The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Reunion

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[QUOTE=stuufman;302019]God,this reunion its johnny..johnny..johnny they should let robin speak and explain herself,and I wanna hear more about rachel/mark friendhsip.Let other ppl shine johnny.[/QUOTE] Seriously! That is the biggest disappointment for me. I needed that explanation on the Rachel/Mark thing. Missed the mark.
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Paula did say on the champions podcast with Kenny from rivals, that CT defended her in that house as well when they were being mean. I think CT knows her history, and knows how easily she can be upset. Props to him for doing that. Johnny didn't seem to care and he has known her forever. But than again this is the 5th reunion she has cried, so after a while it's like ...enough ... The CT/Ty thing since it already aired, apparently Ty made a snarky comment about Paula or their hookups and CT got upset and they were near coming to blows but Diem talked CT down. Who knows how big a deal it actually was, but I am very surprised it didn't make air, don't they love that kind of stuff?
Robin's mind is so screwed up. She doesn't know what she's doing. She always feels like she has to take some kind of stand, but she does it in the wrong way. Johnny wasn't even calling her crazy, he was repeating what Rachel was saying about her when discussing her manipulation. She thought by being loud she was taking a stand, but she just ended up looking crazy shouting about not being crazy. Hilarious.
Is it just me or does anyone else think these reunions have gotten terrible. I think they need to be two hours because they are way to chopped up. Dunbar didn't speak. Paula didn't really speak. It was just bad and I felt like Cuthroat's reunion was like this as well.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;302037]Is it just me or does anyone else think these reunions have gotten terrible. I think they need to be two hours because they are way to chopped up. Dunbar didn't speak. Paula didn't really speak. It was just bad and I felt like Cuthroat's reunion was like this as well.[/QUOTE] Just show the whole reunion, hell I'd watch
[QUOTE=jojorules;302035]Paula did say on the champions podcast with Kenny from rivals, that CT defender he in that house as well when they were being mean. I think CT knows her history, and knows how easily she can be upset. Props to him for doing that. Johnny didn't seem to care and he has known her forever. But than again this is the 5th reunion she has cried, so after a while it's like ...enough ...[/QUOTE] Well, John is John. It [I]sort[/I] of seems like CT has a weak spot for women in distress. I remember he sort of stood up for Tonya on Inferno 2's wrap show - he made the comment about Veronica and Rachel hooking up with "cuckoo Abram" in open space on The Gauntlet when they made comments about how promiscuous Tonya was. Of course he was very sweet to Diem after she went through chemo and was self conscious. He seemed understanding when Robin was crying on Gauntlet 3 when Eric fell out and explained to Kenny that is what women do. And now this with Paula. That is not to say that he treats women with the utmost respect, because we have seen him be rude to women. But I do think sometimes there is something in him that breaks a little when some of the women on the shows are under distress.
[QUOTE=erodwhtboy;302030]That sucked they didnt show any fights. I was interested in the Ty CT fight,[B] plus when did CT and Paula become friends lol[/B][/QUOTE] haha I missed that too. I'm not sure I want to see Mark doing more challenges. I would like to see him hosting reunions or aftershows, he would do a great job. What could be better than have one of the originals castmembers doing that job?
[QUOTE=Camille;302036]Robin's mind is so screwed up. She doesn't know what she's doing. She always feels like she has to take some kind of stand, but she does it in the wrong way. Johnny wasn't even calling her crazy, he was repeating what Rachel was saying about her when discussing her manipulation. She thought by being loud she was taking a stand, but she just ended up looking crazy shouting about not being crazy. Hilarious.[/QUOTE] To me it made sense in that context because part of the situation was they were supposedly saying Robin should not have been there because she was so emotional. John did mention it - even though he wasn't calling her that at the moment - and he is one of the main people who calls her crazy. I am sure the whole discussion brought back every time people called her that. I am glad she stood up for herself.
Robin should stop doing these challenges, I mean if people thought she was crazy with this reunion it was just confirmed. Also the fact that they gave her a bad edit didn't help.
Mark will be doing challenges wearing adult diapers, competing in his scooter chair
[QUOTE=stuufman;302042]Robin should stop doing this challenges,I mean if ppl thought she was crazy with this reunion it was just confirmed also the fact that they gave her a bad edit didnt help[/QUOTE] I do agree she should stop doing the shows. I understand it is a relatively easy way for her to get some lump sum of money, even if she does not win or place in a final. However, she seems stressed out and out of her element doing these shows now. I don't think being in the challenge environment helps her any. I was happy to see her and Mark as a pair on this challenge, though. They are part of the reason I watched.
Anonymous's picture
No one wants to see someone on the show who won't win, takes it as life or death emotionally, and doesn't seem to enjoy any of it, that to me is Robin. She has really changed a lot since her first one. Even the ones out early usually love the vaca and experience.
What is so crazy and so wrong about Robin? I don't get it... Shut the **** up. -_-
I don't think Robin is crazy. She seems like an oddball and she is overly emotional but that isn't crazy. It really ticks me off how everybody just love saying "Oh, Robin's crazy!" and that give them a license to dismiss anything she says or does. They are basically saying she doesn't matter and it feel really self serving. I feel like all of these guys think she is so beneath them and that kind of attitude really grinds my gears.
