If Jenn is on another challenge, she is gonna get taken out in elimination or lose in the final again. I think Laurel or Cara Maria can take out Jenn easily. Jenn has done nothing but run her mouth and not compete.
[QUOTE=producer88;275547]Words can't express how much I hate her. Seriously, she disgust me![/QUOTE]
tsk tsk producer, you know better than to call out Jonas's dream girl =P
Didn't like Jenn on Real World Denver, definitely don't like her now. She was chill on Inferno 3 - that's about it (but then again, that's when she had no power and went into the Inferno 75% of the time...so she for the most part kept her big mouth shut, which was pleasant). Other than that, never really liked her.
[QUOTE=Buck05;275580]Didn't like Jenn on Real World Denver, definitely don't like her now. She was chill on Inferno 3 - that's about it (but then again, that's when she had no power and went into the Inferno 75% of the time...so she for the most part kept her big mouth shut, which was pleasant). Other than that, never really liked her.[/QUOTE]
I remember Jenn blatantly cheating in her first Inferno on Inferno 3. I never really liked her since then, now at least she's making it obvious to everyone else.
On a related note, check out the summary from that episode on TVGasm here:
[url=http://www.tvgasm.com/recaps/the_challenge-recaps/jenn_grijalva_m/?pag=1]Jenn Grijalva Must Die | TVgasm[/url]
I think it sums up enough.
[QUOTE=producer88;275590]lol...I use to liker her until this season.[/QUOTE]
I don't know why her cast mates think she's so great, she couldn't finish the drill in three consecutive finals; why give her a free ride? Hopefully she does retire.
[QUOTE=producer88;275590]lol...I use to liker her until this season.[/QUOTE]
Every season she's on, I find myself liking her less and less... and her quotes this season were so pompous and arrogant:
"It's called status"
"Wait a minute ADAM!! Before overstep a BOUNDARY!!"
*talks fast, swears at laurel, ex-raiderette lingo*
Someone on television without pity posted: [QUOTE]She is typical Martinez gutter trash. I live about 2 minites from where she's from. 90 percent of the population of Martinez is tweaked out trash. I was waiting at Chili's for a to go order once a year or so ago and she comes in, they were really busy and told her it would be about 30 minutes before they could seat her and her trashy friends. She pitched a fit. She told them that she's a "******* celebrity" and they will seat her now. She was yelling that she's on "******* tv *****" and she can eat anywhere she wants. They showed her the door.
She called the hostess a dumb ***** for not knowing who she was. I have only seen her the one time but my daughter has seen her a lot at our local mall and said she treats everybody like ****. [/QUOTE]
There should be a lynch mob for Jenn, right guys??? LOL. LOL.
She must be this horrible, awful, uncaring, self-righteous person, who sucks at the game? Am I right? Who's with me?
Oh, did I drop down to her level because I'm talking **** about a person I hardly know? I guess I am. Hmmm... I guess it's OK though, because it's on a forum, where no one knows me. LOL!
Hopefully some of the more educated people on here get the sarcastic, yet true point made.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;275664]There should be a lynch mob for Jenn, right guys??? LOL. LOL.
She must be this horrible, awful, uncaring, self-righteous person, who sucks at the game? Am I right? Who's with me?
Oh, did I drop down to her level because I'm talking **** about a person I hardly know? I guess I am. Hmmm... I guess it's OK though, because it's on a forum, where no one knows me. LOL!
Hopefully some of the more educated people on here get the sarcastic, yet true point made.[/QUOTE]
Are you gonna join me in the mob against Jenn CRG? ;) We can be co-founders.
[QUOTE=yankeegurl93;275666]Are you gonna join me in the mob against Jenn CRG? ;) We can be co-founders.[/QUOTE]
Hahaha. At least you got a sense of humor! Sorry you didn't get to go to the reunion this year!
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;275668]Hahaha. At least you got a sense of humor! Sorry you didn't get to go to the reunion this year![/QUOTE]
I've already prepared the Jenn effigies and soaked the torches in kerosene.
[QUOTE=lulax3;275671]Jenn was so pathetic at the reunion -_-
she is like a little chihuahua all bark no bite.
I would choose laurel/cara maria over her any day.[/QUOTE]
LOL wrong way, dude. The chihuahuas are the ones that bite...
[QUOTE=jflanz;275840]Its so annoying that people put laurel on a pedestal for defending cara, but when jenn defends paula she's somehow trashy[/QUOTE]
Perhaps you should consider being annoyed at your own lack of insight. MTV pretty much dressed up the pig as best they could in their reunion show edit.
Here is the difference for you:
- Cara's personality comes across as sweet, right or wrong, and people respond to it.
- Paula has a legacy of being whiny, again right or wrong, and people remember that, no matter how well she did on Rivals.
- Paula appears to have participated in the bullying of Cara by others.
- Laurel responded to the bullying of Cara with a verbal death grip on Paula and Jenn in defense of those the edit showed to be the bullies.
America pulls for the underdog and also for someone who comes to the underdog's defense, especially when that someone in that past has appeared flawed. It's a classic storyline throughout American cultural history.
[QUOTE=V1man;275870]Perhaps you should consider being annoyed at your own lack of insight. MTV pretty much dressed up the pig as best they could in their reunion show edit.
Here is the difference for you:
- Cara's personality comes across as sweet, right or wrong, and people respond to it.
- Paula has a legacy of being whiny, again right or wrong, and people remember that, no matter how well she did on Rivals.
- Paula appears to have participated in the bullying of Cara by others.
