Big Brother 14: Spoilers (Live Feeds)

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Boogie is up there trying to convince them to get Janie out. The guy is good, in a very bad way.
He is good, but I really don't think he can get it done. Britt just convinced Shane and Danielle that it's a good idea to leave noms the same (which it is). It leaves janelle and boogie going after one another. The only person janelle would go after other than Boogie is Shane. If that happens Danielle is in a better position because she has Dan going before her every single time. I'm going to make my prediction and say if a coach wins this game it will be Dan and if a new person wins it will be Danielle.
Danielle just said she is done with wavering. She made her decision and she is NOT using the veto.
Blah, I feel like no matter what happens Dan is winning this game. I was hoping Janelle would leave this week, too bad.
Dan is probably one of the only people I wouldn't mind seeing win this game twice. Well, him and Dr. Will.
[QUOTE=DScott;313888]Blah, I feel like no matter what happens Dan is winning this game. I was hoping Janelle would leave this week, too bad.[/QUOTE] I don't think there's a chance in hell that Dan wins the game--JMO. But Dan's overcome worse odds in the past
[QUOTE=RMD1;313889]Dan is probably one of the only people I wouldn't mind seeing win this game twice. Well, him and Dr. Will.[/QUOTE] I was never a Dan fan, but I wouldn't hate him winning twice. Of course I'd [b] love [/b] to see my darling Rachel win again, if only to **** of Dani Donato.
I am so relieved that Janelle is not going up this week, I am hoping she wins this time around.
Yeah I don't mind Dan winning, he is my favorite player.
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;313899]I am so relieved that Janelle is not going up this week, I am hoping she wins this time around.[/QUOTE] I think I like Janelle less and less every time that she's on She's playing a poor game this year IMO but her sticking around for a few more weeks (at least) will make the game interesting.
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;313899]I am so relieved that Janelle is not going up this week, I am hoping she wins this time around.[/QUOTE] Don't be so certain. There's still a chance she could go with the way this house flips so often.
Dan is now for Jani going up. This game is CRAZY. Jabelle will be going up and home on Thursday.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;313904]Don't be so certain. There's still a chance she could go with the way this house flips so often.[/QUOTE] And it looks like Boogie did flip the house again. Janelle dug her own grave tonight IMO--if I was Brit or Dan after the coaches meeting tonight I'd be sending her home.
I'm not watching this season and must admit that from reading this thread I have absolutely no idea what is going on. If feels like all of you are regularly visiting the Diary Room and I'm locked out. :)
Janie is absolutely leaving. No way around it. Ugh.
If/when Janelle goes up it will be a mistake. Leaving Frank AND Boogie in there.....she's gonna regret this. And why is everyone so threatened by Janelle?!?
[QUOTE=kvm1977;313913]And it looks like Boogie did flip the house again. Janelle dug her own grave tonight IMO--if I was Brit or Dan after the coaches meeting tonight I'd be sending her home.[/QUOTE] Janelle didnt dig her own grave, Britney and Danielle are scared of her and Dan is scared to go against anybody. I used to think Dan was a mastermind at this game but I've come to realize that he hides behind others game moves and doesnt have a backbone to make his own decisions. He is letting Danielle screw up his game right now. Frank and Boogie have no intention of keeping this lame Avenger alliance, but Janelle was serious when she said she had Dans back. Danielle is pretty pathetic and is playing the game like real life...personally and bitter towards any cute female in the house. This season is so lame I'm surprised it is even pulling the ratings that it is (which is down, rightfull).
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;313915]Janie is absolutely leaving. No way around it. Ugh.[/QUOTE] I hope Grodner gets into that DR and tells Danielle that Frank and Boogie called her fat.
Dr better work their magic. Send Janelle up there! Something
I really hope this doesn't go down. I can't see the benefit of getting her out. Boogie threw like 2 Pov's and 1 HOH to Janelle on all stars. He is a bigger threat than she is especially with Frank who is a really great player IMO. If Shane or Danielle win this game I'm gonna go crazy lol.
