The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Diem Brown

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The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Diem Brown
[center][url=;imgid=12573][img][/img][/url] [SIZE="1"](Photo Credit: Rene Cervantes, MTV)[/SIZE] Molds' favorite comment from users at [url=;imgid=12574][img][/img][/url][/center] [B]CT and Diem[/B] [QUOTE]CT struck up a romance with Diem on The Duel and the relationship blossomed as Diem, a survivor of ovarian cancer, found solace with CT during her difficult recovery process. However, when Diem decided to focus all her energy on her career the two parted ways. Things took a darker turn, when the two exes returned for The Duel II and Adam K told Diem that CT had been hooking up with Shauvon and they haven't spoken or seen each other since. News of their partnership has reopened old wounds for Diem who maintains, "I don't know what our dynamic is at this point other than the fact that I'm still angry. Like, I'm pissed." CT remains undeterred by Diem's rage, claiming, "There's no way she can be mad at me cause I won't let her be mad at me." Will bad boy, CT charm his way back into Diem's heart or will their turbulent past prove to be too much to overcome?[/QUOTE] [center]<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">MTV Shows</a>[/center]
Damn Diem Dat Dody!
Diem and CT's video is up and it's like five or four minutes long. hah and every one else is like 2 or 3.
[QUOTE=awalllll;294038]Diem and CT's video is up and it's like five or four minutes long. hah and every one else is like 2 or 3.[/QUOTE] I know right, and i skipped through half of it because the first half was Diem explaining the details of their past relationship. I may be in the minority but i thought that part was kind of boring. Wish they would've talked about their partnership more. But i do agree with CT that they are their own worst enemy, unlike other couples that are on friendly terms and will have an advantage because of that (i.e. Aneesa/Rachel, Johnny/Camila, Leroy/Naomi).
While it was awkward, it was nice to hear them discuss what happened but me being a nosy person really wanted to know what went on between them lol. The way they interacted with one another was "different" than the others imo
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She said on twitter hair wasn't the real reason he didn't meet her dad (obviously not just about hair) and to watch and see/hear the real reason why on exes. I am guessing that means he treats her bad on exes because the rumor was that her family didn't like the way he treated her on G3, so that makes sense. Or maybe they openly talk about something else on the show, who knows. Still if you are with someone for that long, you would think at some point he would meet her family. I mean otherwise why stay with him if he treated her bad and she thought her dad would hate him. Maybe CT's "nice guy" persona only lasts one show. It would be hard to be paired if they havent spoken since D2 reunion, that is a long time.
Diem and CT's interview is incredibly awkward. There is so much tension between them. The interesting part is that they were still "talking" up until the point where CT's brother passed away. It just makes you wonder if she had made that flight if things would have been different between them. As a fan of them both as a team and as a couple, it's sad to see them this way. I'm still waiting to see Cara Maria and Abram's video. That one should be interesting!!
[QUOTE=Lhog77;294112]Diem and CT's interview is incredibly awkward. There is so much tension between them. The interesting part is that they were still "talking" up until the point where CT's brother passed away. It just makes you wonder if she had made that flight if things would have been different between them. As a fan of them both as a team and as a couple, it's sad to see them this way. I'm still waiting to see Cara Maria and Abram's video. That one should be interesting!![/QUOTE] Very awkward. I mean I felt bad just watching it. The crazy part is the don't even seem to know why they broke up. I just think Diem must of found another dude she liked a little more than CT. Maybe......
In spite of their bickering, you can still see the chemistry. They’re not getting back together because too much has happened but I think they’ll always have that chemistry. Some people just do. It was twice as long as the others so there were definitely awkward moments but how was Diem supposed to answer the “Do you still find CT attractive?” question (particular if she still does) when CT just said he like her better with the wiffle? I think she was just nervous and like she said still sad that they stopped talking after the Duel 2 reunion like their relationship never even existed. I can’t believe CT forgot about Diem missing her flight after his brother died! I guess he hasn’t thought about Diem and their relationship since the last time they saw each other.
[QUOTE=JodyBreeze;294113]Very awkward. I mean I felt bad just watching it. The crazy part is the don't even seem to know why they broke up. I just think Diem must of found another dude she liked a little more than CT. Maybe......[/QUOTE] As I said on Diem thread, I don't think it was that awkward. I think Diem was just nervous/still sad that they stopped talking after the Duel 2 reunion. They broke up because of Diem's five-year career first thing. I think their plan was to give Diem five years to work on Medgift/Hollywood hosting stuff before she moved to Boston to start popping little CTs out. That's why they were still talking after they broke up but then Diem missed her flight and CT slept with Shauvon.
