It annoyed me how Jonna came up to Sam and told her that she knows how he is and how she needs to shut the f up. Excuse me Jonna... but um, doesn't Sam know Frank more than you do? Butt out and let his teammates handle him.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;319416]It annoyed me how Jonna came up to Sam and told her that she knows how he is and how she needs to shut the f up. Excuse me Jonna... but um, doesn't Sam know Frank more than you do? Butt out and let his teammates handle him.[/QUOTE]
Jonna was right--Sam knows better. How is that annoying?
[QUOTE=kvm1977;319417]Jonna was right--Sam knows better. How is that annoying?[/QUOTE]
Well, I know that, it's obvious.
But Jonna came off little too strong for me.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;319423]Well, I know that, it's obvious.
But Jonna came off little too strong for me.[/QUOTE]
I guess. Jonna was just trying to defuse a volatile situation. Sam has to know better. I was far more annoyed with Sam than Jonna. Most annoyed with Frank. Can't stand Frank. I now know why people that watched his season had few good things to say about him
[QUOTE=Calinks;319439]I don't think the Fresh Meat team is as bad as everyone claims. They are middle of the pack with Camila being the best of the bunch.[/QUOTE]
The problem is that as far as we know, the majority of the team was not preparing to do the show. Cara Maria was training for some other thing (or at least I think she was), but the other 3 probably weren't. Eric may have lost weight, but I doubt he's in shape and Brandon's stamina doesn't seem to be all that great either, especially if he didn't train for the show.
[QUOTE=arilicious;319425]Do you have any idea why the Sydney cast left?[/QUOTE]
I wish Sydney was on this season, that would be fun to watch. Seeing Issac and KellyAnne back! They should have asked Trisha and Parisa to be on a team together, that would be fun to watch haha
And it's no surprise Jonna went with Zach. She doesn't go a day without closing her legs :P
[QUOTE=Calinks;319439]I don't think the Fresh Meat team is as bad as everyone claims. They are middle of the pack with Camila being the best of the bunch.[/QUOTE]
Camila & Brandon probably would have been better off if Eric & Cara Maria lost. I'd like to see Eric do well but he's just a liability at this point--maybe that will change. I'd agree they're in the middle of the pack. Las Vegas, SD2 & Cancun are the only solid teams IMO at this point in time.
Interesting start! I thought I'd like Jemmye(sp?) until she opened her mouth. She looked a little like Parvati Shallow in the introduction on the teams.
I felt so bad for Eric when he fell. He's done so much to improve his health and for that I'm proud of him, and the Eric Train ringing the bell with Wes's head was incredible! I didn't even catch that he did that until someone mentioned it in the confessional!
Speaking of Wes, I liked that moment at the end with Lacey. You rarely see that side of him... so I know not to get used to it lol!
The mission looked okay until Frank mentioned how his legs felt wobbly, then I realized mine would have locked up had I stood up on that thing. That, and the fact that the beams could tilt if weight wasn't distributed correctly looked rather unsettling.
Jonna's comment about how she "finally" got to kiss Zach was just depressing. They've been there like a week at that point right? Yeah, she waited FOREVER! :| I'm hoping that was a convenient edit. It was also funny that Jasmine approved of the relationship solely for the alliance sake. I just can't fathom her [Jasmine] being the calm, collective reasonable advice giver she was this episode, however I don't watch her that much. She's acting rather calm right now. Zach sweating all over a pinned Frank was rather awkward, Frank was getting soaked!
Other than that, my line of the night would have to be from Lacey: "Your dog understands you." as she sat innocently at the end of Wes's bed lol!
[QUOTE=keviie;319482]Why wasn't it called Battle of the Season 2?[/QUOTE]
That's the same as asking why they didn't call the 'Back To' seasons "Back to New Orleans, Back to Las Vegas, Back to San Diego" and they just acted like the original ones never existed.
Casual viewers of the show won't know the difference, but it sure annoys the diehard fans like me, lol.
[QUOTE=arilicious;319487]That's the same as asking why they didn't call the 'Back To' seasons "Back to New Orleans, Back to Las Vegas, Back to San Diego" and they just acted like the original ones never existed.
Casual viewers of the show won't know the difference, but it sure annoys the diehard fans like me, lol.[/QUOTE]
What's funny is that when they're showing the types of elimination rounds, you can definitely see "B2 New Orleans".
[QUOTE=molds13;319491]What's funny is that when they're showing the types of elimination rounds, you can definitely see "B2 New Orleans".[/QUOTE]
Or how TJ referred to San Diego as "Back to San Diego"
In the promo on the St. Thomas reunion, they had in a caption box at the bottom saying "Battle of the Seasons 2, premieres .....".
MTV has no idea what they are doing. I'm surprised they don't still refer to it as The RWRR Challenge, every now and again too.
Also, me just being extra pedantic but for the past 3 months its been "The Real World: St. Thomas" then they get to the Challenge and it's suddenly "The Real World: Saint Thomas".
Just wanted to point out that I think (from little that I've seen) Jemmye, McKenzie and Devyn have great bodies for not being athletic as they say or trained for this challenge. Dev looked better up on that beam than Sarah to me, haha.
