The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons - Honey, I'm Homeless

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So there was truth to what Danni from BGC said about Jonna being homeless..
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;326146]We heard you the first time Camille.[/QUOTE] Except I didnt repeat myself. There's really no need to be rude.
"I'm not Jonna, I have a gag reflex" This may be my new favorite challenge quote of all time.
I don't know whats wrong with my humor. Maybe its a sign of me getting old. But i lost it when i read the tag "Fear Factor"
[QUOTE=Camille;326149]Except I didnt repeat myself. There's really no need to be rude.[/QUOTE] I wasn't being rude I'm just saying you mentioned her being homeless and not having a family twice.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;326152]I wasn't being rude I'm just saying you mentioned her being homeless and not having a family twice.[/QUOTE] Come on now
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;326144]I second this. Does she even remember this?[/QUOTE] So we are fighting about the X Factor but agree about this. Haha funny how that works.
Jonna is one of my favorite challengers, along with Emily s. her story makes me sad :( haha
I'm impressed they ate 49
This title makes sense and it's such a spoiler/trolling title haha.
Notice how the female assistant's name keeps changing
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;326156]Jonna is one of my favorite challengers, along with Emily s. [B]her story makes me sad[/B] :( haha[/QUOTE] What story?
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;326152]I wasn't being rude I'm just saying you mentioned her being homeless and not having a family twice.[/QUOTE] Oh well fair enough if you weren't being rude. I only mentioned her being homeless and not having a family once though. And in the context of commending her for being honest and open on tv. The first time I just said she's a heartbreaker and had a rough life. But whatever, it's stupid to argue about. lol at Jaz's quote!
[QUOTE=torstar;326155]So we are fighting about the X Factor but agree about this. Haha funny how that works.[/QUOTE] True. But its the internet. It has it's up and downs, lol.
I feel like Jonna just has the worst luck..
[QUOTE=Camille;326161]Oh well fair enough if you weren't being rude. I only mentioned her being homeless and not having a family once though. And in the context of commending her for being honest and open on tv. The first time I just said she's a heartbreaker and had a rough life. But whatever, it's stupid to argue about. lol at Jaz's quote![/QUOTE] No hard feelings then.
I really think Sarah would have killed JD if he threw up there
Jd: We can swallowwwww
Wait I am confused how did San Diego get into the loser's round?
[QUOTE=kvm1977;326165]I really think Sarah would have killed JD if he threw up there[/QUOTE] Hey so.....Whats going on in episode 8 right now? I'm the west coast so it isn't on yet.
TJ is awesome in this.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;326159]Notice how the female assistant's name keeps changing[/QUOTE] Good one. And Kym, that was funny when she told him to hold that **** down. God, i love Sarah.
lol. Vegas only putting 1. 18 peppers Robb and Marie?
lmao is TJ changing her name each time?
Trishelle must have had some bad Inferno 1 memories and said "OH HELL NO" when she saw chilis
Marie is a beast.
[QUOTE=torstar;326167]Wait I am confused how did San Diego get into the loser's round?[/QUOTE] If you win a round you eliminate another team
[QUOTE=El Scorcho;326168]Hey so.....Whats going on in episode 8 right now? I'm the west coast so it isn't on yet.[/QUOTE] The Hunger Games challenge is today. However just keep reading from page one and you'll get the gist.
I love Robbarie! Guess Marie wasn't lying about peppers being her thing. She is Italian.
So happy that Brooklyn and St. Thomas are battling it out for the power team!