[QUOTE=eggs78;294121]As I said on Diem thread, I don't think it was that awkward. I think Diem was just nervous/still sad that they stopped talking after the Duel 2 reunion. They broke up because of Diem's five-year career first thing. I think their plan was to give Diem five years to work on Medgift/Hollywood hosting stuff before she moved to Boston to start popping little CTs out. That's why they were still talking after they broke up but then Diem missed her flight and CT slept with Shauvon.[/QUOTE] I dont know if it was "their" plan, clearly CT didnt seem thrilled about the whole 5 years later thing. On the duel 2 after show she said he had tried to get back together/hit on her on the first day of the duel 2. Anyways I didnt think their interview was that awkward, well he seemed fine but she looked uncomfortable and she interrupts him a lot. He was saying remember the pictures, does it give you goosebumps and she didnt want to say anything then he said she's gorgeous but then when the producer asked if she was attracted to him she got all freaked out and wouldnt say anything, like its not a big deal, you obviously think he's attractive since you dated him and he's obviously a good looking guy, its not cheating to admit that, if I was her bf and saw her act like that to those questions would make me worry more. And I dont know if I buy the whole booked the wrong flight stuff, ok you got the wrong month but cant you just go to the airport and say you wana buy the next flight to Boston or just book it again? On the aftershow it seemed like she didnt go see him at all, which was weird.
[QUOTE=eggs78;294121]As I said on Diem thread, I don't think it was that awkward. I think Diem was just nervous/still sad that they stopped talking after the Duel 2 reunion. They broke up because of Diem's five-year career first thing. I think their plan was to give Diem five years to work on Medgift/Hollywood hosting stuff before she moved to Boston to start popping little CTs out. That's why they were still talking after they broke up but then Diem missed her flight and CT slept with Shauvon.[/QUOTE] I dont know if it was "their" plan, clearly CT didnt seem thrilled about the whole 5 years later thing. On the duel 2 after show she said he had tried to get back together/hit on her on the first day of the duel 2. Anyways I didnt think their interview was that awkward, well he seemed fine but she looked uncomfortable and she interrupts him a lot. He was saying remember the pictures, does it give you goosebumps and she didnt want to say anything then he said she's gorgeous but then when the producer asked if she was attracted to him she got all freaked out and wouldnt say anything, like its not a big deal, you obviously think he's attractive since you dated him and he's obviously a good looking guy, its not cheating to admit that, if I was her bf and saw her act like that to those questions would make me worry more. And I dont know if I buy the whole booked the wrong flight stuff, ok you got the wrong month but cant you just go to the airport and say you wana buy the next flight to Boston or just book it again? On the aftershow it seemed like she didnt go see him at all, which was weird.
That whole "I missed the flight" bit was the flimsiest excuse I have ever heard. So what if she didn't make it in time for the service and arrived the day after instead? He is still going to be hurting and needing his friends long after the funeral is over. She just didn't care enough to make it happen and now she is trying to save face.
I used to think Diem was cool, but the more I started noticing her reaction and behavior around people and certain situations, my perspective of her made a 180...
I actually believe Diem here. Still it's sad how this would be inevitable couple broke up. Also its not like she couldn't have taken a bus or drove to get to him. Still its rather sketchy.
[QUOTE=Blue123;294124]I dont know if it was "their" plan, clearly CT didnt seem thrilled about the whole 5 years later thing… On the duel 2 after show she said he had tried to get back together/hit on her on the first day of the duel 2. Anyways I didnt think their interview was that awkward, well he seemed fine but she looked uncomfortable and she interrupts him a lot… she was attracted to him she got all freaked out and wouldnt say anything, like its not a big deal, you obviously think he's attractive since you dated him and he's obviously a good looking guy, its not cheating to admit that, if I was her bf and saw her act like that to those questions would make me worry more[/QUOTE] You’re probably right about the five year thing. I just don’t see why CT would still talk to her after the breakup only as friends. I think the way she babbled like a schoolgirl with a crush is one of the reasons why, according to Emily on Derrick’s podcast, Diem would have walked away had she known CT was her partner. Diem has some unresolved feelings there while it seems like a closed book on CT’s end which contributed to her awkwardness. She did tell Sarah in one of the trailers that she broke up with him with her brain, not her heart. [QUOTE=Nostalgic;294187]I actually believe Diem here. Still it's sad how this would be inevitable couple broke up. Also its not like she couldn't have taken a bus or drove to get to him. Still its rather sketchy.[/QUOTE] I think people should cut Diem some slack about missing her flight. I think it was an honest mistake that she put in the wrong month. She booked it once she heard at four in the morning. She was probably very emotional and didn’t exactly what she was doing. She said it was weird that they all of a sudden stopped talking. It sounds like they stopped talking right after she missed her flight so she probably did not know if he even wanted her there.
