America's Next Top Model Cycle 17

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America's Next Top Model Cycle 17
Here is the offical cast [url=][img][/img][/url] (photo via Dlisted) Shannon (C1) Camille (C2) Brittany (C4) Lisa (C5) Bre (C5) Bianca (C9) Dominique (C10) Isis (C11) Sheena (C11) Allison (C12) Laura (C13) Angelea (C14) Kayla (C15) Alexandria (C16) Alexandria for the win (personal opinion, not based on any sort of facts whatsoever)
In my honest opionion this cast is not only model weak but drama/entertainment weak,Tyra could have done better. Most of these girls have a similiar personality example Bre/Bianca/Angelea/Dominique,Isis/Allsion and Sheena/Brittany
I LOVE this cast! I actually plan on watching this one! Lisa and Brittany FTW! :D
Anonymous's picture
I absolutely love this cast; I'm glad to see that Allison is getting another chance to win. I felt she deserved to win her cycle. And they really hit a home-run by casting Brittany, Bre, Lisa, and Sheena.
Looks like I will be skipping this season since 90% of the cast is filled with people that I can't stand nor considered good models.
[QUOTE=tatertots;246716]Looks like I will be skipping this season since 90% of the cast is filled with people that I can't stand nor considered good models.[/QUOTE] I'm with tater!
This show is still on?
[QUOTE=tatertots;246716]Looks like I will be skipping this season since 90% of the cast is filled with people that I can't stand nor considered good models.[/QUOTE] I completely agree. There are only about 2 people I could tolerate. There are even some that specifically made me quit watching because of their attitudes.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;246725]I completely agree. There are only about 2 people I could tolerate. There are even some that specifically made me quit watching because of their attitudes.[/QUOTE] Yup. The only girls I remotely care enough about to want to watch again are Laura and Kayla. You could possibly throw in Sheena because she seemed nice and fun. Otherwise, all the other girls had majorly stank attitudes or they just weren't someone I care to see again.
[QUOTE=molds13;246718]This show is still on?[/QUOTE] Its been renewed till Cycle 18.
OMG I cannot wait for this cycle I know the cast is kinda weak I mean come on there is no C3 C6, or C8. And some girls I wanted to see are not on here. Reina C14, Heather C9, Britni C8, Natasha C8, Jade C6 or any other girl from Cycles 10 or 11. Some girls were expected Sheena, Angelea, Kayla, Bianca, and Domique. I am glad they got girls from Cycle 1 and 2 I am stoke to see Brittany, Allison and crazy Liza. I cannot wait to see the drama with some of the girls Bianca, Bre, Lisa, Dominique, Angelea, and Brittany.
This season will definitely be "poppin'", so glad Isis and Dominique are back but bummed that Jade or Bebe isn't. :(
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;246749]OMG I cannot wait for this cycle I know the cast is kinda weak I mean come on there is no C3 C6, or C8. And some girls I wanted to see are not on here. Reina C14, Heather C9, Britni C8, Natasha C8, Jade C6 or any other girl from Cycles 10 or 11. Some girls were expected Sheena, Angelea, Kayla, Bianca, and Domique. I am glad they got girls from Cycle 1 and 2 I am stoke to see Brittany, Allison and crazy Liza. I cannot wait to see the drama with some of the girls Bianca, Bre, Lisa, Dominique, Angelea, and Brittany.[/QUOTE] Bianca is friends with Dominique and Bre but is no longer cool with Camille so im interested in there interaction.
I hacen't really watched religously since Mckey won, but I really hope Bianca is out early. I'm gonna guess Lisa will be gone early because she doesn't even model anymore, she's just there to promote her music. Sucks because she's one of the memorable girls. I'm really shocked Heather isn't on, because Tyra really likes her. I'd like to see Natsha. I'm gonna guess that Isis will win because I think Tyra will try to do something bold so that people will start talking about this show again. I think Shannon and Allison will make it far too.
I thought Tyra had already hooked Allison up with a gig? Wasn't she signed to some company?