[QUOTE=teamNOLA;334236]You're not gonna stop watching though..[/QUOTE]
But still. It shows a lot of you when you hit people.
And if Nia really hit her castmate (Even if she is a peasant who went against a queen), great drama, but BMP/MTV will get into a lot of trouble.
[QUOTE=teamNOLA;334236]You're not gonna stop watching though..[/QUOTE]
I skipped Cancun and San Diego 2, but have seen all the others since the beginning. After watching this trailer I have the feeling that I've seen this all before too many times. It reminds me of "Real Housewives" in too many ways.
I think I'm finally done with Real World. I know I now definitely have better viewing choices at 10 pm on Wednesdays. Good luck too all of you who will be watching.
Excited to see Ana, Averey, Joi (sad moment) and Johnny. Jordan and Nia seem bring the drama but their less than impressive. Jessica and Marlon were non factors. I little insight as to why Nia doesn't go "home". Jemmye hit Ryan and was allowed to stay so I'm assuming with Nia and Jordan it is the same. If you look behind Nia when she slaps Averey the closet is empty so I'm going to assume Nia vs Averey and Johnny is the day before move out day. Nia was most likely given an option to work with Ana or pick up another project.
[QUOTE=teamNOLA;334236]You're not gonna stop watching though..[/QUOTE]
You don't know me, if I don't like it I will stop watching, I've done it before and I sure as hell will do it again.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;334242]Jessica and Marlon were non factors.[/QUOTE]
Marlon!? This guy was shown in the trailer. And these anger issues that he is dealing with will not really be a non factor.
[QUOTE=V1man;334240]I skipped Cancun and San Diego 2, but have seen all the others since the beginning. After watching this trailer I have the feeling that I've seen this all before too many times. It reminds me of "Real Housewives" in too many ways.
I think I'm finally done with Real World. I know I now definitely have better viewing choices at 10 pm on Wednesdays. Good luck too all of you who will be watching.[/QUOTE]
I agree, I started watching since the original New Orleans, I skipped Philadelphia and DC, and I'll watch this one til Nia shows up. She is like a mixture of a Real Houswife and someone who should be on Bad Girls Club. And after seeing her hit 3 people and apparently no punishment, even though Trisha from Sydney shoved Parisa and was kicked out, and Tonya smacked Veronica and was kicked out. There seems to be a double standard.
[QUOTE=GDInstall;334238]But still. It shows a lot of you when you hit people.
And if Nia really hit her castmate (Even if she is a peasant who went against a queen), great drama, but BMP/MTV will get into a lot of trouble.[/QUOTE]
Trouble for what, don't they produce Bad Girls club?
I mean I don't condone violence but hey... they have to stay current and relevant other reality shows are trashy/ratchet as hell that's what people seem to love nowadays.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;334247]Trouble for what, don't they produce Bad Girls club?
I mean I don't condone violence but hey... they have to stay current and relevant other reality shows are trashy/ratchet as hell that's what people seem to love nowadays.[/QUOTE]
Like in every tv show if you start a fight with a castmember you'll get kicked out and it doesnt seem that Nia got kicked out for the fight with Averey. So this will probably get MTV/BMP into trouble.
[QUOTE=GDInstall;334250]Like in every tv show if you start a fight with a castmember you'll get kicked out and it doesnt seem that Nia got kicked out for the fight with Averey. So this will probably get MTV/BMP into trouble.[/QUOTE]
Yeah... not exactly. Have you seen the Bad Girls Club? The girls on there are animals; they not only hit each other, they beat each other up and they get to stay. Let's face it, BMP has no morals when it comes to this.
I'm having a very hard time differentiating Joi from Anastasia and Jessica from Averey, I hate that they look so much alike. Also, I'm excited to see Nia, honestly. I don't know why she hit Jordan, and I have no idea what girl she hit, but if she hit Johnny for his racist comments I'm all for it.
[QUOTE=GDInstall;334238]But still. It shows a lot of you when you hit people.
And if Nia really hit her castmate (Even if she is a peasant who went against a queen), great drama, but BMP/MTV will get into a lot of trouble.[/QUOTE]
I don't think so, they produce BGC and the only people watch that is for the violence. I just want to know why she got to stay.Though, if you look in the background, the closets are empty and there are boxes on the ground.. this could be toward the very end.