[QUOTE=Calinks;302047]I don't think Robin is crazy. She seems like an oddball and she is overly emotional but that isn't crazy. It really ticks me off how everybody just love saying "Oh, Robin's crazy!" and that give them a license to dismiss anything she says or does. They are basically saying she doesn't matter and it feel really self serving. I feel like [B]all of these guys[/B] think she is so beneath them and that kind of attitude really grinds my gears.[/QUOTE] You mean "guys" as an ebonics term for "people" or as in "males"? Last time I checked on the reunion Rachel said all of the girls were sitting around talking about how crazy Robin is and on the Duel 2 it was all girls (Diem and Rachel among them) waving out the window to Robin and calling her a psycho. It's not just the guys. I'm sure this will somehow turn into the all guys are misogynists debate when the girls on the show are just as guilty when it comes to treating her a certain way.
Anonymous's picture
She isn't crazy, but I think having to constantly watch your back on these shows and the constant fear of betrayal has affected her ON THE CHALLENGES. It's almost like she has trained herself to get emotional anytime strategy is discussed due to fear of being rejected/elimination. It might be a combination of she isn't the type who should have done this many because this type of environment isn't for everyone, as well as a lack in confidence she has that is magnified on the challenge. Editing doesn't help either, since her "character" is the crazy one so of course that's what they will show. She has to know next show if she cries only once, it will make air, so she should probably step away if she is not comfortable with how they portray her.
[QUOTE=Calinks;302047]I don't think Robin is crazy. She seems like an oddball and she is overly emotional but that isn't crazy. It really ticks me off how everybody just love saying "Oh, Robin's crazy!" and that give them a license to dismiss anything she says or does. They are basically saying she doesn't matter and it feel really self serving. I feel like all of these guys think she is so beneath them and that kind of attitude really grinds my gears.[/QUOTE] She's deleted her twitter account at least 20 times, and I'm not overestimating that. That's a little crazy, don't you think? I think she's a little crazy, but I don't think she's crazier than Cara Maria who doesn't get the same tag.
I mean, Robin is NO Tonya. Just saying...
[QUOTE=JodyBreeze;302050]She's deleted her twitter account at least 20 times, and I'm not overestimating that. That's a little crazy, don't you think? I think she's a little crazy, but I don't think she's crazier than Cara Maria who doesn't get the same tag.[/QUOTE] Really? I think CM gets the same treatment. Maybe not at the same calibur, but still, nonetheless. It's typical schoolyard behavior, really. These gameshows are designed to break people down, just look at the prison-like regulations of the house. It doesn't surprise me that something like that would take its emotional toll on someone. I think these flippant uses of the word "crazy" is just downright hypocritical to be honest. Everyone on this show has their own skeletons. I can't be the only one who feels that the need to alienate someone by calling them crazy to boost your own self esteem is just pathetic, regardless of gender. Funny, since Tonya wasn't on this challenge, I guess the cast needed a new lightningrod for their own insecurities. It's just a vicious cycle that'll continue for challenges to come, and it isn't even slightly entertaining for me to watch. Never was.
LMAO Robin's "Im not crazy!" rant made her look crazy, ok she's not like some kind of lunatic but she is a bit weird, she just cries over everything, after the wind airplane challenge she was all like it was like being in a tornado and I couldnt imagine if I was in one and I lost my house haha it just shows she has a big heart I guess. And on the island some one was giving a going home speech that wasnt that dramatic and she cried and when Eric went down she cried. She's funny but she didnt act crazy on this one.
Reunion sucked
I didn't have a chance to watch Reunion and I was planning to do this on mtv website. But then I started reading all those comments on this topic and was like COOMM'OON... Paula was crying, Johnny was the queen, Miz was THE AWESOME. Did I really missed something that big? I'm so fed up with whole Johnny's - superstar picture that I don't even watch reunion. lol. The only thing wich really makes me interested in reuonion is to see Rachel and what she is talking about.
This reunion was low key; not nearly as much drama as usual. I personally don"t think Robin is crazy. I think I would get pretty pissed off if people kept telling me that I was crazy. Maybe the chick is emotional and she has a lot of things going on in her life that others don't know about. I think her blow up was due to the point that she was kind of being bullied by Johnny. It"s like being in high school and being teased, when someone is saying things about you that are not true, you get upset. Idk Imjustsayin... Paula...OMG! I mean I get that she is upset about cheating on her man but, she is a grown woman and knew what she was doing. It's not Ty's fault, it's her fault. No one can make you do anything. If she was so concerned about looking like a *****, than she should have left him alone. Simple as that... Camilla She can do soooo much better than Johnny. He is truly an ***. He is so full of himself it's disgusting! Ct and Diem I still want to know why she missed hie brother's funeral. I mean that is a BIG DEAL! I was surprised The Miz did not bring it up, I think there is more to that story. And I think Ct was annoyed by her. Everytime she talked, he had a sly grin on his face as if he was saying, "Yea, ok" It seemed like he just wanted her to shut up. I love Anessa and I love Rachel. Dunbar Why was he there? And everyone else got a sentence in I think...
