The Amazing Race 18: We're Good American People

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The Amazing Race 18: We're Good American People
The stress of the Race begins to take its toll when a Double U-Turn is revealed.
I think this is their way of trying to keep Gary and Mallory by trying to have the other teams U-Turned because they already have to do a speed bump. I guess I'll take it because I can stand Gary and Mallory.
Double U-Turn? That's kinda lame.
If the teams were smart, one would U-Turn Gary and Mallory since they already have to do a speed bump.
[QUOTE=molds13;244905]If the teams were smart[/QUOTE] Such a presumptuous statement! :D
I'm going to bet none of the teams are that smart...
That is an awesome task as you could really screw up and pay if you don't nail it. Don't swerve!
Always a wrong decision when you pick Vyxsin to do the Road Block. I sense a break down coming on.
It's not even a REAL speedbump. Er...unless you are them.
Oh geez, they're really trying to screw with their heads. All math.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;244910]It's not even a REAL speedbump. Er...unless you are them.[/QUOTE] Yeah because according to Mallory you needed 20 liters of gas...that was almost as boring as sitting on a block of ice.
Damn, Jen got lucky on that one.
Because the first thing I'm going to do in a foreign country is abandon my motorized bike and go ask for directions so someone else can steal it.
Yikes. He missed it by a bunch!
If they were smart, they would keep track of the kilometers on the way back after getting it wrong and then double check themselves back to the finish again.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;244912]Yeah because according to Mallory you needed 20 liters of gas...that was almost as boring as sitting on a block of ice.[/QUOTE] Jet might, if he has to keep making 35 km trips over and over
Seriously?!?! Don't help other teams. I hate when they do that.
What the hell? I hate how teams are still working together at this point. There is a LOT wrong with sharing information at a point where there is barely anyone behind you.
I also hate teams working together at this point. It takes from the task and the game.
So Justin, Vyxsin (if she didn't overhear the 22), and Jet (or Cord, whatever his name is) are the only ones who ACTUALLY did the road block. Pathetic.
[QUOTE=molds13;244921]So Zev, Vyxsin (if she didn't overhear the 22), and Jet (or Cord, whatever his name is) are the only ones who ACTUALLY did the road block. Pathetic.[/QUOTE] Didn't Kisha/Jen do it right as well? Or was that just a guess?
That is a TON of cheese. Definitely would have done the luggage task.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;244922]Didn't Kisha/Jen do it right as well? Or was that just a guess?[/QUOTE] Jen asked Justin what the answer was. They told Flight Time, who told Gary.
Fondue is fun! moderation.
The music would drive me absolutely crazy.
Kent's face when they read about eating the cheese was hysterical. And I think I would go crazy from eating that much fondue.
Come on [strike]Kynt[/strike] Kent -******* up and get the job done. Vyxin isn't your babysitter. Unless you are into that kind of thing.
Whatever Zev and Justin are dipping in the cheese looks absolutely disgusting.
Why must they always show someone puking or trying to puke, then go to commercial and when they come back probably show it again? No one wants to see that.
[QUOTE=molds13;244929]Whatever Zev and Justin are dipping in the cheese looks absolutely disgusting.[/QUOTE] I just hit mute. I don't want to hear them hurling. Thankfully there was a warning.
Geez, that took them forever to finish. Probably would have been faster to do the other one...
