Movies: Generic Thread

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Someone is getting fired...
[QUOTE=fabulous788;323618]Someone is getting fired...[/QUOTE] Not really. It seems to be a minor mistake.
[url=]Disney buys Lucasfilm, new Star Wars movie in 2015 [/url] Dream director wish list for Episode VII: JJ Abrams (Star Trek) James Cameron (Avatar) Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight) Ridley Scott (Blade Runner) Stephen Spielberg (ET) Joss Whedon (The Avengers) [url=][img][/img][/url]
Disney? really? They ruin everything.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;324601]Disney? really? They ruin everything.[/QUOTE] It can't be worse than the prequels! The best thing that could have ever happened to this franchise was Lucas selling. Here was his last quote about doing a sequel, "Why would I make any more, when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?"
[QUOTE=Bacchus;324600][url=]Disney buys Lucasfilm, new Star Wars movie in 2015 [/url] Dream director wish list for Episode VII: JJ Abrams (Star Trek) James Cameron (Avatar) [B]Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight)[/B] Ridley Scott (Blade Runner) Stephen Spielberg (ET) Joss Whedon (The Avengers) [/QUOTE] My vote is for Chris Nolan. He can cast Ryan Gosling as a young Han Solo and my life will be complete.
[QUOTE=Bella;324619]My vote is for Chris Nolan. He can cast Ryan Gosling as a young Han Solo and my life will be complete.[/QUOTE] Episode seven is set for way Han's time.
Christopher Nolan is my all time favorite director and it's not for how he did Batman...I loved The Prestige, Memento, and Inception way more. So my vote goes to him :D
X-Men First Class Sequel!!! Yesss!!!! All I need is Bryan Singer to cast James Franco as Gambit and I would be so happy , Kinda wish they got the original First Class director because First Class was flawless. [URL=""][url][/url][/URL]
[QUOTE=Npresh24;324625]X-Men First Class Sequel!!! Yesss!!!! All I need is Bryan Singer to cast James Franco as Gambit and I would be so happy , Kinda wish they got the original First Class director because First Class was flawless. [URL=""][URL=""][URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/QUOTE] Sure, except for the whole messing up of Shaw's powers and him dying like a ***** because Xavier had an extreme lapse of character. Ruined the movie for me. SW7: - No! (but they'll do it anyways) - Won't be a movie for those of us who loved Eps 1-3. This franchise is now for the teenie boppers who worship the prequels. - Noone will ever again catch the lightning in a bottle that was Eps 1-3, so why try? - Should be set during a timeline that doesn't involve the original characters, because anyone stepping into those shoes is instantly discredited. Do we really want a new SW movie with ******* Zac Efron as Luke? - Director doesn't matter. This movie has a chance to inflict considerable damage to the franchise and the careers of anyone who participates. I'd stay away if I was a big name director. - Lucas has ruined his legacy with this move. If the movie is a huge success (probable due to sheep mentality), smart people will remember how he ruined Eps 1-3. If it flops, he'll take the lions share of the blame since he's been hired as an advisor for 7, and he set the course with Eps 1-3. Lose-lose for him.
[QUOTE=Aereas;324645] - Won't be a movie for those of us who loved Eps 1-3. This franchise is now for the teenie boppers who worship the prequels[/QUOTE] [url=][img][/img][/url] Personally, I think if they do a clean reboot with a gritty Empire feel even us old timers are going to want to go see it. JJ Abrams brought me back to Star Trek. Christopher Nolan brought me back to Batman. I think there is a way to bring the super fans back to Star Wars if done right.
r3iKo, why do you have to be such a pessimist? ;) This is much cooler: [url=][img][/img][/url]
I'm going to speculate that Eps 7-9 would probably be the Thrawn Trilogy, which would be amazing if they were done with TLC.
You got me B! [QUOTE=Aereas;324661]I'm going to speculate that Eps 7-9 would probably be the Thrawn Trilogy, which would be amazing if they were done with TLC.[/QUOTE] It will not be based on the Thrawn Trilogy. It will be an "original story". [url=]'Star Wars' Rumors: 'Episode VII' Speculation Already Burning Up Internet[/url]
One movie that I kinda want to see is Magic Mike.
Then do it! It was hot.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;324769]One movie that I kinda want to see is Magic Mike.[/QUOTE] I've seen it 493 times. Also, I own the DVD. Wanna borrow it?
[QUOTE=r3iKo;324621]Episode seven is set for way Han's time.[/QUOTE] I wasn't even paying attention to the VII. I was assuming there would be more prequels. (I've still not seen the first 3.) So.. I'd like to amend my suggestion. He should cast Ryan Gosling as a Solo offspring. Han has a bunch of sons right?
I watched Slumdog Millionaire for the first time in my cinema class the other day. I've very upset with myself that I'm just now seeing it for the first time. Amazing film and [B]EVERYONE[/B] should see it.
[URL=""]New World War Z trailer looks like 2012 with zombies[/URL]
Anonymous's picture
I love a good (hell, even a bad!) zombie movie! I'll totally see this.
I'm more excited for Hitchcock than anything!!!
[QUOTE=fabulous788;325684]I'm more excited for Hitchcock than anything!!! [/QUOTE] It is definitively something I would be interested in as well.
Both movies look very good.
Anybody familiar with Ti West? I love his take on horror movies, very refreshing and awesome! Check out House of the Devil and the Innkeepers, his style certainly doesn't please the masses. ;)
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;325661]I watched Slumdog Millionaire for the first time in my cinema class the other day. I've very upset with myself that I'm just now seeing it for the first time. Amazing film and [B]EVERYONE[/B] should see it.[/QUOTE] Yeah I loved SM. And Dev from UK!Skins was the lead, IIRC [QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;325681]I love a good (hell, even a bad!) zombie movie! I'll totally see this.[/QUOTE] I'll pass. The best one was Dawn of the Dead and before that both Night of the Living Dead movies. [QUOTE=fabulous788;325684]I'm more excited for Hitchcock than anything!!![/QUOTE] A Hitchcock autobiography? Pass as well. Watch it be PG-13.
[url=]Is there any scrap of New Zealand left not plastered with Hobbit advertising?[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;325681]I love a good (hell, even a bad!) zombie movie! I'll totally see this.[/QUOTE] Then you should check this out... [url=]Warm Bodies Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Zombie Movie HD - YouTube[/url]
