The Real World: Portland - Hot Air Jordan

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The Real World: Portland - Hot Air Jordan
[ATTACH=CONFIG]1763[/ATTACH] Jordan gets into a fight with Jessica, having no sympathy when she gets emotional while reading an email from her ex. Marlon reveals a secret.
[video][/video] Another preview.
Does Jordan remind anyone else of a typical cheeky 8 year old boy? I keep watching him and thinking what a cute little pesky monkey, but then I remember he's 20 something and its like, grow the **** up dude.
I think Nia moves in this episode
WTF is up with the episode titles on screen?
I cannot wait for Hurricane Nia.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;339874]WTF is up with the episode titles on screen?[/QUOTE] What are you talking about?
Damn, Jordan is VERY active, it's like he came to the house (to fight) and get ready for a challenge, haha.
This is your paw, just reminds me of this. [video=youtube;6bggtmJYlgs][/video]
If only Avery was wearing a white shirt.
Do we need the other six? Can it just be the Averey show? Oh Kenny. I miss you, man.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;339878]Damn, Jordan is VERY active, it's like he came to the house (to fight) and get ready for a challenge, haha.[/QUOTE] I personally think he is showing his cards a bit early.
So far I like everyone except Jordan, he's annoying to me.
Haha I thought someone died too when she first started reading that.
Jordan is reckless, I love it!
[QUOTE=Calinks;339886]Haha I thought someone died to when she first started reading that.[/QUOTE] Jordan might not be my favorite out of the gate, but he nailed it when it came to the email.
She is too old to be writing poetry like that!! I don't like Jordan but he is COMPLETELY right about Jessica. She's a drama queen and looking for sympathy!
It doesn't say "lie" three times.
And Jessica now joins Anastasia in the Please Get off My TV Club.
No twitter trends. ...damn.
If you are going to come out, might as well do it in style.
and......... BOMB
What the h e double hockey sticks???
I love how editors set this up.... "I thought there would be a gay guy, I thought there would be a black chick." Well... But that was an awkward [I]coming out[/I].
Wish I wasn't spoiled about this last week cause it would have caught me way off guard.
Yeah I was caught off guard big time.
Haha Jordan jumping on a couch!
Alright. Jessica sucks.
Um I am too confused, who to root for in this fight.
I find it hard to believe Marlon slept with a man once., but okay.
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;339901]Um I am too confused, who to root for in this fight.[/QUOTE] It's lose, lose. We just need to be objective and score the fight!
