Doctor Who

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What! It was K-9 all along! ;)
OOO!! So excited! Only a few weeks away!
[QUOTE=tatertots;290208]OOO!! So excited! Only a few weeks away![/QUOTE] It sucks that I will have to kick everyone out on Christmas eve to watch this...
[url=****************************************************************][img]************************************************[/img][/url] [url=**********************************************************************************]Doctor Who: Jenna-Louise Coleman to be new companion[/url]
I guess she makes her first appearance in the next Christmas episode, so looks like we will have some form of River/Amy/Rory for the first half. Only a bajillion more months until the next series starts...
The Doctor needs his cowboy hat back if they are gonna do a western episode!
The Doctor meets Mal: [url=****************************************************************][img]****************************************cb09.jpg[/img][/url]
Anonymous's picture
You should change your name to Dalek (BTW heard they really loaded the press up with Dr. Who junk at comicon, so maybe you should figure out a way to join the TCA based on Vevmo) [URL="*********************************************************************;][IMG]****************************************006b338.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Ironsides[/B] [url=****************************************************************][img]************************************************[/img][/url][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[url=*********************************************************************]At Long Last, Here It Is: The Series 7 Trailer[/url]
[url=*************************************************************************************]"The Snowmen" will air on BBC America in the U.S. on Christmas.[/url] [url=****************************************************************][img]************************************************[/img][/url] [url=****************************************************************][img]************************************************[/img][/url]
I've joined the Doctor Who universe this past weekend. I will continue and hopefully be caught up by the end of Christmas. Ideally I can catch up before the Christmas special...but with my horribly busy schedule, I doubt it. I am loving it though.
Love love love Dr. Who! Couldn't sleep the other night and ended up watching until like 5am.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;327503]I've joined the Doctor Who universe this past weekend. I will continue and hopefully be caught up by the end of Christmas. Ideally I can catch up before the Christmas special...but with my horribly busy schedule, I doubt it. I am loving it though.[/QUOTE] Congratulations! You are officially a Whovian. Just so you know, there is no such thing as a casual Doctor Who fan. When you fall, you fall hard! :D Although this might be a bit much... [CENTER] [url=****************************************************************][img]************************************************[/img][/url] [url=****************************************************************][img]************************************************[/img][/url] [url=****************************************************************][img]************************************************[/img][/url] [url=****************************************************************][img]************************************************[/img][/url][/CENTER] of my great friends was the Doctor for Halloween. :)
So I'm finally on Season 2 and I must say, I love David Tennant.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;330160]So I'm finally on Season 2 and I must say, I love David Tennant.[/QUOTE] While "The Parting of the Ways" with Christopher Eccleston and John Barrowman will always be one of my favorites, series 2 (of the reboot) with David Tennant is where things really start to take off. After watching all his episodes, you'll probably be apprehensive about another future incarnation of the Doctor (I thought I could never love another Doctor again, lol) but Matt Smith is absolutely amazing in his own way. BTW: You might be interested in watching Torchwood when you get to season 3 as there are some overlapping story arcs. [SIZE="5"][B]Recommended viewing order:[/B] [/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"]Doctor Who 1.1 - Rose Doctor Who 1.2 - The End of the World Doctor Who 1.3 - The Unquiet Dead Doctor Who 1.4 - Aliens of London Doctor Who 1.5 - World War Three Doctor Who 1.6 - Dalek Doctor Who 1.7 - The Long Game Doctor Who 1.8 - Father's Day Doctor