Cut Throat - Tori Hall

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[QUOTE=danw34;259515]Tori is a worthless b****. She voted for Jillian to go into an elimination for the third straight time in the gaunlet 3!? Tori brings nothing to her team, she just votes for the strong female competitors on her own team to face elimination rounds, so Tori can skate through to the final. Tori did the same thing on Cutthroat! She voted Camilla into the Gulag three times. I don't know why everyone here seems to thinks positively of Tori? I think it was the duel 2 where after she skated through nearly the entire show because of Brads alliances, she was eliminated the first time she was sent to the duel. I can't remember which shows now, but i also remember her crying a couple times during challenges and giving up. In my opinion she's the most annoying, worthless person on any of these competitions.[/QUOTE] Self preservation is what these games are all about. You do what you can to get to the next day. If there is someone else that you can send in to keep yourself there longer, you do it. Not wanting to go into an elimination doesn't make you a worthless person. :)
[QUOTE=danw34;259515]Tori is a worthless b****. She voted for Jillian to go into an elimination for the third straight time in the gaunlet 3!? Tori brings nothing to her team, she just votes for the strong female competitors on her own team to face elimination rounds, so Tori can skate through to the final. Tori did the same thing on Cutthroat! She voted Camilla into the Gulag three times. I don't know why everyone here seems to thinks positively of Tori? I think it was the duel 2 where after she skated through nearly the entire show because of Brads alliances, she was eliminated the first time she was sent to the duel. I can't remember which shows now, but i also remember her crying a couple times during challenges and giving up. In my opinion she's the most annoying, worthless person on any of these competitions.[/QUOTE] Wonderful first post, danw34 (please read with extreme sarcasm). Three points to note: 1) It's a TV entertainment show, not real life; 20 Tori and Brad are about to have a baby (8 months +) it's hard not to have a positive view of any responsible couple bringing new life into the world. -- Did I mention it was a TV show? and, 3) Tori, is a close personal friend, and I take considerable offense at the school-yard name calling. FYI, Evelyn, Beth and Susie have all called her a tough, determined and top-ranked competitor. I regard their opinions as far more worthy than yours. Normally I welcome all newcomers to vevmo. Not this time...
I really don't like Tori. For me, she looks very annoying and fake. Her smile is too fake. Did you saw an episode when she start crying in RR after Abram hit to Adam? Her tears was so fake. She never didnt prove something. Yes, she won CutThroat. Everybody knows that it happens just because of Brad. She is very weak competitor. Hope she and Brad doinf well but I don't want to see her on Challenge at all.
[QUOTE=danw34;259515]Tori is a worthless b****. She voted for Jillian to go into an elimination for the third straight time in the gaunlet 3!? Tori brings nothing to her team, she just votes for the strong female competitors on her own team to face elimination rounds, so Tori can skate through to the final. Tori did the same thing on Cutthroat! She voted Camilla into the Gulag three times. I don't know why everyone here seems to thinks positively of Tori? I think it was the duel 2 where after she skated through nearly the entire show because of Brads alliances, she was eliminated the first time she was sent to the duel. I can't remember which shows now, but i also remember her crying a couple times during challenges and giving up. In my opinion she's the most annoying, worthless person on any of these competitions.[/QUOTE] Tori is not a bad competitor, and she just has one vote. Her vote on the Gauntlet 3 was not as strong as the 4 votes the Austin alliance had. Plus, on that challenge it wasn't a bad idea to try to eliminate people from the Veteran's team because they were performing better than the rookies. Gauntlets/Gulags are where people get sent home. If you want to make it to the end, avoiding them is a good strategy. Tori's just vocal about her opinion, but clearly the majority of the team agreed with her.
I wondered what would have happend if she was Camilla's partner on rivals, I bet the game would have played out diffrently.
[QUOTE=4realWORLD;259527]I really don't like Tori. For me, she looks very annoying and fake. Her smile is too fake. Did you saw an episode when she start crying in RR after Abram hit to Adam? Her tears was so fake. She never didnt prove something. Yes, she won CutThroat. Everybody knows that it happens just because of Brad. She is very weak competitor. Hope she and Brad doinf well but I don't want to see her on Challenge at all.[/QUOTE] She may annoy you, but she is not fake. "Did you saw..." Well, that was damn real, whether or not you believe it. Amad called me shortly after the assault happened and described it in detail to me, including the reaction of the women present. "Everybody knows.." News flash: No, everone doesn't know (nor do we all agree) No worries, though. She is smart enought to be done with all the BS that gets such reaction as yours. You will not see her again.
