Survivor Caramoan: Fans & Favorites - The Beginning of the End

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Survivor Caramoan: Fans & Favorites - The Beginning of the End
[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The castaways are confronted with two immunity challenges and two tribal councils, which force them to consider making big moves on their most imposing threats. [/FONT][/COLOR][ATTACH=CONFIG]1929[/ATTACH][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][/COLOR]
With two eliminations tonight, it should be a better episode than I initially thought. There is a chance that something unexpected could happen.
Really Eddie? On the outside and you drop out for a couple donuts and half a glass of milk? Weak.
[QUOTE=molds13;343016]Really Eddie? On the outside and you drop out for a couple donuts and half a glass of milk? Weak.[/QUOTE] From what I have seen, he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.
[QUOTE=molds13;343016]Really Eddie? On the outside and you drop out for a couple donuts and half a glass of milk? Weak.[/QUOTE] I don't know what to say about that other than he doesn't want to win.
I appreciate Andrea being smart. No one is ever safe at this point in the game.
Please blindside. Please.
"Blindsides need to happen before they happen to me." Biggest omen ever? I will laugh if Andrea is gone at the end of this episode.
[QUOTE=molds13;343021] Biggest omen ever? I will laugh if Andrea is gone at the end of this episode.[/QUOTE] It would make this hour worth watching, lol. I want to FF through this tribal...
Reynold and Eddie couldn't even agree on who to vote for. Idiots til the end.
If Andrea gets blindsided with an idol, it will be hilarious.
Saying you'll only play your idol if you feel paranoid, but you don't feel paranoid? Bye Andrea.
Once again, Erik is the swing vote.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;343027]Once again, Erik is the swing vote.[/QUOTE] If he doesn't make a move, he will have to win out. I don't think he can think three moves ahead...
Paranoid level: [I]Needs to be higher![/I]
Cochran pretty much told Andrea she should be playing her idol. I don't see why she wouldn't. Another idol would be going out next round anyway.
Oh Andrea...
Going home with an idol. A mark of shame.
Malcom and Reynold had some nice reactions to the blindside.
Did Eric really hand the hidden immunity over to Andrea? Oh, he hasn't changed since Micronesia.
Anonymous's picture
Andrea was a mastermind and there she blows! It was funny and perfect television. I loved Malcolm and Reynolds reactions as well.. Of course Eric handed over the idol, why is he so dense. I feel like he has the mind of a child and all his only thoughts are probably CANDY BARS I WANT CANDY. You literally just did what you said you were an idiot for doing last time on the show. Why the f would you just hand it over when you found it? [I]Hello?? Anybody home? ([/I]*knocking on his skull*)
Erik handing over the idol to Andrea was dumb. [spoiler]It doesn't matter though because he makes Final 4 where you can't play the idol anymore[/spoiler]
I finally got around to watching Survivor and thought it was a great blindside. Did she not hear Cochoran? She was a good strategic player, but trying to get out Brenda, someone who did nothing this season, besides win one immunity (and hand one over to Andrea) isn't such a threat.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;343507]I finally got around to watching Survivor and thought it was a great blindside. Did she not hear Cochoran? She was a good strategic player, but trying to get out Brenda, someone who did nothing this season, besides win one immunity (and hand one over to Andrea) isn't such a threat.[/QUOTE] You have to remember that what we see is days of footage condensed into 42-44 minutes. Just because Brenda's edit makes it look like she did nothing, doesn't mean she actually did nothing. From what we know, Brenda is probably the 3rd best person at challenges remaining. The 2 that are better than her at immunity challenges, Erik and Eddie, apparently have no social game. Brenda is also well liked by everyone. A lot of times, someone who doesn't make big moves, but is well liked, ends up winning. You never know if the jury is going to be bitter or not. If you watch Ponderosa, you can tell that the jury is not at all bitter, but when you are in the game, you are unaware of this. Her problem wasn't that she tried to get out Brenda, but that she trusted Cochran too much.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;343512]You have to remember that what we see is days of footage condensed into 42-44 minutes. Just because Brenda's edit makes it look like she did nothing, doesn't mean she actually did nothing. From what we know, Brenda is probably the 3rd best person at challenges remaining. The 2 that are better than her at immunity challenges, Erik and Eddie, apparently have no social game. Brenda is also well liked by everyone. A lot of times, someone who doesn't make big moves, but is well liked, ends up winning. You never know if the jury is going to be bitter or not. If you watch Ponderosa, you can tell that the jury is not at all bitter, but when you are in the game, you are unaware of this. Her problem wasn't that she tried to get out Brenda, but that she trusted Cochran too much.[/QUOTE] You must have been reading the spoilers at Survivor Sucks. The cast was thinking exactly as you describe, as will be seen on Wednesday's episode.
[QUOTE=V1man;343514]You must have been reading the spoilers at Survivor Sucks. The cast was thinking exactly as you describe, as will be seen on Wednesday's episode.[/QUOTE] Mostly exit interviews. That is where you get a lot of insight into the game.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;343515]Mostly exit interviews. That is where you get a lot of insight into the game.[/QUOTE] I was joking about Survivor Sucks. Parvati's interview show at have been superb this year, and have been very revealing about future episodes if one listens carefully.
Pavarti's interview show is very well done. I actually liked Brenda a lot. Sometimes I forgot we're not seeing the entire "story" and editing condenses days into hours. Andrea's big mistake was in trusting Cochoran too much. I completely agree with you tonight. And the preview for tonight shows Brenda wanting to make a big move.