Real World DC: Ashley Lindley

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Jasmine got on the Challenge by talking **** with any and everyone she could. It was dirty, it was fake and she needs serious therapy. She has a Napoleon complex that will get her *** in trouble... especially if we ever meet. If someone threatens me, they better back it up. Unfortunately for her, she can't. She would literally look like a munchkin next to me, but she tried to say she could take me. It was hilarious.
Anonymous's picture
If you didnt turn down challenges, what reality TV offers that you refer to on your website as you turning down are you refering to? So I'm guessing you, Ty, and Emilee never ended up living together? Also people on the Challenge think Ty may be not so straight, your thoughts? Hope we see you on the next Challenge
[QUOTE=AshleyL;278693]What's the point of casting young, athletic, outspoken cast of young people only to keep it the SAME CAST every year? Over half the people on the Challenges come back every year. I didn't realize it was a career, but apparently being a reality star back in the early 2000's means you can continue doing the same thing for a decade- but new people? Not a chance. It's so backward. HAHAHA, I know- soon they will all be having babies or becoming old maids and the show will run out of gusto. Its time to mix it up- really, mix it up! I'm sure with the casts over the last 5-7 years, there are plenty of fresh faces willing to duke it out.[/QUOTE] Yeah I agree with you! Why keep casting the same old boring girls like Sarah, Theresa, Paula, Camilla, and Shauvon when you can get someone new and exciting that will change things around a bit? However, I do like to see some of the old Veterans returning like Mark, Rachel, Veronica, Syrus, Landon, Ibis, Susie, Tonya, Aneesa, etc.
[QUOTE=AshleyL;278698]Jasmine got on the Challenge by talking **** with any and everyone she could. It was dirty, it was fake and she needs serious therapy. She has a Napoleon complex that will get her *** in trouble... especially if we ever meet. If someone threatens me, they better back it up. Unfortunately for her, she can't. She would literally look like a munchkin next to me, but she tried to say she could take me. It was hilarious.[/QUOTE] Why does she want to take out such a nice girl like you?
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=AshleyL;278697]I love Mike. He's been really busy with his own thing and the same with me. I'm really proud of the work he has done and for taking advantage of his platform. We'll always have a friendship... even if it's better at a distance.[/QUOTE] Apparently he turned down Cutthroat but has said he'd now do one, you two would be quite the teammates. If you do make it on, remember, align with the newbies and sorta-newbies to get the numbers in your favor rather than not counting the actual numbers like the idiots on Rivals
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=AshleyL;278698]Jasmine [B]got on the Challenge by talking **** with any and everyone she could[/B]. It was dirty, it was fake and she needs serious therapy. [/QUOTE] Emileeeeeee did the same thing. :rolleyes:
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;278703]Emileeeeeee did the same thing. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] Yet what made the best seasons like Gaunlet 1 and Inferno 1 so memorable were people meeting and interacting for the first time. Casting people who haven't interacd much virtually or inperson would be to BMP's advantage, where some people know others but everyone doesn't know everyone Apparently to MTV, The Real World: Key West is an endless miniseries. Also Ashley, if you do get on, I think you and Cara Maria would get along well in real life
Ty and I lived together in Hollywood… until he left one day, in the middle of the day, with the doors locked without saying anything to me or my landlord. He made me almost lose my home and forced me to pay a very hefty rent alone. Luckily, I can take care of myself and everyone already knows what a dbag he is ;) Em and I are still great, I love her. She is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met and I will always have her words on my shoulder. If Mike and I were on a Challenge, I wouldn’t want to partner with him, too much history and I wanna stay friends. I’d much rather mix it up. Also, he chose me last in kickball- so, you know it’s personal. hahahaha! Yea, I think it would be interesting to actually see us all together- and not at a club or “reality bash” or whatever. I don’t drink anymore, so those things are kinda useless for me. I am keeping my body strong, lean and on point now. Bringin the sexy back ;)
[QUOTE=AshleyL;278708]T[B]y and I lived together in Hollywood… until he left one day, in the middle of the day, with the doors locked without saying anything to me or my landlord. He made me almost lose my home and forced me to pay a very hefty rent alone. [/B]Luckily, I can take care of myself and everyone already knows what a dbag he is ;) Em and I are still great, I love her. She is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met and I will always have her words on my shoulder. If Mike and I were on a Challenge, I wouldn’t want to partner with him, too much history and I wanna stay friends. I’d much rather mix it up. Also, he chose me last in kickball- so, you know it’s personal. hahahaha! Yea, I think it would be interesting to actually see us all together- and not at a club or “reality bash” or whatever. I don’t drink anymore, so those things are kinda useless for me. I am keeping my body strong, lean and on point now. Bringin the sexy back ;)[/QUOTE] That's not right. You should have made him sign a contract with you, him and your landlord obligating him to live with you and pay his share till X date.
Do still keep in contact with Josh or Erica?
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;278735]Do still keep in contact with Josh or Erica?[/QUOTE] Josh, not really- though depending on who he's with at the time I'll be there (if you understand) Erika... that's a big **** no.
You explained what happened between you and Ty, but what happened between you and Erika?
Also - what's Callie up to now? Loved her on your season.
Personally, Ashley was my favorite on DC.
Anonymous's picture
So were you being less than truthful about turning down other reality tv offers? Also congrats on being the first DC cast member to join Vevmo, were you guys prohibited?
[QUOTE=g30068g;278699]If you didnt turn down challenges, what reality TV offers that you refer to on your website as you turning down are you refering to? So I'm guessing you, Ty, and Emilee never ended up living together? [B]Also people on the Challenge think Ty may be not so straight,[/B] your thoughts? [/QUOTE] Lol, i think they were joking with that. Ashley, do you keep in touch with Andrew and Callie as well?
Oh Ashley is a member here now? Cool Welcome Ashley.
Even though I think she is judgemental, a drama queen & annoying, I am still asking myself why they invite boring people like Mandi, Theresa, Sarah, Katelynn, Melinda and Luke over her.
[QUOTE=AshleyL;278688]Yea, Ty and I have REAL-REAL WORLD drama. He's the **** of the earth. I rarely truly hate people- Ty could be one of those few. He's a piece of ****- and he knows why. I have never been offered a Challenge- and Erika- she's another on that list... and she knows why, too! I never want to see either of them again. I can't speak on my roomies, but I know a lot of us want to go- but the new seasons have a lot of hype. I'm just thinking they need some sexy hot blood in the mix. I'm tired of seeing these old *** people on challenges- there is no reason why you should be on the same show ******* 10 times and not give us a shot to come in and keep things fresh, fast and fun.[/QUOTE] And even though I hated you in the first few episodes, your last sentence speaks volume and its like you read the minds of everyone here. Its true thouh, Ash. They need new blood on these damn thing.
[QUOTE=g30068g;278699]Also people on the Challenge think Ty may be not so straight, your thoughts? Hope we see you on the next Challenge[/QUOTE] WTF? I hate to be rude but why the hell re you asking Ashley? Ask Tyrell yourself. I'm not trying to be rude here but yeah that's not cool. [QUOTE=gamer73;278700]Yeah I agree with you! Why keep casting the same old boring girls like Sarah, Theresa, Paula, Camilla, and Shauvon when you can get someone new and exciting that will change things around a bit? However, I do like to see some of the old Veterans returning like Mark, Rachel, Veronica, Syrus, Landon, Ibis, Susie, Tonya, Aneesa, etc.[/QUOTE] Hey! I happen to love seeing Shauvon, Camila and Theresa on these things.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;279133]WTF? I hate to be rude but why the hell re you asking Ashley? Ask Tyrell yourself. I'm not trying to be rude here but yeah that's not cool. Hey! I happen to love seeing Shauvon, Camila and Theresa on these things.[/QUOTE] Well, opinions are like *******s everyone has one! lol I agree with this person, Ashley was annoying on dc and on twitter but I would have preferred to see her over those three and Mandi.
[QUOTE=AshleyL;278688]Yea, Ty and I have REAL-REAL WORLD drama. He's the **** of the earth. I rarely truly hate people- Ty could be one of those few. He's a piece of ****- and he knows why. I have never been offered a Challenge- and Erika- she's another on that list... and she knows why, too! I never want to see either of them again. I can't speak on my roomies, but I know a lot of us want to go- but the new seasons have a lot of hype. I'm just thinking they need some sexy hot blood in the mix. [B]I'm tired of seeing these old *** people on challenges- there is no reason why you should be on the same show ******* 10 times and not give us a shot to come in and keep things fresh, fast and fun[/B].[/QUOTE] OMG Ashley I full heartedly agree with you there! As pretty much everyone here will tell you I'm tired of the same old ******** Challenge after challenge. I want to see some new Blood! It's really good to hear an actual castmember say those things. Ashley <3333333333333
[QUOTE=lulax3;279144]Well, opinions are like *******s everyone has one! lol I agree with this person, Ashley was annoying on dc and on twitter but I would have preferred to see her over those three and Mandi.[/QUOTE] Well to each there own
Anonymous's picture

