Hungry contestants use their primal instincts during an intense immunity challenge; a betrayal makes waves; a scorned contestant decides to seek revenge.
I think this is hard fact that when Russell isn't on a season, Vevmovians tune out of the discussion - because they love him so much.
Obviously, we need Russell back next season to get the talk flowing again in these parts. :wink:
Fairly good episode, like how Albert was edited in the episode as it made him seem pivotal to his tribe. Keith seems to be an x factor to this season if his tribe will go in with equal numbers at merge.
This was a pretty good episode. I think Keith and Whitney made an excellent move by essentially not voting at all. Even though he isn't a very good player, I can't help but to root for Cochran! At this point, I can't stand Coach or Ozzy. They're both cocky *******s. Jeff was right when he said that the fans had seen enough of Ozzy. And wtf was Ozzy's vote supposed to mean anyway? I don't get it...
I thought the episode was actually really good. Definitely could have done without the spit, because that was completely disgusting, but it's great to see them bring back memorable challenges. I was convinced that Cochran was going due to Keith's skepticism. Glad to know the editing fooled me again. I love when that happens. Keith and Whitney are smarter than I thought they were. Coach doesn't really bother me, it's Ozzy that gets on my last nerve.
I liked tonight's episode but I still wish Cochran was out he just rubs me the wrong way. I really hope the weird cars saleman guy and Cochran go before the merge. I really hope Albert and Russel's ***** of a nephew go soon too. But it won't happen because those 4 are guys and this season there's been 5 tribal councils and only 1 guy was voted off.
I don't get why they voted for Dawn still. Ozzy would still be pissed off because they just threw their votes away. I would have had 1 of them vote for Cochran and the other vote for Elyse so that Keith would still have a shot at getting Ozzy in his alliance.
Ozzy once again made a huge mistake of trusting people, and not thinking about the things he says before he says them. I dont't see how he'll ever win Survivor being so bad at the social part of the game.
I love Cochran. This might sound crazy, but in my opinion, he's the most entertaining player.
Lil Hantz needs to go. Let's be honest, a good person never has to constantly tell themselves that they are a good person. He tears up or cries every episode. Get him outta here.
Coach is lucky he's not playing with any dangerous players. Seems like he'll make it far because of this.