After watching the episode again, Heather really manipulated with Cooke & Naomi/Nany. She started the whole blow up with the "Cooke pointed at me", and she didn't do anything to stop it once it started.
I do agree with whoever said Leroy is the best cast member in a very long time. He's just extremely real & every time I watch he acts the way I would in a situation.
I <3 Leroy!
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;244603]Heather, Heather
Mike, Mike
Naomi, Naomi
Dustin (Spencer ;))
Really BMP? lmao. How did this come about? That's so awkward.[/QUOTE]
Cause Micheal and Naomi go by Adam and Nany in real life there first names just happ. to be the same with other roomates.
[QUOTE=TheKorean;244616]After watching the episode again, Heather really manipulated with Cooke & Naomi/Nany. She started the whole blow up with the "Cooke pointed at me", and she didn't do anything to stop it once it started.
I do agree with whoever said Leroy is the best cast member in a very long time. He's just extremely real & every time I watch he acts the way I would in a situation.
I <3 Leroy![/QUOTE]
I like Leroy too.
Regardless if Cooke pointed or not, she was talking a lot of unnecessary and unprovoked **** about Heather. Have you seen the dailies? She deserved what she got despite whatever may or may not have happened at Vanity. Girl is immature and catty. I can't imagine any of my past girlfriends being as mature as Heather was about the whole situation, esp if I was living with that tramp.
I think I lost brain cells trying to follow Nani & Naomi's thought process during that fight. They are two of the biggest idiots I've seen on Real World in a while.
I enjoy the LeRoy, Mike and Cooke relationship. They are all so chill as long as you don't provoke them. I love how Mike just puts Dustin in his place with such a soft, well-mannered tone and then Dustin flips out like a 'roided up wrestler LeRoy is definitely one of the best cast members in a very long time. The alumni's really like him too.
More Real World Vegas mayhem made the Soup:
[url=]Real World Rule No. 1: If Someone Accidentally Points at You, Murder Them - E! Online[/url]
Casting must be very happy to have found two emotional cripples (Nany and Naomi) who would each elevate her game when drunk while feeding off each others massive insecurities. Perhaps there really are people like them in the real world. If there are, I'd encourage them to stay the Hell away from reality TV lest you risk looking incredibly stupid. These two are not people I want to meet at Vegas Bash 2011 in September.
I don't agree with the way Nany and Naomi reacted to Cookie, but I don't really like Cookie. Heather tried to get to know her, and even relate to her on both having played soccer, but Cookie pretty much ignored her and rolled her eyes. Also, when they were out to eat and Cookie mentioned breaking Heather + Dustin up - obviously that isn't something you should say to Heather's 2 best friends in the house. Maybe she should of said something like "Oh it sucks that Dustin is with Heather because he's the guy I'm most attracted to, but hey we're in Vegas and I'm single so there will be plenty of other guys."
I think maybe Cookie may be slightly insecure, even on the phone with her friend (Diva?) she said something about how all the girls are so pretty and she's the "fat one", and that may be why she hangs out with the guys without giving the girls much of a chance. I just watched a dailie where she calls her friend because she walked in on Dustin + Heather having sex, and she proceeds to call Heather a whole bunch of nasty names.
Heather posted this tweet today, I hope I can post this and that it shows up.
I will see what Cookie is like in the future episodes, but I don't think I'll like her too much. Then again, I also thought Mike was going to be really annoying and now he is my favorite.
[QUOTE=V1man;244629]Casting must be very happy[B] to have found two emotional cripples (Nany and Naomi) who would each elevate her game when drunk while feeding off each others massive insecurities. [/B] Perhaps there really are people like them in the real world. If there are, I'd encourage them to stay the Hell away from reality TV lest you risk looking incredibly stupid. These two are not people I want to meet at Vegas Bash 2011 in September.[/QUOTE]
I agree. The girls just seem so pathetic, catty and paranoid in this episode.
