The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Diem Brown

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[QUOTE=Matty;296114]Um, I'm not quite feeling Diem lathered up in baby oil and stilted on huge wedges. She looks good, but while I think she is going for a sexy look, it looks kind of not sexy. I'm also not feeling her, period. I hope it's the edit, because she always seems to come across quite self-absorbed, and that's saying a lot in reality tv land. She just seems very mememe. [/QUOTE] Like CT said in their team interview, "I like her better with the whiff". The Diem he fell in love with is very different from the Diem we're seeing now. Seems like CT was right in calling her superficial. Judging by the hair tips she gives out on twitter, she's super obsess with her hair even though it looks like a fried, dead animal. She thinks sticking her tongue out on the red carpet is hot. Yikes! [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
I'm not saying I'm in love with the look, but it seems that Diem misses the hair she had pre-chemo--long, blonde, and straight--and will do what it takes to have that again.
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;296169]I'm not saying I'm in love with the look, but it seems that Diem misses the hair she had pre-chemo--long, blonde, and straight--and will do what it takes to have that again.[/QUOTE] Her hair is real isnt it? Or thats what Cara said. I dont think she still wears wigs. I can see why she's in love with it, she was forced to be bald for a while, I miss my hair when I cut it shoulder length, forget shaving it all off. And @egss78, her hair is pretty, I dont think I would say it looks like a "fried animal".
[QUOTE=Blue123;296705]Her hair is real isnt it? Or thats what Cara said. I dont think she still wears wigs. I can see why she's in love with it, she was forced to be bald for a while, I miss my hair when I cut it shoulder length, forget shaving it all off. [/QUOTE] It's real, but likely bleached, straightened, and/or otherwise altered. It just looks really damaged, and very much unlike her hair on FM. On The Duel 2, she had it long but it looked like its natural color and texture, and I thought it looked gorgeous.
I think she looks gorgeous personally. I'm glad that she's built up that confidence back and that she can flaunt herself. I know what it feels like to go through chemotherapy and to feel like you've lost part of yourself to the treatment. It wasn't the same type of cancer that Diem had, but that doesn't particularly matter. Cancer does a real number on everything you are. As a fellow cancer survivor, I'm so proud of the fact that she's gone such a long way to feel good again.
She really really annoys me, I used to kind of dislike CT but I kind of think he's cool since Rivals but this chick, I don't know. I can't stand her. She's so whiny and on the verge of crying everytime. She should stop telling everyone about her problems and act on it all. If she wants better communication maybe she needs to look at her mistakes too. It's too easy to blame one person, and it's even more stupid when you're the dumper. Also, I just really don't like her pissy attitude. CT is a good athlete and her constantly whining and crying over him trying to tell her the gameplan is tiring. Adam used to just listen and go along with him, and they got far. So far, Ct and Diem have shown nothing and he's the only one actually making compromise.
[QUOTE=intlove;297410]She really really annoys me, I used to kind of dislike CT but I kind of think he's cool since Rivals but this chick, I don't know. I can't stand her. She's so whiny and on the verge of crying everytime. She should stop telling everyone about her problems and act on it all. If she wants better communication maybe she needs to look at her mistakes too. It's too easy to blame one person, and it's even more stupid when you're the dumper. Also, I just really don't like her pissy attitude. CT is a good athlete and her constantly whining and crying over him trying to tell her the gameplan is tiring. Adam used to just listen and go along with him, and they got far. So far, Ct and Diem have shown nothing and he's the only one actually making compromise.[/QUOTE] I'll have to co-sign this.
[QUOTE=intlove;297410]She really really annoys me, I used to kind of dislike CT but I kind of think he's cool since Rivals but this chick, I don't know. I can't stand her. She's so whiny and on the verge of crying everytime. She should stop telling everyone about her problems and act on it all. If she wants better communication maybe she needs to look at her mistakes too. It's too easy to blame one person, and it's even more stupid when you're the dumper. Also, I just really don't like her pissy attitude. CT is a good athlete and her constantly whining and crying over him trying to tell her the gameplan is tiring. Adam used to just listen and go along with him, and they got far. So far, Ct and Diem have shown nothing and he's the only one actually making compromise.[/QUOTE] When you listen to her actual story concerning CT, you quickly figure out he did nothing wrong. That being said, she complains and whines like he's behind everything. I don't if that's just who he is, or she trying to make this a BOTE a latenight drama.