- Laurel responded to the bullying of Cara with a verbal death grip on Paula and Jenn in defense of those the edit showed to be the bullies.
America pulls for the underdog and also for someone who comes to the underdog's defense, especially when that someone in that past has appeared flawed. It's a classic storyline throughout American cultural history.[/QUOTE]
Not really TOO related to the original post but Cara accepted Paula and Wes' apology graciously. Paula just rolled her eyes, screamed over Laurel, and made me really not feel bad for her at all.
[QUOTE=jflanz;275840]Its so annoying that people put Laurel on a pedestal for defending Cara, but when Jenn defends Paula she's somehow trashy.[/QUOTE]
Jenn isn't trashy because she defended Paula, she's trashy because she's trashy. I don't agree with the things that Laurel said, but I agree with her reasoning for doing it.
[QUOTE=kristalie;275904]Not really TOO related to the original post but Cara accepted Paula and Wes' apology graciously. Paula just rolled her eyes, screamed over Laurel, and made me really not feel bad for her at all.[/QUOTE]
Paula didn't accept Laurel apologies because before that episode aired, Laurel wasn' t sorry for what she said to Paula in fact in one of the Derrick's podcast Evan asked Laurel if she had something to regret and then Evan asked if she had said something she shouldn't have said and Laurel said that she didn't have anything to regrret
[QUOTE=alucard666;275924]Paula didn't accept Laurel apologies because before that episode aired, Laurel wasn' t sorry for what she said to Paula in fact in one of the Derrick's podcast Evan asked Laurel if she had something to regret and then Evan asked if she had said something she shouldn't have said and Laurel said that she didn't have anything to regrret[/QUOTE]
Yeah they asked if there would be another cutthroat-reunion-like apology, and she said no. Obviously she overreacted to Paula but Paula did ask for it.
[QUOTE=Skeet;275925]Yeah they asked if there would be another cutthroat-reunion-like apology, and she said no. Obviously she overreacted to Paula but Paula did ask for it.[/QUOTE]
Remind me how she asked for it.
This thread is about Jenn. Not Paula and Laurel. Although I will tie Jenn in this scenario.
Laurel was friends, good friends, with both before the show. When they got to Argentina everything went down hill. If you remember on Cutthroat, Shavoun and Dan said Laurel becomes mean when she is drunk. Straight up mean. Her apology to Eric was fake. Her apology to Paula was fake and she doesn't have remorse for people with eating disorders. Jenn never (besides this reunion) brought anything personal into the game. She, nor Paula, has ever called Laurel Bigfoot or say that she has Bacne. Two insecurities she has (All was said on either an after show or podcast). No one, EVER, deserves to be made fun of because of there weight or eating disorders, or there height. Obviously Jenn has a soft spot for people with eating disorders and backed Paula. She also backed up Eric at the Cutthroat reunion. People might not like Jenn for things she says, but people tend to overlook what stands for. They can portray her as a drunken, crazy, self absorbed *****. Some of it obviously is true, but like Evelyn said in her interview in another thread, editing has so much to do with it!
Jenn chooses who she "stands up" for. Everyone wants to jump on the Paula bandwagon and say "she didn't deserve it, Laurel is just mean" and I'm not arguing whether Laurel is mean or not. But where was Jenn when Cara Maria was being picked on? Where was Tyler? Where was everyone who now jump in and claim to be 'against bullying and hurting others and being personal' Where were they?
I'm not a fan of Jenn... I don't know her personally so I cannot make jabs about how she is in real life or whatever, but based on what I saw (yes on the edited version of the show), my opinion is that she looks out for herself... and that could be fine, but you don't have to be rude, talk down on others and treat other people like crap while you go about it. That whole "clique" with Jenn/Paula/Tyler and whoever else just sicken me because they're hypocritical and just blatantly disrespectful.
Yeah as someone said before, Laurel and Jenn used to be friends, I saw pictures of them hanging out. If the game was a different format, I wonder if Laurel would have still backed up Cara, cause on cutthroat she seemed to have no problem telling her that she sucked. And even on this one she didnt seem to hate Jenn even after the hitting incident, when Wes/Paula got in an argument with Cara she yelled at them right away but she didnt say anything to Jenn during the whole CT/Cara fight or even when Jenn was yelling at her at the club.
[QUOTE=cryssy19;275949]Jenn chooses who she "stands up" for. Everyone wants to jump on the Paula bandwagon and say "she didn't deserve it, Laurel is just mean" and I'm not arguing whether Laurel is mean or not. But where was Jenn when Cara Maria was being picked on? Where was Tyler? Where was everyone who now jump in and claim to be 'against bullying and hurting others and being personal' Where were they?
I'm not a fan of Jenn... I don't know her personally so I cannot make jabs about how she is in real life or whatever, but based on what I saw (yes on the edited version of the show), my opinion is that she looks out for herself... and that could be fine, but you don't have to be rude, talk down on others and treat other people like crap while you go about it. That whole "clique" with Jenn/Paula/Tyler and whoever else just sicken me because they're hypocritical and just blatantly disrespectful.[/QUOTE]
Thank you cryssy for saying "on the edited version of the show" ;) I think in REAL reality, if there is a person who you are close with who is getting picked on, you will stand up for them, and if there is another person who is getting picked, and you are not friends with them, most people wouldn't stand up for them. Again, I am not saying if that is right or wrong (I usually stand up for anyone, friends and "enemies" alike) but it's not just a game about money. I agree what was done to Cara Maria was wrong. I never argued that. But so many people pick and choose who they want to protect, it's human nature.