[QUOTE=GiggidyGoo90;309797]Right he was John on The Real World: Key West where he was an overall nice guy but a bit of an jerk but he got along with pretty much everybody on his season. Then he became Johnny Bannanas on The Challenge who is a manipulative ****** and [B]would screw his own mother over to stay in the game.[/B] I see Trey following in his footsteps he looks like he'll be in alot of Challenges and he seems the type to screw people over for money.[/QUOTE]
Johnny wouldn't screw over his own mother to stay in the game, then he wouldn't have a place to live when he got home.
[QUOTE=molds13;309798]Johnny wouldn't screw over his own mother to stay in the game, then he wouldn't have a place to live when he got home.[/QUOTE]
I hope you are kidding about still living with his mom but I know that you are not......
[QUOTE=molds13;309798]Johnny wouldn't screw over his own mother to stay in the game, then he wouldn't have a place to live when he got home.[/QUOTE]
Your comment made me LOL.
[QUOTE=arilicious;309795]To the people comparing him to Johnny, do you mean John Devenanzio from Key West, or the ******* from the challenges called Johnny Bananas? (yes i know they're technically the same person, I'm talking about personality-wise)
I don't mind Trey so far, actually.
Edit; I posted that before I saw the comment above.[/QUOTE]
Bananas was a ****** from Gauntlet 3 to the Ruins, but was he done so bad since then? He's mellowed out a ton I mean I haven't heard him call a girl a dumb ***** since the Ruins. I wish he would go back to the days of yelling at Evelyn and KellyAnne on the island because that was hilarious but regardless Bananas is one of the coolest people on the show and several of the cast members have said so also.
[QUOTE=ChallengeGod;310007]Bananas was a ***** from gauntlet 3 to the ruins, but was he done so bad since then? He's mellowed out a ton I mean I haven't heard him call a girl a dumb byotch since the ruins. I wish he would go back to the days of yelling at Evelyn and kelly Anne on the island cuz that was hilarious but regardless bananas is one of the coolest people on the show and several of the cast members have said so also.[/QUOTE]
I don't think it was particularly hilarious for either Evelyn or Kelly Anne. What is funny to me is he 1) is still living at home in a basement, 2) has convinced himself his "Bananas" persona is fungible and unique, and 3) may be replaceable by Trey. After all, could a really drunk Paula tell the difference between them when engaged in (deleted)?
[QUOTE=V1man;310011]I don't think it was particularly hilarious for either Evelyn or Kelly Anne. What is funny to me is he 1) is still living at home in a basement, 2) has convinced himself his "Bananas" persona is fungible and unique, and 3) [B]may be replaceable by Trey.[/B] After all, could a really drunk Paula tell the difference between them when engaged in (deleted)?[/QUOTE]
Ya right man, Bananas isnt getting replaced by anyone espescially Trey aka the 6th most interesting person in a boring real world season. Like him or not Bananas is one of the stars of the show and he isn't going anywhere!
[QUOTE=ChallengeGod;310053]Ya right man, Bananas isnt getting replaced by anyone espescially Trey aka the 6th most interesting person in a boring real world season. Like him or not Bananas is one of the stars of the show and he isn't going anywhere![/QUOTE]
Hey, I know it's difficult for some people to wrap their inexperience vevmo-brains around sarcasm (with only 12 posts). The reference was to prior comments comparing Trey to John “Johnny Bananas” Devenanzio. Personally, I don't give a **** about him one way or the other, with the exception of the way he treats women, which I find completely off-putting.
Speaking of off-putting, your screen name fits perfectly for me.
[QUOTE=ChallengeGod;310053]Ya right man, Bananas isnt getting replaced by anyone espescially Trey aka the 6th most interesting person in a boring real world season. Like him or not Bananas is one of the stars of the show and he isn't going anywhere![/QUOTE]
Oh trust me he WILL be replaced...by either Trey or someone else.
I hope Johnny gets replaced. I used to like him, but now that he has basically been on every season in the past like 4, and won the past 2 in a row...I'm getting annoyed by him.
I hope SOMEONE, whether it's Trey or not, replaces him.
[QUOTE=finisher;310104]How the hell did this hype train that Johnny will get replaced by Trey get going so quickly... lol @ Johnny's twitter war against Trey![/QUOTE]
It's hardly a Twitter war between Johnny and Trey. It's more some superfan d-bag on Twitter trying to ruffle Trey's feathers.
[QUOTE=finisher;310104]How the hell did this hype train that Johnny will get replaced by Trey get going so quickly... lol @ Johnny's twitter war against Trey![/QUOTE]
And also with Paula..... LOL
What would you expect from Johnny Bananas and the guy who got mad that someone else was "talking **** about him" by praising everything about him?
"He's popular, he's prom king, he's athletic, he's huge, how am I supposed to compete with him?"
"Why is this guy talking **** about me already? Yeah I am all those things, but that's because I talk to people."
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;310171]What would you expect from Johnny Bananas and the guy who got mad that someone else was "talking **** about him" by praising everything about him?
Do you remember what kind of guy Johnny was on his season? Or Duel? Inferno 3? You should watch that.
Johnny will be replaced by somenone anyway. People already getting annoyed about him and MTV understands that. Editing is everything. They can show Trey from good side like Derrick and they can show Trey like Adam R or CT. Who knows. If they will find Trey as interesting cast member, then they will replace him over Johnny.
I don't think MTV is giving all those old regulars their walking papers just because most of them had to sit this one out. If anything they are setting up another wave of the old guys coming back to try to reclaim their "glory".
Either way I think Trey is likely a good addition to the Challenge herd.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;310171]What would you expect from Johnny Bananas and the guy who [B]got mad that someone else was "talking **** about him" by praising everything about him[/B]?
"He's popular, he's prom king, he's athletic, he's huge, how am I supposed to compete with him?"
"Why is this guy talking **** about me already? Yeah I am all those things, but that's because I talk to people."[/QUOTE]
Thank you!
I mean Brandon was pretty brainless about it, talking about his roommate when he was right next to him, but Trey doesn't seem to know what "talking ****" is. If he got offended by that, he' gonna have to get thicker skin now that he's on TV and that everything he does will be dissected by viewers.
But other than that, Robb, Laura and him are my favorites so far.
Trey is a super swell guy and will be a big asset to the Challenge franchise going forward. That is my story and I'm sticking to it. :dirol:
I thought I'd just put this out there. Made me chuckle.
It looks like Trey feels left out.Too much Marie and Robb discussion for his liking.
Don't worry Trey, we know you spend every waking moment reading Vevmo. We'll try and talk about you more often. Promise.
You seem pretty creepy, and I notice you have some emotionally abusive and blatant misogynistic tendencies. Good luck with that.
P.S. The pirate hat isn't doing you any favors.
If I remember correctly didn't he say that he never reads vevmo? Trey you are a ****** and a lier!
The pirate hat isn't doing you any favors[/QUOTE]
Little does he know now that the discussions here he is ironically shunning might very well provide his only source of income down the road. Yes, I can see Trey doing hosting gigs for chump change and flat draft beer at dive bars in small town USA, into his late 30's - wearing that stupid F****** pirate hat.
It's kind of sad, but probably his destiny. The fact that people have any interest in him should be considered a blessing.
I thought I'd just put this out there. Made me chuckle.[/QUOTE]
Haha that also sounds like the exact definition of nearly every person on Twitter
Me, I just tune in to see a bunch of lowlifes ***** and moan and act like dbags. So thanks again for being an epic duchenozzle and entertaining me. And it's good to know you're reading. Now to the more important question, in the house, did that pirate hat also act as the house dream catcher and that's why you keep it close at all time?