Real World: San Diego (2011) - An End To The Endless Summer

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So far I'm glad they didn't show this ****...
[QUOTE=TheCollegeD;290700]Zack is mad effeminate during the wonder every guy frank brought home thought there were two gay guys in the house[/QUOTE] Zach makes the Kardashians seem like they might belong on TV.
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[QUOTE=Costanza;290692]Probably the best episode of the season, bar none..[/QUOTE] I agree with you completely [SIZE="1"](although it was probably because I fell asleep early on and had some pretty wicked dreams during the episode's airing)[/SIZE]
This may be the most bothersome *** We Didn't Show episode yet. The reason is because this is what they should have shown. The series is so busy ramming two storylines - Zach and Ashley's incredibly boring romance and Frank's struggles/tirades (also boring fairly early) down our throat because they are the same old same old. Throw in Nate as the stock supporting actor and it led to a boring season. To be fair, Alex did not show much in the *** We Didn't Show episode. One can understand why little focus was paid to her. However, Priscilla and Sam were made of win. Priscilla's exhibitionistic streak may be something we have seen before but there was a gentle playfulness to her actions. There was not that sense of self-loathing but more a woman, from an very sexual family, who enjoyed herself. Granted making out with one's Mom is a bit insane, the energy shown is entertaining as was the interplay between her and others. As for Sam, I called this after the 4th or 5th episode on the forum. I knew something wasn't kosher. I have met a few women like Sam and there is one thing I know - femmes love them. Early on I said they must be editing a lot of Sam's stuff out as far as women because a woman like Sam is going to get hookup after hookup (and many times with the hottest woman in the room). Priscilla, Ashley and Alex saying tonight that Sam easily had the most game and brought home beautiful woman after beautiful woman confirmed what I already knew. I may not have guessed that she made out with Priscilla and her Mom at the same time or she hooked up with sisters. However I knew sure as Hell that she was bringing home different beautiful women constantly. Here's the thing. It is Nate who we are told by MTV has this great game (well Sam say so). It is him we are shown with various hookups that are given episode long treatment. Why? Who knows. Whatever it is it is not surprising. Neither is having the other women confirm that Nate had no big game (and that Sam always ended up with much better looking women). Sam's womanizing would have been an intriguing thing to show. Many people (particularly the mainstream) would be stunned while many a lesbian or ******** woman would go I know women just like her (and still cannot resist women like Sam). They could have also shown the intricacies of Sam's relationship with Zach (which came across more multifaceted than we saw through the season) and with Priscilla (same thing). Instead the show edited out what would have been a more original experience so we could see the same old same old.
[QUOTE=Balmont;290708] They could have also shown the intricacies of Sam's relationship with Zach (which came across more multifaceted than we saw through the season) and with Priscilla (same thing). [/QUOTE] I think that Sam and Zach had that kind of sibling relationship where it's constant playful insults (though the "beat the gay" thing was ten steps over the line) but at the end of the day there is a deep caring between them. You can see on this where Sam says how she loves Zach but on the preview for the reunion she's calling him a *******. I think it would've taken credibility away from the "Zach is a homophobe" (which I'm not saying he isn't) storyline if they had made a point to show him having a tight nit relationship with one of his LGBT roommates.
It feels like this season just started. Might be cause I didn't even finish watching the premiere before I left this season. Oh well here's hope to a good season 27!!
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I'm so confused about what was part of which episode, but the little clip of Frank telling Nate he could send him the LGBT suicidal people from the website creeped me out. Sending someone in an emotional crisis to Frank would seem a little like giving Jack the Ripper a new set of steak knives.