Who 1.9 - The Empty Child Doctor Who 1.10 - The Doctor Dances Doctor Who 1.11 - Boom Town Doctor Who 1.12 - Bad Wolf Doctor Who 1.13 - The Parting of the Ways Doctor Who: Children in Need (2005) [This is a short clip produced for a charity event that helps bridge the gap between 1.13 and 2.X] Doctor Who 2.X - The Christmas Invasion Doctor Who 2.1 - New Earth Doctor Who 2.2 - Tooth and Claw Doctor Who 2.3 - School Reunion Doctor Who 2.4 - The Girl in the Fireplace Doctor Who 2.5 - Rise of the Cybermen Doctor Who 2.6 - The Age of Steel Doctor Who 2.7 - The Idiot's Lantern Doctor Who 2.8 - The Impossible Planet Doctor Who 2.9 - The Satan Pit Doctor Who 2.10 - Love & Monsters Doctor Who 2.11 - Fear Her Doctor Who 2.12 - Army of Ghosts Doctor Who 2.13 - Doomsday Doctor Who 3.X - The Runaway Bride Doctor Who 3.1 - Smith and Jones Doctor Who 3.2 - The Shakespeare Code [COLOR="Red"][B]Torchwood 1.1 - Everything Changes[/B][/COLOR] Torchwood 1.2 - Day One Torchwood 1.3 - The Ghost Machine Torchwood 1.4 - Cyberwoman Doctor Who 3.3 - Gridlock Doctor Who 3.4 - Daleks in Manhattan Doctor Who 3.5 - Evolution of the Daleks Torchwood 1.5 - Small Worlds Torchwood 1.6 - Countrycide Torchwood 1.7 - Greeks Bearing Gifts Torchwood 1.8 - They Keep Killing Suzie Torchwood 1.9 - Random Shoes Doctor Who 3.6 - The Lazarus Experiment Doctor Who 3.7 - 42 Doctor Who - The Infinite Quest [Episode-length animated Doctor/Martha feature] Doctor Who 3.8 - Human Nature Doctor Who 3.9 - The Family of Blood Doctor Who 3.10 - Blink Torchwood 1.10 - Out of Time Torchwood 1.11 - Combat Torchwood 1.12 - Captain Jack Harkness Torchwood 1.13 - End of Days Doctor Who 3.11 - Utopia Doctor Who 3.12 - The Sound of Drums Doctor Who 3.13 - Last of the Time Lords Doctor Who - Time Crash [Another short charity special] Doctor Who 4.X - Voyage of the ****** Torchwood 2.1 - Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Torchwood 2.2 - Sleeper Torchwood 2.3 - To the Last Man Doctor Who 4.1 - Partners in Crime Doctor Who 4.2 - The Fires of Pompeii Doctor Who 4.3 - Planet of the Ood Torchwood 2.4 - Meat Torchwood 2.5 - Adam Torchwood 2.6 - Reset Torchwood 2.7 - Dead Man Walking Torchwood 2.8 - A Day in the Death Doctor Who 4.4 - The Sontaran Stratagem Doctor Who 4.5 - The Poison Sky Doctor Who 4.6 - The Doctor's Daughter Torchwood 2.9 - Something Borrowed Torchwood 2.10 - From Out of the Rain Torchwood 2.11 - Adrift Doctor Who 4.7 - The Unicorn and the Wasp Doctor Who 4.8 - Silence in the Library Doctor Who 4.9 - Forest of the Dead Doctor Who 4.10 - Midnight Torchwood 2.12 - Fragments Torchwood 2.13 - Exit Wounds Doctor Who 4.11 - Turn Left Doctor Who 4.12 - The Stolen Earth Doctor Who 4.13 - Journey's End Torchwood: Children of Earth 3.1 - Day 1 Torchwood: Children of Earth 3.2 - Day 2 Torchwood: Children of Earth 3.3 - Day 3 Torchwood: Children of Earth 3.4 - Day 4 Torchwood: Children of Earth 3.5 - Day 5 Doctor Who - The Next Doctor Doctor Who - Planet of the Dead Doctor Who - The Waters of Mars Doctor Who - Dreamland [Episode-length animated special] Doctor Who - The End of Time Part I Doctor Who - The End of Time Part II Doctor Who 5.1 - The Eleventh Hour Doctor Who 5.2 - The Beast Below Doctor Who 5.3 - Victory of the Daleks Doctor Who 5.4 - The Time of Angels Doctor Who 5.5 - Flesh and Stone Doctor Who 5.6 - The Vampires of Venice Doctor Who 5.7 - Amy's Choice Doctor Who 5.8 - The Hungry Earth Doctor Who 5.9 - Cold Blood Doctor Who 5.10 - Vincent and the Doctor Doctor Who 5.11 - The Lodger Doctor Who 5.12 - The Pandorica Opens Doctor Who 5.13 - The Big Bang Doctor Who 6.X - A Christmas Carol Doctor Who Space [short charity special] Doctor Who Time [short charity special] Doctor Who 6.1 - The Impossible Astronaut Doctor Who 6.2 - Day of the Moon Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.1 - The New World Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.2 - Rendition Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.3 - Dead of Night Doctor Who 6.3 - The Curse of the Black Spot Doctor Who 6.4 - The Doctor's Wife Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.4 - Escape to L.A. Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.5 - The Categories of Life Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.6 - The Middle Men Doctor Who 6.5 - The Rebel Flesh Doctor Who 6.6 - The Almost People Doctor Who 6.7 - A Good Man Goes to War Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.7 - Immortal Sins Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.8 - End of the Road Doctor Who 6.8 - Let's Kill Hitler Doctor Who 6.9 - Night Terrors Doctor Who 6.10 - The Girl Who Waited Doctor Who 6.11 - The God Complex Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.9 - The Gathering Torchwood: Miracle Day 4.10 - The Blood Line Doctor Who 6.12 - Closing Time Doctor Who 6.13 - The Wedding of River Song Doctor Who 7.X - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe[/FONT][/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;330161]While "The Parting of the Ways" with Christopher Eccleston and John Barrowman will always be one of my favorites, series 2 (of the reboot) with David Tennant is where things really start to take off. After watching all his episodes, you'll probably be apprehensive about another future incarnation of the Doctor (I thought I could never love another Doctor again, lol) but Matt Smith is absolutely amazing in his own way. BTW: You might be interested in watching Torchwood when you get to season 3 as there are some overlapping story arcs. [/QUOTE] So far "The Parting of the Ways" has been my favorite episode and Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor was very good, but there's something about Tennant that makes me like him more. I can't put my finger on it. And I've only heard great things about Matt Smith as well. But I will definitely give Torchwood a shot and view it in the order that you gave me!
This makes me so happy. Doctor Who for everyone!
I'm about to start Season 5 of Doctor Who and I'm already upset that David Tennant isn't the Doctor anymore :(
[QUOTE=fabulous788;331611]I'm about to start Season 5 of Doctor Who and I'm already upset that David Tennant isn't the Doctor anymore :([/QUOTE] I watched The End of Time Part II again this week. The last couple minutes always get me... [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][url=****************************************************************][img]************************************************[/img][/url] I Don't want to go.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Don't worry Fab, the 11th Doctor doesn't disappoint. He's just different. In my opinion, as much as I love David Tennant, Moffatt and Matt Smith escalate the series to a new level. It just takes a few episodes to get into the new feel. BTW: What were your favorite Tennant episodes? I watch Blink, Silence of the Library and Forrest of the Dead every time they are on BBC America. All Amazing episodes. And, have you been watching Torchwood at all?
[QUOTE=Bacchus;331621]BTW: What were your favorite Tennant episodes? I watch Blink, Silence of the Library and Forrest of the Dead every time they are on BBC America. All Amazing episodes. And, have you been watching Torchwood at all?[/QUOTE] Blink and Silence of the Library/Forest of the Dead are definitely two of my favorite because they are so memorable. But I also really liked The Girl in the Fireplace and The Shakespeare Code. And I started Torchwood, but I stopped so I could just continue on to Doctor Who. I'm going to definitely go back to it though.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;331626]Blink and Silence of the Library/Forest of the Dead are definitely two of my favorite because they are so memorable. But I also really liked The Girl in the Fireplace and The Shakespeare Code. And I started Torchwood, but I stopped so I could just continue on to Doctor Who. I'm going to definitely go back to it though.[/QUOTE] If you like those you will probably really enjoy the Moffat era since he is the writer of all of those episodes! ;) I think I am the lone Christopher Eccleston fan. He just brought everything I think the Doctor should be and I'm so sad he only had one season. I don't think I really appreciated him until recently. I was so new to the series, more focused on powering through and catching up and didn't really know what to expect. But looking back he was simply FANTASTIC! haha
[url=**************************************************************************************************]BBC America heads back in the TARDIS to bring classic Doctor Who to America[/url] [url=****************************************************************][img]****************************************888c.jpg[/img][/url] [url=*********************************************************]'Doctor Who' to return on March 30[/url]
New Doctor Who Series 7.2 trailer! March 30th is coming up fast! [url=****************************************************************]'Doctor Who' trailer exclusive[/url]
[QUOTE=tatertots;336248]New Doctor Who Series 7.2 trailer! March 30th is coming up fast![/QUOTE] I've been filling my time watching reruns! Here is a prequel to the upcoming series: [video=youtube_share;2IROtC6cAT4]***************************[/video]
Less than a week!
[QUOTE=fabulous788;337222]Less than a week![/QUOTE] Are you all caught up?