[QUOTE=4realWORLD;259527]I really don't like Tori. For me, she looks very annoying and fake. Her smile is too fake. Did you saw an episode when she start crying in RR after Abram hit to Adam? Her tears was so fake. She never didnt prove something. Yes, she won CutThroat. Everybody knows that it happens just because of Brad. She is very weak competitor. Hope she and Brad doinf well but I don't want to see her on Challenge at all.[/QUOTE] I think you're on crack and not the good kind. Tori is one of the Fastest girls in challenge history to recive two challenge wins the fatest. Right along with Jodi. Tori played the game, it might not cross the right path with other compeitors but she was the ONLY female to win Cutthroat.
[QUOTE=4realWORLD;259527]Did you saw an episode when she start crying in RR after Abram hit to Adam? Her tears was so fake.[/QUOTE] No see those were tears of joy 'cause someone was finally standing up to Adam and his bull**** egotistical selfish punk-*** d-bag attitude. Or at least in my world that's what they were :sarcastic_blum:
^lol But I think Tori was a good competitor on these challenges, although not as strong as I once thought still a pretty good one. I think [B]the show portrayed her[/B] as mentally weak (the tears and wanting to go home) but also opinionated (i.e. Jill and Camila). But I always thought of her as one of the top girls and pretty tough.
[QUOTE=dorkyydaniel;259542]I think you're on crack and not the good kind. Tori is one of the Fastest girls in challenge history to recive two challenge wins the fatest. Right along with Jodi. Tori played the game, it might not cross the right path with other compeitors [B]but she was the ONLY female to win Cutthroat.[/b][/QUOTE] Really? Do you think she would have been there without her 'Brady'? Gauntlet 3: She voted against Jill THREE times to throw her. Jillian was one of the best competitors in the team. Tori was just scared to go to gauntlet... That's it. She did NOTHING to prove her self and won because of Eric Banks. Duel 2: Everything what I remember about her in Duel 2 was crying on the bed and fake joy when Aneesa chose her for a duel and they got Elevator. That was SO FAKE! And she lost (don't blame it, Aneesa is queen of the Duel) CutThroat: Again, the only reason (in my opinion) why she won was Brad. She did nothing. Tori always was very scared to go to elimination rounds. She was always crying about everything. She acted so stupid when Camila voted against Brad to throw him into the Gulag. Isn't voting against someone part of the game? Tori is very fake and to some point she reminds me Tyler. She wants to be a part of drama. That's why I don't like her.
Tori is a hot piece of ***...I don't mind her winning one bit.
[QUOTE=4realWORLD;259527]I really don't like Tori. For me, she looks very annoying and fake. Her smile is too fake. Did you saw an episode when she start crying in RR after Abram hit to Adam? Her tears was so fake. She never didnt prove something. Yes, she won CutThroat. Everybody knows that it happens just because of Brad. She is very weak competitor. Hope she and Brad doinf well but I don't want to see her on Challenge at all.[/QUOTE] Based on your couple posts about Tori, gave me the thoughts of you, as the characteristics your complaining about.
[QUOTE=4realWORLD;259549]Really? Do you think she would have been there without her 'Brady'? Gauntlet 3: She voted against Jill THREE times to throw her. Jillian was one of the best competitors in the team. Tori was just scared to go to gauntlet... That's it. She did NOTHING to prove her self and won because of Eric Banks. Duel 2: Everything what I remember about her in Duel 2 was crying on the bed and fake joy when Aneesa chose her for a duel and they got Elevator. That was SO FAKE! And she lost (don't blame it, Aneesa is queen of the Duel) CutThroat: Again, the only reason (in my opinion) why she won was Brad. She did nothing. Tori always was very scared to go to elimination rounds. She was always crying about everything. She acted so stupid when Camila voted against Brad to throw him into the Gulag. Isn't voting against someone part of the game? Tori is very fake and to some point she reminds me Tyler. She wants to be a part of drama. That's why I don't like her.[/QUOTE] Can't say I ever heard Tori call him "Brady". Did I miss something?
