The Real World: Portland - Sins of the Flesh

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The Real World: Portland - Sins of the Flesh
[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Marlon struggles with his faith as his[/FONT][/COLOR] self-control takes a backseat when he meets a cute girl at the bar. [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial] Averey and Johnny's relationship hits a rough patch. [/FONT][/COLOR][ATTACH=CONFIG]2078[/ATTACH]
Watching Johnny and Averey's relationship is literally like watching paint dry.
its about time black mamba put the moves on. Hopefully his portion of the episode can limit the relationship stuff. On a side note viewership should be up, as its an off day for the nba playoffs.
Man that episode description sure matches the preview where Jessica's tall friend dumps her over an e-mail
[QUOTE=KevinW;345923]Watching Johnny and Averey's relationship is literally like watching paint dry.[/QUOTE] Word. I couldn't care less about their little relationship that will probably end after the show is over.
Am I the only one who thinks Marlon is gay and just using this as a cover up? I'm sooooo sick of Javerey stories already. Their boring.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;345930]Am I the only one who thinks Marlon is gay and just using this as a cover up? I'm sooooo sick of Javerey stories already. Their boring.[/QUOTE] God forbid... Just kidding but I seriously doubt he's "covering up"
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;345924]its about time black mamba put the moves on. Hopefully his portion of the episode can limit the relationship stuff. On a side note viewership should be up, as its an off day for the nba playoffs.[/QUOTE] And tonight's episode also appears to be extremely boring. What horrible timing.
Let's hope this episode is a good one, and yes, I'm also concerned about where Jessica will fit into this episode...
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;345932]God forbid... Just kidding but I seriously doubt he's "covering up"[/QUOTE] I agree. Marlon is probably just ********.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;345929]Word. I couldn't care less about their little relationship [B]that will probably end after the show is over.[/B][/QUOTE] I don't know if this is a spoiler or not, but [SPOILER]according to a spreecast recap they filmed with Alex Govere, they were still together as of three weeks ago.[/SPOILER]
Only episodes I find interesting this Season are the ones that revolve around Jordan & Nia. Who the hell wants to watch Avery the Waitress and Johnny the Fry Cook? :chargrined:
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;345949]Only episodes I find interesting this Season are the ones that revolve around Jordan & Nia. Who the hell wants to watch Avery the Waitress and Johnny the Fry Cook? :chargrined:[/QUOTE] Sadly, I agree. Relationships on the show just seem bland.
I'm expecting this to be the worst episode of the season.
Seasons almost over. Maybe we will get a challenge commercial soon?
[QUOTE=Legend;345954]I'm expecting this to be the worst episode of the season.[/QUOTE] Me too. So far every Johnny/Avery fight has been extremely stupid and immature.
The fact that we have yet to even get to know Marlon and they wait until episode 10 for the him to even have his own Storyline is ridiculous. I agree that this episode will be a fail.
[QUOTE=Calinks;345955]Seasons almost over. Maybe we will get a challenge commercial soon?[/QUOTE] Please please please let there be a trailer out real soon!
Oh god, the Zombie Apocolypse talk...yes, this'll be awful
For what things in the world is the Zombie Apocalypse an explanation?
[QUOTE=ItalianBeats;345959]Oh god, the Zombie Apocolypse talk...yes, this'll be awful[/QUOTE] Zombie! [ATTACH=CONFIG]2079[/ATTACH] Oh, never mind. Just Jess.
So within the first five minutes, five of the members have talked about
Good luck finding a lot of 20-something girls who just want to hang out forever.
And we now learn about Marlon and his music.
[QUOTE=Calinks;345964]Good luck finding a lot of 20-something girls who just want to hang out forever.[/QUOTE] True!
[QUOTE=ItalianBeats;345965]And we now learn about Marlon and his music.[/QUOTE] We finally get to know Marlon period.
That was an amazing rap...props to Marlon!
Marlon is good
Averey wants to move to MA only for Johnny...props to her grandma for telling it like it is!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;345962]Zombie! Oh, never mind. Just Jess.[/QUOTE] ...or a Banshee! It's a wailing spirit! Run for your life! Aaaaaaaah!
Having lived in both Tempe and Boston, I say they should live in Boston and winter in Tempe...
