Survivor Caramoan: Fans & Favorites - Operation Thunder Dome

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Survivor Caramoan: Fans & Favorites - Operation Thunder Dome
A tribe shake-up results in chaos. The formation of new alliances and a strength disparity.
Well, at least this episode can't possibly be as bad as last week's
Wow, that was an uneven split.
What a terrible split. The orange tribe has all the brawns.
[QUOTE=molds13;336523]What a terrible split. The orange tribe has all the brawns.[/QUOTE] Phillip is their strongest player. That says it all.
Did this girl (I don't know their names) really just claim that Julia (I think) cost them the challenge? Did she not watch it?
That sucks. I liked Matt.
[QUOTE=molds13;336530]That sucks. I liked Matt.[/QUOTE] Wrong call for sure. They made a weak tribe weaker.
Getting rid of Matt was the safe move--that team is screwed regardless.
All that talking and Phillip's team finished last. SMDH.
This season should really be on the Comedy Channel. Calling Philip a "fan favorite" suggests that Survivor doesn't have much left in the tank.
[QUOTE=V1man;336549]This season should really be on the Comedy Channel. Calling Philip a "fan favorite" suggests that Survivor doesn't have much left in the tank.[/QUOTE] There are people that find Phillip entertaining.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;336550]There are people that find Phillip entertaining.[/QUOTE] Well, there is no accounting for bad taste.
[QUOTE=V1man;336582]Well, there is no accounting for bad taste.[/QUOTE] I was listening to Grantland's Reality TV Podcast and Juliet liked Phillip as a character, whereas Jacoby hated him. Maybe it has something to do with being a producer that makes people hate Phillip.
I may be the only one, but I'm glad Matt is gone. He really got what he deserved for getting rid of Laura. It's survivor 101, you have to have numbers and you have to have loyalty. Matt screwed pretty much his whole tribe by persisting that Laura leave. Terrible game player in my opinion, so glad he is out. And it's not like his presence would have been beneficial to the team in terms of challenges anyway, that team will get slaughterd regardless.
[QUOTE=Lola88;336652]I may be the only one, but I'm glad Matt is gone. He really got what he deserved for getting rid of Laura. It's survivor 101, you have to have numbers and you have to have loyalty. Matt screwed pretty much his whole tribe by persisting that Laura leave. Terrible game player in my opinion, so glad he is out. And it's not like his presence would have been beneficial to the team in terms of challenges anyway, that team will get slaughterd regardless.[/QUOTE] Their situation would be exactly the same had they not voted out Laura. Down 4-3 in both tribes.
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Quotes from the episode, courtesy of Corinne :joyous: [on phillip] "He’s the worse federal agent I’ve ever met, like what cases did he crack? Like what was he working on? And is that the reason our country’s in such a mess! Like honestly.." "Tonights vote is kinda a tossup between matt and julia. I would love to get rid of Julia because a she’s really boring and b she really is the one that cost us the challenge.. she genuinely does not contribute anything except her nasally voice.." hahah she is such a B word, and i'm loving it
I'm surprised by how the favorites tribe is playing out. I knew Brenda would be brought back after her edit on her season. She was seen as a strong competitor and great strategist. It's weird seeing her on this season. She just looks kinda lost and not really into it. I feel the same about Erik. Maybe I'm just weird...but I was hoping they'd be bigger parts of the season. I was NOT expecting Andrea to be a strong focus, but she's been shown quite a bit. I liked her just fine on her season, but I was a little surprised by the decision to bring her back. I'm glad they did now, as she's one of my favorites at this point. It always seems that my opinions are opposite of everyone else, so I'm probably the only one that feels this way haha.