Avery sounds like someone from Teen Mom/Buckwild.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;334253]Yeah... not exactly. Have you seen the Bad Girls Club? The girls on there are animals; they not only hit each other, they beat each other up and they get to stay. Let's face it, BMP has no morals when it comes to this.
I'm having a very hard time differentiating Joi from Anastasia and Jessica from Averey, I hate that they look so much alike. Also, I'm excited to see Nia, honestly. I don't know why she hit Jordan, and I have no idea what girl she hit, but if she hit Johnny for his racist comments I'm all for it.[/QUOTE]
I believe she hit Averey, Jordan and Johnny.
"[URL="https://twitter.com/MTVFrankSweeney"][B]Frank Sweeney[/B] @[B]MTVFrankSweeney[/B] [/URL] YASSS! [URL="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23RealWorld&src=hash"]#[B]RealWorld[/B][/URL] needs another HURRICANE! [URL="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23GetIt&src=hash"]#[B]GetIt[/B][/URL] RT [URL="https://twitter.com/GoldenGreggy"]@[B]GoldenGreggy[/B][/URL]: Hurricane Frank [URL="https://twitter.com/MTVFrankSweeney"]@[B]MTVFrankSweeney[/B][/URL] meet Hurricane Nia@TheRealNiaMoore"
Why am I not surprised?
I think Frank left me so disgusted that Nia can't possibly be worse. So, I'll try to enjoy what she brings to the table.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;334253]Yeah... not exactly. Have you seen the Bad Girls Club? The girls on there are animals; they not only hit each other, they beat each other up and they get to stay. Let's face it, BMP has no morals when it comes to this.[/QUOTE]
This is a completly different playground, but they still get kicked out there. But I understand where you coming from.
[QUOTE=Legend;334257]"[URL="https://twitter.com/MTVFrankSweeney"][B]Frank Sweeney[/B] @[B]MTVFrankSweeney[/B] [/URL] YASSS! [URL="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23RealWorld&src=hash"]#[B]RealWorld[/B][/URL] needs another HURRICANE! [URL="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23GetIt&src=hash"]#[B]GetIt[/B][/URL] RT [URL="https://twitter.com/GoldenGreggy"]@[B]GoldenGreggy[/B][/URL]: Hurricane Frank [URL="https://twitter.com/MTVFrankSweeney"]@[B]MTVFrankSweeney[/B][/URL] meet Hurricane Nia@TheRealNiaMoore"
Why am I not surprised?
I think Frank left me so disgusted that Nia can't possibly be worse. So, I'll try to enjoy what she brings to the table.[/QUOTE]
Even more of a reason not to like her. I don't get it, Frank didn't make the ratings better or "save the show" why would Nia be able to. She makes me not want to watch any of it.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;334253]Yeah... not exactly. Have you seen the Bad Girls Club? The girls on there are animals; they not only hit each other, they beat each other up and they get to stay. Let's face it, BMP has no morals when it comes [/QUOTE]
The Real World is different, any type of physical violence will get you kicked out. Unlike the BGC, you can bully and beat the heck out of the girl and still be there. BMP seems to have more respect towards The Real World than it's offspring the BGC.
[QUOTE=ishot_JT;334261]The Real World is different, any type of physical violence will get you kicked out.[/QUOTE]
Thats bull
Seattle: Steven slapping Irene
Las Vegas: Brynn throwing a fork at Steven
D.C: Ty trying to kill Andrew
New Orleans: Jemmye Slapping Knight and Ryan
St. Thomas: Marie trying to kill Swift
In fact, never ever has anyone been kicked out of TRW house, solely by the producers, for physical violence.
Slapping and shoving have always been allowed on The Real World I thought? :/
Just as long as there are no punches thrown, the producers aren't too hard with their violence.
[QUOTE=202mitch;334265]slapping and shoving have always been allowed on The Real World i thought? :/
Just as long as there are no punches thrown, the producer's aren't too hard with their violence.[/QUOTE]
That one girl on Sydney got kicked off for shoving someone down
If I recall correctly...Parisa had to make a complaint for the altercation, and then she was given the sole choice to send Trisha home or let her stay.