[QUOTE=intlove;297410]She really really annoys me, I used to kind of dislike CT but I kind of think he's cool since Rivals but this chick, I don't know. I can't stand her. She's so whiny and on the verge of crying everytime. She should stop telling everyone about her problems and act on it all. If she wants better communication maybe she needs to look at her mistakes too. It's too easy to blame one person, and it's even more stupid when you're the dumper. Also, I just really don't like her pissy attitude. CT is a good athlete and her constantly whining and crying over him trying to tell her the gameplan is tiring. Adam used to just listen and go along with him, and they got far. So far, Ct and Diem have shown nothing and he's the only one actually making compromise.[/QUOTE] It's called being completely & totally self-absorbed. The fact that she is so upset over something CT did with Shauvon after they were broke up and after Diem had royally wronged him twice prior (breaking up with him & then missing his brothers funeral without even telling him until days after that she screwed up her flight) really just blows my mind. On the After Show they did after Duel 2, she didn't even want to talk about her "career first" excuse for breaking up with him, or why she missed his brother's funeral...she danced around the topics and wanted the discussion to be totally about what CT did with Shauvon. She even had the audacity to say she never did anything in the past to hurt CT & when CT said "What about career first, that doesn't hurt?" she completely ignored what he just said & kept on whining about her own issues. Her lack of willingness to compromise with CT on anything relating to what they do in the challenges is also ridiculous. The guy just did very well on his last challenge with the smallest & weakest partner there who had 100x the reason to hate CT's guts and sandbag the challenge and sabotage CT from winning. I just think it kind of shows how immature & irrational she is when CT has proven he can block personal past stuff out of a partnership & do well with somebody and she won't even listen to any of his suggestions on anything. If you don't like doing things that involve heights or falling into the water, then don't even show up for the challenge. I can't help but think that her main incentive for even doing this challenge was to simply use the show to plug her business ventures back home & not on winning or doing well.
I like "Diem in the PM" so much better than this boring, whiny Diem! I wish we could see more of that side of her!
[QUOTE=townie;297581]It's called being completely & totally self-absorbed. The fact that she is so upset over something CT did with Shauvon after they were broke up and after Diem had royally wronged him twice prior (breaking up with him & then missing his brothers funeral without even telling him until days after that she screwed up her flight) really just blows my mind. On the After Show they did after Duel 2, she didn't even want to talk about her "career first" excuse for breaking up with him, or why she missed his brother's funeral...she danced around the topics and wanted the discussion to be totally about what CT did with Shauvon. She even had the audacity to say she never did anything in the past to hurt CT & when CT said "What about career first, that doesn't hurt?" she completely ignored what he just said & kept on whining about her own issues. Her lack of willingness to compromise with CT on anything relating to what they do in the challenges is also ridiculous. The guy just did very well on his last challenge with the smallest & weakest partner there who had 100x the reason to hate CT's guts and sandbag the challenge and sabotage CT from winning. I just think it kind of shows how immature & irrational she is when CT has proven he can block personal past stuff out of a partnership & do well with somebody and she won't even listen to any of his suggestions on anything. If you don't like doing things that involve heights or falling into the water, then don't even show up for the challenge. I can't help but think that her main incentive for even doing this challenge was to simply use the show to plug her business ventures back home & not on winning or doing well.[/QUOTE] I would not describe MedGift as her "business venture," but I applaud her stated intent to give tp charity any money she makes on "Exes."
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;297583]I like "Diem in the PM" so much better than this boring, whiny Diem! I wish we could see more of that side of her![/QUOTE] Lol!! Oh man, I love her too!! Dem hair whips!! haha Yeah Diem in the AM is lame, and cries a lot.
She did try to seduce CT in the club with her hair whips. Whether she broke up with her longtime boyfriend before the challenge or not, it must have sucked for him to hear her say that she's not looking to recreate the past but now she feels she has the old CT back and it's scary right after the club scene. Is her fear of heights even real? I mean if you really want to do well you need to get over it since you know that a couple of challenges, may be even the final, involve heights.
