The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Camila Nakagawa

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The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Camila Nakagawa
[center][url=;imgid=12567][img][/img][/url] [SIZE="1"](Photo Credit: Rene Cervantes, MTV)[/SIZE] Molds' favorite comment from users at [url=;imgid=12568][img][/img][/url][/center] [B]Johnny and Camila[/B] [QUOTE]Camila became attracted to Johnny on Cutthroat, but Johnny kept things friendly as he had a girlfriend at home. However, the rumor mill was abuzz that the twosome may have been more than friends. Camila describes their complicated relationship, "People like to talk about what they don't know, but me and Johnny, we're close. So I don't blame them!" Now a newly single man, Johnny definitely doesn't rule out exploring things more with Camila stating, "Circumstances have changed in my life and I basically have free rein to do things I wasn't able to do before!" Watch these two to see if their warming relationship will heat up, and how it may affect their game.[/QUOTE] [center]<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">MTV Shows</a>[/center]
Why is she on MTV? Hell, she wasn't even a pathetic FMer...
It's amazing how far she's come. It's a bit weird that suddenly her and Johnny are coupled as an ex team when they tried to keep things quiet on Rivals, so all we got were rumors. The rumors didn't even make it on the show! Jonna said someone (I'm guessing Johnny, read between the lines) threatened her if she told. But hey, Casey turned it down and Johnny wasn't going to let anything get in the way of him getting on another challenge. heh.
[QUOTE=Camille;292826]It's amazing how far she's come. It's a bit weird that suddenly her and Johnny are coupled as an ex team when they tried to keep things quiet on Rivals, so all we got were rumors. The rumors didn't even make it on the show! Jonna said someone (I'm guessing Johnny, read between the lines) threatened her if she told. But hey, Casey turned it down and Johnny wasn't going to let anything get in the way of him getting on another challenge. heh.[/QUOTE] At least now we can finally say that the Red Team on Cutthroat was right and had something legitimate to worry about.
Well, 2 elimination round losses to Laurel is nothing to write her off about. I'll be really interested to see how she does this challenge.
I actually like Camila, too bad she is teamed up with Johnny or else I'd totally be rooting for her to win! I hate how he treats people though so it sucks she is on his team. I think she is a good competitor, but in the past lacked endurance. Still hope she performs well.
I dont know how people keep saying she lack in the endurance. We never see her in a final, and i think she a great competitor, i hope she get's far!!
[QUOTE=Flaviw;292851]I dont know how people keep saying she lack in the endurance. We never see her in a final, and i think she a great competitor, i hope she get's far!![/QUOTE] I read that last sentence as "I hope she gets fat" and burst out laughing. :laugh2:
Utterly useless.
Loved her on Cutthroat, didn't even notice her on Rivals. Hope we have Cutthroat Camilla back.
she is really hot Brazilian fire and a strong competitor! She was really good at cutthroat but had the worst team ever! And at Rivals the elimination round was really not a strong one, would've rather see her be a competitive one! . I love her currently on the Exes and besides Emiliy she is a really strong one! Now I saw the preview for episode 5 and I'm bit disappointed! Where is Ur self respect!? Come on girl!
The stories that Brandon, Leroy, and Noor share about her on Brandon's show are just hilarious. Camila cursing out the bartender in Portuguese and English when her credit card was declined is pure comedy.
Shes so cute. But then she talks and everything is ruined.
I think it's funny on this challenge we have guy drama powerhouses like CT, Wes, Ty and even Johnny. But so far the people that are the most entertaining are Jasmine, Camilla and Emily.
She has an amazing body and it stops right there. She's ok but myeh..I like her ruining Johnny's chances.
She's a butterface. But aye, I'm sure she's a nice girl with a great personality lol. j/k. But...yeah, I always knew she was a decent competitor. She was solid in Cutthroat and Rivals, but the politics were always against her. She is excelling in Exes. We can't say it's all Johnny either because it's not like he is spectacular in missions.
She's doing great so far and I think her and Johnny have a good shot to win this challenge
I don't even see anyone else winning but them.
I really like Camilla she's hot and she's a really good competitor but the problem is she's a psycho and the only reason she's probably going to make it to the finals is Johnny. If this was like a Duel type challenge I don't think she would make it to the end mostly due to the fact she is a good competitor but she's very difficult to work with she was difficult on Cutthroat and she's difficult on Battle of the Exes.
[QUOTE=GiggidyGoo90;298381]I really like Camilla she's hot and she's a really good competitor but the problem is she's a psycho and the only reason she's probably going to make it to the finals is Johnny. If this was like a Duel type challenge I don't think she would make it to the end mostly due to the fact she is a good competitor but she's very difficult to work with [B]she was difficult on Cutthroat[/B] and she's difficult on Battle of the Exes.[/QUOTE] She wasn't difficult on Cutthroat. Brandon and her were rookies, and the vets didn't want to go into the Gulag.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;298382]She wasn't difficult on Cutthroat. Brandon and her were rookies, and the vets didn't want to go into the Gulag.[/QUOTE] Did you see the reunion? Tori and Brad both stated that she would get drunk and start crap with her own team on a regular basis.