[QUOTE=molds13;259556]Can't say I ever heard Tori call him "Brady". Did I miss something?[/QUOTE] Yeah, you forgot to caps one word. Maybe could of went like this, "Did I MISS something?"
She often calls him 'Brady' on Facebook.
[QUOTE=r3iKo;259552]Based on your couple posts about Tori, gave me the thoughts of you, as the characteristics your complaining about.[/QUOTE] [IMG][/IMG]
[QUOTE=4realWORLD;259559]She often calls him 'Brady' on Facebook.[/QUOTE] I haven't looked at Tori's facebook in a while, but I do know that Brady is the name of their soon to be born son. Not a nickname for Brad...
[QUOTE=4realWORLD;259549]Really? Do you think she would have been there without her 'Brady'? Gauntlet 3: She voted against Jill THREE times to throw her. Jillian was one of the best competitors in the team. Tori was just scared to go to gauntlet... That's it. She did NOTHING to prove her self and won because of Eric Banks. Duel 2: Everything what I remember about her in Duel 2 was crying on the bed and fake joy when Aneesa chose her for a duel and they got Elevator. That was SO FAKE! And she lost (don't blame it, Aneesa is queen of the Duel) CutThroat: Again, the only reason (in my opinion) why she won was Brad. She did nothing. Tori always was very scared to go to elimination rounds. She was always crying about everything. She acted so stupid when Camila voted against Brad to throw him into the Gulag. Isn't voting against someone part of the game? Tori is very fake and to some point she reminds me Tyler. She wants to be a part of drama. That's why I don't like her.[/QUOTE] Get beyond the edit. It was incredibly foolish. With regard to Cutthroat, Brad has said that Tori was the brains behind the winning strategy. BMP knew it was her last challenge, so there was no way there were going to waste a story line on Tori when she would bring them no future ratings benefit. Frankly, when you don't even know that "Brady" is the name they're given to their future son (and that is oh, so obvious from Tori's facebook page), it's absolutely impossible for me to take you seriously in this moment.
It was so funny on the gauntlet 3, when Tori started crying and having a mental breakdown, and threatening to throw the challenge for her team if she came back. Her team had sent her into one elimination round. Tori had already sent Jillian into 3 elimination rounds, and hadn't yet gone in once. And on Cutthroat, she got all mad at Camilla for voting for brad one time. Tori and brad had both been voting for Camilla every week!? What did Tori expect? Then Tori was making snide comments to Laurel about how her team had one more expendable player(Camilla) to vote off. Come on V1man, at the very least, you have to admit that type of behavior is hypocritical and self-centered??
[QUOTE=danw34;259603]It was so funny on the gauntlet 3, when Tori started crying and having a mental breakdown, and threatening to throw the challenge for her team if she came back. Her team had sent her into one elimination round. Tori had already sent Jillian into 3 elimination rounds, and hadn't yet gone in once. And on Cutthroat, she got all mad at Camilla for voting for brad one time. Tori and brad had both been voting for Camilla every week!? What did Tori expect? Then Tori was making snide comments to Laurel about how her team had one more expendable player(Camilla) to vote off. Come on V1man, at the very least, you have to admit that type of behavior is hypocritical and self-centered??[/QUOTE] There's a lot of stuff we don't see and some people get bad edits. Looking at after shows and other things, the red team weren't the only ones who were suspicious of Camila. Hell it was pretty much only the blue team who didn't seem to think that way, and considering they were the ones that were supposedly going to benefit from Camila, why would they?
On cutthroat, Brandon and Camilla eliminated a lot of the red team's competition in the elimination rounds week after week. Then Tori's talking about them as if they're expendable, or they're pawns to be sacrificed by queen Tori. Let's all be honest and admit that Tori didn't bring anything to that team besides her *****y behavior and delusions of grandeur. I respect the challengers that put up strong athletic performs, and display good eye-hand coordination, quickness, etc. I have no respect for the players that just skate through by forming alliances and avoiding competition. Tori just acts like some cruel middle school girl that's the queen bee and picks on the kids who aren't as good looking or popular.
On cutthroat, Don't forget the challenge where Camilla and Tyler were the only red team members to cross the tight rope. Then when it's Tori and Brad's turn, Tori says we're not going to compete, because the team has lost. Tori was afraid to compete. Then at the voting, Tori says "Camilla what do you have to say for yourself?" Actions speak louder than words, Camilla had already made her statement by putting up a great performance for her team in the challenge. Tori had been too afraid to even attempt crossing the tightrope. Anyone that has watched even a few of these challenges know what type of a performer Tori is V1man.