Self absorbed is the perfect way to describe her this season. And I really used to like her. I feel like if she claims CT is who gave her, her confidence back than maybe CT gave her a little too much confidence. This is also based on that video she posted of herself, her friends and CaraMaria going to StageCoach. She went on and on about her stupid hair and how she would just toss it as she flirts to get another pass. It was obnoxious to say the least. Having said all that, I will always give her credit for MedGift it's a phenomenal idea.... But it is interesting that she has her glamour shots plastered all over the website... Just sayin'
[QUOTE=Mac756;297595]Self absorbed is the perfect way to describe her this season. And I really used to like her. I feel like if she claims CT is who gave her, her confidence back than maybe CT gave her a little too much confidence. This is also based on that video she posted of herself, her friends and CaraMaria going to StageCoach. She went on and on about her stupid hair and how she would just toss it as she flirts to get another pass. It was obnoxious to say the least. Having said all that, I will always give her credit for MedGift it's a phenomenal idea.... But it is interesting that she has her glamour shots plastered all over the website... Just sayin'[/QUOTE] My own life experience may give me a different perspective on this: What I hear from people who have been through difficult cancer chemo and radiation treatments is that they feel less desirable. I see Diem's pictures on the MedGift site as a victory over that part of her own past. She has credited CT for a significant part of that journey.
[QUOTE=eggs78;297594]She did try to seduce CT in the club with her hair whips. Whether she broke up with her longtime boyfriend before the challenge or not, it must have sucked for him to hear her say that she's not looking to recreate the past but now she feels she has the old CT back and it's scary right after the club scene. [B]Is her fear of heights even real? [/B]I mean if you really want to do well you need to get over it since you know that a couple of challenges, may be even the final, involve heights.[/QUOTE] I think they aren't, I mean back in the day of the first Duel, there were a lot of challenges that include heights and she didn't complain about it, she took the risk and did all the challenges, I never heard her say anything about being scared of heights until now.
I have the Lindsay Lohan True Hollywood Story on and wasn't really paying attention until I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and was surprised that Diem was one of the commentators.
[QUOTE=stuufman;297603]I think they aren't, I mean back in the day of the first Duel, there were a lot of challenges that include heights and she didn't complain about it, she took the risk and did all the challenges, [B]I never heard her say anything about being scared of heights until now.[/B][/QUOTE] Actually, on The Duel 2 during the Spelling Bee competition which was wayyy up in the air, Diem was freaking out about it, as well as Tori (When doesn't Tori complain though...). I think her fear of heights is legitimate, I guess it depends on how high it is..
[QUOTE=spectacular;297612]Actually, on The Duel 2 during the Spelling Bee competition which was wayyy up in the air, Diem was freaking out about it, as well as Tori (When doesn't Tori complain though...). I think her fear of heights is legitimate, I guess it depends on how high it is..[/QUOTE] She was already freaked out on the fifth mission actually, when guys had to hold girls for as long as possible, and Diem was speaking gibberish to Evan.
[QUOTE=JodyBreeze;297545]When you listen to her actual story concerning CT, you quickly figure out he did nothing wrong. That being said, she complains and whines like he's behind everything. I don't if that's just who he is, or she trying to make this a BOTE a latenight drama.[/QUOTE] She's constantly repeating herself. I feel like telling her to shut the hell up. Her voice always sounds shaky whenever she talks about anything cause all she does is talk about CT and therefore it drives me insane. [QUOTE=townie;297581]It's called being completely & totally self-absorbed. The fact that she is so upset over something CT did with Shauvon after they were broke up and after Diem had royally wronged him twice prior (breaking up with him & then missing his brothers funeral without even telling him until days after that she screwed up her flight) really just blows my mind. On the After Show they did after Duel 2, she didn't even want to talk about her "career first" excuse for breaking up with him, or why she missed his brother's funeral...she danced around the topics and wanted the discussion to be totally about what CT did with Shauvon. She even had the audacity to say she never did anything in the past to hurt CT & when CT said "What about career first, that doesn't hurt?" she completely ignored what he just said & kept on whining about her own issues. Her lack of willingness to compromise with CT on anything relating to what they do in the challenges is also ridiculous. The guy just did very well on his last challenge with the smallest & weakest partner there who had 100x the reason to hate CT's guts and sandbag the challenge and sabotage CT from winning. I just think it kind of shows how immature & irrational she is when CT has proven he can block personal past stuff out of a partnership & do well with somebody and she won't even listen to any of his suggestions on anything. If you don't like doing things that involve heights or falling into the water, then don't even show up for the challenge. I can't help but think that her main incentive for even doing this challenge was to simply use the show to plug her business ventures back home & not on winning or doing well.