[QUOTE=Seminole;340981]I think he means this:
[url=http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/898247/things-are-getting-wild.jhtml#id=1705093]Things Are Getting Wild | Video | MTV[/url][/QUOTE]
This isn't even that bad, I've seen much worse on reality TV. She is just having a good time.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;340986]This isn't even that bad, I've seen much worse on reality TV. She is just having a good time.[/QUOTE]
MTV has not had to pay for therapy as part of an RW season since Paula during Key West shooting. Nia is a candidate, in my opinion. Unless you want to be a **** star and EARN the rewards for such behavior. keep it off camera. She will have to live with her actions for the rest of her life.
[QUOTE=V1man;340988]MTV has not had to pay for therapy as part of an RW season since Paula during Key West shooting. Nia is a candidate, in my opinion. Unless you want to be a **** star and EARN the rewards for such behavior. keep it off camera. She will have to live with her actions for the rest of her life.[/QUOTE]
They will be immortalized as many former RW stars can testify to as they try to leave it behind (like Sean from RW Boston)
[QUOTE=V1man;340988]MTV has not had to pay for therapy as part of an RW season since Paula during Key West shooting. Nia is a candidate, in my opinion. Unless you want to be a **** star and EARN the rewards for such behavior. keep it off camera. She will have to live with her actions for the rest of her life.[/QUOTE]
Since when was giving someone oral sex citation for a therapist? I know its on camera, but really, its quite normal.
Oh and BTW Frank from San Diego had therapy as part of the season.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;340991]ALSO, it take two to tango. Why isn't everyone slagging off Jordan?[/QUOTE]
Frankly, Jordan isn't worth my time. His 15 minute clock is already ticking loudly. He is not a likeable villain.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;340990]Since when was giving someone oral sex citation for a therapist? I know its on camera, but really, its quite normal.
Oh and BTW Frank from San Diego had therapy as part of the season.[/QUOTE]
It's the [U][B]on-camera [/B][/U]part that suggest to me the need for professional help where one can reflect on one's choices. I did not watch Cancun, SD2 or St Thomas (except for two episodes). Having watched the last challenge, though, and reading Frank's frequent twitter rants, I think his therapy may be largely incomplete or ineffective.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;340991]ALSO, it takes two to tango. Why isn't everyone slagging off Jordan?[/QUOTE]
Because Avery and Nia are *****s while Johnny and Jordan are "pimps"/"cool"/"the man".
I don't know, I feel like people have done this on the show before, but this is just the first time BMP are showing it. Desperation.
Well actually Cara and Abe had sex in front of everyone on a balcony on Exes and they showed that.
[QUOTE=V1man;340988]MTV has not had to pay for therapy as part of an RW season since Paula during Key West shooting. Nia is a candidate, in my opinion. Unless you want to be a **** star and EARN the rewards for such behavior. keep it off camera. She will have to live with her actions for the rest of her life.[/QUOTE]
Same with Averey, so yeah I hate when people who don't know a person recommends them for therapy, lol. You're right about Paula though.
I know Nia hasn't made her first real appearance yet, but I feel like I've heard more about her than any other cast member so I'm okay with forming my opinion for now. Quite frankly, I think she seems like type who basically says what she wants and does what she wants, but thinks it's okay because "she's just being herself" or "she's just being real". Sorry, that doesn't make me respect her or want to like her anymore. You can be yourself without being such an assface. "Keeping it real" to these reality TV types basically means I can be a ***** to whoever I want, but it's cool cause I'm just being me. Yeah, well then you're a *****.
I'm not convinced by how "real" Nia is. I think she's trying to make a big splash. She didn't just send a casting tape, she sent tons of casting tapes and harassed them to get on, as she said. She probably promised the producers she would be willing to do this and that if they cast her. She just seems thirsty to the 10th power. Her and Jordan together are bound to be entertaining because it seems like he turn into an idiot when drunk.
[QUOTE=mph922;341001]I know Nia hasn't made her first real appearance yet, but I feel like I've heard more about her than any other cast member so I'm okay with forming my opinion for now. Quite frankly, I think she seems like type who basically says what she wants and does what she wants, but thinks it's okay because "she's just being herself" or "she's just being real". Sorry, that doesn't make me respect her or want to like her anymore. [B]You can be yourself without being such an assface. [/B]"Keeping it real" to these reality TV types basically means I can be a ***** to whoever I want, but it's cool cause I'm just being me. Yeah, well then you're a *****.[/QUOTE]
By definition, that would make her fake. You spoke in circles.. If she's "type who basically says what she wants and does what she wants, but thinks it's okay" she's being real. That's the point of the show. Not to make people like you, not to censor yourself, not a assimilate into a group.
No one says y'all have to like her, but you can't get made at the girl for being who she is. I can respect that, personally. Admit it or not, because of her there is going to be another season.
Also, back to the "BGC like violence", if you read through the spoilers, so much happens during this season regarding social issues so if they are true (which most are after seeing the you tube videos and SpreeCast), her actions are totally justified.
