Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=mpbitfs;252261]BORING?! Far from. Jen crying seeing her picture was more entertaining than all of season 9![/QUOTE] I liked season 8 only because of how much I liked Jen, Jess, and Eric!! Jen is perfect for reality television!! :D
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;252328]I liked season 8 only because of how much I liked Jen, Jess, and Eric!! [/QUOTE] And I liked season 8 only because of how much I disliked Jen, Jess and Eric. It was great to see them all go down in flames.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;252329]And I liked season 8 only because of how much I disliked Jen, Jess and Eric. It was great to see them all go down in flames.[/QUOTE] I agree. They were all a mess and it made great TV.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;252329]And I liked season 8 only because of how much I disliked Jen, Jess and Eric. It was great to see them all go down in flames.[/QUOTE] To be fair, they only "went down in flames" because of the most obvious case of rigging I think I've ever seen on a reality show.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;252504]To be fair, they only "went down in flames" because of the most obvious case of rigging I think I've ever seen on a reality show.[/QUOTE] Moot argument. If there [I]was[/I] rigging, it was to keep Eric in the game (amazing how the blind Jeric followers always seem to forget that key point.) Anyway, they went down in flames and were all evicted. That is that. [URL=""]I have proof should you need it.[/URL] That said, I'm guessing every show you watch "is rigged" when your poor choices in favorites fall by the way side. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;252512]Moot argument. If there [I]was[/I] rigging, it was to keep Eric in the game (amazing how the blind Jeric followers always seem to forget that key point.) Anyway, they went down in flames and were all evicted. That is that. [URL=""]I have proof should you need it.[/URL] That said, I'm guessing every show you watch "is rigged" when your poor choices in favorites fall by the way side. ;)[/QUOTE] It was rigged in favor of ED. Alison Grodner loved him, not America...
I hope there's another crazy girl like Libra,I loved her! I want a bunch of twist this season,and secrets in the house like in BB6.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;252513]It was rigged in favor of ED. Alison Grodner loved him[/QUOTE] You skipped right over the part where Eric was saved by Alison because he was the twist (aka America's player.) The blind Jeric followers always do.... [url=]Eric stays after Amber explodes; producers try to protect Diary Room sessions[/url]
I would like to see some great twists this season too! Anyone getting live feeds this year?
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=gamer73;252515][B]I hope there's another crazy girl like Libra,I loved her![/B] I want a bunch of twist this season,and secrets in the house like in BB6.[/QUOTE] I love Libra too! She was just the right amount of crazy that season 11 needed.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;252512]Moot argument. If there [I]was[/I] rigging, it was to keep Eric in the game (amazing how the blind Jeric followers always seem to forget that key point.) Anyway, they went down in flames and were all evicted. That is that. [URL=""]I have proof should you need it.[/URL] That said, I'm guessing every show you watch "is rigged" when your poor choices in favorites fall by the way side. ;)[/QUOTE] Ding ding ding!!! I do think it was a great season and it should have been the only season where they ever did America's Player because it's the only time it really worked well. And ****it, that ***** Maggie won Season 6, it must be rigged. Janelle was supposed to win :( [QUOTE=salt&vinegar;252513]It was rigged in favor of ED. Alison Grodner loved him, not America...[/QUOTE] Quite a few of my friends that watch the show all completely loved ED. I personally liked him on the season because, did you see the other people you could have rooter for? He was quite hilarious and brought entertainment and drama with him wherever he went. [QUOTE=dplayer18;252522]I would like to see some great twists this season too! Anyone getting live feeds this year?[/QUOTE] I refuse to get the live feeds anymore after last season. Basically they kept cutting tons of important stuff out where they would shut the feeds down/off and you wouldn't get to see stuff. Waste of money if you ask me.
[QUOTE=gamer73;252515]I hope there's another crazy girl like Libra, I loved her! I want a bunch of twist this season, and secrets in the house like in BB6.[/QUOTE] Really hated watching her. She was not the good kind of crazy. [QUOTE=TheSeenScene;252523]I love Libra too! She was just the right amount of crazy that season 11 needed.[/QUOTE] Because Russell, Chima, Lydia, and Natalie weren't crazy enough? Are you crazy? ;) [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;252521]You skipped right over the part where Eric was saved by Alison because he was the twist (aka America's player.) The blind Jeric followers always do.... [url=]Eric stays after Amber explodes; producers try to protect Diary Room sessions[/url][/QUOTE] Season 8 would have been amazing if it wasn't so blatantly rigged. I didn't like Eric (mostly because I didn't like the America's player twist) and I hated ED. I hope the twist this season is good. Last season's failed, resulting in a boring season. I'm excited for this season though, Big Brother is a show I'm always addicted to.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=iMichael;252531]Season 8 would have been amazing if it wasn't so blatantly rigged. I didn't like Eric (mostly because I didn't like the America's player twist) and I hated ED. I hope the twist this season is good. Last season's failed, resulting in a boring season. I'm excited for this season though, Big Brother is a show I'm always addicted to.[/QUOTE] Is it sad that I can't even remember what last season's twist was? I want to say it had something to do with someone being a saboteur, but I'm not 100% sure.