[QUOTE=eggs78;294201] I think people should cut Diem some slack about missing her flight. I think it was an honest mistake that she put in the wrong month. She booked it once she heard at four in the morning. She was probably very emotional and didn’t exactly what she was doing. She said it was weird that they all of a sudden stopped talking. It sounds like they stopped talking right after she missed her flight so she probably did not know if he even wanted her there.[/QUOTE] Seems to me to be a lot of excuses instead of a real reason. I'm not sure if its really good editing(or if it can be edited in that matter) but at the end CT was mentioning how Diem didn't call for days and out of the blue at the end of the week he gets a text saying she booked the wrong flight and couldn't make it. That's a weak excuse cause she could have easily gotten a flight the next day after hearing the news or even if she booked the wrong one, she could have hopped on the next flight to Boston. I mean my buddy missed an international flight to England but made it there several hours later anyway by just hopping on the next one. So I don't buy her excuse or the other one of CT not meeting her dad cause of blah blah. She just didn't want to look bad on camera and if anyone should be pissed its CT, not her
Here's the thing. Last year while booking a flight for my mother, I did the same thing. Right day, wrong month. Complete honest mistake and we didn't realize it until we got to the ticket counter. However, we just changed the flight. In LA, Diem could have found another flight if she wanted to. I am one of the fans that was silently hoping somehow, some way, they would get back together. Part Of me always will. The more I see though, I begin to question her sincerity. Diem does great things for her charity but in this situation? Who knows? Unfortunately we only see the little we get on tv and that's obviously edited. The love story, the heartbreak..... It's almost like watching an episode of General Hospital!
The nexus between truth and fiction in the edit presented in episode one is tenuous at best. The real story of episode 1 is likely to come out in the coming days, and the "CT good guy" edit may be seriously tarnished.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=V1man;294690]The nexus between truth and fiction in the edit presented in episode one is tenuous at best. The real story of episode 1 is likely to come out in the coming days, and the "CT good guy" edit may be seriously tarnished.[/QUOTE] Hi i tried sending this already sorry it keeps glitching when i try to send...Just out of curiousity, do you mean on the show or via social networking from Diem herself?Because the ep 1 "real story" would involve the past like the whole flight wake thing and the Shauvon thing right? not new drama that will make him a bad guy that happened in the house? or does more come to light about why they broke up or what really happend back than?
[QUOTE=jojorules;294706]Hi i tried sending this already sorry it keeps glitching when i try to send...Just out of curiousity, do you mean on the show or via social networking from Diem herself?Because the ep 1 "real story" would involve the past like the whole flight wake thing and the Shauvon thing right? not new drama that will make him a bad guy that happened in the house? or does more come to light about why they broke up or what really happend back than?[/QUOTE] No .. Things that allegedly happened while the cast was taping what would become episode one but that was not shown, allowing for an edit that didn't reflect reality. (No reality show need be 'real,' but viewers should know the difference between a documentary of a competition and a competition type reality show where the story editor is free to fictionalize, take out of context and completely leave out things that would be critical to a documentary of the same activity.
[QUOTE=V1man;294690]The nexus between truth and fiction in the edit presented in episode one is tenuous at best. The real story of episode 1 is likely to come out in the coming days, and the "CT good guy" edit may be seriously tarnished.[/QUOTE] I'm sorry but I'm not surprised concerning CT. He was never ever a good guy from his fights with Christina and the gang to sabatoging Leah on the original Inferno. Anyway, thanks for that tidbit.
[QUOTE=V1man;294707]No .. Things that allegedly happened while the cast was taping what would become episode one but that was not shown, allowing for an edit that didn't reflect reality. (No reality show need be 'real,' but viewers should know the difference between a documentary of a competition and a competition type reality show where the story editor is free to fictionalize, take out of context and completely leave out things that would be critical to a documentary of the same activity.[/QUOTE] Since you said it does not have anything to do with the past, then Diem does not contest the "low budget text". Pretty classy on her part. We all understand the concept of editors leaving out actual events to carve a story. It's what this forum is built on. CT maybe Satan himself but to accuse him of something that "allegedly happened" without giving specifics is pretty unfair.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=V1man;294707]No .. Things that allegedly happened while the cast was taping what would become episode one but that was not shown, allowing for an edit that didn't reflect reality. (No reality show need be 'real,' but viewers should know the difference between a documentary of a competition and a competition type reality show where the story editor is free to fictionalize, take out of context and completely leave out things that would be critical to a documentary of the same activity.[/QUOTE] I get that the editors edit around the story they want to tell and a lot of key stuff was left out of ep 1 to the story. But my question is if you mean it will come to light via ep 2 or 3 or make air at all you think, or how it will come to light if they didn't show it on the episode? Social networking, vevmo, Diem herself? It is kind of two sides telling the opposite stories, so not sure their has to be a bad guy in it all. Most breakups have different versions of the truth. Both were wrong in their own way. I don't know the whole story just saying. I know you are close with Diem.
