The Challenge: Rivals - Paula Meronek

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The Challenge: Rivals - Paula Meronek
[CENTER][url=][img][/img][/url][/CENTER] Original Season: [B]Real World: Key West[/B] Status: [B]Veteran[/B] Challenges Won: [B]None[/B] Rival Teammate: [B]Evelyn Smith[/B] [B]MTV Bio:[/B] Always the bridesmaid but never the bride, Paula has too often been left behind as her so-called allies claim victory. This Real World: Key West alum has never won a final in her seven seasons on The Challenge. Some blame Paula's losing streak on her misplaced loyalty for her shady friends. Others blame her tendency to "go Walnuts" under pressure. One way or another, finally securing victory will mean having to work with a longstanding rival. When asked about her new partner, Paula asserts, "She is made of greed and she has stolen money from the bank of Paula." Will Paula be able to keep her animosity towards her rival in check long enough to secure a win?
Either this picture is the work of a terrible photog or Paula is not aging well. Someone at BMP should tell the cast members that beach-comfortable hair styles are rarely attractive in a photo. FUGLY
[QUOTE=V1man;249695][B]Either this picture is the work of a terrible photog or Paula is not aging well. [/B] Someone at BMP should tell the cast members that beach-comfortable hair styles are rarely attractive in a photo. FUGLY[/QUOTE] I think maybe a little of both. She looks okay in this photo but I have seen some photos of her that make her look like she is getting a little rough around the edges. On the hair thing, whoever did Heather Marter's hair for the reunion show for Vegas should be fired. The photos I've seen from that make her look AWFUL with her hair up similar to Paula's but even bigger.
*sigh* I used to think Paula was so cute on The Duel and The Gauntlet 3 but the last several challenges she has looked terrible
[QUOTE=inferno;249747]*sigh* I used to think Paula was so cute on The Duel and The Gauntlet 3 but the last several challenges she has looked terrible[/QUOTE] I don't get it. She doesn't look bad on this.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;249748]I don't get it. She doesn't look bad on this.[/QUOTE] I personally think she is wearing way too much eye makeup and her hair definitely looks better blonde.
seems like they would have put some makeup over that scar on her left arm. I assume she has had a boob job. I actually hate to see girls do that.
[QUOTE=CrazyHorse;249763]seems like they would have put some makeup over that scar on her left arm. [B]I assume she has had a boob job.[/B] I actually hate to see girls do that.[/QUOTE] Pretty sure she got that a while back...
It's kinda weird that Paula's on her 8th Challenge, and her season was only on 5 years ago.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;249771]Pretty sure she got that a while back...[/QUOTE] And you can kind of tell that it was a while back too... [QUOTE=AEvans5;249773]It's kinda weird that Paula's on her 8th Challenge, and her season was only on 5 years ago.[/QUOTE] It gets worse when you realize that there has only been 9 challenges between The Duel (her first challenge) and Rivals.
I think she looks good here!
I'm sick of her and her repetitive sob stories. She really needs to take a couple seasons off. In case anyone forgot, here's the Paula on a Challenge itinerary: -Show up, immediately make a dumb, over-scripted comment in an interview within 5 minutes of the show starting (see Duel 2 - surgery for knife in the back; FM2 - talking about how everyone's getting old) -Think her friendships with prominent men on the shows means she'll be carried to the final (see Island: Kenny/Johnny; Duel 2: Evan/Dunbar; Cutthroat: Brad/Dunbar) -Do something completely stupid to alienate those around her (see Duel 2: screw up voting order; Cutthroat: vote Dunbar into Gulag) -Not win (see Duel, Inferno 3, Gauntlet 3, Island, Duel 2, Fresh Meat 2, Cutthroat) -Blame other people for not winning (see Island: Johnny/Kenny/Ev, Duel 2: Evan; Cutthroat: Brad/Dunbar/Tyler -Spend entire reunion crying while 80% of the other people there don't feel sorry for her.
I guess Paula's version of a break is not participating on The Ruins lol.
I've been reading the comments on the players' individual pictures and saw on Jenn's that someone asked about the pronunciation of her last name and I've always wondered the same about Paula's. Is it 1) muh-ROE-nik, 2) muh-RAH-nik (as in someone who behaves like a moron!), or 3) MARRA-nek? My guess muh-ROE-nik. Did I guess right? I think I have everyone else's last name down except for Evelyn's (kidding, of course!) Thanks to anyone who helps me out.
Does anyone know if Paula was invited to do the Ruins, just turned it down? Or if she was never asked to be on the Challengers team?
[QUOTE=dagr317;250419]I've been reading the comments on the players' individual pictures and saw on Jenn's that someone asked about the pronunciation of her last name and I've always wondered the same about Paula's. Is it 1) muh-ROE-nik, 2) muh-RAH-nik (as in someone who behaves like a moron!), or 3) MARRA-nek? My guess muh-ROE-nik. Did I guess right? I think I have everyone else's last name down except for Evelyn's (kidding, of course!) Thanks to anyone who helps me out.[/QUOTE] I have always understood it to be pronounced meh-row-nek.