I'm disappointed in the Reunion show because I think MTV missed an opportunity to show much more of the interesting sides of the cast members that actually came out during taping (the drama). The various tweets of cast members since the reunion taping alluded to many of the things that mold13 reported elsewhere in the forum. We didn't see any of that. What we did see were so many cut and past segments that were perhaps 20 minutes in length that earned a poor two minute edit. Frankly, I think there was a combination of coverup and failure to understand what the audience wants to see by the producers. Everything I've heard says this was one of the most drama-filled reunion gatherings on record, yet even with the completely disjointed "Paula" edit, it was mostly a love fest where a lot of things just seemed fake.
Thanks for the info V1Man... now I know not to waste my time watching it (recorded). Doesn't sound like there was much in the way of comedic value either. I do love The Miz though and hope he hosts more in the future.
Which thread has all the details of the reunion that ppl have been mentioning? This season's spoiler thread? Or is there a specific "reunion spoiler" thread?
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;302068]Which thread has all the details of the reunion that ppl have been mentioning? This season's spoiler thread? Or is there a specific "reunion spoiler" thread?[/QUOTE] The details are in the spoiler thread for this season...not the speculation thread, but the closed elimination spoiler thread.
[QUOTE=mizwood;302059] The only thing which really makes me interested in reunion is to see Rachel and what she is talking about.[/QUOTE] That's what I wanted to see, too. It was addressed, but I left watching that [I]still [/I]not knowing what happened! Still holes in the story. The ball was really dropped on that. I thought it was one of the more interesting story lines from this season, so it is a shame. You didn't miss anything unless you are interested in John and Camila's relationship. But even that was just "you didn't pay attention to me," "you were kissing this person," we've been friends with benefits yada yada yada. With, as always, a good dose of John making fun of Camila. I thought Mike did a decent job hosting overall. He didn't bug me like a lot of the hosts do. Maybe because I felt it was a treat to see him and I've been invested in him over the years? I don't know. Whatever acting "extra" he was doing at first was toned down pretty quickly. [QUOTE=Imjustsayin;302060] I personally don"t think Robin is crazy. I think I would get pretty pissed off if people kept telling me that I was crazy. Maybe the chick is emotional and she has a lot of things going on in her life that others don't know about. I think her blow up was due to the point that she was kind of being bullied by Johnny. It"s like being in high school and being teased, when someone is saying things about you that are not true, you get upset. Idk Imjustsayin... ... Ct and Diem I still want to know why she missed hie brother's funeral. I mean that is a BIG DEAL! I was surprised The Miz did not bring it up, I think there is more to that story. And I think Ct was annoyed by her. Everytime she talked, he had a sly grin on his face as if he was saying, "Yea, ok" It seemed like he just wanted her to shut up. [/QUOTE] I agree with you about Robin. And to address a comment someone made earlier, yes, the men and women on the shows have mentioned Robin acts weird, so it is not [I]just[/I] a misogynist thing when someone like John mentions it. However, with John (and his other pals who weren't on this season), he has made comments about women collectively on the challenge being crazy in the past - i.e. on The Island - that it is easy for one to think he kind of feels like the women are beneath him. He gives off that vibe. So I do believe some of his comments have a bit of that sentiment. They did pick on Dunbar for isolating himself, too, though, this season. I honestly don't blame Dunbar for trying to have his own private space with the towels barricade. He made it clear to them he was doing the show for the money. It is interesting how he seems, as least to me, to come across more and more as someone more practical and low key, especially compared to how people said he acted on his season. CT and Diem - I am actually glad they did not ask again why she did not make it to his brother's funeral. I now think it is clear that she is not going to straight shoot on that topic. I am just glad they have both tried to apologize on the show for whatever and got over that super awkward phase. I don't think they should ever date again, but it is nice to see a teeny bit of progress. Hopefully if they are on a challenge together again this stuff doesn't get rehashed. I do agree that CT says some things just to placate her, though.
[QUOTE=Aereas;302066]Thanks for the info V1Man... now I know not to waste my time watching it (recorded). Doesn't sound like there was much in the way of comedic value either. I do love The Miz though and hope he hosts more in the future.[/QUOTE] Frankly, if one is a fan of the Challenges, I think one should watch the Reunion. Just because the content disappointed me, doesn't mean that it's not worth watching. I just think it could have been a spectacular and very discussion-initiating show. The edit just left me flat. The rather short length of this thead tells me that it wasn't that noteworthy for most of vevmo's regular members, as well.
So as the real fan of those shows I watched the Reunion. I was so pissed off about whole that bull**** on Camila & Johnny. They wasted like 15 minutes on that when they could have talked about Rachel's situation. ****it! I just can't believe that they wasted the time for Paula's crying too. There were so many things they could talk about and they did the same **** as every year. I'm so dissapointed right now. Even thought I enjoyed the Miz.