And sex is sex. Everyone knows it's going to be filmed. You knew that before you signed the contract. So if someone wants to be an exhibitionist, go for it. If it's goign to bother you guys THAT much, change the channel.
Random thought but maybe Joi went home because she had some illness, her face was super puffy when she was in Portland so maybe she was on medication or something.
[QUOTE=Seminole;341018]As long as she's not like Frank, who made me not want to watch the San Diego season.[/QUOTE]
If Frank was on Portland instead of Jessica, THAT would have been interesting. I didn't stop watching the season because of Frank, I stopped because it was boring.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;341012]By definition, that would make her fake. You spoke in circles.. If she's "type who basically says what she wants and does what she wants, but thinks it's okay" she's being real. That's the point of the show. Not to make people like you, not to censor yourself, not a assimilate into a group.
No one says y'all have to like her, but you can't get made at the girl for being who she is. I can respect that, personally. Admit it or not, because of her there is going to be another season.
Also, back to the "BGC like violence", if you read through the spoilers, so much happens during this season regarding social issues so if they are true (which most are after seeing the you tube videos and SpreeCast), her actions are totally justified.[/QUOTE]
My whole point is that I don't think she's being real. It all comes off as very disingenuous. Hasn't it been said that this girl begged to get cast? Seems to me like she just wants to be on TV. Her whole "I tell it like it is" schtick has been done before and better. I get that you can argue that she's just being herself or whatever because that's how she acts in all of her interviews, spreecasts, etc., but it all still seems pretty forced to me. She just seems to think really highly of herself. If I didn't want RW to succeed so much, I'd almost hope for it to fail just to spite this girl and her attitude. Obviously, I only know about as much as interviews/previews can tell me, but so far nothing has changed my mind about her. Maybe the episodes will though.
And I'll be interested to see what Averey does to her that "justifies" that nasty coldcock in the trailer.
[QUOTE=WallyT09;340982]You dont know if she does it or not[/QUOTE]
mtv made it pretty obvious that she did do it, cause they said they couldnt show what happen.
[QUOTE=theman23;341022]mtv made it pretty obvious that she did do it, cause they said they couldnt show what happen.[/QUOTE]
Editing. They could be hyping it up, Nia could be teasing and nothing happens. You didn't see the episode yet. Buy they aren't going to show someone giving a BJ on TV, that's just bottom line.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;341016]Random thought but maybe Joi went home because she had some illness, her face was super puffy when she was in Portland so maybe she was on medication or something.[/QUOTE]
Well, Johnny revealed on a podcast that Joi left due to a mixture of things homesickness, her boyfriend, rent being due and being over the whole Portland experience because she lives in Seattle. And that they just completely edited her out of the season and made it seem like no one cared.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;341013]And sex is sex. Everyone knows it's going to be filmed. You knew that before you signed the contract. So if someone wants to be an exhibitionist, go for it. If it's goign to bother you guys THAT much, change the channel.[/QUOTE]
The essential problem I have with your point of view is that MTV's prime demographic for RW is ages 13-24.
I would have liked to see more of Joi and she made what she felt was the best decision for her. MTV certainly made the point of minimizing her appearance on the show once they knew she was going to leave though. I am willing to bet there is a lot of good & fun footage of her while she was in Portland.
As for Averey and Johnny, more power to them. So Averey is a nympho and I would be lying if I did not say I'm a little bit jealous. From what edited footage we've seen, I think they are good together.
Marlon has proven to be one of the cooler guys in recent years on RW and Jordan is pretty much the opposite.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;341025]Editing. They could be hyping it up, Nia could be teasing and nothing happens. You didn't see the episode yet. Buy they aren't going to show someone giving a BJ on TV, that's just bottom line.
Did you see the MTV version or did you just watch the online version?
Well, Johnny revealed on a podcast that Joi left due to a mixture of things homesickness, her boyfriend, rent being due and being over the whole Portland experience because she lives in Seattle. And that they just completely edited her out of the season and made it seem like no one cared.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;341025]Editing. They could be hyping it up, Nia could be teasing and nothing happens. You didn't see the episode yet. Buy they aren't going to show someone giving a BJ on TV, that's just bottom line.
Well, Johnny revealed on a podcast that Joi left due to a mixture of things homesickness, her boyfriend, rent being due and being over the whole Portland experience because she lives in Seattle. And that they just completely edited her out of the season and made it seem like no one cared.[/QUOTE]
You obviously have never seen UnDressed.
Did anyone catch a Nia vs Daisy promo for next weeks episode? I caught it earlier but I didn't catch enough of it. Actually there's about three different promos for next weeks episode. I'm impressed, but who actually watches MTV?
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;341040]Did anyone catch a Nia vs Daisy promo for next weeks episode? I caught it earlier but I didn't catch enough of it. Actually there's about three different promos for next weeks episode. I'm impressed, but who actually watches MTV?[/QUOTE]
nobody really lol... but they need to start its about to get real