[QUOTE=swimma922;290687]Molds I'm going to guess what wasn't captured on film dealt with Priscilla hooking up with someone. Maybe Zach, I feel like that would cause a lot of people to talk Due to his relationship with Ashley. Idk if that would happen but it definitely would have made the season more interesting.[/QUOTE] "Hook up", no. "Make out", yes. [QUOTE=swimma922;290697]If she does make out with her mom that will be one of the most disgusting television scenes ever, in my opinion.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=jase1;290698]She did. Thankfully, they didn't show that.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Sloan;290699]Priscilla made out with her MOM?! WTF?! Not okay!!!![/QUOTE] To be fair, it wasn't *just* her mom... [QUOTE=Balmont;290708] Priscilla's exhibitionistic streak may be something we have seen before but there was a gentle playfulness to her actions. There was not that sense of self-loathing but more a woman, from an very sexual family, who enjoyed herself. Granted making out with one's Mom is a bit insane, the energy shown is entertaining as was the interplay between her and others.[/QUOTE] What did it show with Priscilla and her mom, exactly? I didn't watch the episode and was told "the kiss" wasn't caught on tape.
I'm so glad, Molds, and you should be too, that they didn't catch the actual kiss on tape. That would've been straight up nasty. I could imagine as sensible as Lillian is that she would've received negative feedback in her community where as Priscilla is still young. Sam went to far though. That wasn't cool. I just wasn't feeling this STSHS. Now unto the actual episode. The finale last night was okay to a certain extent. I hated how Priscilla closed the door. That was just straight up staged. As usual we almost got stuck with Zach and Ashley leaving but thank you lord that didn't happen. Frank overreacted to Nate being drunk but Nate did it to himself. All in all I'm glad its over. And Alex, please practice your singing face better cause you scared me a little bit with it.
They showed what appeared to be some aftermath discussion with Priscilla's mom talking about how she made out with Sam and Priscilla. Priscilla apparently told Sam that she could make out with her mom only if she could join or something.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;290738]They showed what appeared to be some aftermath discussion with Priscilla's mom talking about how she made out with Sam and Priscilla. Priscilla apparently told Sam that she could make out with her mom only if she could join or something.[/QUOTE] Ah, yes. Some things happened during the 4th of July party (which I'm guessing they showed in an episode?) that weren't caught on tape, that being one of them. I bet the camera operators were kicking themselves in the *** after that one...
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;290738]They showed what appeared to be some aftermath discussion with [B]Priscilla's mom talking about how she made out with Sam and Priscilla.[/B][/QUOTE] That is incredibly disturbing.
Anonymous's picture
If Sam made out with Priscilla and her mom at the same time it is weird. If Priscilla made out with her own mom as part of the equation, that is beyond disturbing and just real real real creepy.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;290738]They showed what appeared to be some aftermath discussion with Priscilla's mom talking about how she made out with Sam and Priscilla. Priscilla apparently told Sam that she could make out with her mom only if she could join or something.[/QUOTE] I honestly thought they were joking at first... there's no way someone can think it's ok to make out with their mom in a three way kiss... that's not normal...
[QUOTE=molds13;290721]What did it show with Priscilla and her mom, exactly? I didn't watch the episode and was told "the kiss" wasn't caught on tape.[/QUOTE] Molds, any idea of why they didn't show more of Sam's hookups while overdoing the focus on Nate. If it wasn't for last night's "***" episode, one would have no clue the extent of Sam's messing around. Alex, Priscilla, and Ashley were all talking about the how Sam was bringing home beautiful woman after beautiful woman (with plenty of footage in there that indeed there seemed to be woman after woman)? There just seems to be something odd there (and again I knew off the bat something was up) in how Nate's game was embellished while Sam's game was completely downplayed.
I think this a great question for fans. Do you think Ashley and Zach will be like a Danny and Melinda... Eventually crash and burn? Or will they make it? Based off of what I've read from most Vevmoees, you might care less. Figured it was worth asking.
Anonymous's picture
I liked the last episode and the **** they should have shown more than i liked the entire season. I actually felt like I was getting to know these people in some way, which should have happened a long long time ago. I think p making out with her mom is ludacris, and yuck, yikes Sam's got game and its disappointing that MTV wasn't comfortable enough to show it more often. Honestly, I just feel like the editors of this season were probably horrible. Whoever was the one choosing which scenes to include and which to exclude (**** they should have shown) was making all the wrong decisions.....