I give props to the Heather C girl for keeping her cool when they woke her up. I really like Leroy, and I lol'd at Dustin's (i think) comment "we all know Leroy doesn't give a damn" haha. It also seems like Leroy himself was taken aback by Naomi's behavior.... but really Naomi? you're from the Bronx and the best you can do is pull out her hair? You Must be proud of yourself. Nany is worse, she has to be my least favourite Real World roommate ever (considering the few RR season's I've actually watched) and Dustin's a bandwagon-ist; he just agrees with whoever he's having a conversation with at the time.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;244576]I wasn't impressed with Heather M. at all. It felt like she was standing back being the queen bee while her drones did her bidding. The only reason she went up to Heather C. the next day seemed to be because Dustin pressed her to step up.[/QUOTE]
I agree! Heather seems like the girl who plays the victim and uses people to fight her battles while she seems innocent. I might be over analyzing...but... she just seems kind of sketchy... who befriends a person who says they'll steal your boyfriend...and why doesn't Heather ever call Dustin her boyfriends...and why doesn't she admit they're even dating?! Idk something just seems a little sketchy about her...isn't that the reason she's on the show?
1. Someone stated that Dustin and Heather are married. This is a huge exaggeration, as Cooke knew that they'd only known each other for about 3 weeks. Yes they are lovey-dovey, but the statement is like throwing a slow, underhand pitch in softball, just waiting for a funny or amusing statement to be made. It was actually a nice ice-breaker about the house situation, and I think Cooke's comment on it was an obvious joke.
2. Cooke said she thought Dustin is extremely attractive, and is interested in him. For those reasons I can see her wanting to be with him and wanting to break them up - no fault in that. Yet once she saw the situation between Dustin and Heather, she totally backed off, only leaving the door open if something happens where they break up or hit a rough spot. I think it will be very interesting to see in the next episode or two when a [spoiler] happens whether or not she pursues him.
3. After the statement, if they were truly offended, the girls should have said something, "Hey Cooke, not cool!" Yet instead they bottled it up and let it eat at them for hours and days, to be used as ammunition for their drunken ranting. The whole thing should have resolved itself at the table, so it's no wonder Cooke was in complete shock when when they decided to bring it up later.
On another note, Dustin trying to******** Mike was priceless. I was like, whaaaaaaat!? :D
[QUOTE=muffins621;244656]I don't agree with the way Nany and Naomi reacted to Cookie, but I don't really like Cookie. Heather tried to get to know her, and even relate to her on both having played soccer, but Cookie pretty much ignored her and rolled her eyes. Also, when they were out to eat and Cookie mentioned breaking Heather + Dustin up - obviously that isn't something you should say to Heather's 2 best friends in the house. Maybe she should of said something like "Oh it sucks that Dustin is with Heather because he's the guy I'm most attracted to, but hey we're in Vegas and I'm single so there will be plenty of other guys."
I will see what Cookie is like in the future episodes, but I don't think I'll like her too much. Then again, I also thought Mike was going to be really annoying and now he is my favorite.[/QUOTE]
I'm not a huge fan of Heather C, but I kinda like her. I mean, remembering that it wasn't 2 months yet when she came in, but only like 3 weeks into it (since Adam got kicked out I believe the 3rd week), it's not that bad. So her wanting to break up a 3-week relationship... ehhh, I don't even see a big deal. The girls thinking it's their territory more than hers.... after 3 weeks? Um... I beg to differ.
Question- the confessions where they're all properly dressed and made up, do those happen during or after filming?
[QUOTE=cryssy19;244662]I'm not a huge fan of Heather C, but I kinda like her. I mean, remembering that it wasn't 2 months yet when she came in, but only like 3 weeks into it (since Adam got kicked out I believe the 3rd week), it's not that bad. So her wanting to break up a 3-week relationship... ehhh, I don't even see a big deal. The girls thinking it's their territory more than hers.... after 3 weeks? Um... I beg to differ.
