The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Diem Brown

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umm we kind of already know the status of their relationship. It's pretty obvious. CT is still with his girlfriend who lives in Boston. The two were photographed earlier this month in Vegas with TJ Lavin. And Diem is still doing that whole career first thing .... They've moved on.
[QUOTE=Mac756;298271]umm we kind of already know the status of their relationship. It's pretty obvious. CT is still with his girlfriend who lives in Boston. The two were photographed earlier this month in Vegas with TJ Lavin. And Diem is still doing that whole career first thing .... They've moved on.[/QUOTE] That's not what he's referring to.
[QUOTE=Mac756;298271]umm we kind of already know the status of their relationship. It's pretty obvious. CT is still with his girlfriend who lives in Boston. The two were photographed earlier this month in Vegas with TJ Lavin. And Diem is still doing that whole career first thing .... They've moved on.[/QUOTE] Duh... [B]re·la·tion·ship [/B]/ riˈlāSHənˌSHip/ Noun: [B]The way in which two or more[/B] concepts, objects, or [B]people are connected[/B], or the state of being connected.
well I hope that CT and Diem remain friends and that this challenge help both of them to clear his issues when this challenge started I never believed that they ever gonna get back together. btw how does CT's girlfriend look? Because Cara Maria said that she looks hot.
[QUOTE=stuufman;298301]well I hope that CT and Diem remain friends and that this challenge help both of them to clear his issues when this challenge started I never believed that they ever gonna get back together. [B]btw how does CT's girlfriend look?[/B] Because Cara Maria said that she looks hot.[/QUOTE] That is of absolutely no relevance in this thread (or really in this forum).
I'm not a big fan of Diem, or rather the BMP/MTV edited version of Diem, but to go after someone's charity is rather low IMO. Especially on a public forum. Let's say Diem really was the most heinous person on the planet, and not just to CT worshippers who think everything he says and does is gold and there is an excuse for every bit of bad, downright scary and insane in some cases, behavior. Why attack a charity that is set up to help people as the result of that (rather odd) hatred for an individual? Her charity is less valid because she posts glamour pics to promote it? I must say, if I was doing any kind of promotion, not only would I post the best prints of myself I can find, I'd hire a hair and make-up team to prep. I just think there is a line between disliking a person/character and bad-mouthing what is a legit cause.
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I think she is using her fame from the challenges to spread the word about something good and that she honestly cares for, nothing wrong with that. She isn't suing HBO or anything(had to throw that in there)No matter how she or the edit or both shows her handling the CT thing, it's clearly tough on them both. I think if they are able to talk after the show is done, it will be a good step for them because no one ever wants to have someone they just can't even be around when you know a lot of the same people. She seems to want everyone to side with her, but I mean no one wants to look bad on TV. The edit can only do so much for either one if it keeps reoccuring, I am sure both had a lot of low moments this season during arguments/conversations with each other. Since their relationship is a big focus of the season(not much else happening interesting) , most of those low moments are probably going to air. I don't think she is a great competitor on the challenges, but she seems like with her ability to run long distances she coudl be like Kenny. Stink at the daily challenges, and be good at the finals. That has worked out pretty well for Kenny too using his political game and she is very well liked among castmembers too. I Just hope they can get that far, if they keep doing average at best on challenges and she basically isn't trying very hard on them and kind of holding him back in a way. Camila seems to be no fear and same with Emily and even Robin is giving it her all. Diem not so much, so far at least. It's still early. A coed team show you know is going to be non physical missions and mostly water/heights, so that is not boding well. Especially when you have the most(top 2 at worst) athletic guy and he can't really take advantage of that with the missions.
I'm kinda surprised her and CT aren't doing so well in the challenges. I think even her and Derrick won a few on FM. And Adam isn't that much more athletic than her but on Rivals CT/Adam were always 1st or 2nd. This really shows how teams that can work together win more, same with Johnny/Camilla and Johnny/Tyler and unlike Kenny/Wes who didn't work well; they weren't like Diem and didnt freak out, but they were clumsy and didn't communicate well so they kept DQing. CT/Diem always seem to bicker during challenges and he's impatient when she's scared, I think the fact that Adam was fearless helped them out a lot. Most of them are fearless except for Diem lol but hey its not like I could do these stunts either :P especially since some seem dangerous.
