Teen Mom 2: Season 2

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Teen Mom 2: Season 2

Well I couldn't find a Teen Mom 2, Season 2 thread so I figured I'd start one. My take on the Teen Mom 2 cast: Jennelle - I used to have a lot of sympathy for Jenelle because I felt like she meant well and just wanted friends, and had the mother from hell who was always on her case. But the more I watch, the more I see that she brings a lot of the drama on herself and she's beginning to sound like a broken record. It's always the same story of, "Hi mom, take me back, I wanna focus on my life and I'm done with Kieffer because he did this and that..." then she goes right back to him and when her mother gets angry, she makes excuses for him and makes him out to be perfect. and in this past episode she said, "my friends are all sick of my drama," no kidding! maybe there's a reason for it. she forgives and forgets with the friends who treat her like ***, but her few true, loyal friends, like Tori, she treats like ***. Kailyn - Intelligent and a hard worker and seems like a good FRIEND, but not such a good girlfriend, and the way she behaved on the first season indicates to me she's very manipulative and somewhat lacks the ability to see other ppl's perspective. Joe and his family took her in when she was pregnant and had no one, only for her to turn around and cheat on him and find a new boyfriend, all while still living under their roof. She is more like her mother than she thinks. However, I also think she is smart and very socially aware of how society and the general public works, much more so than I was at her age. Leah - Honestly, I skip through a lot of her scenes, I don't know why, I just never found her and Cory interesting. She strikes me as someone who is very private, so I don't see a lot of her personality shine through the way I do with the other girls. Chelsea - Strikes me as a fun girl to hang out with, and seems very laid back and open about her life. She also seems very real, doesn't act for the cameras and not manipulative in the slightest, what you see is what you get. Adam needs to grow up, but he could be worse. I also think there's a reason he probably always ends up leaving her, there's something she does that drives him away.

Yeah I guess here we just still used the regular Teen Mom Thread. So far I like everyone but Chelsea who is like a knockoff of Farrah and Janelle who is so damn disrespectful it's pitiful.
I only watch for Janelle antics, Teen Mom 1 is so much better.
Anonymous's picture
I don't watch often simply because Janelle is so trashy acting and when I do watch, I switch channels as soon as she comes on with the hope she will be gone by the time I switch back.
I got sucked into a Season 1 marathon recently and have been dvr'ing this season to watch after my 2 year old goes to sleep. I really want to like Chelsea, but I'm having a hard time feeling sympathy knowing that she's living solely off money/goods/housing her dad is paying for. The Adam drama is real and relatable for girls, but I find myself rolling my eyes when she falls into the same cycle. Also, I'm not sure she's ever worked a day in her life. She's clearly grateful for that fact, but it's hard connecting with her after so much has been given to her on a silver platter. Though, Kailyn being Chelsea's exact opposite is refreshing from a storyline standpoint. She's clearly driven, hard working and fighting to not be 'a statistic' again for the sake of her son. Her facial expressions (or lack there of) are the best. I imagine countless hours of footage where Jordan (her current guy) makes vacant, silly expression and she answers back with a "I just can't with you right now" glare. Leah and Corey break my heart when I watch, only because I know of their impending divorce. Only being married for 5 months shows that they clearly rushed into 2 big decisions in their lives - Having unprotected sex and marriage. Living in the south, I know it's hard to not want to rush down the aisle for the sake of making a family. I also really feel like Corey did not want any form of fame and he seems so uncomfortable. **On a side note, try playing the Leah Drinking Game one episode. Take a drink every time Leah says 'Em Arh Ahh' (or MRI for you non-Southerners). I guarantee you won't feel your lips by the time the credits roll. Janelle, oh, Janelle. I really think this girl just needs love. She'd be the easiest to write a novel about on here, but instead I think it's best to just say she needs to know she's loved.
Oh, I forgot! The parents are the true stars of this season... Janelle's mom, Barbara, is the best. "KEEEEFAAAAAHHHH!" Chelsea's mom was featured wearing a Halloween festive knit vest with matching jack-o-lantern earings, sporting a perm and rocking a nose ring. The visual was great and my husband laughed at the crazy juxtaposition. Kailyn's mom reacted to her moving out and taking ALL the furniture by demanding the tv back, then subsequently the remote she forgot to return as well. Really? Really? Ha! Also, bless Mama Dawn and her hair. She reminds me of so many women that live here in the mountains of NC. Lovesit. (Though no one's hair is better than Butch from TM1. Truth.)