Jasmine got on the Challenge by talking **** with any and everyone she could. It was dirty, it was fake and she needs serious therapy. She has a Napoleon complex that will get her *** in trouble... especially if we ever meet. If someone threatens me, they better back it up. Unfortunately for her, she can't. She would literally look like a munchkin next to me, but she tried to say she could take me. It was hilarious.

HAHA damn Ashley vs. Jasmine on The Challenge would've been HILARIOUS. Ashley would've been so entertaining. 

Anonymous's picture

Looks like Ashley isn't getting along to well with RW: Cancun's Jasmine. They've been tweeting back and forth for the past few days and this is Ashley's most recent tweet to Jaz: IMAGE(


I had no clue Ashley was on here & she said all of that...damn she hit the nail on the head concerning everything.

SMH @ words.

I had no clue Ashley was on here & she said all of that...damn she hit the nail on the head concerning everything.

SMH @ words.

I know right? I stiil don't get how Emily got on the challenges but she never did. I got why they brought on Ty but I feel like out of all the DC girls she and Erika should've been the been the first ones BMP called.

I had no clue Ashley was on here & she said all of that...damn she hit the nail on the head concerning everything.

SMH @ words.

I know right? I stiil don't get how Emily got on the challenges but she never did. I got why they brought on Ty but I feel like out of all the DC girls she and Erika should've been the been the first ones BMP called.

After reading that.. I agree. I'm okay with Emily being cast, but where the **** is Ashley L? This girl needs to get on my screen ASAP.

Emily absolutely was a good casting decision


I'm dying at how she destroyed Jasmine right there. I do like Emily as a strong female competitor, but she's definitely on the more boring side.