I think we are all surprised that they haven't won power couple yet this season. But at the same time, they aren't making any enemies or putting targets on their backs. That may be what helps them get to a final! I'd like to see CT and Diem have a strong performance though sometime soon. On a side note, thanks for the pic V1man! That IS a great gig - imagine getting paid to talk to celebs. Is that even work?? :)
[QUOTE=Blue123;298330]I'm kinda surprised her and CT aren't doing so well in the challenges. I think even her and Derrick won a few on FM. [B]And Adam isn't that much more athletic than her[/B] but on Rivals CT/Adam were always 1st or 2nd. This really shows how teams that can work together win more, same with Johnny/Camilla and Johnny/Tyler and unlike Kenny/Wes who didn't work well; they weren't like Diem and didnt freak out, but they were clumsy and didn't communicate well so they kept DQing. CT/Diem always seem to bicker during challenges and he's impatient when she's scared, I think the fact that Adam was fearless helped them out a lot. Most of them are fearless except for Diem lol but hey its not like I could do these stunts either :P especially since some seem dangerous.[/QUOTE] I'd have to disagree...Adam can hold his own.
Diem has been a real disapointment this season I can say she has been surpass by Emily who is almost a rookie. I was really hoping CT and her would be one of the top teams also Robin & Mark. I wanted for both teams to do well but I guess not.
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;298364]Diem has been a real disapointment this season I can say [B]she has been surpass by Emily[/B] who is almost a rookie. I was really hoping CT and her would be one of the top teams also Robin & Mark. I wanted for both teams to do well but I guess not.[/QUOTE] I think all the girls still left this season have surpassed Diem. I'm not sure I would even put her above Cara Maria in terms of performance. It seems that she's more interested on working on her hair than working on her fear of heights. I just don't understand how she can see herself freak out and still show no improvement.
[QUOTE=eggs78;298374]I think all the girls still left this season have surpassed Diem. I'm not sure I would even put her above Cara Maria in terms of performance. It seems that she's more interested on working on her hair than working on her fear of heights. I just don't understand how she can see herself freak out and still show no improvement.[/QUOTE] Improvement in or at what, please?
[QUOTE=Matty;298316]I'm not a big fan of Diem, or rather the BMP/MTV edited version of Diem, but to go after someone's charity is rather low IMO. Especially on a public forum. Let's say Diem really was the most heinous person on the planet, and not just to CT worshippers who think everything he says and does is gold and there is an excuse for every bit of bad, downright scary and insane in some cases, behavior. Why attack a charity that is set up to help people as the result of that (rather odd) hatred for an individual? Her charity is less valid because she posts glamour pics to promote it? I must say, if I was doing any kind of promotion, not only would I post the best prints of myself I can find, I'd hire a hair and make-up team to prep. I just think there is a line between disliking a person/character and bad-mouthing what is a legit cause.[/QUOTE] I agree completely agree. I'm one of those horrible C.t worshipers (joke) and I can not stand Diem, But she is trying to make the world a better place. And I'm all for it.
So next episode we get her whining to Ty. Wonderful. Just what we needed, some more tears and drama. I am not a hopeless CT fanatic.
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[QUOTE=intlove;298621]So next episode we get her whining to Ty. Wonderful. Just what we needed, some more tears and drama. I am not a hopeless CT fanatic.[/QUOTE] Who hasn't she had that 1 on 1 talk about CT with is the question...But Actually Ty is giving her advice that can save that team. They are doomed if they seriously think they can not talk at all and be a good team. CT doesn't want to be in a position where his partner just wants to quit or doesn't care, so Ty is giving good advice to her. Not sure it's smart of him to do, but nice of him. Luckily CT/Adam won a lot of the early challenges on Rivals in spite of the hate and Adam believed they could win so he never lost the desire to win and him and CT were getting on good terms as it went on. Ct/Diem have not been very impressive as of yet, add that in with the awful fights. They are on a slippery slope of wrecking a potentially great team. I think another key difference from Rivals and this team, is like CT said on the aftershow, Diem and him never talked it out early like they should have. Adam/CT had that talk on the first ep on Rivals to try to come to agreeement. Still would not want to face this team in a final if they make it.
[QUOTE=jojorules;298624]Who hasn't she had that 1 on 1 talk about CT with is the question...But Actually Ty is giving her advice that can save that team. They are doomed if they seriously think they can not talk at all and be a good team. CT doesn't want to be in a position where his partner just wants to quit or doesn't care, so Ty is giving good advice to her. Not sure it's smart of him to do, but nice of him. Luckily CT/Adam won a lot of the early challenges on Rivals in spite of the hate and Adam believed they could win so he never lost the desire to win and him and CT were getting on good terms as it went on. Ct/Diem have not been very impressive as of yet, add that in with the awful fights. They are on a slippery slope of wrecking a potentially great team. I think another key difference from Rivals and this team, is like CT said on the aftershow, Diem and him never talked it out early like they should have. Adam/CT had that talk on the first ep on Rivals to try to come to agreeement. Still would not want to face this team in a final if they make it.[/QUOTE] Well, if you go back a few pages, you will see an extensive Diem and Diem/CT analysis by me. I honestly think Ty is telling her what she needs to be doing but the point is. She's crying all the time, to every rookie, it's annoying, get that stuff dealt with and not when one is drunk..obviously. CT already told her at the beginning that he would put in effort. She's the one not putting any in. With Adam it was different because despite him not wanting to be his friend at first, he still listened to him, the tactics, he didn't just stand there and try and ruin their chances. CT was also very supportive of Adam. And they did absolutely amazing, and now, Diem is making it sucky. I used to dislike CT I suppose, cause he'd be agressive and drunk all the time but he's ok now, ignoring what happened yesterday. She should just grow up, learn how to communicate and that's that.
