The return of the good, the bad, and the downright evil has divided the house. Find out if the newbies or the notorious will dominate on the next episode of Big Brother where nominations take place.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;259281]The newbies have to go up. It's that simple. If one of the new eight had won HOH - it would be the vet duos on the block.[/QUOTE]
It definitely makes the most sense, but you know Rachel isn't the brightest crayon in the box (insert Rachel laugh here)...
[QUOTE=fabulous788;259284]It definitely makes the most sense, but you know Rachel isn't the brightest crayon in the box (insert Rachel laugh here)...[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing you haven't seen her hair last season ;)
[QUOTE=SPK713;259291]Rachel, throw **** and Danielle up!! Please, do it... it would just furthermore prove how awesome you are. :D[/QUOTE]
I'm wondering how it's going to work when one member of a duo wins the POV. Do they replace the pair? Or just one person?
I've got my popcorn out and I'm hoping that some of the people I have found annoying thus far will make a quick exit.
[QUOTE=Clarke;259299]So I'm staring at a black screen. Is it just me because all of my other channels work...[/QUOTE]
Mine is working just fine. You aren't really missing much yet.
[QUOTE=molds13;259300]Just you.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=fabulous788;259301]Mine is working just fine. You aren't really missing much yet.[/QUOTE]
Oh ok. The last thing I saw was **** whispering to Jeff and Jordan before it freaked out so I might as well watch it tomorrow morning online.
Just from watching the live feeds this season compared to last, Rachel has really calmed down. It's quite obvious that she plays it up during moments she know will be on TV. These diary room, "see my HOH room", and "have/havenot" host moments are a lot more annoying than she is normally on the LFs.
This is awkward to watch. It got a bit more awkward when Keith was ******* Porsche and she said "I'm turning, I'm turning, I'm turning!"
Is that what they're calling it nowadays? ;)
[QUOTE=mpbitfs;259308]Just from watching the live feeds this season compared to last, Rachel has really calmed down. It's quite obvious that she plays it up during moments she know will be on TV. These diary room, "see my HOH room", and "have/havenot" host moments are a lot more annoying than she is normally on the LFs.[/QUOTE]
I had the live feeds last year and Rachel was completely annoying. One of the major reasons I've decided not to get the feeds this year.
[QUOTE=molds13;259311]This is awkward to watch. It got a bit more awkward when Keith was ******* Porsche and she said "I'm turning, I'm turning, I'm turning!"
Is that what they're calling it nowadays? ;)[/QUOTE]
Apparently that strategy worked.
I'm actually glad that Rachel is owning up to not playing the game last year and playing based solely on her emotions. The show is always way better when they strategize. And if I hear Brenden call Rachel "fiance" one more time, I may scream.
I'm glad that Rachel is playing the game based on strategy. I can't decide who's a better nominee to vote off between Keith and Porsche. Glad that the vets are in control.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;259315]I'm glad that Rachel is playing the game based on strategy. [B]I can't decide who's a better nominee to vote off between Keith and Porsche.[/B] Glad that the vets are in control.[/QUOTE]
I honestly couldn't care which of the two go home if neither win the POV. They are both way too over the top in almost everything they do and seem to think they are in control of the pair. It will benefit the Vets to get rid of Keith, but I think all the newbies will probably have the numbers to get rid of Porsche.
This was my first episode of the season so far, and I loved it!! I like that the three pairs are each from the only three seasons of BB I'v ever seen haha!
I like Porsche, she's really hot and seems smart... Keith's annoying, I hope he gets the boot.
I'm digging all the vets even though I hated most of them on their original season (Brachel, Dani, ****)... Jeff is legit! And words can't describe how happy I am to have Jordan Lloyd back on my TV!
Regulators= Lame alliance name
As much as I hated **** during his season, he really is playing a good game.
However, the noobs are being too quick to turn on each other, which frustrates me. Obviously the vets are going to offer you everything they possibly can, because THEY DONT HAVE THE NUMBERS. The sad part is, their intimidation tactics are actually working.
Oh well, "Regulators" FTW. Lol.
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;259357]As much as I hated **** during his season, he really is playing a good game.
However, the noobs are being too quick to turn on each other, which frustrates me. Obviously the vets are going to offer you everything they possibly can, because THEY DONT HAVE THE NUMBERS. The sad part is, their intimidation tactics are actually working.
Oh well, "Regulators" FTW. Lol.[/QUOTE]
I think a ton of the vets learned from not winning and have already started playing a tad differently than they did the first time, except for maybe Danielle. She's still flying somewhat under the radar and being quiet. And when you're offering someone like Porsche safety, of course she's not going to sit around and say "I want to get evicted." Of course she's going to agree and try and get further in the game. Her smartest bet is to agree to whatever te vets want and then when the opportunity presents itself, flip the switch. As mush as I love Jeff/Jordan/****/Danielle, I want to see the newbies try and outsmart them.
I agree with fab. Even though I really like the past house guests, I still think the newbies should get a fair shot. The past house guests already had their season, now it's time for new blood. Also the vets don't have the numbers. They really need to win HOH for atleast the next 4 comps.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;259369]I agree with fab. Even though I really like the past house guests, I still think the newbies should get a fair shot. The past house guests already had their season, now it's time for new blood. Also the vets don't have the numbers. [B]They really need to win HOH for atleast the next 4 comps.[/B][/QUOTE]
If they somehow do that I will be completely shocked. Their smartest competitor is Danielle. The other four, they have their moments, but are really going to need some luck to win.
I have a question.. I hope it wasn't asked already. If someone wins the veto and they're on the block or use it on someone on the block, how does that work? Does anyone know?
I guess since the vets returned this season's gameplay started right from the get-go. Usually we have to wait until week 2 or 3 before the action and major alliance begin to take place. So far I really like this new cast of newbies and the vets are a decent selection. (However Adam is so frikken annoying. :tv_horror:)
And I have to say, so far Rachel is less annoying this time around. She's playing a strategic game and she'll probably make it further this time around. Last time around she wasted 2 HoH's taking out Monet and Kristen because they're "major threats". This time she might take out "Boflex Deacon" Keith.
I agree that Rachel is more appealing this season than last season (not that hard to achieve, but still it's something). I think it's because I know that she knows how she was portrayed, and this season she's still doing it. Her line about the whipped cream in the banana challenge won me over this time. Other than her botox talk last episode I think she's matured and has become a little less catty... those words may come back to haunt me if I hear her say "Keith/Porshe/other, you never come between me and MY man" in the good bye message.
[QUOTE=kristalie;259460]I have a question.. I hope it wasn't asked already. If someone wins the veto and they're on the block or use it on someone on the block, how does that work? Does anyone know?[/QUOTE]
[I]From wiki:[/I]
Each week after the Head of Household has announced the week's nominees the six HouseGuests (the nominated contestants, the current HoH, and three other housemates, if possible) compete for the Golden Power of Veto. The winner of the Power of Veto can choose to veto one of the Head of Household's initial nominations. If the veto winner does not want to veto one of the HoH's nominations, he or she can choose to keep the nominations the same.[B] If they do veto one of the nominees, the HoH must name a replacement nominee. The winner is also protected from becoming a replacement nominee for the week. [/B]This competition is more often a game of skill instead of a quiz or endurance contest.