[QUOTE=TheSeenScene;252543]Is it sad that I can't even remember what last season's twist was? I want to say it had something to do with someone being a saboteur, but I'm not 100% sure.[/QUOTE] That would be exactly right, but considering Annie was the first one to go they didn't really get to play the twist out. Then they tried to give Ragan the saboteur and then he successfully pulled it off, but it was so far into the game it really didn't matter. They were all stupid tasks anyway. It was right around this time that I stopped watching.
[url=]Big Brother 8's Nick Starcevic naked photo spreading around the web + reality blurred[/url]
I am wondering what your ideal BB cast would be like if you were to pick one? How diverse/different do you want it? Mine would go a little like this, I'm just making up names so I don't have to say male/female each time... Jeremy/54/black/NC - He has 3 daughters and 1 son, huge family man like Jack of BB4, he'll form an alliance day 1 with 3 people, as well as a side deal with another player. (fun drs, strategic, strong) Trevor/21/white/California - He'll lie about his age and say he's a model, but he's actually a guy who graduated at the top of his class and he finished school a year early. He'll play dumb. (strategic, drama) Brad/38/white/Montana - He'd be cast because he's the spitting image of Brad Pitt :-P He's young at heart and a goof ball. He'll fall for everything a cast member tells him. (Fun, pawn) Vance/26/asian/Connecticut - This guy has one mission. Eliminate the men. He'll work out, showmance but ultimately be the drama in the house no one sees coming. (Drama, pawn, strong) Tyler/white/24/South Carolina - Avid runner, quiet, but with a really short fuse. Sarcastic in a good way, but also very boyish. (strategic, fun) Sam/29/Gay/black/Michigan - This guy is from England, he'll spy on the house guests as if he's an 89th camera. He'll be a more strategic floater that knows how to communicate with people. (strategic, fun, great DRs) Greg/32/Hispanic/Denver - This father of two will be the epitome of heart felt convos. (fun, good DRs) Heather/24/white/red head/Texas - Sporty strategist. No showmances for her. Gets along with the older men & Tyler. Not with Vance. (Drama, strategic, strong) Faye - 33/black/Tennessee - This woman is the gossip. Enough said. (drama, pawn) Malia - 22/Asian/Utah - Sweet, flirty, but knows how to get you to talk with her degree in psychology. She's playing this game to pay for a doctorate degree in the future. This girl has not one athletic bone in her body. But she's too sweet not to include in your alliance. (strategic, smart DR's) Sue/71/White/Georgia - This woman gets confused when you start talking about the old woman of the house "who exactly are you calling old? Why Faye doesn't look a day over 50." She auditioned for the show as a prank to her husband and two sons. (fun, strong(for an old woman at least) Shelley - 42/asian-white/NewMexico - She's a lesbian who just recently came out to her husband(!). She'll be a huge go getter strategist. Her goal is to be a woman who dominates the game and wins instead of being a coattail rider like Jordan or Jun. (drama, strategist, strong) Kory - 40/hispanic/Florida - She'll discuss any topic you want, picking your brain in the process. Sandra 2.0 may just be her title in this house, (drama, strategist, fun) Elle - 23/Blonde/Oregon - This girl is ********, if you're her enemy she'll call you out in front of everyone, if you're her ally, you're one of the players in the big brother house. (drama, strategist, funny DRs)
I'd like to see... A woman in her early-30s that profiles serial killers for a living, but obviously doesn't reveal it to the cast. Pretends to just be a stereotypical housewife who only gets out to attend social events, take the kids to school, and shop. Plays up the submissive wife role (similar demeanor to Alexis on Real Housewives of Orange County). An older Asian or Hispanic woman that is actually professor of Aerospace Engineering (or the like... something smart) but uses her ethnicity to seem weak by pretending to not completely understand American culture and/or the English language. She's obviously have to "have enough knowledge of English," but still can act like she doesn't understand things that people say/do. Then if they tell her the honest translation she can gauge how honest/trustworthy they are. I don't know how possible it could be but having someone in a wheelchair with only half of their body movement would be cool.... The only problem would be physical challenges. I don't think it could/would ever happen but still would be interesting. Possibly throw in a contestant from another country's BB. Maybe a UK cast member.
