Big Brother 13: Week 1 - Nominations

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[QUOTE=torch115;259500][I]From wiki:[/I] Each week after the Head of Household has announced the week's nominees the six HouseGuests (the nominated contestants, the current HoH, and three other housemates, if possible) compete for the Golden Power of Veto. The winner of the Power of Veto can choose to veto one of the Head of Household's initial nominations. If the veto winner does not want to veto one of the HoH's nominations, he or she can choose to keep the nominations the same.[B] If they do veto one of the nominees, the HoH must name a replacement nominee. The winner is also protected from becoming a replacement nominee for the week. [/B]This competition is more often a game of skill instead of a quiz or endurance contest.[/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure they already knew how the POV works. The question is are they doing it any different with the pairs, because obviously they can't just have 6 pairs compete because that's too many people.
[QUOTE=SkylarGuy23;259487]I agree that Rachel is more appealing this season than last season (not that hard to achieve, but still it's something). [/QUOTE] When she said, "Come see my HOH roooooooooom!" I had nightmarish flashbacks to last season. It was almost like a recording. The whiny pitch, unnecessarily dramatic pace, irrational exuberance - EVERYTHING - was the same. That aside, I'm pulling for the vets for now - so I guess I'll have to deal.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;259503]I'm pretty sure they already knew how the POV works. The question is are they doing it any different with the pairs, because obviously they can't just have 6 pairs compete because that's too many people.[/QUOTE] Lol yes, I meant how they would do it differently. I guess we shall see.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;259346]Keith's adam's apple is quite annoying, so I want him to leave. Now...[/QUOTE] That was weird I kinda want him to stay. For real though, I want the vets to leave over the new kids. They had their chance.
I don't understand why any new person would keep Porsche over Keith. It's clear Porsche is a backstabber, considering she's already went back on her word. The new kids still have the numbers and need to take advantage of that. Don't get me wrong, I like every single veteran, but I want a fun game and not a veteran dominated game.
