The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Love is a Battlefield

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[QUOTE=Blue123;294444]oh its they've already been up there for 20 mins, thats a long time, they should just speed up the logs[/QUOTE] Agreed. They need to amp this up to Wipeout levels.
Prischila and Nate are cocky for no reason.
No first episode crazy drunk fight? Is that a first? lol
[QUOTE=roxylala;294448]Prischila and Nate are cocky for no reason.[/QUOTE] I don't think Priscilla's been cocky at all, but Nate makes up for her.
Did I just see Nate's boxers? He's going to trip on his pants...
[QUOTE=Camille;294427]lol. Poor Nate got called the most embarassing performance ever by TJ Lavin. But he seems to handle it so well so I like him. I didn't watch the last season much because I couldn't get into it. Did Nate seem like a great guy on that show?[/QUOTE] Yes and no. I mean when he talked about his friend I was annoyed like who cares you're still boring but on the other hand he's smart.
Why is Nate's face so red? What causes that?
I could never do that. I would totally lose focus
Congrats Mandi, you ACTUALLY won something for probably the first time (the river rafting fiasco doesn't count).
[QUOTE=molds13;294450]I don't think Priscilla's been cocky at all, but Nate makes up for her.[/QUOTE] Her comment that she could take on Mandi was cocky since she lost to her.
[QUOTE=Camille;294453]Why is Nate's face so red? What causes that?[/QUOTE] Bad genes?
[QUOTE=Camille;294453]Why is Nate's face so red? What causes that?[/QUOTE] Rosacea?
Except Wes and Mandi will probably never win a challenge and never have any power to get back at Johnny.
[QUOTE=roxylala;294456]Her comment that she could take on Mandi was cocky since she lost to her.[/QUOTE] Hmm, I must have missed that one.
All 4 of them really gained my respect after lasting so long! That must have been painful!
I hope they don't invite them back. I find them both annoying.
It's okay Nate. You can be the new Ace. Ace went out in the beginning and everyone loved him. I was surprised he made it all the way to the end in Inferno 3. They left out the cool Dustin moment! That was great and made Dustin look awesome when she checked off his own name!
IMO Diem is making their partnership awkward
Wes is now 11-2 in elimination rounds. I am not sure what is more amazing, the fact that he has 11 wins or that he has been in 13 of them.
God, I really wanted Nate & Priscilla to send those two idiots home. Best case scenario, they will take down the other two idots, Johnny & that annoying broad.
[QUOTE=roxylala;294462]I hope they don't invite them back. I find them both annoying.[/QUOTE] I'm really happy with the outcome. I didn't like either pair. The cast of San Diego should never be asked on a challenge. Ever.
Diem is already annoying me. I think she's nice, but I can't help thinking that she's never been that genuine on camera.
That season preview showed practically nothing we haven't seen already.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;294467]I'm really happy with the outcome. I didn't like either pair. The cast of San Diego should never be asked on a challenge. Ever.[/QUOTE] Cheers to that. That season was a franchise killer. They should make it the real lost season and never mention it again.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;294467]I'm really happy with the outcome. I didn't like either pair. The cast of San Diego should never be asked on a challenge. Ever.[/QUOTE] Agreed. I don't know why they even asked them when they could've had reality TV gold with Jemmye and Knight.
[QUOTE=Camille;294463]It's okay Nate. You can be the new Ace. Ace went out in the beginning and everyone loved him. I was surprised he made it all the way to the end in Inferno 3. They left out the cool Dustin moment! That was great and made Dustin look awesome when she checked off his own name![/QUOTE] that was EXACTLY what I was thinking during the show. Nate reminded me so much of Ace.
Poor NAte and Prisiclla. First couple out ...
[QUOTE=roxylala;294471]Agreed. I don't know why they even asked them when they could've had reality TV gold with Jemmye and Knight.[/QUOTE] At least Knight's used to being in a Speedo. They would have been a better choice than half of the couples here.
Surprise surprise Weston wins, still leading with the most # of elimination records, whats more embarrassing for Nate is the fact that Mandi outlasted him lol
[QUOTE=molds13;294475]At least Knight's used to being in a Speedo. They would have been a better choice than half of the couples here.[/QUOTE] Didn't they only break up though like a week before the cast departed?