[QUOTE=JennHas2Ns;292110]Oh, I forgot! The parents are the true stars of this season... Janelle's mom, Barbara, is the best. "KEEEEFAAAAAHHHH!" Kailyn's mom reacted to her moving out and taking ALL the furniture by demanding the tv back, then subsequently the remote she forgot to return as well. Really? Really? Ha![/QUOTE] I'm totally with you on this one, Jenn. Barbara just doesn't give a damn and I love her for it. "Hope you fun doing whatever it is you do with your booooyfriend." And not to mention everytime she sees Janelle with Keiffer. Funny ****. As for Kailyn I simply get the feeling she overreacted to her mom writing her a note telling her simply to clean her room up. I know by now and MTV should know by now that whenever a note is involved in any of their programs that **** will hit the fan. All Kailyn had to do was simply go to the boyfriend and her mom and let her know that she didn't appreciate the mean letter.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;292166]I'm totally with you on this one, Jenn. Barbara just doesn't give a damn and I love her for it. "Hope you fun doing whatever it is you do with your booooyfriend." And not to mention everytime she sees Janelle with Keiffer. Funny ****.[/QUOTE] Her fake twitter account is one of my favorites, especially when Jenelle retweets her. Check out @BabsEvansMTV for a good laugh. Her live tweeting during new episodes is great too! "HIGH! HIGH! Ya both friggin' HIGH!" Last night's episode on my DVR and a nice bottle of red wine are calling my name for this evening...
[QUOTE=JennHas2Ns;292175]Her fake twitter account is one of my favorites, especially when Jenelle retweets her. Check out @BabsEvansMTV for a good laugh. Her live tweeting during new episodes is great too! "HIGH! HIGH! Ya both friggin' HIGH!" Last night's episode on my DVR and a nice bottle of red wine are calling my name for this evening...[/QUOTE] Lmao. Absolutely must check that twitter out sometime. I have to admit your last sentence has me cracking up.
I am pretty sure that they're filming Season 3 right now of Teen Mom 2. The 'buzz' is that Leah is pregnant and engaged to her new boyfriend. Allegedy her Mirena failed and she announced it over the holidays to friends and family. Take it for what you will, but some website/magazine claims that her boyfriend confirmed the pregnancy to them in an interview. (I can link if need be, but don't want to fuel rumors if this is completely false.) I wonder if they'll address this rumor or even Chelsea and Jenelle's recent twitter drama with 'friends' during the new season? Even if it's just a rumor, I think it's interesting to see how it all plays out in front of the cameras.
[QUOTE=JennHas2Ns;292110] Janelle's mom, Barbara, is the best. "KEEEEFAAAAAHHHH!" [/QUOTE] She is the only reason why I watched this show. What a piece of work.
[url=http://www.eonline.com/news/teen_mom_2s_jenelle_evans_arrestedagain/285509?cmpid=sn-000000-twitterfeed-365-top_stories&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=twitterfeed_celebrities_top_stories&dlvrit=79438]Teen Mom 2's Jenelle Evans Arrested...Again - E! Online[/url]
[QUOTE=fabulous788;292677][url=http://www.eonline.com/news/teen_mom_2s_jenelle_evans_arrestedagain/285509?cmpid=sn-000000-twitterfeed-365-top_stories&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=twitterfeed_celebrities_top_stories&dlvrit=79438]Teen Mom 2's Jenelle Evans Arrested...Again - E! Online[/url][/QUOTE] I followed that trainwreck on Twitter a few days ago. Both sides were posting pictures of the other in compromising positions and situations. Both sides also threatened legal action against the other. This doesn't surprise me in the least, especially after reading her Facebook rant... Errr... I mean post. I just wonder when all of this will stop and she'll be able to gain custody back of her son. He should be number one in her life and it's heart breaking to see him (it appears) be pushed aside.
I don't understand why all the Teen Moms pretend to be broke, they must be earning $50k per episode if the Jersey Shore kids are on $100K+.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;292979]I don't understand why all the Teen Moms pretend to be broke, they must be earning $50k per episode if the Jersey Shore kids are on $100K+.[/QUOTE] I read [url=http://heraldbulletin.com/crime/x413848823/Judge-orders-Teen-Mom-to-stay-away-from-ex-fiance]an article[/url] where Amber Portwood told judges she made $280,000/yr which equals $140,000 a season. Divide that by 12 episodes, it's only a little over 10K an episode.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;292979]I don't understand why all the Teen Moms pretend to be broke, they must be earning $50k per episode if the Jersey Shore kids are on $100K+.[/QUOTE] I can only speculate that it has something to do with not glorifying teen pregnancy. I'm sure the last thing MTV wants is to have countless teen girls getting pregnant thinking they can be set for life AND gain fame. From what I've read regarding their pay, it's part of the air-tight contract to not discuss it. At all.