Question- the confessions where they're all properly dressed and made up, do those happen during or after filming?[/QUOTE]
When they're dressed up with the nice background (not the car thing that they can walk into whenever) they are still in the filming season but it may be a while since the incident occurred.
Cooke is by far my favorite! Her personality is so prefect for a show like this! As much as I would hate to live with someone like her, I love to watch her! She came in with such a bang! Definately the best replacement we've seen in a while! :D
Naomi's comment about how Cooke was in no place to say or do anything deemed inappropriate by the rest of the cast because she was "on the waiting list, not an original" says a lot about what kind of person she is.
Looks like Leroy got what he wanted,For there being no doors they all seem to be on different pages.Im not going to judge anyone based of this epiosode because Naomi was cool until this one episode which chronicled two days so I still have hope for her,Nany though is a lost cause just smh.
[QUOTE=cryssy19;244662]Question- the confessions where they're all properly dressed and made up, do those happen during or after filming?[/QUOTE]
They have weekly interviews with production where they go more in depth into the events of that week (meaning, production can ask them questions however they want, hoping to elicit a certain response). Different from their confessionals and done in a separate area not in the suite.
[QUOTE=molds13;244584]... For being the workout type, why must she borrow someone else's shirt? It would appear that she was trying to make some sort of statement. I would wonder what the hell she did that for....
Dustin topping Mike is just another reason for Mike to be completely freaked out when he finds out about Dustin's past. It's funny, because looking at these episodes knowing that Dustin has done gay pr0n sets off [B]so[/B] many red flags. ...[/QUOTE]
Borrowing the shirt could have just been an icebreaker type thing. People in college borrow crap all the time from people they just meet.
On the Dustin part, yeah, I get what you are saying, but that which some would consider homoerotic behavior is so freaking commonplace that I am surprised anyone thinks much about it. Sports, fraternities, military barracks, dorms--pretty much anywhere a bunch of guys in the 16-26 age range gather sees variations of that stuff on a pretty regular basis.I have lived in different places and encountered guys from many different backgrounds and temperaments and that stuff is just inherent. It is just a matter of how comfortable you are with the people which is why I can see how maybe Fratpad lures people in and then sends some down the slippery slope like what appears to have happened with Dustin.
Here is what I dont understand about the tease for next week:
Adam tells Nany that Dustin used to do ****...clearly he is reading vevmo and when the new broke, it was clear that he did gay ****. If Adam went to the website why didnt he tell Nany it was gay ****? I was waiting for him to say it but he never did!
So I watched this online last night. All I can say is....WOW. I haven't been so disgusted by female behavior on this show since Trisha/Shavoun/KellyAnne treating Parisa similarly in Sydney.
They should have used this oppertunity to use a bullying PSA at the end of this episode. Because that's exactly what that was. Bullying - plain and simple.
Nany & Naomi should be [I]ashamed[/I] of themselves, but I'm not sure I can give them that much credit.
I hate seeing girls act that way towards other's absolutely disgusting.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;244723]So I watched this online last night. All I can say is....WOW. I haven't been so disgusted by female behavior on this show since Trisha/Shavoun/KellyAnne treating Parisa similarly in Sydney.
[B]They should have used this oppertunity to use a bullying PSA at the end of this episode. Because that's exactly what that was. Bullying - plain and simple.[/B]
Nany & Naomi should be [I]ashamed[/I] of themselves, but I'm not sure I can give them that much credit.
I hate seeing girls act that way towards other's absolutely disgusting.[/QUOTE]
I agree but unfortunately they are still doing it more or less as much as they can via social networking so I am not sure that the cast members get it.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;244725]I agree but unfortunately they are still doing it more or less as much as they can via social networking so I am not sure that the cast members get it.[/QUOTE]
If they don't get it, then the audience should send them a clear, unequivocal message via social media.
I know I don't post here alot, but if you guys want to here Heather Cooke's side of the story, she calls in on the podcast hosted by Brandon Nelson from Freshmeat 2.
