Survivor: South Pacific - Trojan Horse

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Survivor: South Pacific - Trojan Horse
One tribe is left in shock when one of its players makes an extremely risky move that will go down in Survivor history. On Redemption Island, Christine and Mikayla duel to see who stays in the game and who goes home.
This season as actually held my interest and I'm really interested to see what will make "survivor history".
Christine's good. She's like a less religiously obnoxious Matt.
Well, based on the episode description, I bet I can call what happens... Coach's tribe wins immunity, Ozzy volunteers to go to Redemption to take out Christine. Moron.
[QUOTE=molds13;284202]Christine's good. She's like a less religiously obnoxious Matt.[/QUOTE] I was just about to say the same thing.
[QUOTE=molds13;284202]Christine's good. She's like a less religiously obnoxious Matt.[/QUOTE] I was rooting against her and have every week! ;)
[QUOTE=molds13;284204]Well, based on the episode description, I bet I can call what happens... Coach's tribe wins immunity, Ozzy volunteers to go to Redemption to take out Christine. Moron.[/QUOTE] I was just about to say that.
Ozzy, that's crazy talk. Go for it!
Given Christine's disdain for Coach, shouldn't Upolu be thinking about this?
Why not just keep the idol, get voted out, come back WITH the idol. (or is the idol officially "flushed" when the carrier is voted out.) Now Coach is talking crazy, these "VETS" are playing a pretty sloppy game if he says something.
20 minutes in and no tears from Brandon yet. Is this a new record?
[QUOTE=Clarke;284210]Why not just keep the idol, get voted out, come back WITH the idol. (or is the idol officially "flushed" when the carrier is voted out.) Now Coach is talking crazy, these "VETS" are playing a pretty sloppy game if he says something.[/QUOTE] It's flushed when the carrier is voted out, so his best option would be to give it to someone. Based on what we've already seen, I don't think he'd give it to anyone except Cochran or Keith...and I'm leaning more toward Cochran for some reason.
[QUOTE=bgstl77;284209]Given Christine's disdain for Coach, shouldn't Upolu be thinking about this?[/QUOTE] That was my thought exactly. Why not use her as a swing vote? Why risk losing your brains AND your brawn in one fell swoop?
Brandon drew on a bra. Brandon has a bra.
And Cochran ****s up another challenge.
[QUOTE=molds13;284215]And Cochran ****s up another challenge. [/QUOTE] Jeff loves to point that out!
TOO MUCH PRAYING And Ozzy's three-year-old self comes out.
Pocahontas is mad.
Haha, I love this editing. Ozzy: "RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE ROPES RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE" Jeff: "...OK"
[QUOTE=molds13;284217]TOO MUCH PRAYING[/QUOTE] Maybe they should ditch tribal council and replace it with a tribal choir sing off? The praying on this show has gotten out of hand. God doesn't care if you find the idol or win immunity, I promise.
I'm sorry, but that Jack and Jill movie looks absolutely awful.
[QUOTE=molds13;284221]I'm sorry, but that Jack and Jill movie looks absolutely awful.[/QUOTE] Agreed. Adam Sandler is seriously out of ideas.
What's the point of putting on the idol if you're just going to take it off and pass it around?
I'll give it to Ozzy, this is a ballsy move.
Not gonna lie, I really kind of hope that either a) Ozzy loses or b) the merge doesn't happen next week.
If only Ozzy was telling the truth. That would have been funny!
I guess Cochran (and Ozzy) doesn't know who Shii-Ann is.
I was waiting for Ozzy to pull the rug out from under Cochran, thinking maybe he knew that Christine would side with Savaiii at the merge.
[QUOTE=bgstl77;284231]I was waiting for Ozzy to pull the rug out from under Cochran, thinking maybe he knew that Christine would side with Savaiii at the merge.[/QUOTE] I'm not sure why that didn't even appear to cross his mind. Christine has made it extremely clear that she hates her former tribe members and should be an easy pickup if she were to make it to the merge. I think I'm rooting for someone from Upolu to win. Everyone on Ozzy's tribe just seems to be filler apart from Jim and Cochran, whereas the editing is focused on all of Upolu's members.
[QUOTE=Clarke;284230]I guess Cochran (and Ozzy) doesn't know who Shii-Ann is.[/QUOTE] I'd be surprised if Ozzy even knew who Boston Rob was! I'm really hoping this idiotic move comes back to bite him!
[QUOTE=molds13;284215]And Cochran ****s up another challenge.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Bacchus;284216]Jeff loves to point that out![/QUOTE] Jeff carries this show and I love it. I hope he brings another clever whoop *** line soon! [QUOTE=Bacchus;284220]The praying on this show has gotten out of hand. God doesn't care if you find the idol or win immunity, I promise.[/QUOTE] I didn't think we'd ever have to say that again after last season...Ozzy is a child. No wonder he can never win this game, his personality is horrible. I'm really hoping that Ozzy loses to Christine, but I'm sure they'll find some way have Ozzy win and continue to win. I was getting the vibe that he wanted to lose in the beginning but after that hissy fit, I guess not... Point blank...I just can't stand Ozzy. I hope him volunteering to go to Redemption bites him in the ***. And on another note, that movie does just look horrible. The only thing I got from watching them watch this movie was that I wanted some candy.
