Vevmo Fantasy Baseball: 2013

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Vevmo Fantasy Baseball: 2013
The regular season is a little more than a month away, which means it is time to start thinking about fantasy baseball! [strike]I'm going with ESPN this season, with a draft one week before the regular season (probably Sunday March 24th @ 8:00 PM ET). If you are interested, just say so in this thread. ESPN allows up to 20 teams, so things are flexible. Once we get enough players, we can start discussing how we want the league setup (i.e. roster slots; scoring).[/strike] [B]Edit:[/B] We are going with CBS being some owners can't access ESPN from work. [B][URL=""]JOIN[/URL][/B] [B]Password[/B] - vevmo [B]League Name[/B] - Vevmo Sports Inc. [B]Draft Date[/B] - March 17, 2013, 8:30 PM ET [B]Player Pool[/B] - Both AL/NL
I'm in.
If it is AL only, I will consider it. I just don't know anything about the National League outside of a couple of teams.
I think the plan right now is to see how many people are interested and then we can make decisions on what type of league we are going to have. As for NL teams, you are not alone. The only thing I know about them is what I learned playing fantasy baseball! ;) Actually, this year should be interesting with daily interleague play.
I'm in... Time to see if I can defeat Bacchus again. So far I am batting 1.000 but he is also very good this. I loathe the idea that I may have taken him to the woodshed since I defeated but not schooled him. I prefer the kryptonite analogy. So let's see if it holds. aka .. I'm in. But you should know that I work graveyard hours now so I may have to set my predraft order as I will likely be asleep.
The first post has been updated with the league details. Open enrollment, first come first serve.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;336016]The first post has been updated with the league details. Open enrollment, first come first serve.[/QUOTE] Don't worry, TBD After Draft has signed up, even though I don't think it will let me change my team name once the draft order has been decided.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;336026]Don't worry, TBD After Draft has signed up, even though I don't think it will let me change my team name once the draft order has been decided.[/QUOTE] Why change? It's a good name, ha.
I'm in with my Wolfpack once again. [video=youtube_share;zVGHggXx8HM][/video]
Signed up as yanks. Who won last yr? I tend to forget.
Gee, I can't remember either! It was either you or the Phillies as that was the championship matchup based on the playoff box. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1440[/ATTACH]
We still need 6 more people to join or the League will get disbanded per the CBSports rules! Come one, come all, and try to unseat Bacchus once again.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;336234]We still need 6 more people to join or the League will get disbanded per the CBSports rules![/quote] There are a few committed that have not signed in since the league went live, So I think we are about 3 short once they register. [quote]Come one, come all, and try to unseat Bacchus once again.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][ATTACH=CONFIG]1446[/ATTACH] [B][SIZE=5]Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead![/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
Do we want to push the Draft back one week then since it is tomorrow night?
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;336242]Do we want to push the Draft back one week then since it is tomorrow night?[/QUOTE] It doesn't look like we have much choice. I can't actually change dates, but the league will be removed if it doesn't have 10 players and I can create a new one once we have 10.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;336243]It doesn't look like we have much choice. I can't actually change dates, but the league will be removed if it doesn't have 10 players and I can create a new one once we have 10.[/QUOTE] So we just have to wait until Draft time. Should we not bother doing the actual Draft this time or should we just try to do it for fun?
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;336249]So we just have to wait until Draft time. Should we not bother doing the actual Draft this time or should we just try to do it for fun?[/QUOTE] There won't be a draft this time around as the league will be disbanded at the anointed time for not having enough players. Interestingly enough, last year there were so many that wanted to play we went with invite only. This year, not so much! Most of the regulars are ether too busy or haven't been around lately. I'm guessing with the long delay between the last Challenge and TRW Portland, a lot of people have just not had a reason to stop by. Maybe the best course of action is to schedule a draft a week or two into the actual season being TRW will be airing by then, thus opening up the perspective player pool.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;336250]There won't be a draft this time around as the league will be disbanded at the anointed time for not having enough players. Interestingly enough, last year there were so many that wanted to play we went with invite only. This year, not so much! Most of the regulars are ether too busy or haven't been around lately. I'm guessing with the long delay between the last Challenge and TRW Portland, a lot of people have just not had a reason to stop by. Maybe the best course of action is to schedule a draft a week or two into the actual season being TRW will be airing by then, thus opening up the perspective player pool.[/QUOTE] Do you want to go week to week at this point and try for the 24th or the 31st? For some reason, I'm not getting email notifications for this thread despite being subscribed...
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;336251]Do you want to go week to week at this point and try for the 24th or the 31st?[/quote] I'd like to give it another day or two before setting a date, just to make sure we have the 10. [quote]For some reason, I'm not getting email notifications for this thread despite being subscribed...[/QUOTE] I made some adjustments so hopefully that fixes the issue. Notifications should be sent out every five minutes.
Haven't been on, had a death in the family so I've been indisposed the past week. When we get the new league set up, I'll be in.
[QUOTE=Aereas;336253]Haven't been on, had a death in the family so I've been indisposed the past week. When we get the new league set up, I'll be in.[/QUOTE] Sorry for your loss. We'll get up and running in the next week or so with a full league and a target draft date.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;336252]I'd like to give it another day or two before setting a date, just to make sure we have the 10. I made some adjustments so hopefully that fixes the issue. Notifications should be sent out every five minutes.[/QUOTE] Alrighty, on the new date, but the 17th (St Patrick's Day) is off. Almost begs the question, who will not show up to work on Monday. As for the notifications, thanks, Bacchus. I saw notifications almost immediately.
My condolences, Aereas.
Have we set a new date for this yet?
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;336468]Have we set a new date for this yet?[/QUOTE] We need three more players and I am not sure if we are going to be able to get them. Thus, picking a date is not going to do us any good. Hopefully with the premiere of TRW next week, there will be a good influx of possible players.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;336657]We need three more players and I am not sure if we are going to be able to get them. Thus, picking a date is not going to do us any good. Hopefully with the premiere of TRW next week, there will be a good influx of possible players.[/QUOTE] Is this officially canceled or are we still waiting to see if people are interested?
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;339399]Is this officially canceled or are we still waiting to see if people are interested?[/QUOTE] I created a new league and sent out some email invites. It's a few weeks from now to make sure we fill. League: [URL=""]Vevmo Sports Inc.[/URL] Password: vevmo Draft: April 17, 2013, 8:30 PM ET I don't care if we have to drag a few homeless people into an internet cafe, we are filling this league! ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;339402]I created a new league and send out some email invites. It's a few weeks from now to make sure we fill. League: [URL=""]Vevmo Sports Inc.[/URL] Password: vevmo Draft: April 17, 2013, 8:30 PM ET I don't care if we have to drag a few homeless people into an internet cafe, we are filling this league! ;)[/QUOTE] Let's do it!! The Wolves are hungry!
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;339410]Let's do it!! The Wolves are hungry![/QUOTE] As are the Sarks!
Ok, halfway there and people that signed up last time are not yet in. We need to keep filling!
