The Real World: Portland - Trailer

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The Real World: Portland - Trailer
For those outside the United States: [video=youtube_share;jj-F1ss4JLQ][/video]
Premiere date of Wednesday March 27th at 10 PM
Omg it was really refreshing watching the trailer, definitely looking forward to it.
Well that was a letdown. Didn't seem like much drama
Ooh, I like. I really want to know how these physical altercations are gonna result in. It seems like Nia hits three people wtf.
Oh my damn.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;334189]Ooh, I like. I really want to know how these physical altercations are gonna result in. It seems like Nia hits three people wtf.[/QUOTE] I don't understand it either, though it's confirming to me that she's not all an act on Twitter
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;334201]I don't understand it either, though it's confirming to me that she's not all an act on Twitter[/QUOTE] True.. the chick has balls. I found it awkward that she was just standing over Johnny in that one clip.. I have high, high hopes for this season. It seems like it'll be pretty good.
Why don't they show drama in the trailers like they used to? It was ok, still excited for this season though.
Trailer was more than okay. Especially the last minute of it. Interesting that Jordan, who I thought was the person with the least drama involvement actually is the most interesting person there. Judging by the trailer I think Jordan/Nia will be the most talked about people there. Ana/Marlon will be the philosophers Johnny/Averey = couple Joi = playboy girl Jessica may have a storyline of her one, but she was barely showed in the trailer
I have a very good feeling that what is shown in that trailer is just the tip of the ice berg. I Cannot wait.
Based on the trailer the drama is: Nia vs Jordan - Nia slaps him Nia vs Averey and Johnny - Johnny pours a drink on Nia, Nia hits them both. Jordan vs Marlon - Marlon throws a cup at Jordans face and Anastasia has problems with her boyfriend.
LMAO AT PEOPLe thinking Ana was gonna have a male voice. lmao@people thinking the initial picture was a fake last week. Nia being in the trailer versus Joi being there is so damn wierd. Like they never had a replacement shown so early.
[QUOTE=UrbanTactics;334188]Well that was a letdown. Didn't seem like much drama[/QUOTE] I was just going to say this. Considering the fact that the stuff happens at the end of the trailer is not convincing. [QUOTE=ILoveRW;334207]I have a very good feeling that what is shown in that trailer is just the tip of the ice berg. I Cannot wait.[/QUOTE] exactly.
Cast bios are up now. Spoiler alert!
I posted the bios on everyone's respective pages :) lol I don't know how people are saying this trailer is "okay" or a "let down". Usually, the "This season, on the real world" one is much better, but I think this is very good - especially compared to the last 2. It's already getting buzz on twitter (Mainly from Bad Girls Cluc fans lol) I did, however, find it odd that they didn't have the names of each roommate shown on screen
I enjoyed that trailer. My criteria for my enjoyment of the trailer basically came down to it being better to San Diego's and St. Thomas and I definitely think it was. Jordan was much more interesting than I thought he'd be. With Twitter and now this, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like Nia. I fear she'll be as annoying a "hurricane" as Frank was. But then again, Frank did bring the drama.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;334212] lol I don't know how people are saying this trailer is "okay" or a "let down". Usually, the "This season, on the real world" one is much better, but I think this is very good - especially compared to the last 2. It's already getting buzz on twitter (Mainly from Bad Girls Cluc fans lol) I did, however, find it odd that they didn't have the names of each roommate shown on screen[/QUOTE] People are saying it's "okay" or a "let down" because at the end of the day everyone has different expectations of what they expect from the trailer. Anyway, I have high hopes for this season and glad to see it already getting buzz. We're off to a pretty good start.
For those of you who can't view the video because it's only available in the states -_- here you go!!! :D [url=]The Real World: Portland Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube[/url]
[QUOTE=Legend;334215] With Twitter and now this, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like Nia. I fear she'll be as annoying a "hurricane" as Frank was. But then again, Frank did bring the drama.[/QUOTE] Yeah Frank did bring the drama, but it was all "Him in the spotlight" drama which seemed pretty fake which turned many viewers down. He was really the only one who created drama that season and the other people were just not so interesting. This seaons however it's much different I think. Just judging by the trailer, every person in this season has more or less interesting vibe in it which is definitely better than on SD2. The Real World should not be just a one man show.
[QUOTE=KevinW;334216]People are saying it's "okay" or a "let down" because at the end of the day everyone has different expectations of what they expect from the trailer. [/QUOTE] I understand different strokes, I just can't imagine what else you would want to see.. This trailer had it all. It's not The Bad Girls Club after all. [QUOTE=Legend;334215] Jordan was much more interesting than I thought he'd be. [/QUOTE] Same. I was expecting more Jessica, though. [SPOILER]Nia hit multiple people and got fired from her job, but she still wasn't sent home? That's odd[/SPOILER]
They should've shown more of the last 15 seconds and less of the hookup stuff.
Jesus ******, Nia is a beast. [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;334227]Jesus ******, Nia is a beast.[/QUOTE] Haha, damn, that's crazy when you have a still image of it. That episode's got to be crazy. It'll be interesting to see how Johnny reacts.
The trailer looks awesome! I'm even more excited now!
I already have a deep hate for Nia. I hope she gets sent home and is not asked for a challenge. Female Frank. Yuck. And I love love love Ana. Joi looks fun and Averey seems sweet. Jordan looks pyscho, Johnny looks like a player. Marlon and Jessica made no impression on me.
There's a lot of fighting this season, too. Including girl-guy tensions. I wonder if the producers eased their rules on these altercations because I don't think Nia goes home.
[QUOTE=Lola88;334231]I already have a deep hate for Nia.[/QUOTE] I dont want to have early judgments here, but she calls herself the one that is gonna save the real world, hurricane Nia, bad ***. I dont like these types of people.
I feel this season is gonna save Real World.
[QUOTE=GDInstall;334233]I dont want to have early judgments here, but she calls herself the one that is gonna save the real world, hurricane Nia, bad ***. I dont like these types of people.[/QUOTE] I don't either and if this is the type of person it takes to save the real world, I may just stop watching once she makes her presence on the show.
You're not gonna stop watching though..