I wish it wouldn't happen, but at this point there's really no chance that Janelle isn't going up. She's a goner.
Well if she goes up, it's only Monday. A lot can happen in a span of 3 days. Also at least if she goes, she goes back to her family and kid. She wont be holed up at some place for WEEKS waiting for the finale. Now that would suck immensely. And doesn't she get money for signing up anyway?
Janie is up. Danielle, who was bragging about how "brave" she is, is now crying to Janie about how sorry she is.
I'm the only one who does not find this to be a bad move at all. Take out Janelle this week, Boogie next week. Besides that, who is targeting Dan? He is so safe now and has multiple buffers for protection. Boogie does not want Dan out so even if he goes back on the 6 next week he would still be safe.
Taking out someone who wouldn't come after you at all is in no way a good move. Especially when Boogie sat up there and said that even if Frank goes home he would still go after Janelle. I'm really disappointed in Dan, he totally caved to Boogie.
What sense does it make to take out a player who wasnt after you AT ALL and who was kinda on your side? None at all. All Daniele is doing is helping other peoples game, not hers. One less player for Boogie and Frank to target. Dumb dumb move
For Danielle though and Shane even, who was Janelle coming after? I do not believe for a second she was nominating Wil or Ian or Jenn. It would be a waste of a week for her. Plus lets say they got rid of Frank. You lose Boogie as an ally. Basically, Dan chose Boogie over Janelle; no matter what he was losing one this week. I still see the final 4 as Dan, Shane , Brit and Danielle. I do not see anything stopping that.
Janelle is a great player and has been a big threat in the past, but this was a bad move for Danielle. She wasn't even on Janelle's radar as far as I know. I pray to god Britney & Shane wake up, and vote Frank out along with Wil (who Frank & Boogie already threatened for trying to get Frank out last week), Ashley and Dan. I think Janelle has a fighting chance. She needs to win Wil back though and really get Danielle to feel sorry for her. Possibly strike a deal with danielle/dan that despite what happened, she'll go after Boogie next week.
Janie wanted to go after Shane, and Danielle is obssesed with Shane, even though he clearly has no interest in her. Danielle is not a good player. Janelle would've put up Jenn and Shane, not Danielle.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;313917]Janelle didnt dig her own grave, Britney and Danielle are scared of her and Dan is scared to go against anybody. I used to think Dan was a mastermind at this game but I've come to realize that he hides behind others game moves and doesnt have a backbone to make his own decisions. He is letting Danielle screw up his game right now. Frank and Boogie have no intention of keeping this lame Avenger alliance, but Janelle was serious when she said she had Dans back. Danielle is pretty pathetic and is playing the game like real life...personally and bitter towards any cute female in the house. This season is so lame I'm surprised it is even pulling the ratings that it is (which is down, rightfull).[/QUOTE] I guessing you didn't watch things unfold. Dan was the one last night that changed his mind first and went to Danielle to get her to put up Janelle. Danielle said that's what she wanted to do in the first place and Dan talked her out of it. Then "the 4" met and Brit & Shane were on the fence about doing it but they brought in Ian and Ian wanted Janelle out first. So, they went with the majority. Janelle may have Dan's back (Brit's too) but she was definitely going after Shane & Danielle and she wasn't willing to lose any of her players. Boogie flat out said--then let's said Joe home this week instead of her or his top player and she just sat there--said nothing. Janelle wasn't loyal to the 4 at all and she made the clear. If Janelle won and Frank is out of the house who would she put up...Dani & Shane...Boogie & Shane. Either way it is someone from the group of 4--if not two. She wasn't going to put up Ian or Jenn and even Ian is now part of the group. This isn't a personal move--it is strategic. Boogie (who I hate with a passion) & Frank actually came across FAR BETTER last night than Janelle. Boogie turned down an alliance with the coaches because he said he refused to work with Janelle. Flat out. Boogie may turn on them but Janelle would have as well. Clearly you like Janelle (I do as well) but she's playing a horrible game this season and last night was as bad as her social game has been since S6. Janelle's a great competitor but her social game isn't good.