[url=]Real Talk with Brandon 04/21 by RealTalkwithBrandon | Blog Talk Radio[/url]
[QUOTE=JL81790;244589]What weirded me out about the shirt thing, which Heather commented on on the Derrick podcast, is that Cooke talked about being athletic and how she lives and breathes soccer. How do you not have workout clothes? Especially on day 3 where you PROBABLY haven't gone through your entire wardrobe yet. Heather said that she'd go through stretches where she'd just go to the gym for five hours. If you're capable of doing that, I would think that you're pretty well accustomed to going to the gym and would have appropriate clothing.
This was also probably the most painful podcast yet...Easy co-hosted but didn't say much so it was Derrick being really awkward for an hour. But I like Heather...she seems cool.[/QUOTE]
On Brandon's podcast/blog thing Cooke explains that she did bring like a suitcase full of workout clothing, but a good chunk of it had "Loyola" printed on it (the college she attended) and was not cleared for her to wear by production. Also she explained that originally she was going to borrow a shirt from Mike, but he was not home at the time and she wasn't sure if they were close enough to just grab his shirt when he wasn't home, so she went to Leroy. And this scene was also filmed at the end of the week when most of Cooke's clothes were dirty and she had not done laundry.
[QUOTE=yankeegurl93;244743]On Brandon's podcast/blog thing Cooke explains that she did bring like a suitcase full of workout clothing, but a good chunk of it had "Loyola" printed on it (the college she attended) and was not cleared for her to wear by production. Also she explained that originally she was going to borrow a shirt from Mike, but he was not home at the time and she wasn't sure if they were close enough to just grab his shirt when he wasn't home, so she went to Leroy. And this scene was also filmed at the end of the week when most of Cooke's clothes were dirty and she had not done laundry.[/QUOTE]
Very strange that "Loyola" was not cleared to wear, yet Leroy and Mike are almost constantly wearing Michigan and Maryland clothing.
[QUOTE=molds13;244748]Very strange that "Loyola" was not cleared to wear, yet Leroy and Mike are almost constantly wearing Michigan and Maryland clothing.[/QUOTE]
Maybe production was still in the process of getting it approved. I have absolutely no idea how that works.
[QUOTE=V1man;244734]If they don't get it, then the audience should send them a clear, unequivocal message via social media.[/QUOTE]
I've seen that many people have sent them those via Twitter, but as far as I have seen, it looks like only Nany seems kind of sorry and semi-regretful about it, maybe because of all the pressure and people saying she is the worst roommate in a while (which IMO is true). Especially people telling her that she did the same thing to Adam and his girlfriend as well as fell for Adam even though he was doing the same thing Cookie is trying to do. So, I think she basically put her tail between her legs and calmed down.
Naomi on the other hand doesn't seem phased by it.
But I asked the confessional question because I wanted to know if it were possible that Cooke says what she said about Heather at the end of the episode before they made up. I guess it could be possible.
[QUOTE=molds13;244748]Very strange that "Loyola" was not cleared to wear, yet Leroy and Mike are almost constantly wearing Michigan and Maryland clothing.[/QUOTE]
I listened to the interview, and I thought this was strange, too. But if I heard right, she said the gear hadn't been cleared to wear yet, but she didn't say by whom. Maybe she had to clear it with the university, since she had been an athlete there and there were possible issues about her representing the university/team?
[QUOTE=Beatrice;244755]I listened to the interview, and I thought this was strange, too. But if I heard right, [B]she said the gear hadn't been cleared to wear yet[/B], but she didn't say by whom. Maybe she had to clear it with the university, since she had been an athlete there and there were possible issues about her representing the university/team?[/QUOTE]
The key word is "yet". There is a difference between not getting gear cleared "yet" and not getting gear cleared, period.
Clearing it with the university is not the issue: people wear gear "representing" a certain team all the time out in public. She had to clear it with production, and that was it. But if she said "yet", that makes a lot more sense. For all we know, her going to the gym could have been mere hours after entering the house (I don't remember the conversation she had with Leroy at the gym).