[QUOTE=nola79;290753] Based off of what I've read from most Vevmoees, you might care less.[/QUOTE] You might be right. :hypocrite:
I have to say, for a pretty dull season, I actually like the cast for the most part. I really liked the "fabulous five" as Sam described them. Except for me it's more of a fabulous four because Frank is the worst. I don't even hate Zach or Ashley. I find Ashley to still be incredibly dull but I warmed up to her by the end of the season. There really should have been more Alex, Priscilla, and Sam throughout the season, IMO. Alex just seems so... cool. I'd love to hang out with her. And Priscilla cracks me up.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=mph922;290756]I have to say, for a pretty dull season, I actually like the cast for the most part. I really liked the "fabulous five" as Sam described them. Except for me it's more of a fabulous four because Frank is the worst. I don't even hate Zach or Ashley. I find Ashley to still be incredibly dull but I warmed up to her by the end of the season. [B]There really should have been more Alex[/B], Priscilla, and Sam throughout the season, IMO. Alex just seems so... cool. I'd love to hang out with her. And Priscilla cracks me up.[/QUOTE] As much as people clowned on Ashley, I truly found myself sometimes thinking, "Oh I completely forgot that girl was even on the show" when an Alex scene popped up. The neighborhood and community seemed just so mellow (i.e. boring) that it rubbed off on the cast I think. The season was more of a kickback than a kegger.
[QUOTE=molds13;290739]Ah, yes. Some things happened during the 4th of July party (which I'm guessing they showed in an episode?) that weren't caught on tape, that being one of them. I bet the camera operators were kicking themselves in the *** after that one...[/QUOTE] Why though? That would be tantamount to ******, right?
[QUOTE=nola79;290753]I think this a great question for fans. Do you think Ashley and Zach will be like a Danny and Melinda... Eventually crash and burn? Or will they make it? Based off of what I've read from most Vevmoees, you might care less. Figured it was worth asking.[/QUOTE] I still think Ashley is way more into Zach than he is into her, they will most likely will fizzle out.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;290771]I still think Ashley is way more into Zach than he is into her, they will most likely will fizzle out.[/QUOTE] I disagree, I think Zach is just less verbal about it. They seem more like Brad and Tori than Danny and Melinda to me.
Frank is right up there in JD-status (the overly-dramatic roommate who constantly lectures about family when all he does is trash talk most of them behind their backs). God, I'm so glad this season is over just so I don't have to deal with watching Frank anymore. I liked the rest of the roommates - I never had any issues with Zach or Ashley and completely understood why they became outsiders. Frank was just too much to put up with.
I saw that one of the roommates had a Polish flag up in their room. Which roommate was Polish, since all of their last names don't seem to be Polish?
[QUOTE=awalllll;290904]I saw that one of the roommates had a Polish flag up in their room. Which roommate was Polish, since all of their last names don't seem to be Polish?[/QUOTE] Well, what room was it in? That would narrow it down.
Wow, the first half of this S#!t They Should’ve Shown was a very gross. First of all Nate is dis-gus-ting. I would’ve had anxiety living in that house. I mean condoms, wrappers, etc in the shower? The likelihood of catching a disease is 100 times higher than in a regular apartment. I can’t believe it. Priscilla’s family is ****ed up, man. I almost threw up when they talked about Frank drinking Nate and Sam’s spit. Aw, it was cute to see how much fun they had in the car with the bump. And aw at Frank and Alex wearing matching tops.
[QUOTE=molds13;290910]Well, what room was it in? That would narrow it down.[/QUOTE] In the room where Zach slept. It also had the "Don't tread on me" flag and that's where Sam and Frank set up all their gay pride decorations earlier on in the season.
[QUOTE=awalllll;290919]In the room where Zach slept. It also had the "Don't tread on me" flag and that's where Sam and Frank set up all their gay pride decorations earlier on in the season.[/QUOTE] Then it was either Zach or Sam's.
It's Zach,I remember him mentioning that he was Polish on twitter. I agree,the shower thing was just ick. Used condoms and food in there?If there is one place in my house that has to stay clean it's the bathroom. Then Nate and Frank talking about smelling their ball musk-gag.Do alot of guys do that or....? Worst of all when Frank drank the spit,just ugh,him talking about throwing up a brown he won't be doing that again.