[QUOTE=Euroslavia;298386]Did you see the reunion? Tori and Brad both stated that she would get drunk and start crap with her own team on a regular basis.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I saw it, and it makes her look more guilty, but I just can't believe what Tori says. I think they exaggerated it to make it seem like they had a reason for throwing her in.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;298390]Yeah, I saw it, and it makes her look more guilty, but I just can't believe what Tori says. I think they exaggerated it to make it seem like they had a reason for throwing her in.[/QUOTE] Let's not forget what else she did on that season (aka the stuff that got her put on exes in the first place)
[QUOTE=CherryPie;298390]Yeah, I saw it, and it makes her look more guilty, but I just can't believe what Tori says. I think they exaggerated it to make it seem like they had a reason for throwing her in.[/QUOTE] You should believe Tori. What she said is completely accurate.
[QUOTE] You should believe Tori. What she said is completely accurate.[/QUOTE] Didn't BMP also creatively manipulate the editing to make it sound as if all the clips of Tori and Brad referring to the Johnny and Camilla situation as "disgusting" was about the game, when they were actually referring to him cheating on his girlfriend with their teammate, who also was pretty much under his thumb?
[QUOTE=Matty;298612]Didn't BMP also creatively manipulate the editing to make it sound as if all the clips of Tori and Brad referring to the Johnny and Camilla situation as "disgusting" was about the game, when they were actually referring to him cheating on his girlfriend with their teammate, who also was pretty much under his thumb?[/QUOTE] Matty, you are wise beyond your years. ;)
I will give it to her, she has done well this season and she has proved she is good at this challenge. But for some reason everything she does and says is annoying and not entertaining. She is such an attention wh**e.
If you get a chance do an internet search of the insider and camila. They have an extended version of her rant with Johnny. She says that she is going home and so is he. I guess she calmed her jets instead. The outcome would have been completely different if she didn't. Johnny also alluded in an interview that on the night of the big fight that she was in the bathroom getting high at the club. I really like the girls on the show for the most part. I think the guys manipulate their feelings to get further in the game. Don't they know it will bite them in the butt later?
I asked Cara Maria about the Camila thing and apparently she hates Abe because he wanted her sent home for something she did at the club that broke contract. Wonder what it was....told people they were filming a show? Was she doing drugs? Hit someone? I cant think of something that Abram would be so offended by that he would demand she be sent home, maybe he just wants everyone to be treated fairly lol. Sarah or someone said that during the Vinny/Mandi night, the whole house got in a fight with Camilla, there was a scene where she was yelling at Wes which was also not aired. Damn I feel like they're always hiding **** from us! Some shows milk the drama but MTV or BMP seems to be trying to tame it, I dont get it. I feel like this show could have been more entertaining, even more than rivals if it wasnt edited like some kind of PG movie. I dont remember the show always being like some secretive cult, they're always changing what happened to turn it into something else like the Tory's job issue on cutthroat, they didnt make up a story when Tyrie left I3 or when Abe quit the Island and the Johnny/Camilla issue on cutthroat and the Jonna/Camilla/Johnny fight on rivals. like wtf would you leave out the Ty/CT/Aneesa fight and put in more BS about Johnny? Back in the day they just showed everything as it is, or so it seemed.
Doing drugs in the bathroom is the rumor that's been going around.
[QUOTE=Blue123;302633]I asked Cara Maria about the Camila thing and apparently she hates Abe because he wanted her sent home for something she did at the club that broke contract. Wonder what it was....told people they were filming a show? Was she doing drugs? Hit someone? I cant think of something that Abram would be so offended by that he would demand she be sent home, maybe he just wants everyone to be treated fairly lol. Sarah or someone said that during the Vinny/Mandi night, the whole house got in a fight with Camilla, there was a scene where she was yelling at Wes which was also not aired. Damn I feel like they're always hiding **** from us! Some shows milk the drama but MTV or BMP seems to be trying to tame it, I dont get it. I feel like this show could have been more entertaining, even more than rivals if it wasnt edited like some kind of PG movie. I dont remember the show always being like some secretive cult, they're always changing what happened to turn it into something else like the Tory's job issue on cutthroat, they didnt make up a story when Tyrie left I3 or when Abe quit the Island and the Johnny/Camilla issue on cutthroat and the Jonna/Camilla/Johnny fight on rivals. like wtf would you leave out the Ty/CT/Aneesa fight and put in more BS about Johnny? Back in the day they just showed everything as it is, or so it seemed.[/QUOTE] Abe leaving The Island... Yes, that story was false, too, but it might be that Abe played the producers on that one. Someone with inside knowledge has said that it actually was Coral he was talking to on the phone, not with someone from his "construction company."
