sure she knew she was gonna get her ***** beat a la Julie maybe that's why she won't show up.[/QUOTE] Lol I don't see why anyone including Mimi would be scared of these girls. Most are just down right bullies.
Milyn isn't showing up to the Reunion. The actual Reunion is being filmed today.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;363617]This being the BGC thread you should obviously know to expect spoilers including names, addresses and who took a **** first.[/QUOTE] Actually no, I shouldn't expect spoilers because the title of this thread does not indicate that there are spoilers within.
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;363670]Milyn isn't showing up to the Reunion. The actual Reunion is being filmed today.[/QUOTE] Aren't cast members contractually obligated to attend the reunion, or do they not do that on BGC?
[QUOTE=Youssarian;364047]Actually no, I shouldn't expect spoilers because the title of this thread does not indicate that there are spoilers within.[/QUOTE] Then why talk about the reunion this early as well, hmm?
[QUOTE=Youssarian;364048]Aren't cast members contractually obligated to attend the reunion, or do they not do that on BGC?[/QUOTE] Nobody can force them, you know. But I wouldn't be surprised if they held it over their head in relation to All Stars 2.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;364118]Then why talk about the reunion this early as well, hmm?[/QUOTE] Because the fact there's going to be a reunion is not a spoiler...
[QUOTE=Youssarian;364149]Because the fact there's going to be a reunion is not a spoiler...[/QUOTE] Neither was the rest. Especially when this has been going on Vevmo BGC wise for years now. It's no big deal.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;364326]Neither was the rest. Especially when this has been going on Vevmo BGC wise for years now. It's no big deal.[/QUOTE] It is when all the other threads containing spoilers appropriately have "(Spoilers)" in the title. I prefer to watch without knowing what's going to happen.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;364404]It is when all the other threads containing spoilers appropriately have "(Spoilers)" in the title. I prefer to watch without knowing what's going to happen.[/QUOTE] Then leave then since it's virtually impossible to come into a new series thread without one you know, kmsl.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;364460]Then leave then since it's virtually impossible to come into a new series thread without one you know, kmsl.[/QUOTE] Not quite sure what you're saying...?
Any spoilers about what went down at the reunion?