[QUOTE=danw34;259607]On cutthroat, Brandon and Camilla eliminated a lot of the red team's competition in the elimination rounds week after week. Then Tori's talking about them as if they're expendable, or they're pawns to be sacrificed by queen Tori. Let's all be honest and admit that Tori didn't bring anything to that team besides her *****y behavior and delusions of grandeur. I respect the challengers that put up strong athletic performs, and display good eye-hand coordination, quickness, etc. [B]I have no respect for the players that just skate through by forming alliances and avoiding competition.[/B] Tori just acts like some cruel middle school girl that's the queen bee and picks on the kids who aren't as good looking or popular.[/QUOTE] It cracks me up how after years of this show being on air that people still don't understand that the way Tori played the game is the way to win.
Oh I agree with you it is the way to win, but I like to watch these shows and root for the good guys like Landon, that play a more honorable game. When those type of players win, it's much more satisfying for the viewer
[QUOTE=danw34;259607]On cutthroat, Brandon and Camilla eliminated a lot of the red team's competition in the elimination rounds week after week. Then Tori's talking about them as if they're expendable, or they're pawns to be sacrificed by queen Tori. Let's all be honest and admit that Tori didn't bring anything to that team besides her *****y behavior and delusions of grandeur. I respect the challengers that put up strong athletic performs, and display good eye-hand coordination, quickness, etc. I have no respect for the players that just skate through by forming alliances and avoiding competition. Tori just acts like some cruel middle school girl that's the queen bee and picks on the kids who aren't as good looking or popular.[/QUOTE] Ok honestly, did you register here specifically to bash Tori? You seem to be ignoring what everyone else has been saying and that's the concept of editing. Some people are going to be portrayed in a negative fashion when the opportunity exists, and this was one of them. It's pretty clear that Tori only went on Cutthroat to support her husband since he missed her too much on The Ruins and ended up getting into a fight. She was there to A. keep him company and B. make money. That's it. Going by your forming alliances question, that means that you must also hate 90% of the people on the show. In terms of Brandon and Camila, Brandon's regular mission performance was not good at all. He DQ'd in a mission that Chet finished with a concussion and then messed up on the rings. Camila had a huge ego and thought that she was the only reason they won anything, when in actuality her performance had nothing to do with any of their wins. Would Camila have gone in even if she didn't seem shady? Probably, but that wasn't the case so we can't speculate on stuff that didn't happen. This is coming from someone who doesn't particularly care for Tori on the show, but I can at least stand seeing her unlike some of the new chicks.
[QUOTE=RMD1;259611]It cracks me up how after years of this show being on air that people still don't understand that the way Tori played the game is the way to win.[/QUOTE] I don't know about everyone else, but quite frankly I don't care that she played the game to win. I know JEK play like that too, and I don't like that they do it that way either. I still have much less respect for her (and JEK) than I do for other challengers who try to play the game straight and fair but lose.
I like Brad and I think he's a great player and an honorable guy. In the gauntlet 3, he was the only one telling his team to stop, when they had almost dragged Eric to death with those chains. Its just annoying to see Tori skate through these challenges by relying on the alliances and respect that Brad has built up over the years. Let's be honest and admit that other players only let her get away with her horrible behavior because of their respect for Brad.
At least JEK back up their social game with a strong athletic and mental game as well. They're all decent competitors in challenges. Evan in particular is a very strong physical competitor. they don't bother me as much because they're much more multifaceted competitors. They can beat people in many ways, not just one cheap one.
[QUOTE=V1man;259536] You will not see her again.[/QUOTE] This saddens me. I guess if she is happy in life though, good for her.
[QUOTE=danw34;259617]At least JEK back up their social game with a strong athletic and mental game as well. They're all decent competitors in challenges. Evan in particular is a very strong physical competitor. they don't bother me as much because they're much more multifaceted competitors. They can beat people in many ways, not just one cheap one.[/QUOTE] I don't think Tori is a scrub. She is a physically strong competitor--maybe not dominant the way Evelyn or Laurel are, but still up there. However, we haven't really had much opportunity to see her show it individually--on G3, she only went against Melinda, on the Duel 2 she went against Aneesa and lost and on CutThroat she only went against a worn-out Tina.
