Big Brother 13: Week 1 - Power of Veto

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Big Brother 13: Week 1 - Power of Veto
Secret alliances are already made and the dirty work begins. The power of veto competition takes place. Everyone enjoy the episode without me tonight ;)
I'm excited to see how this plays out tonight.
Well, have have some smart players this year. HAHA!!
Porsche makes Jordan look like a Rhodes Scholar.
Porsche needs to go. I don't see why any newbie would want to keep her around. She is clearly a backstabber. Yay for Danielle getting a golden key!
Brendon is so tuff.
They didn't mention that Daniele gets 2 votes tomorrow, so was that a lie?
I love when Jordan pretends that she knows how to play Big Brother.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;259756]They didn't mention that Daniele gets 2 votes tomorrow, so was that a lie?[/QUOTE] She only gets 1 vote. Where did you hear that from?
[QUOTE=RMD1;259757]I love when Jordan pretends that she knows how to play Big Brother.[/QUOTE] On the feeds she's said that she gets 2 this week.
This veteran freak out is a little over the top. I like Jeff's attitude though and I really think the Vets could win for the next 4 weeks. I can't stand Keith. I'm sad **** is leaving , I like him this season!
[QUOTE=RMD1;259757]I love when Jordan pretends that she knows how to play Big Brother.[/QUOTE] Seeing as how she won, she does.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;259760]On the feeds she's said that she gets 2 this week.[/QUOTE] That would be interesting, but not fair.
[QUOTE=RMD1;259757]I love when Jordan pretends that she knows how to play Big Brother.[/QUOTE] I love Jordan
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;259762]Seeing as how she won, she does.[/QUOTE] I am not going to start the Jordan debate with you. She didn't do anything worth mentioning on season 11. Luck has a lot to do with how the winner is chosen.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;259764]I love Jordan[/QUOTE] So do I, but that doesn't mean she is a good player lol.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;259761]This veteran freak out is a little over the top. I like Jeff's attitude though and I really think the Vets could win for the next 4 weeks. I can't stand Keith. I'm sad **** is leaving , I like him this season![/QUOTE] I agree. I'm amazed that it came to Jeff to offer up a Lombardi speech, but he did it well. Keith needs to go...
[QUOTE=RMD1;259766]So do I, but that doesn't mean she is a good player lol.[/QUOTE] I like Jordan too. She is horrible at Big Brother. Thankfully she has Jeff who is only half horrible at Big Brother. :D
Danielle really is a smart player. Oh Keith, why are you so stupid?
Finally Dani relizes that being safe for 3 weeks isn't a bad thing!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;259767]I agree. I'm amazed that it came to Jeff to offer up a Lombardi speech, but he did it well. [B] Keith needs to go[/B]...[/QUOTE] This. Why he feels he should yell and be over the top during his confessionals, I will never know. Jeff is awesome. Brendon and Rocket Science, funny.
I hate when they do the same comps from other seasons.
What the hell made Keith think he is safe? Homeboy needs veto more than anyone..
[QUOTE=RMD1;259773]I hate when they do the same comps from other seasons.[/QUOTE] I can see how that would be frustrating. I've only seen 3 other seasons so they're always new to me. If the vets lose this, I will cry from embarrassment. Lol Jordan is adorable!
Poor sweet, sweet Jordan...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;259774]What the hell made Keith think he is safe? Homeboy needs veto more than anyone..[/QUOTE] For some reason he seems to think he has the numbers, even with the freak out he just did.
I was on the edge of my seat with that comp.
I must admit, Brendon and Rachel do make for a solid team
[QUOTE=RMD1;259778]I was on the edge of my seat with that comp.[/QUOTE] You too? I actually fell out of my seat. :(
[QUOTE=RMD1;259778]I was on the edge of my seat with that comp.[/QUOTE] Lol, it was quite the nail biter. I vote Rock Candy and Radishes Random Question: When eating slop, are the have nots allowed at least salt and pepper?
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;259779]I must admit, Brendon and Rachel do make for a solid team[/QUOTE] The reality is, the vets are proven winners and they are good at these types of competitions. They could still be in the driver's seat even without defections...
