Speculation is that each returning duo is paired up with a new houseguest,which makes 4 duos returning.
Rumor is that Rachel won first HoH and makes her noms this week.
[QUOTE=gamer73;258082]Speculation is that each returning duo is paired up with a new houseguest,which makes 4 duos returning.
Rumor is that Rachel won first HoH and makes her noms this week.[/QUOTE]
I don't see why Big Brother is returning to the pairs format after all the negative feedback they received from the beginning of season nine. I hope it doesn't last long, or is done differently.
[QUOTE=gamer73;258082]Speculation is that each returning duo is paired up with a new houseguest,which makes 4 duos returning.
Rumor is that Rachel won first HoH and makes her noms this week.[/QUOTE]
I've been hearing a different rumor and that is there are only 3 duos returning and the pairs will be determined randomly with both the houseguests and returning duos. The winner of the first HOH will get to choose their partner, with the others paired randomly.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;258101]I've been hearing a different rumor and that is there are only 3 duos returning and the pairs will be determined randomly with both the houseguests and returning duos. The winner of the first HOH will get to choose their partner, with the others paired randomly.[/QUOTE]
I also heard an entirely different rumor, which is that the new houseguests had been put in pairs before the returning duos entered the house.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;258101]I've been hearing a different rumor and that is there are only 3 duos returning and the pairs will be determined randomly with both the houseguests and returning duos. The winner of the first HOH will get to choose their partner, with the others paired randomly.[/QUOTE]I wonder if the HOH has to choose one of the newer houseguests as their partner or if they get to choose from all the houseguests. Cause if the HOH can choose from all the houseguests and Rachel won...I think it's pretty safe to guess Rachel chose Brendon as her partner.
[QUOTE=CHill;258107]I wonder if the HOH has to choose one of the newer houseguests as their partner or if they get to choose from all the houseguests. Cause if the HOH can choose from all the houseguests and Rachel won...I think it's pretty safe to guess Rachel chose Brendon as her partner.[/QUOTE]
That would make sense with a rumor I heard, where Rachel and Brendan were paired together and the rest of the house had random partners...Cause they said that **** Dani Jeff or Jordan werent paired together....remember just a rumor...
[QUOTE=RMD1;258112]With the rumor I heard a big pink flamingo attacks Brendon and Rachel kills it and says "No one attacks my man."[/QUOTE]
Whoa that's intense...
I don't even understand why Rachel would choose Brendon as her partner. Wouldn't it be smarter to attach him to another person for another pair so she knew someone else would have her back and double the shot at competitions?
[QUOTE=joshboxx;258121]I don't even understand why Rachel would choose Brendon as her partner. Wouldn't it be smarter to attach him to another person for another pair so she knew someone else would have her back and double the shot at competitions?[/QUOTE]
If we learned anything from last season, it's that no one gets between Rachel and her man. And now that they're engaged, [B][I][U]NO ONE[/U][/I][/B] will take her man.
A veteran BB spoiler who goes by the name "the corner office" started the rumor. Here is the youtube video of it...
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XjuFIHIyWw]YouTube - A Message from Corner Office[/url]
[QUOTE=V1man;258172]A veteran BB spoiler who goes by the name "the corner office" started the rumor. Here is the youtube video of it...[/QUOTE]
Dan just got married and has been posting pictures of him with Memphis, so I'm not buying it...
I am actually excited to see the new BB. If Branden and Rachel are on a team, they will be the first targeted. And we all know production favors Rachel... I didn't mind the pairs concept. I thought it was fun.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;258181]Dan just got married and has been posting pictures of him with Memphis, so I'm not buying it...[/QUOTE]
Nor am I, regarding Memphis and Dan, but the rest of the info tracks with comments made privately by some well-connected past BB cast members.
I know this is Jeff's real twitter page. I found this interesting...[url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=10842][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/13184e14f5244fb2e.png[/img][/url]
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;258288]I know this is Jeff's real twitter page. I found this interesting...[/QUOTE]
Apparently Jeff/Jordan, Dick/Dani, Brendon/Rachel have other people managing their social network pages such as Twitter, probably at the suggestion of producers who don't want the reveal of past HG's to be leaked before tomorrow night's show.
hmm. Interesting. So this could mean one of two things... 1) That poll was BS and CBS just wanted to get people's opinions and we have no idea who the dynamic duos actually are 2) Jeff and Jordan were the team that was already evicted, which I doubt CBS would give it away that easily.
[QUOTE=mpbitfs;258296]hmm. Interesting. So this could mean one of two things... 1) That poll was BS and CBS just wanted to get people's opinions and we have no idea who the dynamic duos actually are 2) Jeff and Jordan were the team that was already evicted, which I doubt CBS would give it away that easily.[/QUOTE]
Or 3) only one half of a "dynamic duo" is in the house.
[QUOTE]An inside source has confirmed that the three returning teams are Jeff/Jordan, ****/Dani, Brendon/Rachel. One of the twists is that the teams are separated and here is the new pairing:
Adam and Jordan
Porsche and Dominic
Kalia and Brendon
Keith and Shelly
Lawon and Rachel
Cassi and Jeff
**** and Daniele
Possible other past house guest going into the house is Sheila Kennedy.
Suspected but not confirmed is that **** and Jeff have already been evicted. Jordan threw a fit because she is not paired with Jeff and does not like her partner Adam, because Adam is a fan of Ronnie. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=molds13;258299]Or 3) only one half of a "dynamic duo" is in the house.[/QUOTE]
And a pissed off Jordan, who hates her duo partner may not be far behind Jeff in leaving.
[with apologies to mpbitfs... didn't see your comment above before elaborating on mold13's post. -- different source, however, which lends credibility, with Jeff tweeting earlier this evening]
[QUOTE=V1man;258534][B]And a pissed off Jordan, who hates her duo partner may not be far behind Jeff in leaving.[/B]
[with apologies to mpbitfs... didn't see your comment above before elaborating on mold13's post. -- different source, however, which lends credibility, with Jeff tweeting earlier this evening][/QUOTE]
I agree. Jordan is used to everyone liking her and getting her way... and having Jeff to lean on. I can't imagine her surviving long on her own... we'll see. Plus, as we have seen in previous season, those who outlash when their friend/lover/partner/etc leaves, puts a huge target on their back.
If 2 people are already out, there must be a reason why. They never evict 1 person, let alone 2, before at least one live show airs. Unless it was a physical altercation, or they had to leave for personal reasons.
I'd be so happy if Sheila is returning!! <33
I also heard a rumor that 4 duos entered the house, and later had to take part in a competition to stay in.....but who knows at this point.
[QUOTE=GivingTree;258719]I'd be so happy if Sheila is returning!! <33.[/QUOTE]
Awwwwwh hell no! I'd rather sit through another season of Ronnie than that woman!