Perhaps they ask Johnny, Jordan, and Averey and they let her stay. Dustin also shoved Mike in Cancun and they did nothing about it because Mike didn't make a complaint.
[QUOTE=GDInstall;334238]But still. It shows a lot of you when you hit people.
And if Nia really hit her castmate (Even if she is a peasant who went against a queen), great drama, but BMP/MTV will get into a lot of trouble.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;334247]Trouble for what, don't they produce Bad Girls club?
I mean I don't condone violence but hey... they have to stay current and relevant other reality shows are trashy/ratchet as hell that's what people seem to love nowadays.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;334248]Jemmye hit Knight and Ryan on her season without consequence.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=GDInstall;334250]Like in every tv show if you start a fight with a castmember you'll get kicked out and it doesnt seem that Nia got kicked out for the fight with Averey. So this will probably get MTV/BMP into trouble.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=CherryPie;334253]Yeah... not exactly. Have you seen the Bad Girls Club? The girls on there are animals; they not only hit each other, they beat each other up and they get to stay. Let's face it, BMP has no morals when it comes to this.
I'm having a very hard time differentiating Joi from Anastasia and Jessica from Averey, I hate that they look so much alike. Also, I'm excited to see Nia, honestly. I don't know why she hit Jordan, and I have no idea what girl she hit, but if she hit Johnny for his racist comments I'm all for it.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=GDInstall;334258]This is a completly different playground, but they still get kicked out there. But I understand where you coming from.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=ishot_JT;334261]The Real World is different, any type of physical violence will get you kicked out. Unlike the BGC, you can bully and beat the heck out of the girl and still be there. BMP seems to have more respect towards The Real World than it's offspring the BGC.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;334262]Thats bull
Seattle: Steven slapping Irene
Las Vegas: Brynn throwing a fork at Steven
D.C: Ty trying to kill Andrew
New Orleans: Jemmye Slapping Knight and Ryan
St. Thomas: Marie trying to kill Swift
In fact, never ever has anyone been kicked out of TRW house, solely by the producers, for physical violence.[/QUOTE]
This is a situation where the history of the shows mentioned above are interesting but not dispositive. After 1999, BMP began to make some subtle changes vis-a-vis its attitude toward violence. I'm reasonably confident that this was the result of the recent civil litigation, increased attention of the insurance underwriters who stand to lose money by the boatload if the violence is sanctioned by production and the victim sues, and some increased attention by VIACOM's legal eagles who know the line between genius and insanity by producers is very grey when the ratings make or break production companies. The position of BMP is much more fragile today than prior to the settlement of Tonya's suit. Media critics and industry insiders are paying more attention, and their reaction is not particularly warm. I know of at least one large mutual fund that intends to question VIACOM at the next stockholders meeting about the company's standards for reality programming. When the financial community begins to notice, and judges that gratuitous TV violence is really not healthy for viewers, then the company will find itself in a very difficult position. It will have to continue to evolve toward a less forgiving posture today violence, both for producers and their cast.
[QUOTE=202mitch;334267]Dustin also shoved Mike in Cancun and they did nothing about it because Mike didn't make a complaint.[/QUOTE]
Oh Mike complained alright. The whiny little ***** was even going to call the police. The producer let Dustin off because is was crystal clear that Mike was deliberately antagonizing Dustin to get him sent home.
Possibly the same situation with Nia.
[spoiler]None of them were welcoming to her when she first got to the house.[/spoiler]
I feel like this season is my baby. Not only is a fellow red raider in here, but I've contributed to the spoilers for the "first" time lol
I love everything about the trailer and I can't waitttt. I have a feeling this will put RW back on the map
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;334306]I feel like this season is my baby. Not only is a fellow red raider in here, but I've contributed to the spoilers for the "first" time lol
I love everything about the trailer and I can't waitttt. I have a feeling this will put RW back on the map[/QUOTE]
The only thing that was bad about the trailer is that Jessica didnt spoke one sentence, she was just there and if you read the bios she doesnt seem to be like a ghost in the house.
This season is gonna be crazy![url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=15250][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/181951213a3a0fb4b.jpg[/img][/url]