Survivor: Redemption Island - It Don't Take a Smart One

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Survivor: Redemption Island - It Don't Take a Smart One
Matt and Stephanie face off on Redemption Island, and information gathered there results in some castaways questioning tribal loyalty. In more important news, former federal agent Phillip Sheppard has trouble keeping his pants up during a challenge while patriotic music plays in the background.
Someone please get Philip a belt then. I would rather not see his saggy pink underwear again, but they can keep he patriotic music in the background. And I wonder what animal he'll channel his energy from tonight.
Yes! Patriotic music. Now let's go for a baseball, apple pie, and fireworks montage.
Of course they start the episode with how important Russell being voted out was. Seriously? I could have done without that. And of course Jeff had to tweet about it. [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=fabulous788;242470]Of course they start the episode with how important Russell being voted out was. Seriously? I could have done without that.[/QUOTE] I think it will be important, if they end up merging without the numbers and threw a challenge...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;242472]I think it will be important, if they end up merging without the numbers and threw a challenge...[/QUOTE] Ooh, I didn't even think of that. That makes complete sense and I hope it bites them in the *** because of it.
I am spoiler free this week (no previews) so I am really excited to watch!
Lucky *** kid.
I like these type of tasks.
He is going to kick *** in individual immunity.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;242476]I like these type of tasks.[/QUOTE] I really do as well and I wish they would use them more in the regular competitions.
Pretty Pony stays alive!!
Steph, that was a horrible move. You flip the one you think it is and THEN the one you know it is... That way if you don't get what you are looking for, you can look elsewhere. I am not a Stephanie fan, but I think it would have been best for Rob's tribe if Matt left redemption.
Is Philip serious? This man is seriously a basket case.
At least Rob is on to the secret agent man. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;242480]Steph, that was a horrible move. You flip the one you think it is and THEN the one you know it is... [B]I am not a Stephanie fan, but I think it would have been best for Rob's tribe if Matt left redemption[/B].[/QUOTE] Didn't Matt say that he would rejoin the alliance with Rob if he were to reenter the game? I'm more interested to see if he would stick to his word, although it would have been great drama and fun to see Ralph pissed off had Stephanie stayed.
[QUOTE=RMD1;242481]Is Philip serious? This man is seriously a basket case.[/QUOTE] I'm sure the only one that thinks Philip is serious is Philip. And we are seriously missing Amazing Race on Sunday for the Academy of Country Music Awards? How lame is that?
[QUOTE=fabulous788;242483]Didn't Matt say that he would rejoin the alliance with Rob if he were to reenter the game? I'm more interested to see if he would stick to his word, although it would have been great drama and fun to see Ralph pissed off had Stephanie stayed.[/QUOTE] I like Matt so if he does, it will be awesome.
Full bat**** glory! The music went well with it too, heh.
Senior member? What world is Phillip living in?
And there went another Phililoquy
Philip is more and more hysterical each week. Especially when he yelled "Hell No!" He's a smahhhhht one.
[QUOTE=bgstl77;242488]And there went another [B]Phililoquy[/B][/QUOTE] I love it!
Yes! That was an awesome challenge.
Grant gets the MVS for the second week in a row. Although I guess you could give co-MVS to Phillip, the tiger, and the gorilla for that powerful hulk smash through the wall.
That was such an intense challenge. Even though it was almost a repeat challenge from last season, it was WAY better this season because it wasn't boys vs. girls. Bahahahaha and Philip talking with the idol.
My favorite part was Rob helping out Phillip and then Phillip coming back busting through that wall... Phillip is right, "Superior tribes find a way to win."
[QUOTE=bgstl77;242488]And there went another Phililoquy[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=molds13;242490]I love it![/QUOTE] I second that! That is just fantastic.
You are right though molds, Grant is the impetus that keeps this squad winning (although Rob is a fighter and even Phillip chipped in.)
Rob = genius. Tossing that into the volcano was priceless.
Nice. He sacrificed the clue to the volcano gods. :D
