The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Emily Schromm

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The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Emily Schromm

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Ty and Emily

Emily and Ty's relationship began on Real World: DC. Ty recalls, "When I first saw Emily, I was immediately attracted to her and we ended up hooking up for a pretty long time. But eventually, our love turned completely to hate." That hate culminated with Emily spitting in his face. Later on Cutthroat, a prank by Emily set Ty off and caused him to trash Emily's bed in a fit of anger. And when Ty lost his Cutthroat elimination, his then - teammate Emily declared that she hoped to never be on a team with Ty again. However, on Battle Of The Exes, Ty will be Emily's one and only teammate -- and it has Emily worried, as she explains, "Ty has the build and the muscles, but that's all for show. When he gets down to it, he never follows through. I don't even know if we're going to make it past one challenge!" We'll see if these bickering exes can best Emily's grim prediction.


#TeamDC! Definitely rooting for these two! She has some serious abs though....
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;292769]#TeamDC! Definitely rooting for these two! She has some serious abs though....[/QUOTE] I love Emily even when she was on the Real World. She is the best chick on this challenge period.
Well I think Paula said it best when she said Emily just has this inner glow about her. She's a likable girl, has a great attitude, and my prediction is she will show herself to be an amazing competitor and possibly the best female competitor on this challenge. For some reason, I saw some people thinking she wasn't much to fuss about after Cutthroat. Just because she wasn't in the forefront and didn't take out someone who was a huge threat when she went into the elimination rounds those two times, doesn't mean she isn't a huge threat herself. Plus it will be interesting to see her interaction with Ty.
[QUOTE=blackinwhite;292821]I love Emily even when she was on the Real World. She is the best chick on this challenge period.[/QUOTE] While I think she is a strong girl, I think Rachel has her beat this time around. And depending on the elimination I could see Aneesa giving her some trouble.
I hope she gets another chance to send Paula home crying.
Hello Ms. Strong girl. I wonder if she will be able to hold out against Rachel. I feel as though she can outmatch most girls, except for Rachel. Maybe I think she has endurance because she used to be a soccer player? I don't remember if she said it or where I heard it from, but she has played the sport before. Anyway, I hope she can hold out, out of all the girls in this challenge she is definitely my number one.
I don't get all the Emily love! She's one of the most boring people on these shows! The only time anything involving her ever entertained me was when Katie was kicking her bed with a bag of peas on her face.
I love Emily! I like some chill people on these shows. She also seems like a good competitor, and is clearly fit. Rooting for her to do really well and make it far!
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;292896]I don't get all the Emily love! She's one of the most boring people on these shows! The only time anything involving her ever entertained me was when Katie was kicking her bed with a bag of peas on her face.[/QUOTE] Unfortunately, she is one of the few people on this challenge who isn't an emotional trainwreck or character of no particularly redeeming social value. I'd like to have more people like Emily on TV. I've grown tired of the fraudulent manipulators and their lackeys. She is also a neighbor of sorts, so I'm inclined to hope she does well.
[QUOTE=V1man;293029]Unfortunately, she is one of the few people on this challenge who isn't an emotional trainwreck or character of no particularly redeeming social value. I'd like to have more people like Emily on TV. I've grown tired of the fraudulent manipulators and their lackeys. She is also a neighbor of sorts, so I'm inclined to hope she does well.[/QUOTE] I concur with this. People think we only want to see trainwrecks or trashy people, but I think we need to have those players there who can compete, balance out the craziness and add something to the show in that way. So because someones not having trashy hook ups or fights, we're supposed to not like them because they are "boring". If there were only nutjobs on the challenge, it would be an annoying competition over how many trashy people are fighting for airtime and no one would stand out because they would all be a bunch of identical ******** and trainwrecks. I loved Rivals so much not because of Mandi or Paula or Wes. I loved it because of Mike and Leroy. I enjoy watching those two guys and they weren't trainwrecks. Emily is like the female Mark or Landon. Likable and a strong competitor with a great attitude. She's a breath of fresh air and a good example that you don't have to throw drunken tantrums or hook up with everyone to be a female who does well on the challenges. Just making my case that players like her are needed on this show as well.
I had a dream that I made out with her around the time that Cutthroat was airing. Heh.
[QUOTE=AJHill;293319]I had a dream that I made out with her around the time that Cutthroat was airing. Heh.[/QUOTE] How funny. I actually saw a dream that I was practicing swan diving and Johnny's cat happened to be in the water, so when I landed on it, the cat drowned and Johnny was pissed off.
Emily may not be the most entertaining person to be on these shows but she is a good competitor(although I wouldn't group her in with Rachel). And she isn't some unlikable *******. I'm glad to have her on another challenge.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;293432]Emily may not be the most entertaining person to be on these shows but she is a good competitor(although I wouldn't group her in with Rachel). And she isn't some unlikable *******. I'm glad to have her on another challenge.[/QUOTE] Rachel is not much when compared to Emily. Rachel has been overrated for years. Years!
[QUOTE=V1man;293434]Rachel is not much when compared to Emily. Rachel has been overrated for years. Years![/QUOTE] Years, I tells ya! *shakes fist in air* ;)
[QUOTE=V1man;293434]Rachel is not much when compared to Emily. Rachel has been overrated for years. Years![/QUOTE] Completely agree. I have to say, I'm an Emily lover too. Have a massive crush on her. She just seems like a joy to be around. Cool personality and looks/acts like a 'real' person. I'm personally tired of all the dramatics for screen time, etc. Probably why I prefer Real World seasons of the past.