What does everyone think the most disappointing final 2 was? For me it would have to be season 5! Cowboy was one of the most annoying hg's ever and Drew was just boring! I was rooting for Diane and Nakomis to make it, but Diane blew her chances when she vetoed Drew and forced Nakomis to put up Karen at the final 5.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;253589]What does everyone think the most disappointing final 2 was? For me it would have to be season 5! Cowboy was one of the most annoying hg's ever and Drew was just boring! I was rooting for Diane and Nakomis to make it, but Diane blew her chances when she vetoed Drew and forced Nakomis to put up Karen at the final 5.[/QUOTE] Drew is one of my favorites so I can't say I was disappointed in the final 2, however, I'd say the most disappointing was Ivette and Maggie because I was a Sovereign 6 fan. It saddened me that Cappy's team won in the end. My favorite was Dan & Memphis. They were my favorite 2 from day 1, and I was shocked that they not only aligned, but made it to the end when my other 4 favorites were out in the first 4 weeks.
[QUOTE=SkylarGuy23;253607]Drew is one of my favorites so I can't say I was disappointed in the final 2, however, I'd say the most disappointing was Ivette and Maggie because I was a Sovereign 6 fan. It saddened me that Cappy's team won in the end. My favorite was Dan & Memphis. They were my favorite 2 from day 1, and I was shocked that they not only aligned, but made it to the end when my other 4 favorites were out in the first 4 weeks.[/QUOTE] My favorite would probably have to be Jun and Alison just because it's the only final where I actually would be happy with whoever won. I was most upset with the outcome of season 3. Danielle rocked that season and should have won! I'm still bitter about that one...
I actually liked Lisa, I was young at the time so that could have been the reason. I think I was disappointed with the winner outcome of season 4. I wanted Alison to win.
[QUOTE=SkylarGuy23;253759]I actually liked Lisa, I was young at the time so that could have been the reason. I think I was disappointed with the winner outcome of season 4. I wanted Alison to win.[/QUOTE] I like Lisa a lot, she seemed very sweet, however Dani was just such an amazing player that year! In season 4 Ali and Jun were my favorites basically the whole season, but I will agree that I liked Ali's game more than Jun's.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;253589]What does everyone think the most disappointing final 2 was? For me it would have to be season 5! Cowboy was one of the most annoying hg's ever and Drew was just boring! I was rooting for Diane and Nakomis to make it, but Diane blew her chances when she vetoed Drew and forced Nakomis to put up Karen at the final 5.[/QUOTE] Ryan and Adam....Ugh.....or Hayden and Lane. Season 3 would've had the PERFECT final 2 if it had been Dani and Jason. Best.Alliance.Ever.
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;253849]Ryan and Adam....Ugh.....or Hayden and Lane. Season 3 would've had the PERFECT final 2 if it had been Dani and Jason. [B]Best.Alliance.Ever[/B].[/QUOTE] IDK if that can even be considered an alliance! LOL She controlled his game from the start. She is one of the best players in BB, some people may even say she is better than Dr. Will.
[QUOTE=RMD1;253900]IDK if that can even be considered an alliance! LOL She controlled his game from the start. She is one of the best players in BB, [B]some people may even say she is better than Dr. Will.[/B][/QUOTE] I don't know why they would say that considering Dr. Will won and she did not.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;253901]I don't know why they would say that considering Dr. Will won and she did not.[/QUOTE] There are great players every season who don't win.
[QUOTE=RMD1;253909]There are great players every season who don't win.[/QUOTE] Even if you played the game really well and still didn't win, I wouldn't say they were better than a winner. And they did play together on All-Stars and he still outlasted her that season. He was probably considered one of the biggest threats that season.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;253921][B]Even if you played the game really well and still didn't win, I wouldn't say they were better than a winner.[/B] [B]And they did play together on All-Stars and he still outlasted her that season[/B].[B] He was probably considered one of the biggest threats that season.[/B][/QUOTE] So Jordan was a better player than Danielle? Not by that much. He wasn't that big of a threat that season. Not one person was after him; Danielle was on the block since week one and still made it very far. That being said I do think Dr. Will is better than Danielle, I was just saying there are people who don't believe that and I can understand why.
[QUOTE=RMD1;253944]So Jordan was a better player than Danielle? Not by that much. He wasn't that big of a threat that season. Not one person was after him; Danielle was on the block since week one and still made it very far. That being said I do think Dr. Will is better than Danielle, I was just saying there are people who don't believe that and I can understand why.[/QUOTE] Not saying Jordan was better, I would have to see them play against each other. I just meant in comparing Dr. Will and Danielle. And Will was a threat that season. Everyone always talked about putting him up all the time on the show and also what didn't air, yet none of them ever did it. He only stayed because janelle wanted him to.