[QUOTE=molds13;292981]I read [url=http://heraldbulletin.com/crime/x413848823/Judge-orders-Teen-Mom-to-stay-away-from-ex-fiance]an article[/url] where Amber Portwood told judges she made $280,000/yr which equals $140,000 a season. Divide that by 12 episodes, it's only a little over 10K an episode.[/QUOTE] If thats the case, MTV is taking them for a ride.
If that article is legit then this is so unfair. Argh!!
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;293707]If that article is legit then this is so unfair. Argh!![/QUOTE] Legit? Yes. Unfair? Perhaps, but it is free enterprise at work. Perhaps the MTV challenge crowd should have listened to Beth years ago and worked for union representation.
[url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/25/teen-mom-2-star-leah-messer-miscarriage_n_1230982.html]'Teen Mom 2' Star Leah Messer Suffers A Miscarriage[/url]
I saw that yesterday as well. I still think she should've worked things out with Corey instead of cheating on him like she did.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;294544]I saw that yesterday as well. I still think she should've worked things out with Corey instead of cheating on him like she did.[/QUOTE] How do you know she cheated?
I just started watching Teen Mom 2 a couple weeks ago to see why it was doing better than Challenges. It's interesting TV so I can see why. Don't have the background on the first season so a lot of stuff still doesn't make sense, but I will remedy that soon. Last episode's "aftershow" left me somewhat confused because of the Leah stuff and not knowing thie history plus not knowing anything spoilery. Kinda sad too because she seemed the happiest of the girls.
[QUOTE=Dandelion;294549]How do you know she cheated?[/QUOTE] Common Knowledge as she admitted to it more than once and also there was as article about it on Radar online. In other news Farrah and Leah have been hanging out according to Radar as well. Also, apparently there's rumors that Kaitlyn might be lesbian.
Just watched this weeks episode last night with a bottle of red wine. The continuity errors are KILLING me this season. Both Chelsea and Leah's story lines are frustrating me because they chose to lighten their hair mid-season. Clearly the had Chelsea and Adam reinact their 'fight' when she asked him to help her move because her hair is BRIGHT blonde in that scene. Since that aired an episode or two ago, she's been sporting the ash blonde hair that was her 'transition' color before going platinum. The whole Leah/Corey pending divorce they ended this weeks episode with is hard to watch too. In the teaser for next week when you can see her at her witts end about wanting to get a trailer instead of a truck, you see her with her blonde hair thus far. The ultimatum at the end of the episode where it's clear they're going to divorce, she's sporting the platinum like Chelsea. Seriously, Mtv? Really? [/endrant]
[QUOTE=JennHas2Ns;294718]Just watched this weeks episode last night with a bottle of red wine. The continuity errors are KILLING me this season. Seriously, Mtv? Really? [/endrant][/QUOTE] Co-sign from Brooklyn, New York but with a bottle of Sprite. I thought that there was something strange about this episode. Jenelle and the Barbara **** is getting tired and old fast. She needs bootcamp.
[URL="http://www.hollywoodlife.com/2012/02/02/leah-messer-cheated-corey-simms-marriage-teen-mom-2/"][url]http://www.hollywoodlife.com/2012/02/02/leah-messer-cheated-corey-simms-marriage-teen-mom-2/[/url][/URL] This just goes to show that she shouldn't rush into this latest marriage with her new boyfriend. I wonder if Leah will continue on with the wedding plans now that she's miscarried...? Here's hoping she takes the time to heal before rushing into something so serious again.
Yeah you're right Jenn. In fact I made of mention of her cheating a while ago although I wasn't absolutely sure if it was 1 week after the wedding or prior to it either way Leah is down right wrong. Corey deserves better anyway. Seems to me she was just in it for herself.
I tried watching this back in the day.. But the problem with the season 2 girls is they are so annoying and unbearable to watch I like their boyfriends/parents a lot better than them. I can't stand that hoe Leah but Corey seems like a chill guy. I hate Jennelle, her mom is okay. The other two are just idiots.
[QUOTE=LaneV95;295948]I tried watching this back in the day.. But the problem with the season 2 girls is they are so annoying and unbearable to watch I like their boyfriends/parents a lot better than them. I can't stand that hoe Leah but Corey seems like a chill guy. I hate Jennelle, her mom is okay. The other two are just idiots.[/QUOTE] It's more of "series 2" not season 2. The girls on this season have been there since the beginning of Teen Mom 2. Corey's chill, you're right. Leah not so much as she was initially. Chelsea is not an idiot as hung up as she is which I can understand as he was her first love. Kailyn is ridiculous. She's taking lessons it seems from Leah.
Anonymous's picture
I have never figured out how these people (i.e. Jenelle) struggle so (i.e. sleeps in her car with no place to go) when they supposedly get like $250K a season to be on the show.