[QUOTE=eggs78;294713]Since you said it does not have anything to do with the past,[B] then Diem does not contest the "low budget text"[/B]. Pretty classy on her part. We all understand the concept of editors leaving out actual events to carve a story. It's what this forum is built on. CT maybe Satan himself but to accuse him of something that "allegedly happened" without giving specifics is pretty unfair.[/QUOTE] Hey, you would be seriously wrong and even foolish to attempt to further interpret what I write. I [B]don't give a crap about a reported text and didn't give it a thought when writing[/B]. I was commenting on upon what took place in the DR based on the rumors I'm hearing. It has absolutely nothing to do with the content of any conversation you think you heard or understood from episode 1. For me, the episode is dead and buried. My interests always lie in the edit and what happened that didn't make the episode. If you want fair, read some other crap, not mine.
[QUOTE=V1man;294766]Hey, you would be seriously wrong and even foolish to attempt to further interpret what I write. I don't give a crap about a reported text and didn't give it a thought when writing. I was commenting on upon what took place in the DR based on the rumors I'm hearing. It has absolutely nothing to do with the content of any conversation you think you heard or understood from episode 1. For me, the episode is dead and buried. My interests always lie in the edit and what happened that didn't make the episode. [B]If you want fair, read some other crap, not mine.[/B][/QUOTE] Hey, if you want people to stop misinterpreting what you write perhaps you should less ambiguous for imbeciles such as myself. Here’s what I think you said: CT’s good guy edit will be tarnished because certain “rumored” events that did not make the final edit will come to light. I know the info you present is not fair and unbiased but thanks for confirming it in the above. That’s why I took it upon myself to speak out for someone who is being unfairly crucified based on unspecified, biased rumors. I’m sorry your precious Princess Diem did not get a good edit but based on "the reported low budget text" alone, she deserved it.
[QUOTE=eggs78;294802]Hey, if you want people to stop misinterpreting what you write perhaps you should[B] less ambiguous for imbeciles such as myself[/B]. Here’s what I think you said: CT’s good guy edit will be tarnished because certain “rumored” events that did not make the final edit will come to light. I know the info you present is not fair and unbiased but thanks for confirming it in the above. That’s why I took it upon myself to speak out for someone who is being unfairly crucified based on unspecified, biased rumors. I’m sorry your [B]precious Princess Diem[/B] did not get a good edit but based on "the reported low budget text" alone, she deserved it.[/QUOTE] First, there are some obvious things for which I can not compensate. You are unaware that my affiliation with this show is not exactly "pro-Diem." I've been on the "Beth" side of that equation from the beginning. I happen to be interested in her charity for both personal and corporate reasons. My interest in the challenge, however, is to understand really happened behind the edit. I prefer an honest edit to a good one for any person. As for suggesting that I'm crucifying poor CT based upon biased rumors, well I never criticized CT. All I said was that the episode does not match what I've been hearing took place. I'm hoping the story comes out from cast members themselves rather than that I have to piece it together. For me something is a rumor until it's fully sourced (more than one independent source for each significant fact). Those were the rules I lived by as a journalist and are rules I still follow.
Lol at people that actually believe CT and his "low budget text" comment. Seriously people...will you ever learn that CT is not the good guy, not exactly the most honest and forthcoming person? Wow guys...
[QUOTE=eggs78;294802]Hey, if you want people to stop misinterpreting what you write perhaps you should less ambiguous for imbeciles such as myself. Here’s what I think you said: CT’s good guy edit will be tarnished because certain “rumored” events that did not make the final edit will come to light. I know the info you present is not fair and unbiased but thanks for confirming it in the above. That’s why I took it upon myself to speak out for someone who is being unfairly crucified based on unspecified, biased rumors. I’m sorry your precious Princess Diem did not get a good edit but based on "the reported low budget text" alone, she deserved it.[/QUOTE] I absolutely agree with you. Good stuff.
Cara Maria has weighed in on this: [CENTER] [url=;imgid=12730][img][/img][/url][/CENTER]
[QUOTE=V1man;294858]Cara Maria has weighed in on this: [/QUOTE] Even if CT killed babies and raped women while snorting a mountain of coke in DR, it does not change the fact that Diem should have been there for the person who "made her a woman again" when he needed her the most instead of making excuses and sending "low-budget" text.