Anonymous's picture
I just think CT can separate mission CT who competes and wants to win no matter what from whatever else is going on outside of missions. He can turn his "beast mode" on as he calls it. Not everyone can do that. If they were still dating, I highly doubt she would have been shaking her head and disagreeing to such an extent with his strategy on the mission where they hung on the spinning thing and had to swim to the bell. It can be hard to separate competing on the missions with personal stuff, but some people can and some can't. I think being CT's partner can be hard too because like Adam said, he is really intense. If you take his intenseness as insulting or ordering you around, it won't work well. That is how Diem has been taking it for the most part. Adam just ran with it and look how well they did.
I agree all this complaining Diem is doing is annoying. I know it's hard, but girl get a grip. I applaud her for trying to talk it out with him before the show though.
I'm not surprised about the fight. It was just matter of time, both of them said nasty things to each other. I'm sure that CT has been called a monster a couple of times but I'm not so sure that he expected that from Diem and the whole "I'm glad I left you" sound like a hurt and resentful Diem, she pushed him and CT answered with "my family doesnt like you." Sounds what any ex would say.
[QUOTE=stuufman;298641]Im not surprised about the fight It was just matter of time,both of them said nasty things to each other ,Im sure that CT has been called a monster a couple of times but Im not so sure that he expected that from diem and the whole "Im glad i left u" sound like a hurt and resentful diem she push him and Ct answered with "my family doesnt like u " sounds what any ex would say.def these 2 screw each other.[/QUOTE] You're on the right track. Hopefully the host of the reunion show will provide context and a wrap-up of relationships among the exec couples. I think we could count on Maria to do that, but given her new gig on DTWS, I'm doubtful she will be hosting.
[QUOTE=V1man;298643]You're on the right track. Hopefully the host of the reunion show will provide context and a wrap-up of relationships among the exec couples. I think we could count on Maria to do that, but given her new gig on DTWS, I'm doubtful she will be hosting.[/QUOTE] So.... maybe Chet? He seems comfortable with asking uncomfortable questions.
[QUOTE=Aereas;298648]So.... maybe Chet? He seems comfortable with asking uncomfortable questions.[/QUOTE] As a host for Extra, Maria is substantially higher profile than Chet. I would expect MTV to have learned its lesson from using VJs in the past as reunion hosts and try to find someone of equal stature with Maria. Although, if MTV engaged in a little more discipline during reunion shooting, they might be able to carve out time for Maria to do the reunion (and maybe provide a studio or large rehearsal room for her and Max to use ... or they could shoot this reunion in LA. This speculation is entirely a shot in the dark from me. I have no idea what MTV is up to.
[QUOTE=jojorules;298624]Who hasn't she had that 1 on 1 talk about CT with is the question...But Actually Ty is giving her advice that can save that team. They are doomed if they seriously think they can not talk at all and be a good team. CT doesn't want to be in a position where his partner just wants to quit or doesn't care, so Ty is giving good advice to her. Not sure it's smart of him to do, but nice of him. Luckily CT/Adam won a lot of the early challenges on Rivals in spite of the hate and Adam believed they could win so he never lost the desire to win and him and CT were getting on good terms as it went on. Ct/Diem have not been very impressive as of yet, add that in with the awful fights. They are on a slippery slope of wrecking a potentially great team. I think another key difference from Rivals and this team, is like CT said on the aftershow, Diem and him never talked it out early like they should have. Adam/CT had that talk on the first ep on Rivals to try to come to agreeement. Still would not want to face this team in a final if they make it.[/QUOTE] CT & Adam were also united around common goals: trying to win every challenge and winning the money. That is always CT's goal but Diem's goals are to just not come in last and to stay on the show as long as possible to hype up her website. Writing the URL to your website on your arms in permanent marker before every challenge is pretty tacky advertising if you ask me.
Obviously they were both in the wrong. But anyone who tells someone they dumped "I was happy I left you" should expect a hostile reaction. Come on.... That was the lowest blow thrown that night. But if I have to pinpoint where Diem really went wrong that night it's this girl-to-girl, you should never try to have a deep conversation about emotions, relationship, etc. when alcohol is involved. That's about the worst idea ever. Neither of them were in the right state of mind to discuss their history, judging from CT's comments on the aftershow it seems they both realize that now.