[/QUOTE] Yeh I think the whole shavaun thing waws dumb as well. Seriously, get real with yourself. You broke up, you dumped him, let him screw around if that's what he feels like. Also she is bringing him down, like I said, Adam used to have his differences and even if he was not really ok with him, he did know CT had the physical strenght and all to lead him to the end as long as he did not lose his cool as he usually tends to. Anyway, I think she should grow up. She felt desired cause of him and then dumped him instead of making him part of something. Why couldn't her career have him in it or why couldn't she combine it. That way she wouldn't be sobbing to every rookie about it, every single freakin' episode. [QUOTE=eggs78;297594]She did try to seduce CT in the club with her hair whips. Whether she broke up with her longtime boyfriend before the challenge or not, it must have sucked for him to hear her say that she's not looking to recreate the past but now she feels she has the old CT back and it's scary right after the club scene. Is her fear of heights even real? I mean if you really want to do well you need to get over it since you know that a couple of challenges, may be even the final, involve heights.[/QUOTE] Yeah that too, first dance with him, then trash him some more..make up your mind. [QUOTE=Mac756;297595]Self absorbed is the perfect way to describe her this season. And I really used to like her. I feel like if she claims CT is who gave her, her confidence back than maybe CT gave her a little too much confidence. This is also based on that video she posted of herself, her friends and CaraMaria going to StageCoach. She went on and on about her stupid hair and how she would just toss it as she flirts to get another pass. It was obnoxious to say the least. Having said all that, I will always give her credit for MedGift it's a phenomenal idea.... But it is interesting that she has her glamour shots plastered all over the website... Just sayin'[/QUOTE] It seems like I started a witchhunt haha, but I think what she's doing is great. I will say that I never liked her. Even on the other challenges, I mean it's fine,she had cancer and I know it can have a great impact on a person as well as their surroundings but she's always just been an attention person. She needs all focus on her all the time which is really annoying. I am glad she got over her cancer and started medigift but seriously, personality wise..ugh.
[QUOTE=intlove;297634]She's constantly repeating herself. I feel like telling her to shut the hell up. Her voice always sounds shaky whenever she talks about anything cause all she does is talk aboutCT and therefore it drives me insane. [/QUOTE] The only repetition happening is that which the producers have injected into the show. Diem said much more in her interviews than is being showed. I have yet to see the kind of support for MedGift which I believe she expected when she agreed to do the challenge. I don't know what kind of promises were made to Diem, but BMP doesn't seem interested in keeping them. I hope things change in the weeks ahead.
[QUOTE=V1man;297636]The only repetition happening is that which the producers have injected into the show. Diem said much more in her interviews than is being showed. I have yet to see the kind of support for MedGift which I believe she expected when she agreed to do the challenge. I don't know what kind of promises were made to Diem, but BMP doesn't seem interested in keeping them. I hope things change in the weeks ahead.[/QUOTE] Well she did repeat the term "100 percent" about 6 times in the 4 sentences with Abram. That's sort of repetition
[QUOTE=intlove;297634]she's always just been an attention person. She needs all focus on her all the time which is really annoying[/QUOTE] Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Diem has mentioned at least twice (I think The Duel After Show and the Reunion) that she hates having all the attention on her, and that when Tina punched Beth, was glad that all the attention began to focus on them opposed to her. Anyway, I never knew this many people disliked Diem. Yikes.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;297638]Well she did repeat the term "100 percent" about 6 times in the 4 sentences with Abram. [B] That's sort of repetition[/B][/QUOTE] Everyone's a comedian...
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=V1man;297636]The only repetition happening is that which the producers have injected into the show. Diem said much more in her interviews than is being showed. [B]I have yet to see the kind of support for MedGift which I believe she expected when she agreed to do the challenge. I don't know what kind of promises were made to Diem, but BMP doesn't seem interested in keeping them. I hope things change in the weeks ahead[/B] .[/QUOTE] If it isn't in her contract, she should know better by now. It isn't as if BMP doesn't have a history over the last several years of just giving very token lip-service to great causes in favor of Gift-Wrapped Crates of Krapola on these MTV shows. If a Kardashian buys a charity raffle ticket, however, they are painted like Mother Theresa. I looked at the med-gift site nonetheless. Not sure if it is a Diem-driven enterprise or a true community-based organization to be honest.
I would love Diem and CT's friendship to be on good terms. On another note , I would love to see them in a Duel, Mostly to see how Diem would perform of her five elimantions she's won one, 1-4. I'd like to see what Competitor she is capable of taking out .
