Big Brother 14: Spoilers (Live Feeds)

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can't stand Joe. I'll be glad to see his *** gone although I also wouldn't mind seeing Frank backdoored...
If these house guests are smart they'll allign themselves with Shane this guy is clearly the best competitor in the house he's won 3 pov's and a HOH so basically he's won 5 out of 6 competitions including the 1st HOH he was the fastest to retrieve a Teddy bear and got the win for his team.
Shane used the veto on Ashley and backdoored Frank. PLEASE let Frank go home this week. *blinks*
[QUOTE=GivingTree;313303]Shane used the veto on Ashley and backdoored Frank. PLEASE let Frank go home this week. *blinks*[/QUOTE] Wow, Shane is really setting himself up to have a giant target on him...
[QUOTE=GivingTree;313303]Shane used the veto on Ashley and backdoored Frank. PLEASE let Frank go home this week. *blinks*[/QUOTE] I love that he is trying to backdoor Frank because I wanted him gone instead of Kara! But it might have been smarter to use the veto on Joe and leave Ashley on the block with Frank. We all know Ashley is loved and would almost definitely get all the votes to stay over Frank, but Joe vs. Frank is more of a toss up. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if even Joe's own teammates (Ashley and Wil) have grown annoyed with him and want to vote him out. Plus they know it would still leave Frank vs. Shane in the house, leaving targets off their backs.
[QUOTE=molds13;313304]Wow, Shane is really setting himself up to have a giant target on him...[/QUOTE] Well, in theory, Shane would be safe next week because of the deals he's made with the other houseguests. But deals mean absolutely nothing this season, otherwise Frank wouldn't be on the block right now. I'm just happy that Frank will more than likely go home over Joe, because Frank does not entertain me. Joe's DR sessions at least make me lol just because he's obnoxious and insane.
[QUOTE=GivingTree;313308]Well, in theory, Shane would be safe next week because of the deals he's made with the other houseguests. But deals mean absolutely nothing this season, otherwise Frank wouldn't be on the block right now. I'm just happy that Frank will more than likely go home over Joe, because Frank does not entertain me. Joe's DR sessions at least make me lol just because he's obnoxious and insane.[/QUOTE] When you take out the only other legit target you're in trouble. Deals means nothing in Big Brother as we've seen countless times. Also, with the coaches supposedly entering the game (something Shane knows is a possibility) definitely is a huge problem for him. I like the "power move" but it is high risk at this stage of the game
I think at this point it's a 50/50 shot where Shane stands. It's either going to be a great move that pays off in the long run for him or it's going to be the worst move he's made so far and he'll be gone next week. Whichever way it goes, he's on the radar more than ever after this week. He should have saved the backdoor for a few weeks down the line in my opinion.
Don't bother "voting" in this poll. They were going to bring the coaches in the game before they had even moved into the house. Also, if the noobies were smart they'd all team and get rid of the coaches. However, someone durrr'd and casted lemmings instead of players. This season was a write off. Honestly CBS should can the returning houseguest bull *** and have another season 10.
[QUOTE=mttstrk;313313]Don't bother "voting" in this poll. They were going to bring the coaches in the game before they had even moved into the house. Also, if the noobies were smart they'd all team and get rid of the coaches. However, someone durrr'd and casted lemmings instead of players. This season was a write off. Honestly CBS should can the returning houseguest bull *** and have another season 10.[/QUOTE] I agree. It's like CBS is saying "Yes, America! Of course you have a say in what happens this season!" and then laughing diabolically behind our backs because we have absolutely no say.
[QUOTE=molds13;313304]Wow, Shane is really setting himself up to have a giant target on him...[/QUOTE] The coach's entering the game will take all the attention off him. His worse case scenario would be Ian or Jenn winning HOH.
[QUOTE=SurferZ;313385][B]The coach's entering the game will take all the attention off him.[/B] His worse case scenario would be Ian or Jenn winning HOH.[/QUOTE] I dunno, when Willie brought up the possibility of the coaches entering the game it seemed like everyone either laughed it off or paid it no attention. The coaches could easily band together with a superfan like Ian and run the tables. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
Now britt wants dani to change her vote. Britt is the worst coach ever!
[QUOTE=RMD1;313459]Now britt wants dani to change her vote. Britt is the worst coach ever![/QUOTE] Danielle isn't even one of Brittany's players...
I know. I'm saying it's bad for Shane's game.
So....we're still voting out Frank correct or did I miss something?
[QUOTE=Gdsimmons;313521]So....we're still voting out Frank correct or did I miss something?[/QUOTE] The last I heard, that was still their plan.
Boogie, Jenn and Joe fell as of now.
[QUOTE=mttstrk;313754]Boogie, Jenn and Joe fell as of now.[/QUOTE] I'm impressed that everyone seems to be fighting Boogie & Joe had no chance.
Here's hoping anyone but Ian, Dan, Frank, or Janelle win this one.
I would like to see Shane win HOH so he can actually get somebody out of the house
Dan and Ashley fell
[QUOTE=mttstrk;313758]Dan and Ashley fell[/QUOTE] Dan kind of quit more than fell :)
[QUOTE=kvm1977;313759]Dan kind of quit more than fell :)[/QUOTE] I'm not watching it, I just get updates to my phone. I didn't know he quit but it sounds like him.
Frank Fell
[QUOTE=mttstrk;313760]im not watching it, i just get update to my phone. I didn't know he quit but it sounds like him.[/QUOTE] No worries--good updates Yeah, he "jumped" off--Ashley slipped. Dan likely feels ********** has to be the target along with Shane & Frank IMO I'm just glad the game is officially starting 27 days in
I think Big Brother is worried this won't be over before After Dark comes on.
Anonymous's picture
I wonder if they're gonna do a final 3 like Season 11 because there's actually a lot of players now for this late in the season.
[QUOTE=rsox813;313765]I wonder if they're gonna do a final 3 like Season 11 because there's actually a lot of players now for this late in the season.[/QUOTE] Hasn't every season since then been a F3 with one eliminated right before the vote. I'm almost 100% sure that Kevin, Adam and Enzo were in the house the final day. I'm hoping for a few double eviction nights.
[QUOTE=rsox813;313765]I wonder if they're gonna do a final 3 like Season 11 because there's actually a lot of players now for this late in the season.[/QUOTE] They can't afford to have a final 3. They are going to have a flash forward week soon i can feel it. I actually have no idea why they didnt evict Frank. I think Big Brother is doing some shady stuff. I didn't watch tonights episode so I dont know what exactly went down.
