[QUOTE=Sad Day;311854]lets just say I know him! cringe every week hoping it doesn't get any worse[/QUOTE]
First, may I welcome you to vevmo.
Most readers here can differential between real lives and those created through the fiction of reality TV editing.
[personally, I opt for #2, misunderstood. This is the case for most people who become public figures through RW. The smart ones stay grounded and play the character when needed/required by their contract.] Those who get caught up in the show's imagery often have difficulty with the fall from "stardom." Unfortunately, this season's ratings won't let any of this cast really climb very high on the Hollywood reality stepladder of (in)fame(y).
Thanks been creeping here for a while when the Spoilers started getting posted. Perhaps I'll drop a comment or two once in a while. Or go back in my cave and hide if the show gets too crazy.
[QUOTE=Sad Day;311857]Thanks been creeping here for a while when the Spoilers started getting posted. Perhaps I'll drop a comment or two once in a while. Or go back in my cave and hide if the show gets too crazy.[/QUOTE]
You likely have a very unique perspective. I hope you will share "wisdom" when the spirit moves you. There are many teens who read this site and not enough voices of experience to caution about troubled waters ahead.
[QUOTE=V1man;311860]You likely have a very unique perspective. I hope you will share "wisdom" when the spirit moves you. There are many teens who read this site and not enough voices of experience to caution about troubled waters ahead.[/QUOTE]
I'll consider my words of wisdom for future posts
[QUOTE=arilicious;311868]This season has been such a failure it's unbelievable.[/QUOTE]
Hush your mouth. This is the greatest season ever--no Frank; no Chet; no Anybody from New Orleans II. It deserves a 1.2 million viewer handicap just for that.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;311873]Hush your mouth. This is the greatest season ever--no Frank; no Chet; no Anybody from New Orleans II. It deserves a 1.2 million viewer handicap just for that.[/QUOTE]
Completely agree. It's definitely been a decent cast, but we haven't been able to warm up to them because there hasn't really been any drama.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;311873]Hush your mouth. This is the greatest season ever--no Frank; no Chet; no Anybody from New Orleans II. It deserves a 1.2 million viewer handicap just for that.[/QUOTE]
Disagree. New Orleans II was a great season. New Orleans II and Vegas have been the best seasons since Cancun imo.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;311873]Hush your mouth. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=the340group;311901]Lol, it's objective, different strokes for different folks. I'm excited to see tomorrow night's episode. Hopefully some interesting stuff happens.[/QUOTE]
Perhaps you mean that viewer interest is subjective? An objective measurement is empirical.
[QUOTE=V1man;311914]Perhaps you mean that viewer interest is subjective?[B] An objective measurement is empirical.[/B][/QUOTE]
Well usually that is true, but then there is the poll on the ketchup thread..... :ireful3:
[QUOTE=FishHooks;311921]Well usually that is true, but then there is the poll on the ketchup thread..... :ireful3:[/QUOTE]
Sometimes one must also look at who owns the resulting data... :sofa:
[QUOTE=V1man;311931]Sometimes one must also look at [B]who owns[/B] the resulting data.[/QUOTE]
Possession is nine-tenths of the law, or at least that is how the idiom goes. :wink2:
[QUOTE=Bacchus;311933]Possession is nine-tenths of the law, or at least that is how the idiom goes. :wink2:[/QUOTE]
Every empire must have an emperor, so I guess so must its data :)
Speaking of possessive people, is Bacchus' new girl the same girl in the Toyota commercial who is talking about how sad it is that her parents only have 19 online friends and she has over 600 and therefore she has the real life unlike her parents? She looks similar but I am not quite certain whether or not it is her.
Here is the thing...the cast itself INVIDUALLY seems to be good enough but as a GROUP it is indeed a "failure" so to say.
To be honest the Real World now, is not what it is used to be about once. Thinking back a few years, the cast had stories to tell that were taboo and new to television. It seems as there are just no untelled, captivating stories to tell anymore. And the public’s general prescription shifted too.
I have to say that SD2 was definitely not one of my favorite seasons, but, they had the "right" intentions! They really tried to create as much drama as possible by casting opposing characters who would trigger a reaction from each other. This cast however, could just easily co-exist without any serious drama. On top of that, they put them on an island all by themself to make sure that it really turned out to be a borefest.
[QUOTE=LexBlair;311961] This cast however, could just easily co-exist without any serious drama. On top of that, they put them on an island all by themself to make sure that it really turned out to be a borefest.[/QUOTE]
I agree. I feel like maybe their intention was to create more drama since they can't really come and go all the time and they are "stuck" on the island together. However, they all seem to like hanging out together in the same place, doing the same things. I personally like to see the city they are in and the nightlife. I guess we'll see if anything changes.