[QUOTE=V1man;298400]Improvement in or at what, please?[/QUOTE] Her old nemesis, Heights. It seems that she’s actually gotten worse with height challenges. [QUOTE=stuufman;298641]I'm sure that CT has been called a monster a couple of times but I'm not so sure that he expected that from Diem and the whole "I'm glad I left you" sound like [B]a hurt and resentful Diem[/B], she pushed him and CT answered with "my family doesnt like you." Sounds what any ex would say.[/QUOTE] I think the whole fight started when Diem thought CT was comparing their relationship to Paula and Ty’s. It must be the alcohol because I don’t see how she could misunderstand that. She does seem to be extra sensitive when it comes to her relationship with CT because she told Rachel that he doesn’t seem to care. [QUOTE=Mac756;298728] But anyone who tells someone they dumped "I was happy I left you" should expect a hostile reaction. Come on.... That was the lowest blow thrown that night. [/QUOTE] Yeah, she should have just left him alone when he told her to instead of kicking him when he was down.
[QUOTE=eggs78;298737]Her old nemesis, Heights. It seems that she’s actually gotten worse with height challenges. [/QUOTE] Thanks for the clarification. Appreciated! In return, I'll see if I can convince Diem to address the issue. (Root cause, triggers, remedies attempted, etc., although I doubt she has invested thousands of dollars in counseling to help solve the problem.) In my experience from working in extreme physical environments (US Special Ops), phobias tend to increase in intensity and magnitude over time, rather like food allergies.
[QUOTE=Mac756;298728][B]Obviously they were both in the wrong. But anyone who tells someone they dumped "I was happy I left you" should expect a hostile reaction. Come on.... That was the lowest blow thrown that night.[/B] But if I have to pinpoint where Diem really went wrong that night it's this girl-to-girl, you should never try to have a deep conversation about emotions, relationship, etc. when alcohol is involved. That's about the worst idea ever. Neither of them were in the right state of mind to discuss their history, judging from CT's comments on the aftershow it seems they both realize that now.[/QUOTE] When I watched the aftershow, I was struck when CT asked Aneesa, "Did you tell her I was talking trash about her mom?" Johnny was shaking his head like "Oh yes she did" and Aneesa amitted that CT told Diem that "she has no family." I've read plenty of interviews with Diem in which she's mentioned that her mom passed away some time before Fresh Meat. If you asked me, there are low blows, and then there is going after someone's dead mother. I'm not defending either party, and they were clearly both intoxicated when the comments were made, but I'd say that was the lowest blow of the night. As far as having deep conversations when alcohol is involved, I couldn't agree more. I nearly laughed outloud when I saw that Diem was confiding in Robin of all people after the fight. Robin being notorious for being emotionally was just funny.
[QUOTE=greenmonster;298753]When I watched the aftershow, I was struck when CT asked Aneesa, "[B]Did you tell her I was talking trash about her mom?" Johnny was shaking his head like "Oh yes she did" and Aneesa amitted that CT told Diem that "she has no family."[/B] I've read plenty of interviews with Diem in which she's mentioned that her mom passed away some time before Fresh Meat. If you asked me, there are low blows, and then there is going after someone's dead mother. I'm not defending either party, and they were clearly both intoxicated when the comments were made, but I'd say that was the lowest blow of the night. A[B]s far as having deep conversations when alcohol is involved, I couldn't agree more. I nearly laughed outloud when I saw that Diem was confiding in Robin of all people after the fight. Robin being notorious for being emotionally was just funny.[/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I saw that part but we would never know if [strike]anessa[/strike] Aneesa said that or CT really said that (I guess that in the drunk-bus-fight he did) but who knows, maybe they would show us in an aftershow. About Robin, yes she is emotional and all but if you realized she is one of the few people that has been with Diem in the shows (and Paula) since both started the relationship (Duel 1, Gauntlet 3, Duel 2) so she basically saw how it began and how it ended, that's why I think Diem goes with her when it's something about CT. That and the fact that Robin has known CT for a long time because both of them almost started at the same time in the challenges and they really got to know each other. So I guess she knows what's with CT.
[QUOTE=stuufman;298770]yeah I saw that part but we would never know if anessa said that or CT really said that (I guess that in the drunk-bus-fight he did)but who knows maybe they would show us in an aftershow. About robin yes she is emotional and all but if u realized she is one of the few ppl that has been with diem in the shows (and paula) since both started the relationship (duel 1,gauntlet 3,duel 2) so she basically saw how it begun and how it ended,thats why I think diem goes with her when its something about CT.[/QUOTE] Hold that thought. The subject will continue to be addressed during next week's Aftershow when Diem appears to tell her side.
