Hey everyone!
I finally got the green light for Hell House 2 from B.
This thread is dedicated for people who want to play and show great interest in Big Brother. What days will be the best for everyone? If you are not 100% committed to play please do not sign up. You will be taking the slot away from people who really want to play this game. We did this a few summers ago and with the absence of VR (which I really miss and think should come back, I'm talking to you cystic) I thought it would be the perfect time to bring it back.
The rules:
Will follow Big Brother
There will be at lease 1 major twist in the game.
After 5 people are evicted, one of those will get a chance to come back in the game.
There will be at lease ONE endurance comp for the HOH
Power of Veto will be puzzles
HOH will be Big Brother trivia
All votes to Evict will be private.
If you do not vote, use your power of veto, or nominate people in a specific amount of time (which will be longer than 24 hours) you give that power up. It will go to the 2nd place winner from either competition
You will need to be present 4 days a week at most. I want to get 2 evictions per week in unless everyone wants more or less. (let me know) These trivia questions or puzzles are not going to take forever. A half hour at the most. I know it is summer and all so if something comes up just please let me know.
Posting in the thread will be used for jokes and fun activities as well as competitions. Most of the game playing will be done through Private messages.
If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to ask!
Everyone also feel free to suggest a twist. I have one in mind but I will have no problem stealing yours if it is better :)
Lets have a fun game and try not to get to bitter. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. It took a lot just to get this game started again.
Thanks :)
A maximum of 14 players are needed. I am [B]not[/B] doing first come first serve. I will take the players who I know will be there or can convince me that they will play. In order for this to work and get started I need to know that I have a solid group of people.
Good Luck