[QUOTE=jhl182;259570]Abram gave a totally different answer as to why Piggy left the Inferno 1 on his formspring than "personal reasons". I won't say it here but he said it wasn't due to that. I feel like if it was due to personal reasons, they would've acknowledged her presence on the first episode and saying she had to depart rather than pretending she never existed when you can clearly see her in the back.[/QUOTE]
I've read the same comment he made re: Piggy, and he said it as a matter of opinion ("I think"), not an actual fact.
[QUOTE=townie;259529]I don't think Kenny was a reject, I think he was going to be on Real World Austin but had to back out last minute for whatever personal reason.
I know Evan was for sure a Real World reject though because I remember back when Duel 1 was airing that Wes & Nehemiah were making fun of him for getting passed over for the Real World because the producers found Evan to be less entertaining than Johnny Bananas.[/QUOTE]
Kenny said on the duel after show with Blair Herter that he did not get picked and was upset about it.
I decided to go watch the first episode of the Inferno and look for Piggy in the background. I only saw her twice.
[QUOTE=toenails;259505]Is EVERY SINGLE Fresh Meat/Fresh Meat II cast member a Real World reject? Or are there some exceptions?[/QUOTE]
From what I recall from the FM1 cast, the only people who were specifically cast from the Fresh Meat audition were Johnnie and Ryan. Everyone else had tried out for RW/RR.
I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere, and maybe this is the wrong place to ask, But whatever happened to Alton? The guy was nearly unbeatable. Is there any chance of him coming back for future challenges?
I remember reading that Alton would come back if asked at the right time, but he couldn't because of work or something. I remember he was called for The Island and would've done it, but couldn't take off.
Alton kinda fizzled out on Inferno 3, but that could be because he was on a team that sucked (ugh...Cara and Susie...). I would LOVE to see him come back because it would really shake things up. He's very Landon-esque, and it would be interesting to see how he would do in this new JEK dynasty.
Frank needs to come back too.
If there's ever a point where they know for a fact that they will only have 1 challenge left, it should be Duel 3 and they need to invite all of the powerhouse girls and guys of all time and the prize should be like half a million, or even a million.
If you could get CT, Mark, Evan, Alton, Landon, Miz, Derrick, Abram, Darrell, Theo V, Brad, Kenny, and Wes. Then take whoever the strongest girls of all time. That would be a hell of a way to go out, and of course we would all want to see it.
[QUOTE=foofighter7;259713]I would love to see Theo V again....he was definitely amazing on BOTS 2![/QUOTE]He did amazing on every challenge he was on and yeah it would be awesome if he'd come back. He was my favorite. He was funny, charming and a very good overall competitor.
So I was reading Kendal's blog from The Inferno and was intrigued by a statement she made...
"Don't pay attention to the times on the tv. they aren't always accurate. ;) "
[QUOTE=Youssarian;260043]So I was reading Kendal's blog from The Inferno and was intrigued by a statement she made...
"Don't pay attention to the times on the tv. they aren't always accurate. ;) "[/QUOTE]
I can't find her blog, and I would love to read it. Will you please post a link?
[url=http://www.freewebs.com/tubescanlorii/challengeinferno.htm]kendal sheppard · road rules campus crawl[/url]
This is the link to the blog quoted earlier. I also stand on the "I miss Kendal more than anyone ever" bandwagon.
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;260063]Kendal's blog is probably one of the most irrelevant blogs in 2011. Hahaha. Her Inferno blog from 2004? I'm sure it's real interesting...[/QUOTE]
I enjoy hearing what cast member's have to say about the show, so I think it would be interesting. I don't care how long ago it was.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;260074][url=http://www.freewebs.com/tubescanlorii/challengeinferno.htm]kendal sheppard · road rules campus crawl[/url]
This is the link to the blog quoted earlier. I also stand on the "I miss Kendal more than anyone ever" bandwagon.[/QUOTE]
Kendal's correct.
They got Ruthie's time wrong on one of the missions on Battle of the Sexes 1. The producers were rooting for her and purposely gave her a high time. Lori noticed it 'cause she actually beat Ruthie's time but they edited it to make it seem like she lost to her.
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;260063]Kendal's blog is probably one of the most irrelevant blogs in 2011. Hahaha. Her Inferno blog from 2004? I'm sure it's real interesting...[/QUOTE]
Considering I watched The Inferno for the first time a few days ago, it was really interesting.
I don't know if I'd consider this a bad sign or not, but I looked through my channel guide for the next couple of days and can't find a single Rivals replay. I've seen them replayed a couple of times for the first few episodes, but now I'm not sure.
Does anyone know when BMP & MTV plans on filming the next challenge if they decide to renew their contracts? I mean they're already halfway through this one, so it seems they should have made a decision by now unless they're waiting til the end of the season to determine the numbers. I mean it's already summer and usually they film in the summer, so it seems like they would at least want to start in late August or early September. Btw, I can't find the ratings for last night's episode. Can someone post them in the ratings topic if they find out what they were?
[QUOTE=Mr.Quebec;259741]He did amazing on every challenge he was on and yeah it would be awesome if he'd come back. He was my favorite. He was funny, charming and a very good overall competitor.[/QUOTE]
Too bad he sucked at puzzles. Haha, those third-grade Highlights word puzzles did him in on Fresh Meat.
I miss when cast member's would blog about the challenges and it would actually be really interesting. During Battle of The Sexes the blogs that Colin, Melissa, and Lori put out were sometimes just as entertaining as the actual show.
It's funny....last night during Rivals when they showed the clips of them at the beach it made me think of all the off camera/fun times the casts would have on the older challenges. Both from what we saw on the shows and what we read in the blogs it seems as though on the older challenges like Challenge 2000, BOTSeasons, BOTSexes, Inferno the casts got along better and had more fun.
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;260211]Does anyone know when BMP & MTV plans on filming the next challenge if they decide to renew their contracts? I mean they're already halfway through this one, so it seems they should have made a decision by now unless they're waiting til the end of the season to determine the numbers. I mean it's already summer and usually they film in the summer, so it seems like they would at least want to start in late August or early September. Btw, I can't find the ratings for last night's episode. Can someone post them in the ratings topic if they find out what they were?[/QUOTE]
Rivals filmed in February or March if I remember correctly, so I don't understand why you saying they "usually film in the summer". BMP and MTV will make the decision when it's appropriate for them to do so. The Real World: Back to San Diego is filming now, and Challenges and Real Worlds usually alternate airings. If the Challenges are renewed, there will probably be a press release. If they aren't, it'll probably have a quiet send off like Road Rules. There probably won't be an official cancellation, it just won't be produced any longer. Overnight cable ratings usually are posted around 5:30PM/6PM EST on TVByTheNumbers.com.
Inferno 2 is playing on on TV again! If you have channel MTVE, check it out. I think it's a spanish channel but they're airing the challenge in english.
[QUOTE=jhl182;260521]Inferno 2 is playing on on TV again! If you have channel MTVE, check it out. I think it's a spanish channel but they're airing the challenge in english.[/QUOTE]
Thanks! I just checked and there is a marathon starting at 5:30PM