[QUOTE=V1man;297636]The only repetition happening is that which the producers have injected into the show. Diem said much more in her interviews than is being showed. I have yet to see the kind of support for MedGift which I believe she expected when she agreed to do the challenge. I don't know what kind of promises were made to Diem, but BMP doesn't seem interested in keeping them. I hope things change in the weeks ahead.[/QUOTE] You are joking, right? [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B]rep·e·ti·tion[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=black][COLOR=#333333]1.[/COLOR][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#333333]the[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]act[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]of[/COLOR] [/FONT][FONT=Arial]repeating[/FONT][FONT=Arial]; [/FONT][FONT=Arial]repeated[/FONT][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][FONT=Arial]action, performance, [COLOR=#333333]production,[/COLOR] or [COLOR=#333333]presentation.[/COLOR] [/FONT][/COLOR] 1. Whining to the rookies in the pool about CT. 2. Whining to Abram about CT 3. Whining to [strike]Robyn[/strike] Robin about CT 4.Whining to [strike]Jazmine[/strike] Jasmine in their bedroom about CT. Producers can't just make that footage up. Come on dude...
[QUOTE=V1man;297636]The only repetition happening is that which the producers have injected into the show. Diem said much more in her interviews than is being showed. I have yet to see the kind of support for MedGift which I believe she expected when she agreed to do the challenge. I don't know what kind of promises were made to Diem, but BMP doesn't seem interested in keeping them. I hope things change in the weeks ahead.[/QUOTE] I have no idea where the producer's cut ends and Diems' being annoying begins. Obviously the editing must do something on their parts too but that shouldn't make her so resistant to work as a team for the challenge. The way I see it, if she does have some kind of a deal, they didn't edit out the medgift watermarker tattoos plus what better way to keep your company running than winning 100.000 Dollars. No matter what your issue is with each other. Anywho, I have no idea what she said during the interviews but I am pretty sure you have some control over yourself and your mouth while being there, especially when you have bargaining power. [QUOTE=spectacular;297639][B]Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Diem has mentioned at least twice[/B] (I think The Duel After Show and the Reunion) that she hates having all the attention on her, and that when Tina punched Beth, was glad that all the attention began to focus on them opposed to her. Anyway, I never knew this many people disliked Diem. Yikes.[/QUOTE] Well, ofcourse you're not gonna parade around saying you want or do not want attention. What you do is, you make suer you stay on the DL when you don't want it and you whine and cry and whatevers when you do. That whole drama is about getting attention. Fresh meat, she comes in, she just recovered. Fine, I didn't mind all the cancer talk cause well, I'm still human so I didn't really mind her then. After that however, it was just the same old story, or to me it was anyway. I can't say I dislike her though. I don't tend to dislike people I don't know, also it's just tv but it is irritating.
[QUOTE=Mac756;297659]You are joking, right? [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B]rep·e·ti·tion[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=black][COLOR=#333333]1.[/COLOR][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#333333]the[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]act[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]of[/COLOR] [/FONT][FONT=Arial]repeating[/FONT][FONT=Arial]; [/FONT][FONT=Arial]repeated[/FONT][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][FONT=Arial]action, performance, [COLOR=#333333]production,[/COLOR] or [COLOR=#333333]presentation.[/COLOR] [/FONT][/COLOR] 1. Whining to the rookies in the pool about CT. 2. Whining to Abram about CT 3. Whining to Robyn about CT 4.Whining to Jazmine in their bedroom about CT. Producers can't just make that footage up. Come on dude...[/QUOTE] Frankly I'm tired of educating people as to how reality shows are edited. If you can't realize the hand of the story editor in the above list, then there is absolutely nothing I can do for you. Every cast member there knew the Diem/CT story arc would be huge this season, and they all did their best to grab camera time with one of them. It's what people do on the challenge (or on nearly every non-scripted show) to increase their own time on camera. Camera time = post show $$$. Of course it's a lazy way to produce a series, but there is plenty of evidence around that BMP lost its edge years ago. But, should Diem have been sufficiently aware of the potential edit she would get? Absolutely. There are a couple of places to learn how to how to avoid her mistake and still control one's on-screen person. Robert Galinsky offers one program [url=]New York Reality TV School[/url]. At Vision 1 we offer one-on-one training based on a model created by a top NYC PR firm for Fortune 500 executives.
[QUOTE=dorkyydaniel;297647]I would love Diem and CT's friendship to be on good terms. On another note , I would love to see them in a Doem, Mostly to see how Diem would perform of her five elimantions she's won one, 1-4. I'd like to see what Competitor she is capable of taking out .[/QUOTE] I don't know. Actually that is something I would like to see. She hasn't so far done anything to establish herself as a great athlete. Everyone just keeps saying how great she is and I never understood why, challenge wise that is. When I think about good competitors, I think about Laurel, Emily, camila even, I think she's proving herself a lot this challenge.