Wow, I really like Paula with dark hair. She looks great. I hope that she wins this one. Mostly because Ev is her partner but also because I would like her to finally get a win. I know not a lot of people like her, but for some reason I do. She just needs to stay calm and not get worked up. I know that she participates in Tough Mudders and trains so hopefully that pays off for her (and Ev).
[QUOTE=molds13;250514]I have always understood it to be pronounced meh-row-nek.[/QUOTE] Thanks, molds.:)
Anonymous's picture
I don't know why, but I've always been a fan of Paula's. There's just something about her personality that I like. Anywho, I like the brown hair on her, it looks good.
[QUOTE=TheSeenScene;250636]I don't know why, but I've always been a fan of Paula's. There's just something about her personality that I like. Anywho, I like the brown hair on her, it looks good.[/QUOTE] I was gonna say I am and always have been a Paula fan I just rewatched Paula's exile on fresh meat 2 and I still was rooting for her to win the exile against ev and luke eventhough I knew she was going to lose and I felt really bad for her when she falls on to the ground with disappointment..... Go Paula :)
I really hope she doesn't win, I enjoy watching her lose because of her own stupidity ;p
[QUOTE=AneesaOwnz;251870]I really hope she doesn't win, I enjoy watching her lose because of her own stupidity ;p[/QUOTE] So do I, cause every time she's crying through out the whole reunion only because she blew it for herself. But I doubt she's gonna have time to be sad with evelyn next to her :p
The Duel - I don't even remember what she was doing there. Inferno 3 - I have no idea why they called her back, but she impressed me. Great shape and pretty cool appearance on missions. I supported her 100% and was pretty disappointed that she lost. Gauntlet 3 - nothing really special. I was expecting much more from her. The Island - She was even more annoying than Johnny and Dunbar. The Duel 2 - very stupid decision to leave Evan's side. For what? Dunbar? The Ruins - Just one more Challenge with Paula when she brings...nothing. Fresh meat 2 - She was there? Oh yeah, #TeamKenny (as always), jealous of her partner and lot of tears. CutThroat - "And you're a ******* done" - said Dunbar when she lost to Emily. Oh, and Rivals finally. Can't wait to see how she will fail again...
[QUOTE=4realWORLD;251883]The Duel - I don't even remember what she was doing there. Inferno 3 - I have no idea why they called her back, but she impressed me. Great shape and pretty cool appearance on missions. I supported her 100% and was pretty disappointed that she lost. Gauntlet 3 - nothing really special. I was expecting much more from her. The Island - She was even more annoying than Johnny and Dunbar. The Duel 2 - very stupid decision to leave Evan's side. For what? Dunbar? [B]The Ruins - Just one more Challenge with Paula when she brings...nothing.[/B] Fresh meat 2 - She was there? Oh yeah, #TeamKenny (as always), jealous of her partner and lot of tears. CutThroat - "And you're a ******* done" - said Dunbar when she lost to Emily. Oh, and Rivals finally. Can't wait to see how she will fail again...[/QUOTE] She wasn't on the ruins?
That's true, I made mistake.
[QUOTE=Skeet;251884]She wasn't on the ruins?[/QUOTE] LOL that would explain why she brought nothing to the table.
[QUOTE=AneesaOwnz;251870]I really hope she doesn't win, I enjoy watching her lose because of her own stupidity ;p[/QUOTE] I wish comments had like buttons <3
I'm very unhappy with this character. I loved her on Key West and The Duel. She now is no more relevant than a pack of Newport cigarettes.
[QUOTE=Challenger6;252205]I'm very unhappy with this character. I loved her on Key West and The Duel. She now is no more relevant than a pack of Newport cigarettes.[/QUOTE] To be honest she was good on Inferno 3 aswell, but there the screwing paula over habbit started.
[QUOTE=Skeet;252242]To be honest she was good on Inferno 3 aswell, but there the screwing paula over habbit started.[/QUOTE] She did NOTHING on Inferno 3, in reference to drama, and the trend has since continued. Prior to such, she was an emotional wreck who would flip out in a very entertaining manner, when she stopped that behavior, I stopped caring.
[QUOTE=Challenger6;252248]She did NOTHING on Inferno 3, in reference to drama, and the trend has since continued. Prior to such, she was an emotional wreck who would flip out in a very entertaining manner, when she stopped that behavior, I stopped caring.[/QUOTE] In all fairness, there was NO drama on Inferno 3 at all minus CT punching Davis, Susie being a ***** to Tonya, and the guys hating the girls on their team for the Good Guys. Paula didn't do much, but neither did anyone else, but she did get into it at the end when Susie voted her in unfairly.


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