I loved Lacey on this challenge I hope she comes back. Her one liners were hilarious, she brings comedy to the challenge in my opinion - not as great as Coral's, but they're good.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;319460]Camila & Brandon probably would have been better off if Eric & Cara Maria lost. I'd like to see Eric do well but he's just a liability at this point--maybe that will change. I'd agree they're in the middle of the pack. Las Vegas, SD2 & Cancun are the only solid teams IMO at this point in time.[/QUOTE]
They really aren't that bad. It's just the fact that they have Eric which ruins everything.
Individually, Brandon is better than Derek. He threw him around like a rag doll 5-0 on Cutthroat.
Cara Maria and Camila are both way more athletic than Jonna and Jasmine and are more proven as competitors than every single girl there except for maybe Sarah. Cara and Camila are probably the strongest girl pair there and could take any of those girls in anything athletically inclined.
The three individually are very solid, especially the girls, but there isn't much they can do with Eric.
[B]1)[/B] Camila, even though she won Exes, I still don't see why people find her that great. The main reason she and Johnny did so well together was because they didn't have much tension between them, in fact they were still hooking up on when they were on the show. The other teams in the final had tension between them so it was harder to work together.
[B]2)[/B] In the elimination round and that Eric just won, that was obviously cause of weight. Not about athletic ability, but really about weight. If it had been more an endurance comp, it would've been wayy harder for Eric to win.[/QUOTE]
1) She might not be the best, but on this challenge, she obviously is the strongest girl. And on Exes final she and Johnny didn't win because of tension between CT & Diem, but because CT gassed out.
2) Hence, their elimination round was in the category "strength" and not "endurance" when the arena game was chosen.
I think Jonna may not be the strongest girl but she has brains. I watched her on Endurance and there was lots of puzzle solving! She beat Sarah in a puzzle, and we know a lot of people have lost finals and elimination rounds because of puzzles.
[QUOTE=keviie;319576]I think Jonna may not be the strongest girl but she has brains. I watched her on Endurance and there was lots of puzzle solving! She beat Sarah in a puzzle, and we know a lot of people have lost finals and elimination rounds because of puzzles.[/QUOTE]
As good as Sarah is at puzzles, I don't think I've seen her complete a puzzle since she's been on the challenge. That elimination and the final for The Ruins come to mind. Pressure could play a factor though.
Camila has proven herself, maybe on Rivals not that much, but in Exes she did, yes she made it to the finals because of Johnny, but she did great in the challenges when she had to compete by herself.
[QUOTE=dorkyydaniel;319584]In the begining of the ruins final she completed the jigsaw puzzle way before the champion team. Puzzle prodigy Susie was on that team and took her a while to complete it.[/QUOTE]
I like Sarah and have defended her a lot but that was an easy puzzle. Anyone could do it. Susie was busy "resting" while the guys did it. I mean, my 2 year old could finish that puzzle.
Sarah's failed at two "puzzles"--the final puzzle during the Ruins and the elimination round to Jonna in Rivals.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;319599]I like Sarah and have defended her a lot but that was an easy puzzle. Anyone could do it. Susie was busy "resting" while the guys did it. I mean, my 2 year old could finish that puzzle.
Sarah's failed at two "puzzles"--the final puzzle during the Ruins and the elimination round to Jonna in Rivals.[/QUOTE]
...Evan will tell you himself that he and Susie did it while the rest of the guys sat back and watched.
I don't think there's a "strongest female competitor". Camila's in the mix but to suggest she's "obviously" the strongest doesn't make much sense to me. I think a lot of these women could beat Camila--she could also beat them as well. I'd take Jonna over Camila every single time though. Hopefully they go H2H at some point this season so we can see.
The true "strongest female competitors" aren't here. This is a "free for all" and makes things interesting.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;319601]...Evan will tell you himself that he and Susie did it while the rest of the guys sat back and watched[/QUOTE]
The second puzzle with the numbers 1 thru 10 and you had to jump 2 blocks until you only had 5 left was done by Susie & Evan. The first puzzle (the one referenced earlier) was a simple jigsaw puzzle. Susie was sitting drinking water. Trying to give anyone credit for that kind of puzzle doesn't make sense. Sarah failed to complete the real puzzle.
As I have said before. Camila is top 5 active female. It's not just about strength or any one category but a combination of attributes. Camils is strong, she is decetly athletic, and more than anything, she is mentally tough. That alone means very, very much, espeically amongst the females on these shows who so often have little fight in them. Camilia will go after you hard. She doesn't Her biggest weakness in my eyes is her social/political game. When it comes to pure challenges, she's your girl Friday.
As far as Eric is concerned, yes, he can hurt you in many areas. At the same time, he isn't as useless as many thing. Something that requires strength or power in a condensed amount of time he will excel at. He also has a major chip on his shoulder and a strong will. Again, that will can propel over the weaker willed men in the competition. Eric has some oppurtunties to come up big for his team still. Where you really got to worry is situation where you will need to have a lot of endurance.
I think Jonna and Jasmine make a great pair. Their size is a disadvantage in many ways but they got chemistry and know how to move.