[QUOTE=V1man;293434]Rachel is not much when compared to Emily. Rachel has been overrated for years. Years![/QUOTE] How is Emily better than Rachel? Hasn't Rachel proved time and time again that she is a real good competitor? If anything I would put Emily and her in the same category.
[QUOTE=V1man;293434]Rachel is not much when compared to Emily. Rachel has been overrated for years. Years![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Coralfan;293439][B]How is Emily better than Rachel?[/B] Hasn't Rachel proved time and time again that she is a real good competitor? If anything I would put Emily and her in the same category.[/QUOTE] I'm guessing we'll found out on this challenge. So far though, a couple of cast members have commented on Emily's beast status.
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;293442] I'm guessing we'll found out on this challenge. So far though, a couple of cast members have commented on Emily's beast status.[/QUOTE] We can't figure out much. Rachel has Aneesa as her partner. You're only as strong as your weakest. Unless they have head to head competitions. I'd love to see Emily, Rachel, Evelyn, Laurel all do Duel 3 now haha
[QUOTE=xajmx90;293443] We can't figure out much..Rachel has aneesa as her partner. Your only as strong as your weakest. Unless they have head to head competitions. I love to see emily,rachel,evelyn,laurel duel 3 now hahaa[/QUOTE] Emily has Ty though lol, and i'd put my money on Aneesa in elimination rounds before i would on Ty. I like him but this just isn't his game lol. So i think Rachel has an advantage over Emily as far as teams go but i do hope we get to see them go head to head. Also just watched Aneesa and Rachel's interview, and I wouldn't be surprised if one of them got some Emily action. Even if it's just a hot tub make out section, something's gonna happen. I hope.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=V1man;293434]Rachel is not much when compared to Emily. Rachel has been overrated for years. Years![/QUOTE] On the field, yes. But as for her social game, she apparently has many notches on her holster.
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;293445]Emily has Ty though lol, and i'd put my money on Aneesa in elimination rounds before i would on Ty. I like him but this just isn't his game lol. So i think Rachel has an advantage over Emily as far as teams go but i do hope we get to see them go head to head. Also just watched Aneesa and Rachel's interview, and I wouldn't be surprised if one of them got some Emily action. Even if it's just a hot tub make out section, something's gonna happen. I hope.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't put Aneesa over Ty at all. Ty's a guy and most of the time they have a smaller advantage in almost anything, but smarts. I'm not really a fan of comparing people unless they've been put up against each other, but Emily and Rachel seem (from a very far distance) that they could match up well. I wouldn't put one over the other just yet because you can't really until they compete next to each other.
[QUOTE=Camille;293167]I concur with this. People think we only want to see trainwrecks or trashy people, but I think we need to have those players there who can compete, balance out the craziness and add something to the show in that way. So because someones not having trashy hook ups or fights, we're supposed to not like them because they are "boring". If there were only nutjobs on the challenge, it would be an annoying competition over how many trashy people are fighting for airtime and no one would stand out because they would all be a bunch of identical ******** and trainwrecks. I loved Rivals so much not because of Mandi or Paula or Wes. I loved it because of Mike and Leroy. I enjoy watching those two guys and they weren't trainwrecks. Emily is like the female Mark or Landon. Likable and a strong competitor with a great attitude. She's a breath of fresh air and a good example that you don't have to throw drunken tantrums or hook up with everyone to be a female who does well on the challenges. Just making my case that players like her are needed on this show as well.[/QUOTE] Wasn't she hooking up with Paula in the hot tub and Cara Maria/Jenn on the bus? Not that I think she's trashy, nutty or any of those adjectives you used but I don't think Emily is above having some wild fun.
I just watched Rachel and Aneesa's couple video on and Aneesa was talking about she wouldn't hook up on a challenge and then Rachel commented and said "unless the other lesbian on the cast would come out" referring to Rachel. Is this a real rumor, or is this something they said because Emily reminded them of Rachel?
[QUOTE=iMichael;293480]I just watched Rachel and Aneesa's couple video on and Aneesa was talking about she wouldn't hook up on a challenge and then Rachel commented and said "unless the other lesbian on the cast would come out" referring to Rachel. Is this a real rumor, or is this something they said because Emily reminded them of Rachel?[/QUOTE] Isn't Emily openly ********?
[QUOTE=FishHooks;293452]On the field, yes. But as for her social game, she apparently has many notches on her holster.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't touch that one with your ten foot pole...
[QUOTE=Coralfan;293439]How is Emily better than Rachel? Hasn't Rachel proved time and time again that she is a real good competitor? If anything I would put Emily and her in the same category.[/QUOTE] I base my opinion on the conversations I've had with at least 8 former challenge cast members who were or are today in a position to compare/rank the two. I rarely base any of my opinions on what I see during any episode or season because I believe the edits are essentially trash if used for cast comparison purposes.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=V1man;293486]I wouldn't touch that one with your ten foot pole...[/QUOTE] LOL. Eyes front at the Vevmo urinals there, Mister. :wink2: I've never understood Rachel's supposed ability to turn straight girls gay but whatever. I don't like Emily but it is more indifference. I'm horrible at judging which female competitors should do well since the games seemed to be stacked in favor of the guys.
Glad Emily's back on the challenge scene. Her body is sick! I see her as being one of the top girl competitors this season.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;293482]Isn't Emily openly bisexual?[/QUOTE] Oh yea, I think I remember that now. That fact was easily lost in my mind due to my lack of interest in the DC season and her pairing with Ty. closed, problem solved.
